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Hello, can you add Chinese translation?

After the game finish

Since the game is still in development, it's not feasible yet to apply translations. When it's completed, hopefully will happen!

Where should you go to help Bell? where is the bathhouse?


You need to first find the fairy queen in the abandoned town park


Then give her cheese so she can show you how to get deeper into the park


Nymph disappears if you leave him in the dungeon, then reappears naked at the village

I'll look into it!


I  Wonder! WIll you all add extra bits for Customization in character Creation? like Bigger Existing bits, like cocks ect. And maybe udders?

There are plans, but they are more likely to be something you get while playing the game, rather than during character creation! Udders/multi breasts, I'll see. Most likely that'll be more of a specific event thing rather than something you get to bring to other places, due to how much work it would otherwise involve


Awww, Was hopin it could! I adore udders with a passion and would love to just have a sloshy milk jug wherever! But whatever makes your job easier!


Also would be a great addition of intentional failure, if you have too high of the stat

Usually I implement intentional failure options. Is there somewhere that I didn't?

No, like the failure with your stat checks 

If they even different from the give up option

That's what I mean. Whenever there is such a check, usually I also include a intentional failure option specifically for people that have too high stats

Oh okay

ty for your time

Add dev log into the game main menu, would be cool to see it in game

Hmm, I'll see. I know the android version doesn't include the changelog, so it's harder to figure out what's changed.

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble progressing with Linda and Mistyra. The lab is covered in meat and linda is gone. Every time I try to interact with mistyra nothing new happens. Does anyone know what im doing wrong? 

(1 edit)

Depends on what quest part you are at, did you fight the Infected Abomination?


If Linda is gone, Mistyra should bring you to a certain place deep within the deserted base.

It was bugged out. I restarted and had no problem getting past where I was.

Glad you found it!

is there a wiki or walkthrough for the places I'm stuck at?


so far this game is pretty good but my only question is; is it currently possible to give belle larger boobs and also milk her? 




Not yet, but should happen eventually!

How do I get the invite to the dig site I'm at a loss here

After finishing the gold mine, if you have a certain kink enabled, you'll find someone hanging around the desert city's south gate

ah, thank you! I didn't notice them there

Deleted 251 days ago

Is it open on task manager? If so, end the task and try delete it again, if not, I don't know what to do since I am not very smart in tech.

Deleted 251 days ago

You are welcome

Will the author add voice or other interesting updates to game characters in the future? (such as the growth of certain parts of the body or recording the number of sex activities that players have done)

Voice is unlikely due to the sheer volume of the game's text. Growth of certain parts is likely. Recording stats is unlikely as that should be done at the start and it'd be a colossal task to do it now.

Will there ever be a mobile version of lust doll? The original one, because I wanna know the story and character differences in the original, but I don't have a computer

There unfortunately won't be, as the engine used to develop it doesn't natively port. I've heard that people have had success playing it using Joiplay though.

and coincidentally, it doesn't work for my phone 🥲 I was about to suggest you remake it; but obviously that'd be way too much work that a fandom person just asked for lol, anyways good luck on your developing, I love all your mobile games out so far, oh and if you're willing to answer another question. Would you ever continue the story of elf jail?

Thanks! Lust Doll Plus is technically the remake XD. Elf jail, I'd probably want to rebuild it and change it drastically to be honest

nooooooooo I liked the way it was, if you do change if could you make a separate game? Like list doll plus, also yes you got some great talent man good job and if I wasn't as strapped for money I'd give you maybe a dollar, lol I can barely afford enough groceries as is 

How do you find the entrance to the secret village? I can't find it at all.

Give the fairy cheese. 

I wont say more

(1 edit)

Well past that buddy, I followed the hunter around and explored the explorable area and finally went to the wiki for aid and it simply says that a "secret path" should be available. It isn't.

Edit: Literally the one square I didn't go to lol.


Haven't downloaded any update in a while, only been waiting for possible new version that might include adding permanent mega boobs or a bigger preg belly hahah

It'll still be a little while! I know a lot of people are waiting on it


this is a great game but the game updates so often that i dont get to progress much before having to reset everything. dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing lol


Don't delete your save files 

be more creative designing your favorite mc if new parts get added?


You don't have to delete your save files to play the updates


If you're on mobile, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Other platforms, save files should transfer automatically!


When will Belle finally get more scenes? Her in futa mode and the other cowgirls? Her and player? pregnancy?

Or Alissa and Cassie (dungeon) sex?


Bell has a pretty big route planned! Just waiting on certain things.

Hmm, could see about Alissa X Cassie


It doesn't open for me.

Any error messages? What OS are you playing on?

Windows, and no. Absolutely nothing. Just a black screen.

Try re-downloading, and making sure to extract the contents fully, checking the security settings on your computer. Otherwise, really not sure.


Get some prosthetic limbs as cosmetic is kinda neat tho

Right? It would be cool to see the real thing like it was with Edith, but all the different interactions would take a lot of time obviously.


Probably unlikely to do permanent limb detachment I think.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Would be cool to see more limb detach, even if only as a cosmetic or so.

More limb detachment is planned! Mainly waiting on me getting back to Transylvania's ladies

I doubt Rinny would be interested in that, so...Edith, Marin, or Pixie interested in this? Pixie is unlikely but she's very detached (pun not intended) and I could totally see Marin and Edith doing it (again, in Edith's case!


Well, it's certainly mainly Edith's schtick XD. Rinny's fine with it, even if she had some bad experiences


just a quick question. when the option to keep Alissa in futa mode was added i loved it. is the option to do it with other characters going to be added in the future?


I'm waiting for fawn.

Haha, I don't think the others would want to put up with it, but we'll see.


I like this game a lot! Possibly one of my all time favourites. 

Thanks, happy to hear!


regarding the possibility of adding more clothing colours if ur going to add more colors to existing clothes wouldn't it be more convenient to add like a "clothing master" which allows to choose the color of clothes when equipped? like equipping Red t-shirt and if i own the clothing master i get another window where i choose if i want to use standard red or dark red plus maybe even the idea of adding variations to some clothes(like rolled up sleeves or not)

I'm considering the possibility. It's still technically untested, so I want to make sure it works properly before committing to building something like that

(1 edit)

Psychopath Arlene didn't outright threaten me when I was waiting tables? I was expecting her to blast me for something (the temperature was too hot, something!) but all she does is give me a she mellowing out? Maybe wailing on the Dom makes her more amicable to poor Lust? When I saw "Arlene came to visit you at work" I was expecting "you spent the night in jail because, yanno, Arlene" but nooooooo and she even tipped nice too!

Anyway, I found catching Mistyra when I had parasites on my chest and crotch to be funny, glad I had enough RES to resist to the end! That's likely been there  for awhile but I usually can't catch her...unless she WANTS to have fun (I was half expecting I caught her to have a bad end because of the parasites, honestly!)

Keep up the good work!

She's only psychotic to those she perceives as criminals XD. As long as you behave, she'll play nice.

And grats on getting that scene! It's definitely been in the game a while, but getting enough RES can be challenging.

Thanks, I will!

what are the differences between the 'lust doll' vs 'lust doll plus'


Ld plus is revamped. Better art, gameplay, and UI.


There's also a lot more gameplay and characters in LD plus. Lust Doll is a good solid game, but LD plus adds a lot of characters, revamps how some things are done, and give you a lot more customization. I was initially hesitant about trying LD plus but I love the changes and how Indivi keeps adding more fun to the mix. 

yessss! ive actually recently tried both, i hope they update LD plus so more content is finished soonnn!!

I'm unsure about one thing. During the gameplay I became pregnant, but even after many days the baby was not born. The only way to have him born is to deliver him to the nursery?


Will there ever be a real pyramid in the future?


It will be added soon, but I don't know when


Game isn't finish, so no, but it might be added in future, probably not this year.



It's been a while, but it's really cool to see how much the game has changed! I'm hoping to see more voodoo doll scenes at some point, because long-distance tickling is fun.


Welcome back! And agreed, definitely very fun~


Will their be any abdl content in the future


It's pretty unlikely, sorry.

What is that

"Adult baby diaper lover"

Can you make html5 version, Please?


itch doesn't let me upload an html5 version due to file size limitations, but Newgrounds does:



This game must have interfered with my system clock.  I looked at the clock to make sure I could get enough sleep, it was only like, twelve-something... and then I turn away and play the game just a little more... but then look back at my clock and it was past 3!   Th- that can't be right...

...It must have interfered with all of the locks in my home.


Haha, I'll neither confirm nor deny that! Glad you're into it though!

(1 edit) (+1)

I need help, when I preview the Nymosa's Wrap, a message pops up saying "Failed to load: img/enemies/wlower-SwimBottomsNymosa1.png" and no matter how much I retry, it still doesn't work. I also tried downloading the game again but the problem isn't fixed yet and I don't want to lose 15 hours of game time.

Thanks, it'll be fixed in next release!


Yo will there be a perma mega boobs option?

Probably not since it would interfere with every single aspect of the game, too much work

It's planned for the end of a certain route!

I'm guessing the meat queen (forgot her name) will become a dominant partner

I tried downloading on Mac and it didn't work. In the notes it said I could try playing on browser, could you explain that further?

There is a browser version on newground


(1 edit) (+1)

Does anybody know how to find Nymosa and Nymph at the Island? I tried looking for them, but I they were nowhere to be found, I also tried speaking to them at the Village, but there was no dialogue option to invite them to the former...

Nvmd, I figured it out.

Glad you found them!

When will we finally get non-bad end hyper breasts?

Later, I don't know when, but it will happen

It's planned to be a reward for the end of a certain route!

Any hints?

There's one route that features that stuff at the moment

Try the deserted base


Whats up with disabling/enabling fetishes in the Sanctum? For example, if I disable the 'plus size' fetish, will it remove all plus sized people, or just make them skinnier?

(1 edit) (+1)

It doesn't remove Nymosa. Currently there is one plus sized person in the game. It just disables sexual encounters with her


So if i disable a fetish, it just completely removes the encounter? I know the disabling the furry fetish just changes the characters appearance, but is this the only fetish that does that?


As mentioned, it mainly removes certain options.

how do i get access to my dungeon?

You need to downstairs in Cassie safehouse, it should be in the basement.

You need to finish Cassie's route first!

Very glad the website exists. I used it to get to upper new ark a while back.

best way to transfer save files from an older version?


If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Other platforms, save files transfer automatically!

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