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This game make me like bdsm (i love it), thank you Indivi.


Haha, you're welcome! It's fun~

I can't find fawn when she gou to collage,in the rpgmaker I find my point only 8,but I need 9 to find her, I don't kown where I lost 1 point

Try searching for her in the BDSM club first!

I can't find her in the collage, I go to BDSM fitrt, I try all the way 

Talk to people in the club. Someone will point out that she's returned to UNA.

(1 edit)

testei aqui pela segunda vez já zerei 2 vezes agora testei é aprovei a atualização muito bom o desenvolvimento da invasão dos escravos é resgate de Cassie, utilize o guia oficial do site super bem feito explicativo é fácil. 

Obrigado desenvolvedor por mais uma aventura incrível é excitante esse jogo é incrível eu o amo é super recomendo 🔥❤️ 🔥

De nada, e obrigado por jogar! Haverá mais para jogar em breve!

will this game be translated to Spanish?

This game is not fully finished, so no.

thank you for the answer

Hey, so i was reading the description and just got a couple questions. I saw it mentions you can get wings, and cant find anything thru google, so i was wondering how or where to find those? And are they just cosmetic or can we use them in combat and/or dungeon scenes?


This is prob a thing indivi hasn't added yet as I can't find wings anywhere in the game


No wings yet, but it's planned!

i can't get the game to install. Looked cool but oh well

Try again on a older version or device

Its working now, went on older device.



Hey everyone! This is an interesting project if we consider first of all the gameplay and the ideas that the developer put into his game. I accidentally read about your project in a review article I'm interested in games that somehow have a choice of gender. The developer of Lust Doll Plus has some interesting ideas. It’s a pity that the visual side of the project is not as colorful as I would like. But this is my opinion and I did not want to offend anyone. Thank you for your attention.

Interesting link! Thanks for sharing!

After completing the slaver infiltration, I can't save. I finished liberating the slaves in the mines too but I still couldn't save so I had to just load back and not do the quest at all.

Pls help

In the latest version, if you go to the city, it should fix itself.

DL'd the game but cannot get it to work on Mac no matter what I tried. Too bad, it looked cool.

Unfortunately, Apple removed support for RPG Maker MV (which Lust Doll+ runs on) with macOS Big Sur 11.0 and later.

Probably should put that in your readme. I came to point out that cocoa was deprecated quite some time ago… There’s no current Macs that can run this. I have several macs and none are running the very narrow band this prefers.

It's actually in the !zMAC USERS PLEASE READ file. And yeah, unfortunately most Macs aren't going to be able to run it. Your options are pretty much just using a virtual machine, or playing through browser.

Worked fine on my Steam Deck!

Awesome! Really do need to get this on steam soon

Cool new stuff... Slave cloth seems to do some visual glitch in the strip club. Will see what else it can do xD

Thanks, will fix it!

Where do you find maid kitty?

work as a bouncer in the club for a bit and you will bump into kitty, the maid outfit is when you do the Transylvania questline

Thank you much. Havent really played since 60.0.

W update 


Will there be new mainline tasks? And other erotic behaviors and scenes.

There will be eventually! It's being worked on, but won't be released until it's ready



when can we expect r62.0b to become public?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Just be patient, it will go public soon enough.

But it should be around 15 days after Patreon release.


Usually on the 7th of each month.


It's out!


i followed all the steps (which usally work) but on 61 it crashes seconds into starting


not loading a save from the previous save and going into all the saves causes it not to crash but it isnt stable and will crash sometimes

I lost all my saves man this sucks 

Try r62. There were some optimization methods that seem to be causing problems for people in r61. Most of those have been reverted in r62.

okay thanks (ironic i installed the last one litterally a day before the next update released)

I downloaded the latest version, and it keeps crashing, however it works fine on browser 

Does it give you an error message? What OS are you playing on?

I am on Windows 10 Home, and it gives no error message it just makes the game window go black, but I can still click options and stuff or it closes I can barely get past the character creation before either of these things happen anything I can do?

Deleted 118 days ago

To be honest, there isn't really much thought put into where places are supposed to be in relation to one another. That way, I can be 'lazy' about adding new locations, since I don't have to worry about exactly where they are, just that they are somewhere in the world.

That said, I do understand what you mean. Maybe one day when I'm done adding locations, I'll come up with something, but for now it's unlikely to change.


Don't know if you already have this idea or not but maybe make a female vversion of the male characters and a male version of the female characters that way if you only have one gender selected you can still have them all

Indivi said it's unlikely bc they would have to rework many scenes and assets

As mentioned, it's just not really feasible unfortunately

Oof fair enough

Does anybody know if there are cheats?  In one of the original updates there was an option to add stats and money. 


i know you can set money and stats in the character customization at the very beginning of a new file. idk what else there would be

If you do a NG+, you can change your stats and money!

Deleted 138 days ago

Haha, that would be quite the thing to spring on the player XD

I have a problem regarding the npc Allisa, where she cannot be controlled, even though I have done scenes with Cessie in bed or in the bathroom, but after sleeping Cessie doesn't Scolding him so he can continue to the scene. Allisa is hired in several places, please fix it😕

It shouldn't be having issues, but did you talk to Rinny about hypnotism therapy? Or did Cassie confront Alissa about not being better person? Is she hire in all 3 places?

I've talked to Rinny about hypnotism therapy, However, the other two cannot . Does Cassie only need to do actions in the bathroom and in the bedroom for Cassie to talk to Alissa Because it sucks? or are there other additional parts?

Did you change clothes on Cassie until she gets make me option?

Also what jobs you hired Alissa in?

Also how far you in quest via log book?

Hmm... For Alissa's work I can't yet, for Cassie's clothes she has changed, for the booklog I forgot 🥲, maybe I'll explore some things and make a new game later

Maybe use wiki to help?

(2 edits)

I can never get past the room in the cemetery with the succubus friend , the route is always randomised and i've tried for hours on end every room combination please help! 

also i find that the wiki is often wrong or referring to a different version so if anyone could help me with that too. 

Also i'm really happy that development is being continued. loved it since the original , one of the best games i've ever played and still loving it , only wish i could progress , but amazing game.  You're the best indivi!

The route is never randomised btw, its may look randomised, its not, it just some doors teleport to other rooms, I give you instructions on how to get through cemetery,  Go Down, Up, Right, go Up the stairs, travel to the next Catacomb, Go Left, Down, Right, use miraheze wiki version for Lust Doll plus. [Tip, Rinny won't let you open coffins, maybe you can open them if Rinny is not there].

Here's the miraheze wiki link:


As mentioned, it's not actually randomized, it just consistently goes where you don't expect it to XD

And glad to hear! Doing what I can to keep this game improving

Question how do I get to the Island?

I believe its through the gallery.


Cause a ruckus by sneaking behind the Register.

Then look around if one of the art exhibits has lost a guard, to "Fiddle" with it.

are there mods for this? I'd love some ridiculous ugc in this already amazing game that I have 100+ hours in already

Really glad you're enjoying it so much! There's only some utility mods that I know of right now. Since I update frequently, it's hard for mods to be made, since they will likely be stuck at the version they were first started in.

interesting, if you can make it so modding can be version stable would be cool, maybe even I could start making mods! But I don't know how difficult that would be, its up to you. ( •w•)b

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The rate at which a mod gets updated is based on the creators of the mods, not indivi

I am talking about version stability, so that way it works without needing to update the mod as well. I should've specified...

Unfortunately, it's not really something I know how to do, as it would require some sort of external program to be able to check files for conflicts. And even then it would require a lot of work to port over the changes. It would be really cool to have mods that can stay up-to-date with the latest releases, but it's not really feasible sadly

that's fine, I wanted to at least ask anyways, have a nice day

dose anyone know if there's gonna be a grow pussy spell added to the game?


There's a grow cock and grow brests spell in the game so I wana know if there's gona be a grow pussy spell since the only way to grow one is at succubus tower or in the lab and that's a one time thing

It's been asked a few times. I'll see about it

thank you :)

How to play the sponsored version of the game and where to sponsor it.



Can someone verify that golden apples do in fact still drop? I've collected about 70 regular without getting a single hit, which is just silly.

Also, just to make sure, is there paid-exclusive content? Feels like a silly question when I've been playing on and off since at least 23.1, but I genuinely don't think I've ever asked


There is golden apples, but they are very rare, and also the only paid thing in this game I think is patron version where it gets updates early.

So my luck is just abysmal. Nice. 
What about the game-over continuations?

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I think one of the game overs in the base [the base where you find the infected] do have game over continuation, but there two option, you either skip option 1 by picking option 2, or pick option 1 which is locked behind patreon version only.

if i may ask: are there any infos if these patreon-locked options became available for public? e.g. when the game is fully finished?

I don't think patreon locked options going become public anytime soon unless Invidi says something about it.

Deleted 138 days ago

They have a pretty low drop rate, a 10% drop chance.

There is backer only content available through the Patreon.

It unlocks the bad end continuations that show up occasionally. I think there's around 6 or so bad ends of this type at the moment? They're mainly 'what if' type situations, so strictly optional as far as understanding the story goes!

(1 edit) (+1)

How do you get plus sized



There isn't an option for this for players at this time. You do meet an NPC that'll have this, in the deeper part of Forest Park.


Oh... Not later.

does anyone know how to disappear/kill "Giant plant"?

Maybe someone knows what the fortune teller wants in exchange for information about "Giant plant" ?

Deleted post

You can use Wiki to help you, but its easy once you do it, Scrumptious Banana gave you direction for first half of it, but second half is little complicated, you need play a game which will teleport you to void, just say no or yes, then gift the fairy queen something rare like your cheese or cheese [which can be found after you refined milk in refinery, to buy refinery you need to get to upper new ark], and then fairy tells you how to remove the Giant plant in your way temporarily [you have to do like a quest to remove the giant plant permanently.]


wish the game had more male characters. it seems there is only one, which makes the whole picking a preference thing basically mean you don't get to do anything if you take female characters out of the equation.
considering furry can be turned on or off, maybe (if you don't want to make male-specific characters) the named characters' sexes/genders could be given a toggle?


The Professor, The Hunter, The Kitty.


Deep Forest

The Rock


I'm pretty sure only 1 of those is a "main character" with multiple interactions ^^; 
while there are like 7-8 fully fleshed out important female NPCs ontop of the many others that are tertiary like the two other males


You forgot Gin and the new male character

(1 edit) (-2)

that’s literally the one i’m referring to. which he gets perma-removed from the game very easily by just progressing in his story a little ;v;

i can think of several female characters that doesn’t happen to

it's not permanent. Give indivi some time to reintroduce him, they never said he wasn't coming back


It's being worked on! Gender toggles likely won't happen, as it creates much more varied situations that need accounting for, since it means breasts/genitalia change too.

Deleted post

That's exactly what's happening.

Modifying hundreds of clothing won't be easy work.


It is planned to let the player get permanent mega boobs/cock! And yes, most likely certain clothing won't be able to be worn with them

Deleted post

No... I don't think that's what they meant.

You can ask Arlene, for a "Hard" time that's when she gets mad.


That's most likely referring to part of her plot's progression, so just play her route normally!

For some reason my character's eyebrows disappeared.


This is now an option you can have, but if it's undesired, you can fix it in one of the shops in upper new Ark!

Can someone tell me how to continue alissa route. I already got disturbed while playing with cassy and bathing with her is there anything else i have to do?

The bed, and there is the change clothes on Cassie until you get make her option 

How do I get Cassie to trust me?

You have to do rescue Cassie ending, you can use wiki to help you through, but you just have to choose option grunt work when you say you don't want to pay the 200 credits, and after you say you will work, Don [tip just push or trick the guard that you have to pay 5 credits to get in the Slums], this is like 1/3 parts you have to do, Wiki explains way more and is easier to read.

Where can I find Bell? Where can I find someone who will fulfill my dream wish?


Go to Rinny and don't say you are not interested, keep saying no, until you scroll down to find ???, do ???, then you get new interaction for npcs.

For Bell, you have to go to milk farm and go where she usually is, interact, and then go to Forest, its not that hard to find her, she can be at New Ark City or Transylvania.

Does anyone know if it's possible to get "megaboobs" or "megacock" without losing progress or if it's possible to enlarge your penis and breasts more than is possible in Transylvania ?

More mega content will be added soon, but I don't think there is much content of it right now, only possible way is the bad end in the base [that what I found currently, but the succubus teacher also have mega content]

Good to know, thanks for the info

(1 edit)

will gin ever come back from his self-discovery journey? :( or like an extension of his route where he comes back?

also, will there be more male characters added and will we ever get to marry the characters instead of just making them pregnant? (rings and dresses/suits galore)


Indivi confirmed these things:

Gin will be coming back

Male partners will be added (but the things added into the game are ultimately dictated by their patrons)

Idk about the marriage part, but commiting yourself to a certain partner will be added eventually 

ah alright thanks! :D


He'll be back someday! Mostly just waiting on certain areas to get done first.

Yes, there's plans for more male NPCs and marriage!

Been having the "cannot read property 'resolution' of undefined" error for a while now. If I open the game enough time there's a chance it won't happen and I get to play, but other than that it's quite a common error for me. Is there a way to fix this? (The error happens on my MacBook)

Try r62 when it comes out. r61 introduced a different method of loading images which seems to be causing problems on certain devices. r62 reverts to the original method.

How to explore the slave traders' hideout?

You need to blend in with them so you dont get jumped. Have you lifted up the mask of one of the slave traders? Oh and btw, there is a tatoo shop at Ark city. 

know what to do

Is there a way to transfer my save data from my phone to my pc?

You would need root access to your phone to do it unfortunately.

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