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So bug report: game for android keeps closing randomly while trying to play or talk kinda strange

(1 edit)

My guess is that your phone isn't powerful enough to run the game, but I am not sure due to me using Windows 

Try restarting your device, and making sure nothing's running in the background when you play!

When the Game is Finished is it going to stay freue to Play or do you have to Bus it then?

From how long it's been up and getting updated for, I'm going to stay probably a few more years till it's done

Probably going to stay free but going to be like one version down from patreon and it's free and you probably said buy

Most likely the extended bad ends will remain paid, but everything else will be free!

Bug(?): When in late stage pregnancy from Cassie, Fawn's dialogue is the same as if the pregnancy was from Fawn.

I'll look at it!

I can't figure out how to get the Refiner. I've gone to the lab and there's nothing to ask for it. And I've looked around inside the Milk Farm and can't find it. I want to progress the Giant Plant route but I need cheese to do it.

You can buy the Refiner in the Upper New Ark City Mall.


Thanks, didn't realize that the "mall" was refering to the UNA mall and not the underground Mall

You're welcome.

Deleted 1 year ago


Unfortunately no. Would be way too much work with all the clothing variations required


Is modding still supported? The wiki has a guide but I don't see the modding specific files in the download

Look up Lust Doll Essentials, it doesn't add much, just a few things, I think it is the only mod

The main issue with modding is that it's hard to keep it updated with the latest version when I release so frequently. Otherwise, anyone is free to mod the game as they please!

How to remove the meat parasites on Linda after her quest is done'

For now, it's a permanent she had said, they were like part of her

What he said.

I'ma she lol

When people find out women plays these type of games too 😂


...Women get horny and have fantasies too >.>


Yea we got needs too 😅

It may be an option eventually... but that's not a guarantee... I believe you could switch yourself back and forth in the original game, but we'll just have to see.

Hey, how do I do the senses training with Rinny? Now and then, when I enter transvania, she says "let's see if you are paying attention, then gives me the option to say yes or no. How do I get the senses training scene with her?

At the Lecture Area, or classroom for Succubi/Incubi you take the lesson to do Sense training with Rinny, but you are already fully flushed to think.

Aka just do  the training at 100% Lust with Rinny.

2 questions/ideas

1st: due to the lizard girl i wondered if we get the option to become lizard like the furry option, 2nd: is it possible to add to the arm/leg customization to put furry(and possible lizard) option? basically how Gin looks like in the human version 

I can add lizard customizations!

I'll see about the second request!


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If I got it wrong... Blame google.



does someond know where do i find him?

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I'mma be honest.

I can't recall who that is, and I thought I knew the game a bit.

In fact I have no inkling who that is.

hes the wolf proffesor

That's Cless.

I'm assuming that Mikhael is in the desert somewhere, because his link in the wiki is red.

It should tell you where to find him in the wiki

in the university at una

He's not in the game yet!

ah, so searching for him is futile?

At the moment nope!

If anyone needs help ask me ive already completed the game well all of the ones that are posted

What do I do in the investigate the slave trade quest?

(3 edits)

matheus779br 6 days ago

go to the north  entrance of the desert city and go to the right until you reach this point

Okay imma go do it

How do I do senses training with Rinny

At the Lecture Area, or classroom for Succubi/Incubi you take the lesson to do Sense training with Rinny, but you are already fully flushed to think.

Aka just do the training at 100% Lust with Rinny.

Where's the save for Android? I can't find it

You need to Root.

Android: \data\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus

(Requires root access. For android vers 11+, may also need an adb shell)

where do i find bell again and how long is the renovation? do i have to progress some route for it to finish?

Just sleep, dunno


Step on her usual Tile.

She won't spawn unless you do so.

Locations of Bell are as follows.

Abandoned Town Forest.

New Ark Prison.


And if you don't want her getting lost, because even if it is quite adorable it gets tiring to get her everytime, get her a Cowbell from New Ark.

thanks man.. also, i tried to progress casie story in plus ver. but i can't find the milk store?  


Milk Store?

You need to invite Cassie, to the Milk Farm, to get her to suckle from...

I'll let you fill that in on your own.


Remember the Slums?

There is usually a Gatekeeper that asks for 5 Bits, "PUSH HIM ASIDE LIKE THE WEAKLING HE IS" then come back after a day.

And take 'Grunt Work' you can horny at another time.

(1 edit)

can you save the succubus from the mirror?


Yes. Yes you can.

Look for a Coffin on it's own cathedral, and do a bit of snooping about on the Coffin.

thank you

How do I get the flesh stuff off me from the milatery base I escaped into the town I start at but can't get it off?

in the science lab with Linda in New Ark City

That's great and thanks but quick question, when it came off it left me with a cock. What's up with that😂


Mistyra, indulges herself by toying with you.

And she prefers that you have both arsenals for her entertainment. 

if you want to remove it and don't know how, use the magic the succubus taught you, or pay to have it done at the succubus tower

That's funny as fuck. 😆 👍

Glad you enjoyed it XD

Downloading for Mac, do anyone know how to bypass the gatekeep apple thing?

Not sure, unfortunately. If you find a way, please let me know!

How do I find the desert?

This can be accessible only when you have gained Cassie' trust.

Aka beaten the Don, then you can ask her about her slavers, and where they might be.

You also need to have access to "The Torture Rack" to actually get the Map.


I have a suggestion, instead of the "face" slot having both mouth and eye accessories, separate them into subdivisions. it would just be a visual detail, it wouldn't make much difference, but it's an idea for a future update.

It does make sense to separate them like that, agreed. Unfortunately, it's probably too late now to do it without breaking many parts of the game.

too many variables and scenes might stop working properly for this to work?

It's a bit difficult to explain, has to do with saves breaking because items aren't equipped in the right places, and it's really difficult to fix that with so many that would need to be changed

(2 edits)

I'm having trouble loading my old save files from Version r31.1 (win) on the newest version of the game.

Every time I try, it comes up with an error message that says:

"Loading Error

Failed to load: img/faces/p-zbrow1.png"


"Loading Error

Failed to load: img/faces/p-yeyeslant1-2a.png"

I'm assuming it's because it's trying to find face image files that don't exist anymore. Is there a fix for this, or are all my old saves just incompatible now?

(1 edit)

Aye welp...

Just Play a new save.

Try this:

1. Pick up r37 here: 

2. Load and save your game inside of it.

3. Do the same using r38.

4. Then it should work in the latest release.

(1 edit)

Soo umm 

What do I do in the Hang out with cassie and alissa quest?



Change Cassie's clothes a ton of times till she says "Make me" now MAKE HER.

Bath time with Cassie.

Bedtime fun with Cassie.

(2 edits)

Somehow I did that and did other thing after that "making alissa into pet"

And now what it still says it in Logbook

Welp, talk to Cassie, about it.


how do you become aroused?

Pink Meter.

0-49 = Not Aroused

50 = Aroused

80-100 = Heavily Aroused

Potions or enemies can get you Aroused, some enemies needs to be Aroused first before they start Arousing you.

easy way to get aroused is buying vibrators they get you arouse as time goes by


Can someone please explain what happened with Str modifiers? 

Str itself looks like this:


Hey, I think I've got what's wrong! Basegame's fine, the issue lies somewhere within Essentials' coding! Sorry for bothering :)


Haha, I was a little worried!

What you need to do to get to the Palace in a desert town?


A future update.

how do i solve the desert riddle?


If you mean the Directions then you have to follow them with their corresponding number.

how do you get the auto dildo?

You need to finish Linda's little quest first.

Aka infect the Lab, then save it.

Then they will craft it for you.

(4 edits)

some concepts;

- if you mix Lust Tonic+ with Devil Milk at the table, you can create the Drink That Makes You Cum Really Hard

- 1/16 chance of an ominous visage of Pixie temporarily being visible in the HUD while in The Manor, or Pixie's Lair

- portal fleshlight-panties combo sold by dalvie. that is all

I would kill for the portal Fleshlight idea 

-Funny idea haha XD. Probably don't want to make too many items that do essentially the same thing though

-Wait until her route XD

-There are plans for something like this!


I was imagining that the Drink That Makes You Cum Really Hard initiates a cutscene upon consumption, rather than increase your ERO gauge

If I uninstall the game will it remove all save data?

Im using phone


Yes it will, however if you download the newest version it just updates the game so you keep the data.

Oh ok thx

any good places to practice speech

Only reliable and fast method is also expensive.

Use a pass to get into Upper New Ark. Enter the college and enroll in the social studies class over and over. You'll need to bring a big stash of credits to pay for them, and plenty of angel+devil milk to make the most out of one trip.

aa thanks much

i got softlocked in the desert, ¿any ways to fix this?

pretty sure you just have to reload your last save

Press Sanctum in the menu.

Press back --> Sanctum --> return

Should reload your character.

It'll be fixed next release!

How do i defeat the don and gain cassies trust?

Step 1: Buy a condo and complete the first part of the story for the new character you will meet.

Step 2: Do a lot of talking and sleeping... talk to Fawn and Arlene. Sammy and Lin Lin are optional, but helpful.


Any other questions can be answered by the wiki page.

You Require (I Cannot stress enough) Arlene.

Without her the game ends.

Thanks, both of you, i was really stuck here for a long time

Arlene is not required though, i've rescued Cass without even meeting her yet. wit isn't Arlene someone you can only meet after defeating the don and remodeling the basement in the safehouse?

Arlene, policewoman who has a Shame kink, no not on her the other way around, likes to Domme.

Location varies depending whether or not you have beaten the Don.

Likes Pain... Loves Pain.

Ok I need a bit of help, I used all of my cash and then found the slave girl in the desert but couldn't buy her so is there another way to free her or am I just gonna have to an older save and grind that to get enough

She just leaves either way.


(1 edit)

you can get money at the "lucky night" brothel, but you'll need the veil clothes set and a high erotism skill.

Also you can get money besting the shit out of everybidy in the fight club

hey, so i'm a little stuck with the Bell questline, i finished Manor quest and have access to the temple, i've  already got bell to go with rinny to the succubus tower and i already know of Pixie and her lair, i got the milk farm upgrade, the refinery and a fridge, but it won't let me get Bell with Pixie, when i select talk there are no options, not even greyed out or anything.

update: figured it out, i just had to go release the cowgirl at pixie's lair :)

Glad you found it!

been playing this game for some hours now, it is really nice! it isn't without flaws obviously, but it is really enjoyable with the different stories and charming characters, it's at times funny and has a lot of personality, most of the flaws i can see are only visual things and very nitpicky, like the lack of a full ahegao face sprite, leading to some orgasm scenes looking a little less attractive than they probably could,  but that's the only  kind of complaint that i've had so far and i agree that having to advance in the game progress is way more important and  hope you have a great time doing it as much as i've had playing it!

after 69 hours of gameplay, I can say, continue that you will be enchanted even more, both with the story and with the secrets, mysteries and challenges


update: i just held Cassie's hand. i'm fricking crying for the love of god this game is so good. this is an extremely close second to best porn game, riiight before MVOL.


Thank you, happy to hear you're enjoying it! I understand, it's definitely not made to be perfect! I'll keep working on it though!

what happens if im soft locked like i have already gain cassies trust but it still tells me to gain cassies trust?

Have you beaten the Don?

Have you Dated Cassie?

Try going through Cassie's route again!




Anyone knows what to do at the desert? I'm lost


Follow the Map, go to the Inventory then press "Desert Map" the direction and the amount of times you go to that direction should be written on your Log for you to follow.

I have a suggestion for a addition to the game, more body customization like making our own character to be plump or something like that.


Not Possible due to the amount of Changes it would need on Clothing.

Ok, that makes sense, it was just an idea for future projects

if you give the fairy queen a gold apple she make you have a vision i think of a guessing game and if you get it right you can make your character thicc

I already knew about that

i've checked the wiki, i think there is a way of doing this, though it kinda looks like the character's sprite is slightly stretched, you should check it out it does look nice.

That's just the Short body version.

Makes you look a bit stretched.

'Tis teh thiccness.

The Fairy Queen can help with that.

It's kinda possible, head to the forest and mess around with the pond, I don't wanna spoil it but you'll get it eventually


Y'know, to keep being a tutorial I should probably play the newer versions, the last one I played was before you could take the scientist to the old town laboratory.

34.1 is the version I have installed. -_-

A save that old wouldn't even be compatible with the new releases.

The indivigames Discord has an archive of game versions, so you could download progressively more recent versions just to run them once, load the save file, save the game, and quit. Gradually updating the save to a modern file structure.

Alternatively you could copy the files "p-zbrow1.png" and "p-zbrow1.rpgmvp" from your r34.1 into the folders of the recent version to make the save file load. However it would then be very glitchy, and you'd need to do a new game+ to fix it, losing all story progress but keeping stats and items.


or i could just speedrun the game again, only takes me about 67 minutes to finish saving Cassie, do the meat route, and complete Fawn's route. Either way not alot of time is needed.

Good luck catching up!

already caught up, didn't take too awfully long.

Well done!

Is there a way I can pay a single time to get access to the Patreon-exclusive scenes? I'd be willing to pay more than $5, but I'm not signing up for a monthly payment for a single game.


You can always just pay the 5 dollar subscription then either remove your payment method or cancel the subscription, either way at the end of the month you lose access to the patreon page and don't need to pay anymore.

There's tentative plans to make a steam version, but it'll still be a while yet unfortunately.

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