yeah I have tried unsubscribing and re subscribing it still does not give updates but as far as I know the next version is released on patreon ,the 22 or 23rd of each month and the same version to the public on the 7th or 8th of the month after depending on witch time zone your in.
I'm not sure either. I doubt it since the game is searchable, so I don't see why they would block follow but not search. It's especially weird since the mail notification still work (as other user said)
As an user, I didn't see any option related to following someone, so I am at loss between a "miss"configuration somewhere or itch acting weirdly.
am i unlucky or am i locked out of progressing in gin's storyline?
ok so you know how to progress in gin's story you need to have cassie and gin interact in the forest pond with gin's maid dress right? well whenever i get them both there gin doesn't have the maid dress, he's only in his shorts even though i've given him a maid dress, am i missing something? do i need to talk to cassie or gin after seeing their conflict for the first time?
You shouldn't be locked out of progressing any route, but this one can make you feel like you are haha. Basically what NFG said, see him there alone in a maid dress first then the right scene should trigger afterwards!
sorry for the late reply i went in to deserted base fought one of the parasite people, lost and got a parasite stuck on me. Then when i respawned none of the only button that would work was the esc once whcih would bring up the pause menu, and none of the other buttons would respond.
tried rebooting the game and reloading the save with no luck
I remember going into a sewer type place at Transylvania and doing a huge mission to unlock a piece of parasitic clothing. I forgot how to do it. I googled it and couldn't find the answer. I leveled my senses up to 8 in hopes of finding a secret passage and got nothing. Any chance I could get at least a hint?
Just incase my memory got mixed up, this is not the meat parasite place. I managed to find that
Do you mean the thing with that maid in the Manor? She gives you some clothing that can turn alive when you use the flute, that's not in the crypts though.
I gave my frilled gloves to Gin to complete the maid outfit before finishing the manor quest without thinking. Is there any way to get them again or do I need to start a new game to finish the quest?? (I didn't make any alternative saves u-u) I've tried fighting the servants but the butlers won't drop anything and the maids keep giving me the headpiece
Just leaving this comment to let yall know how much I appreciate adult games with this much freedom to choose your kinks. It can get tricky finding a good porn game with femdom content
Don't know if anyone caught it, when talking to Fawn on the Island, wearing her bikini set (with "Fawn's Waist Wrap"), she reacts normally like to any other swimsuit, after removing the waist wrap, she reacts with sarcasm (the "Well, aren't you dressed rather nicely, Lust..." comment), analogically to Alissa and her 3 piece swimsuit set, both with and without her sun hat, triggers the "Ahhhh!!! Those are my clothes! Are we a set now!? Are we an item!?" reaction
No he don't do nothing, he tell where to do something.
Feed him till he says a snippet about Counterfeit Tickets, then to the Slums market go to the Junk Vendor if there's no tickets then feed the Hobo again, sleep, feed, sleep, when you finally do get a ticket get a Massage from Lin-Lin.
After I deal with Don, the game "ends". I've tried both killing and sparing him, I even checked the wiki which hasn't been undated in 10 months, it says there's a ton of stuff after that which I was really looking forward to, but after I rescue Cassie the game just ends with me having to leave. Any tips?
The purple mushrooms have taken over all the way, and given how many other weird-ass things happen to Lust, I'm honestly a bit surprised they manage to avoid ending up with a mushroom for a penis, ngl 😂
Along similar lines, I'm wondering if there are plans for Kitty regarding breast growth or shrinking/vanishing his cock (or, eventually, finding a way to give him a vag and knock him up). Also, whether it'll be possible to invite him to the dungeon at some point. Purely for research purposes, of course
Welp, he sayed he didnt wanted to become a girl so no cock dissapear
also he is not one of the "girlfriend" principall characters so unless he starts getting his story and a lot of background i really doubt he will be in the dungeons
I know he does say that, but Lust can also give Alissa a cock basically against her will too, so I was just wondering. And with Kitty I wasn't thinking of permanently, but just as a sort of teasing/humiliation/extreme chastity play during the sex scenes - like how you can give a cock to the current girlfriend characters when inviting them to the dungeon, but they lose it when they leave
I took the pill before I met her at the castle. Told her no until the list came up and selected for her to grow a cock. That didn’t work so I thought I’d invite her to the private dungeon. I only have the bed and I invited her after dating her (didn’t have the dungeon then). No option there for her to grow a cock.
Directions on the maps are directions on a compass.
↑North →East ↓South ←West
North 4 means take [↑] exit for 4 screens. It may be a good idea to avoid combat while following maps so you don't forget how many screens you've already gone through.
Hidden paths like that one only show as a [!] when you Senses stat is high enough. But Senses is still a mostly useless stat, because you can find hidden paths simply by standing on their square. heh
Indivi only fluently writes in English. Hiring a professional translator can get quite expensive. Good luck convincing a translator, freelance or not, to translate for a game that gets more content added twice every month.
When LDP starts approaching final updates, then other languages will be looked into.
I once looked into translation services for games, just a cursory glance mind you. I have a feeling what I found first are probably those services that prey on inexperienced devs and that there are better alternatives, but the basic rates start at something like 10+ cents per word, depending on the language.
Seems like something that only very successful indie games or those with very few words would employ. I assume AAA devs have much better resources.
Yes you have to see it to get it but to see it you have to do one of two things in the desert city knock out a guard then remove mask and/or be a stripper and seduce the young guy I did both.
nono I mean something deeper. Like her entire journey up to that point their has been all these intense sexual encounters. And it turns out their deepest desire is to hold someone's hand. An act that is often considered the least sexual thing. I think it shows deep inside they just want a normal life. Their initial name itself is Lustdoll until it is changed. It has to have a deeper symbolism to the main plot.
Holding Hands in the universe of Lust Doll is seen as an action that is more intimate than Sex, I say this because everyone you do it with (Except Dog) has a perverse reaction to holding hands, and maybe Sammy, but I don't think her Reaction was bland.
nono I mean something deeper. Like her entire journey up to that point their has been all these intense sexual encounters. And it turns out their deepest desire is to hold someone's hand. An act that is often considered the least sexual thing. I think it shows deep inside they just want a normal life. Their initial name itself is Lustdoll until it is changed. It has to have a deeper symbolism to the main plot.
Yeah, i finded it myself, you need like 32 or 24 df stat, so its a hazzard, you gotta continue the school girl route and cassie route, at some point you will end up asking for a rouge treatment in the bdsm club from the school girl, then at some point you will meet the stat check, as a recommendation from me, save the game before you try to advance in her route, then start the training, go to transylvania and ask for ipnosis from rinny, that gives you a 50% stat gain so you advance faster(or 20% dunno xd) then purchase 99 stamina gain potions and start wasting all your stamina and drinking potions in the gym, if you continue like this purchasing and wasting potions you will loss around 30.000 coins, so better you start gaining money,and also use the stat boost from the bathhouse and from the roxie dinner place, thats the only "fast" method to gain stamina, you will waste around 50 minutes, reppeating this process.
Also if you want to gain money fast just go to the poor people in the slums of ark city and give to one of them apples or any food,he will give you advices and at some point he will give you the key word, you gotta tell it to the barthender and he will let you acces the fight club, you will fight 9 enemies in there, and make lots of money depending on wath advantages you give your enemy
Easy 3.800$ every day, in 2 hours you will gain 100.000$
I can tell all of this because fuck im curios about things, especially when the lab girl asked if you were whealty
Ok so about mega growth on boob and cock thing yeah, i was thinking it can be helped like for example, u don't need clothes to wear when boobs and cock are huge (little smaller than mega but still very big) why? cause you don't have to, on to cumflation part on both normal and big cum inflation (huge dick) and hyper pregnancy (enhanced fertility pill or multiple fertility pills on 1 go) need clothes only open to inflated bellies not covered. Just a recap no clothes needed when boob and cock huge sized, huge boob and cock is possible only naked and sex events like love making with your mates like cassie, rinny and fawn and other girls you mate with as well the cowgirls in the milk farm. That's my one of my same ideas but revised hope you like this one, keep on bust'in indivi.
Thanks, but I really just don't feel like there's that much point in having a size between the current biggest and mega! At that point, you might as well just go all the way!
Ok I just wanted to give megaboob, megacock and cumflation kinks some love for this game and hyper pregnancy added to make things more fun y'know, I really hoped u love these ideas, if not, try add them on your new game making ideas. Anyway good luck on improvising the new game. Keep on bust'in indivi.
so I have one question though, some facts say some animals like cats can birth multiple kittens in 1 time so what if some girls like cassie and fawn(furry) can be pregnant with more than one baby, can we have some girls pregnant belly look bigger, can Sammy and Lin Lin be invited to the dungeon. That's the question and ideas along with it, anyway boxing out.
Hmm, I'll see. It might be a bit much to change how the pregnancy works for furry versus non-furry. Sammy and LinLin will eventually get there, once their routes are done!
That whole route takes a long time. Like, literally. You'll need to busy yourself for a whole lot of in-game days. If you can't get Alissa or Cassie to say something new, try sleeping.
The two parts of her route people most frequently get stuck would be: - Getting her to interrupt you playing with Cassie in 3 spots. Bed, bath, and by the table when having Cassie change clothes over and over. - Getting Alissa a job. You yourself need to go to the 3 places that you can work in New Ark and ask the managers about hiring her.
Also go to your Inventory and look for a Logbook, If you missed it (Which I doubt) it's in the warehouse where you meet Cassie, the catgirl, right in the chest.
Press it and it should list what you have not done so far.
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i'm assuming there's no image for a chastity belt while being milked?
I'll fix it!
Am I the only one with news of that game not appearing on itch's feed ?
I didn't see it appearing on my feed for ages, and was (pleasantly) surprised to see it's still alive and well.
(didn't find any relevant option, so if it is a dev's config to have it appear on feed, turning it on would be welcomed!)
nope same thing with me I can't see it on my feed i still get the email updates tho.
Same here
It's also happening for me. Really odd
yeah I have tried unsubscribing and re subscribing it still does not give updates but as far as I know the next version is released on patreon ,the 22 or 23rd of each month and the same version to the public on the 7th or 8th of the month after depending on witch time zone your in.
Not sure, but could it be because of this?,edit%20page%3A%20Metadata%20%C2%BB%20Classification.
Thanks for your reply!
I'm not sure either. I doubt it since the game is searchable, so I don't see why they would block follow but not search. It's especially weird since the mail notification still work (as other user said)
As an user, I didn't see any option related to following someone, so I am at loss between a "miss"configuration somewhere or itch acting weirdly.
I remember seeing a guide to this a while back can someone post a link to that?
The wiki is easy enough to find with Google.
The actual guide is a Patreon reward.
okay thanks I knew I seen it some where just couldn't remember where.
This is so impressive! My games are nowhere close to this quality and I just gotta say this is amazing.
Thank you! I've worked very hard and long on it, so I'm glad it shows haha
I don't even know how a lot of what you do it possible lol.
am i unlucky or am i locked out of progressing in gin's storyline?
ok so you know how to progress in gin's story you need to have cassie and gin interact in the forest pond with gin's maid dress right?
well whenever i get them both there gin doesn't have the maid dress, he's only in his shorts even though i've given him a maid dress, am i missing something? do i need to talk to cassie or gin after seeing their conflict for the first time?
If I can recall you need to catch Gin, alone with the dress first.
After triggering both scenes of Gin, alone then the scene for the interaction should trigger.
You shouldn't be locked out of progressing any route, but this one can make you feel like you are haha. Basically what NFG said, see him there alone in a maid dress first then the right scene should trigger afterwards!
Hello, so i found a bug where i lost all control after getting a parasite in the deserted base.
sorry for the late reply
i went in to deserted base fought one of the parasite people, lost and got a parasite stuck on me. Then when i respawned none of the only button that would work was the esc once whcih would bring up the pause menu, and none of the other buttons would respond.
tried rebooting the game and reloading the save with no luck
Oh I think you got a Bad End.
Bad Ends are inescapable and only the Patreon Version has the extended scenes for the bad ends.
Just load to a Save before you were defeated.
i should mention that nothing works in the pause menue ether. but thank
I'll look into it!
How can I find the spot called "Sunshine, slave house exit", I can not find it anywhere
It's a secret spot. One of the people in the arena gives you a hint to where it is!
will you ever add the parasite thing thatyou find orbs to unlock? i really want to see it in the new lustdoll.
It's planned!
yayyyyyy!!! THANK YOU!
I remember going into a sewer type place at Transylvania and doing a huge mission to unlock a piece of parasitic clothing. I forgot how to do it. I googled it and couldn't find the answer. I leveled my senses up to 8 in hopes of finding a secret passage and got nothing. Any chance I could get at least a hint?
Just incase my memory got mixed up, this is not the meat parasite place. I managed to find that
Do you mean the thing with that maid in the Manor? She gives you some clothing that can turn alive when you use the flute, that's not in the crypts though.
Marin, uses suspicious underwear as revenge, after your/her session with it, she will sell it to you.
That's not in yet.
You are remembering Lust Doll Classic, I think.
The process to get the living clothing in that game was indeed very different.
I gave my frilled gloves to Gin to complete the maid outfit before finishing the manor quest without thinking. Is there any way to get them again or do I need to start a new game to finish the quest?? (I didn't make any alternative saves u-u) I've tried fighting the servants but the butlers won't drop anything and the maids keep giving me the headpiece
You are softlocked.
I'm looking and currently I can't really find a shop that sells it.
Ahhh guess I'll restart then u-u That's sucks but it's my own fault
Thank you for confirming that for me! ^^
Oh weird, the servants are supposed to give you all the pieces if you don't have them. I'll fix this for next release!
Just leaving this comment to let yall know how much I appreciate adult games with this much freedom to choose your kinks. It can get tricky finding a good porn game with femdom content
You're welcome, glad you're enjoying it! Femdom is very fun~
How do I get the final meat orb for the Lisa's rescue quest?
Just keep looking... go along every wall if you have to.
If you're tired of looking, then the wiki should have a map.
Is there an entrance that I'm missing?
It's usually hidden unless you have a good enough Sense.
how do i do the masterbate thogeder part with Cassie im tryng tô do the annoyng pets QuestUse the bed.
Use the shower.
Change Cassie's clothes over-and-over
It worked ty só much
Don't know if anyone caught it, when talking to Fawn on the Island, wearing her bikini set (with "Fawn's Waist Wrap"), she reacts normally like to any other swimsuit, after removing the waist wrap, she reacts with sarcasm (the "Well, aren't you dressed rather nicely, Lust..." comment), analogically to Alissa and her 3 piece swimsuit set, both with and without her sun hat, triggers the "Ahhhh!!! Those are my clothes! Are we a set now!? Are we an item!?" reaction
Good job finding it!
How can i obtain the pass for new up arck city??
Feed the Hobo just under the Dons home.
He will give you a quick snippet to a guy selling counterfeits, after buying a few go get a massage from Lin-Lin.
i already feed the hobo, but he dont do nothing. Meaby a bug??
Have you slept and tried again?
There's a rest spot conveniently located in the bottom right corner.
No he don't do nothing, he tell where to do something.
Feed him till he says a snippet about Counterfeit Tickets, then to the Slums market go to the Junk Vendor if there's no tickets then feed the Hobo again, sleep, feed, sleep, when you finally do get a ticket get a Massage from Lin-Lin.
ok thanks
Does any have a good strategy to beat the elevator abomination in the science tower?
There's a Condo near the Gym.
Just grind a bit.
Unfortunately there's not much else to do.
23 Mystic does pretty good.
and there's a nearby bed already no Credit cost needed.
The Mystic training is in the Succubi tower.
After I deal with Don, the game "ends". I've tried both killing and sparing him, I even checked the wiki which hasn't been undated in 10 months, it says there's a ton of stuff after that which I was really looking forward to, but after I rescue Cassie the game just ends with me having to leave. Any tips?
The Police officer at New-Ark police station.
She makes a deal with the Don for you.
Get her assistance.
I talked to her, she said she can't do anything, and I can't select the "Ask her for help with Don" option again
The Beggars under the Dons home, ignore the first guy who asks for Money, then pay.
This should give Arlene, a cause for suspicion against the Don, she joins afterwards.
The purple mushrooms have taken over all the way, and given how many other weird-ass things happen to Lust, I'm honestly a bit surprised they manage to avoid ending up with a mushroom for a penis, ngl 😂
To the UNA Hospital!
I... I can't recall the superhero music used when they go somewhere.
*1960's Batman noises*
haha, that would actually be pretty hilarious XD. I’ll see!
Just curious, since we can use cock growth on cassie will we get the option to use breast growth on her too?
Asking for a friend
Along similar lines, I'm wondering if there are plans for Kitty regarding breast growth or shrinking/vanishing his cock (or, eventually, finding a way to give him a vag and knock him up). Also, whether it'll be possible to invite him to the dungeon at some point. Purely for research purposes, of course
Welp, he sayed he didnt wanted to become a girl so no cock dissapear
also he is not one of the "girlfriend" principall characters so unless he starts getting his story and a lot of background i really doubt he will be in the dungeons
I know he does say that, but Lust can also give Alissa a cock basically against her will too, so I was just wondering. And with Kitty I wasn't thinking of permanently, but just as a sort of teasing/humiliation/extreme chastity play during the sex scenes - like how you can give a cock to the current girlfriend characters when inviting them to the dungeon, but they lose it when they leave
He specifically states that he doesn’t want it, whereas Alissa still “enjoys” it to some extent
Fair enough :)
most likely won’t happen, as he feels really strongly against that. Definitely planning to get him into dungeon eventually though!
I’ll see about it!
someone know why this keeps happening some times to me?![]()
i dont see the image im sending oof
I too, just write i
I think there's a 3MB limit.
describe what happens?
sometimes it appears "cannot read properly 'resolution' of undefined" but not always just sometimes dunno why
How do I get Rinny to impregnate MC
Take the pill i supose? Then use one of the options she gives you when you get to her
take fertility pill, then have her grow a cock!
I took the pill before I met her at the castle. Told her no until the list came up and selected for her to grow a cock. That didn’t work so I thought I’d invite her to the private dungeon. I only have the bed and I invited her after dating her (didn’t have the dungeon then). No option there for her to grow a cock.
She must be the Subbe.
Also it works fine for me.
Right, got to that point but it only lets me finish with mouth.
i dont uderstand the desert map can someone simplify
Directions on the maps are directions on a compass.
↑North →East ↓South ←West
North 4 means take [↑] exit for 4 screens.
It may be a good idea to avoid combat while following maps so you don't forget how many screens you've already gone through.
thank you for the help
would we be able to have more male/male content? it's really complicated to get scenes with cless, and gin is just his training quest
There will be with time!
Thank you for taking the time to reply!
did you do kitty? :3
I have turned off femboy content, sorry :(
I am aware their route is there, but I chose to not do it
Like asking for ice cream then trow it and eat a hotdog
feminine men aren't my thing :/
Is there any content for transylvania? I freed the succubus in the forest park but there I can't find the succubus tower
There should be a "!" left of the Transylvania entrance.
Hidden paths like that one only show as a [!] when you Senses stat is high enough.
But Senses is still a mostly useless stat, because you can find hidden paths simply by standing on their square. heh
Oh Right.
I've been using the same save for so long I've forgotten.
I aught to make a new save soon.
I have found the cowgirl cave... still just as random as in the original...
Good job! It's not really supposed to be able to be found yet, but you can definitely do so!
i found it too xD
Yep, that cow is in the milkers barn now
there is a question of how to translate the game into another language. in Russian for example
Translations are not planned.
- Indivi (Probably)
The problem with translations is threefold.
Indivi only fluently writes in English.
Hiring a professional translator can get quite expensive.
Good luck convincing a translator, freelance or not, to translate for a game that gets more content added twice every month.
When LDP starts approaching final updates, then other languages will be looked into.
I once looked into translation services for games, just a cursory glance mind you. I have a feeling what I found first are probably those services that prey on inexperienced devs and that there are better alternatives, but the basic rates start at something like 10+ cents per word, depending on the language.
Seems like something that only very successful indie games or those with very few words would employ. I assume AAA devs have much better resources.
As a very janky temporary solution, you could try using a machine translator. Some can even be used for free, at least for the first time.
hey indivi, i have a question:
does cassie react to you having the slaver tattoo??
That tattoo exists?
Yes you have to see it to get it but to see it you have to do one of two things in the desert city knock out a guard then remove mask and/or be a stripper and seduce the young guy I did both.
You'll find out soon enough!
God I enjoy this game I like the kinda a lot for some reason she so far my favourite character so far
Not sure who you're talking about, but glad to hear!
oh man I didn’t noticed spell check change Linda name to kinda sorry about that
what does the symbol of holding hands as lustdoll's secret desire in lust doll plus mean? I see there is some symbolism but I don't recognize it.
Seems like it's a more intimate sign than sex in the world of Lust Doll.
nono I mean something deeper. Like her entire journey up to that point their has been all these intense sexual encounters. And it turns out their deepest desire is to hold someone's hand. An act that is often considered the least sexual thing. I think it shows deep inside they just want a normal life. Their initial name itself is Lustdoll until it is changed. It has to have a deeper symbolism to the main plot.
Holding Hands in the universe of Lust Doll is seen as an action that is more intimate than Sex, I say this because everyone you do it with (Except Dog) has a perverse reaction to holding hands, and maybe Sammy, but I don't think her Reaction was bland.
but in the mission where you cure Alissa holding hands was one of the mild things they did to cure her. I think the others were just shocked
nono I mean something deeper. Like her entire journey up to that point their has been all these intense sexual encounters. And it turns out their deepest desire is to hold someone's hand. An act that is often considered the least sexual thing. I think it shows deep inside they just want a normal life. Their initial name itself is Lustdoll until it is changed. It has to have a deeper symbolism to the main plot.
its a reference to the classic meme of holding hands being the lewdest thing in the world
It is a mystery XD
If you want background you can just say that in a world were all is sex, love its not there
so when you just enjoy the day, slowly taking the hand of the one you love, it sudenly fills like bliss
That was my thoughts
How can I date gin?
When he comes back in his Maid dress.
Can't yet, his route still has stuff left to do!
You can transcend space and time using BDSM in this game, 10/10
Who did you meet?
its an easter egg xD if you some how complete the rope escape (that is a check actually made to be almost imposible) you get out of the fourth wall
You meet someone, I was asking who he met on his side.
i didnt know cause i hadnt done the easter egg sorry and in mine the one that was in the end was the maid. marin
Yeah, i finded it myself, you need like 32 or 24 df stat, so its a hazzard, you gotta continue the school girl route and cassie route, at some point you will end up asking for a rouge treatment in the bdsm club from the school girl, then at some point you will meet the stat check, as a recommendation from me, save the game before you try to advance in her route, then start the training, go to transylvania and ask for ipnosis from rinny, that gives you a 50% stat gain so you advance faster(or 20% dunno xd) then purchase 99 stamina gain potions and start wasting all your stamina and drinking potions in the gym, if you continue like this purchasing and wasting potions you will loss around 30.000 coins, so better you start gaining money,and also use the stat boost from the bathhouse and from the roxie dinner place, thats the only "fast" method to gain stamina, you will waste around 50 minutes, reppeating this process.
Also if you want to gain money fast just go to the poor people in the slums of ark city and give to one of them apples or any food,he will give you advices and at some point he will give you the key word, you gotta tell it to the barthender and he will let you acces the fight club, you will fight 9 enemies in there, and make lots of money depending on wath advantages you give your enemy
Easy 3.800$ every day, in 2 hours you will gain 100.000$
I can tell all of this because fuck im curios about things, especially when the lab girl asked if you were whealty
Also in the end i saw the cow little girl that sayed "Stop spasing out!"
Congrats on finding this XD
What do you do when the meat parasites take over the tower
Ask for help from Mstyra.
Hello! I have the windows version and am trying to start it but it just opens to a black screen and stays black.
Is your computer powerful?
Maybe it's something involving lag
Try re-downloading and re-extracting the game!
That worked, thank you!
How can I remove it?
What is on you?
I don't know, I put my character to sleep on the farm and I think he was raped? Idk
That's the Living Underwear. You have to use the flute to put them to sleep, and then to take them off. The flute should be listed under your items.
Oh, thanks bro
Sorry to disturb you but where can I find the flute? I don't have
It should be in your Inventory.
as the other say when you get the living underwear buying it from the succubuss you get the flute too
This is why you don't wear Items with a Question Mark.
Xd Good, thanks for helping me
What is the point of the cheese slices item? (Cheese + dull knife)
Give them to Cassie.
You also need them for the Fairy Queen, as a special gift to get inside the Deepest part of the forest.
how come the tiara is in the face category and not the head category?
It's getting renamed to not a tiara XD
Ok so about mega growth on boob and cock thing yeah, i was thinking it can be helped like for example, u don't need clothes to wear when boobs and cock are huge (little smaller than mega but still very big) why? cause you don't have to, on to cumflation part on both normal and big cum inflation (huge dick) and hyper pregnancy (enhanced fertility pill or multiple fertility pills on 1 go) need clothes only open to inflated bellies not covered. Just a recap no clothes needed when boob and cock huge sized, huge boob and cock is possible only naked and sex events like love making with your mates like cassie, rinny and fawn and other girls you mate with as well the cowgirls in the milk farm. That's my one of my same ideas but revised hope you like this one, keep on bust'in indivi.
Thanks, but I really just don't feel like there's that much point in having a size between the current biggest and mega! At that point, you might as well just go all the way!
Ok I just wanted to give megaboob, megacock and cumflation kinks some love for this game and hyper pregnancy added to make things more fun y'know, I really hoped u love these ideas, if not, try add them on your new game making ideas. Anyway good luck on improvising the new game. Keep on bust'in indivi.
There are some big plans for that stuff, not to worry!
so I have one question though, some facts say some animals like cats can birth multiple kittens in 1 time so what if some girls like cassie and fawn(furry) can be pregnant with more than one baby, can we have some girls pregnant belly look bigger, can Sammy and Lin Lin be invited to the dungeon. That's the question and ideas along with it, anyway boxing out.
Hmm, I'll see. It might be a bit much to change how the pregnancy works for furry versus non-furry. Sammy and LinLin will eventually get there, once their routes are done!
Hello, how can i save linda un the desert base??
Well getting to her is Straightforward, getting her out is the confusing part.
To get to her you just need to wander about, or try to follow a direction you have not followed yet.
Getting her out requires a bit more effort as you traverse around looking for hidden entrances for Linda to activate, then a final scuffle after that.
thank you so much
Hello my beautiful friends, would anyone know how I date Alissa please?
That whole route takes a long time.
Like, literally. You'll need to busy yourself for a whole lot of in-game days. If you can't get Alissa or Cassie to say something new, try sleeping.
The two parts of her route people most frequently get stuck would be:
- Getting her to interrupt you playing with Cassie in 3 spots. Bed, bath, and by the table when having Cassie change clothes over and over.
- Getting Alissa a job. You yourself need to go to the 3 places that you can work in New Ark and ask the managers about hiring her.
And then there's still a lot more that comes afterwards.
I tried to find everything in the game but cant proceeded any further, any help would be nice, please????
Specify which area.
Also go to your Inventory and look for a Logbook, If you missed it (Which I doubt) it's in the warehouse where you meet Cassie, the catgirl, right in the chest.
Press it and it should list what you have not done so far.
There is also a hidden location in the new ark slums market, where you can get more hints.
is there any other secret, things, and/or quest that can be Finished?