I have a doubt, not that it will make a difference during the gameplay but it would be an extra detail, they intend to add hunger and thirst, or emotions as there was in the first lust Doll, I didn't get to play it much but I saw this detail and found it interesting.
Probably not gonna add hunger or thirst at this point. It's something that needs to be accounted for from the beginning. Stat changes based on emotions I also thought was superfluous, so it got removed for plus.
yo i need to get rid of a mushroom infection stage 3 but i cant talk to the person because she in the temple but then i cant go to upper new ark city because im naked (because of stage 3) to get the lipstick stuff
Unfortunately that's a known oversight. If you don't have the Patreon version, there's nothing you can do until the public release comes out on the 7th or 8th of February.
The temple trading sequence isn't completely screwed, though. Everything one side wants can be found on the other side, so it's a net 0 change. All you need is enough items to get the whole ball rolling. If I remember right, you need the cat lolita hat to get lipstick kit, which can be found in the New Ark underground mall.
There is a soft lock in the game if you have sensitive nipls and have living underwear and get it removed and wear it again you get stuck and can remove the underwear the only way is to start a new game plus
Nearly all the female characters can. Once they trust you enough to go on a date, you can then give them a fertility pill. The pills can be bought at the Nursery for 1,000 each.
I have finished all tasks except for finding Bell (again) and saving Cassie. Where do I go to find a safe place for Cassie? I have the schedules from Fawn and Sammy, I know about the police from Arlene, and the hobos have been payed, now what? Thank you in advance!
This has been solved, you just need to go new ark and talk to the hobos, they give you access to lin lin, and a distraction
So, I noticed a plus-size toggle in the sanctum recently. Does this mean we'll be getting more fat characters later, possibly the option to experience some weight gain on previous romantic partners, possibly the PC themselves? Or is this just going to end up like the one really problematic toggle that just gets you one potential partner and is otherwise completely pointless?
Okay, that's only logical for a game like this, I was asking about further down the line and apologize for being unclear and possibly coming across a bit rude.
Let me rephrase; is there a chance there will be plus-sized content focused around the PC and/or previous partners, possibly in the form of weight gain?
Thanks for understanding. Hmm potentially, but for NPCs, it would likely only happen after they have finished their story content. For player, maybe possible as an event, but unlikely to have it for the whole game, since otherwise it would require way too much work to account for
So uh do we ever figure out what was going on in the start of the game. Because it's like meet a kitty , stop the mop, get an apartment, get a Domme.
Who TF am I? Why was I in an abandoned lab? Where's my fellow experiments? Why did I awake what seems years after the apocalypse instead of during? Am I a person? A clone?
weird, but for some reason, I ended up getting this when I updated and opened up the game, anyone knows what I could do to fix it, or if there is something I need to do, also does it mean that new features have been added to the latest update could be unavailable?
- Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:\Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local). If you can't find it, make sure you can see hidden folders. You can also type %LOCALAPPDATA%/ into the explorer bar to do the same.
- Delete the folder "nwjs".
- Go inside the folder 'User Data". Then go inside the folder "Default". Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.
- In the app data folder, Go to Kadokawa\RPGMV\User Data\Default. Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.
yea so I'm not that good with computers and I'm on mac and it wouldn't let me download it with the "Game can't be opened" error. None of the solutions it gave in the folder made sense to me but I tried and nothing I did worked. Any solution? Or instructions that make sense to a computer noob like me
Unfortunately, if I did, it would already be in the solutions text file included with the game. You can try googling the issue and seeing if anything helps?
So i may be stupid but what does it mean after labor "an option will be available to settle down with cassie later"? Is it a update or later in the game?
(if you're on windows, don't know bout anythin else) your save data is not located in the game folder, but instead in C:\Users\whatever your user id is \AppData\Local\User Data\Default\Lust Doll Plus
- If you're playing on Windows, Mac, or Linux, there's no need to do anything. Save files will transfer automatically!
- If you're playing on android, don't uninstall the game. Just install the new version over top of the existing one. Uninstalling the game will delete your save files.
- If you're playing on browser, don't play in incognito, and don't clear your cache. Or else your save files will be erased when you close it! As well, some browsers have security settings that prevent the game from saving. Chrome for example doesn't work for some, but Firefox does.
Oh I can't find her, went to the temple and cant figure out where they went, got access up the stairs but the path is blocked by people, I assume it's some sort of trading quest thing but I can't get the items to progress I think, not sure.
Hi everyone! Hi Dev! I hope you're having a great day/night!
Anyway, could someone help me understand something here?
I just checked my logbook and all that's showing uncompleted is Ruined Town: Hang out with Cassie and Alyssa " (May have misspelled the name) and I don't know what to do? I know Alisa interferes with you and Cassie at times but I'm not sure if it's part of it or not?
I've got the Android version by the way.
Thank you in advance! 😊
P S: I saw on one if the patch notes you could bring other characters into the dungeon now. Who are they and how do I get them there?
You need to get Alissa to interrupt you and Cassie 3 times! The one most people miss is having to annoy Cassie (make her change clothes a lot. She can't be pregnant for this.)
For the other characters, look for the seer in the slums. She will give you hints on which NPCs you still have left to meet!
If you were to add raising children it would be kind of useful to teach them skills and you can have them as a companion to help in case you get too aroused. Or another update idea is to add more interactions with Sammy and after you go on a date with her you can invite her to the milk farm, Sorry i just have a lot of ideas.
Unfortunately likely won't happen. It's too unreasonable to ignore them during story events, but too much work to account for them otherwise. Sammy will have more stuff to do for sure!
Do you have any plans to add prostitution to the game? Like, sex for money? There's already being an erotic dancer, so i feel prostitution would be right up that alley.
I recommended the game to a friend and he asked the following question "it doesn't have a multiplayer mode" I know it wouldn't make sense and no reason for that, but it could have interactions between players, help to collect resources, etc, once again, I know that the this is not the focus but it would be a differential, to be able to create a server and call a friend to play with you, the suggestion is in the air.
ok I did what they said, it worked, I rescued Cassie and the story dialogue appeared, soon after this message appears and the game automatically returns to the menu not releasing to continue with the upgrades in the safe house, the save returns to before rescuing- there. not complete yet?
I already did that, I bought everything I had to renew now I'm on the island, fighting the main characters, I've already managed to win the style of the succubus and the catgirl from the safe house, Cassie, I got to a point where I know who she is but I don't I remember the name lol
indivi, what do you think about 40 hours of gameplay with the story and Quests done and all the areas discovered, the secret ones too, I just didn't finish the mission to rescue Cassie because I didn't sign the patreon yet. Quests are in the pictures. hehe
You don't need to sign in to patrion. However you do need to go down to don and talk to him after Cassie is taken. Afterwards you can talk to Fawn and talk about don. sleep and do this again. Then i believe that should get you started. Hope this helps you with your game Matheus779br.
I've done all that, it's already released to start the mission, but when I arrive to negotiate or fight with the don, this option appears in the photo. I just need to sign the patreon to release the rest of the activities.
I have a thought. Since there's this pregnancy system in game, I really hope that the delivery of the baby is triggered by steps. This way the danger of being pregnant and the "better find somewhere to settle down for the birth" can standout. This also means that the birth would need to be outside the Nursery if this is going to happen but I really would love to see this kind of mechanics. Already enjoying your works now anyways!
The main issue I have with this is that the player will be carrying around a baby while adventuring and getting caught up in bad stuff. Feels unreasonable to ignore, but definitely too much work to account for in every situation otherwise.
Ya that would really be a problem. I have seen games that dealt with this by sending the baby home immediately after being born. So it appears directly in the player's house or something. LOL. Thanks for your reply!
look for a temple in the forest, the problem is that I don't remember how to get there normally, read on the Wiki it will be easier than me to remember and explain, sorry I can't help more, but the Wiki is really complete with all the details .
I had sent the link in my last feedback. if you need more help just talk.
I have a very specific idea about the ornamental katana, you could have the option to choose the "way you want to equip" on the waist, then you could have training to acquire skills, like quick draw, or equip them in an attack position, it could be a differential for this type of RPG, I know that this is not the focus but it would be very interesting, here's the suggestion. thanks for listening!
Trying to rescue Cassie from Don, but talking to Fawn at the condo doesn't seem to bring up anything about the quest. I already advanced Fawn's quest to the point that we did the first BDSM session. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or is it bugged?
I tried talking to Arlene at the police station but "nevermind" was my only conversation option. I haven't tried talking to Fawn at the torture rack, only at the condo. Maybe I'll try advancing her story and see if that resets anything.
hey, indivi. i want you to add a little something to the game:
there should be comments from all the characters that have a CG saying something like: "wait, do i know you?" or "have we met before?" in a confused tone. BUT ONLY IF YOU DO "New Save+"
got the idea from the game "Don't escape 4 days in a wasteland" recently renamed to "Don't escape 4 days to survive"
the game is by scriptwelder
when you play for the first time, all characters you meet, its the first time meeting them, on new game+ there are quotes like the ones i mentioned as an idea for this game of yours
so i just did finis the temple quest and almost every quest is there any secret ones or hard one to find? Anyway I’m really looking forward to the next update 😊
← Return to game
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I have a doubt, not that it will make a difference during the gameplay but it would be an extra detail, they intend to add hunger and thirst, or emotions as there was in the first lust Doll, I didn't get to play it much but I saw this detail and found it interesting.
Probably not gonna add hunger or thirst at this point. It's something that needs to be accounted for from the beginning. Stat changes based on emotions I also thought was superfluous, so it got removed for plus.
yo i need to get rid of a mushroom infection stage 3 but i cant talk to the person because she in the temple but then i cant go to upper new ark city because im naked (because of stage 3) to get the lipstick stuff
what do do lol ?
Unfortunately that's a known oversight. If you don't have the Patreon version, there's nothing you can do until the public release comes out on the 7th or 8th of February.
The temple trading sequence isn't completely screwed, though. Everything one side wants can be found on the other side, so it's a net 0 change. All you need is enough items to get the whole ball rolling.
If I remember right, you need the cat lolita hat to get lipstick kit, which can be found in the New Ark underground mall.
Next release will have a fix for this!
is there a gallery mode?
I will check and i'll answer hold on
No Dev said No.
Unfortunately, the game isn't built to allow for something like that.
I havent played the game in awhile but how do I get rid of the shibari rope?
Ask Fawn to remove it.
i'm excited for the new update tbh
Gin Action Yes.
For real
It'll be fun!
There is a soft lock in the game if you have sensitive nipls and have living underwear and get it removed and wear it again you get stuck and can remove the underwear the only way is to start a new game plus
Have you tried talking to Delvie and/or Marin in Transylvania?
yes that after I talked to them and took it off then I accidentally wore them again
Can you send me a save file with this error? Having trouble replicating it
Can't get it to happen again
So who can get pregnant and how?
Nearly all the female characters can. Once they trust you enough to go on a date, you can then give them a fertility pill.
The pills can be bought at the Nursery for 1,000 each.
now yes, all missions complete, now just wait for the next updates and train the statistics, and with 48 hours of gameplay 😘
You don't want Thick Thighs?
I already know that, just go to forest park and talk to the fairy and "play with her" and then you get thick thighs, but thanks for remembering 👌
Nice, well done!
I apologize for being stuck, also spoilers.
I have finished all tasks except for finding Bell (again) and saving Cassie. Where do I go to find a safe place for Cassie? I have the schedules from Fawn and Sammy, I know about the police from Arlene, and the hobos have been payed, now what? Thank you in advance!
This has been solved, you just need to go new ark and talk to the hobos, they give you access to lin lin, and a distraction
The Hobo's will not Cause a Riot on the First Pay.
Talk to them the Hobo you *paid* (Sorry needed to point it out) is using the Money for other things.
Thank you very much!! I also talked to Lin Lin to get the keys after the distraction!
also,after the hobo has really paid(500c,not2000c),go find the police,she will deal with don&keep cassie save
Thank you!! Im so happy she is safe, but i've finished the all the tasks so im not sure what to do now
just enjoy the lovey-dovey show with cassie :)
guys,how could I beat plant mama?
pretty stuck in there
Persuade her if you can.
So, I noticed a plus-size toggle in the sanctum recently. Does this mean we'll be getting more fat characters later, possibly the option to experience some weight gain on previous romantic partners, possibly the PC themselves? Or is this just going to end up like the one really problematic toggle that just gets you one potential partner and is otherwise completely pointless?
Newly introduced kinks aren't going to have much content yet, that's just how it is.
When will the desert be finished approximately in lust dolls plus
There's a lot of work to do with it, so it'll be a couple versions out, but soon!
Okay, that's only logical for a game like this, I was asking about further down the line and apologize for being unclear and possibly coming across a bit rude.
Let me rephrase; is there a chance there will be plus-sized content focused around the PC and/or previous partners, possibly in the form of weight gain?
at the moment it only really allows for the PC to be "thick", you unlock the option by "winning" the fairy queen's game.
Thanks for understanding. Hmm potentially, but for NPCs, it would likely only happen after they have finished their story content. For player, maybe possible as an event, but unlikely to have it for the whole game, since otherwise it would require way too much work to account for
So uh do we ever figure out what was going on in the start of the game. Because it's like meet a kitty , stop the mop, get an apartment, get a Domme.
Who TF am I? Why was I in an abandoned lab? Where's my fellow experiments? Why did I awake what seems years after the apocalypse instead of during? Am I a person? A clone?
To be Solved.
Eventually we will find out! Finishing Linda's route will actually start you on that path
weird, but for some reason, I ended up getting this when I updated and opened up the game, anyone knows what I could do to fix it, or if there is something I need to do, also does it mean that new features have been added to the latest update could be unavailable?

- Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:\Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local). If you can't find it, make sure you can see hidden folders. You can also type %LOCALAPPDATA%/ into the explorer bar to do the same.
- Delete the folder "nwjs".
- Go inside the folder 'User Data". Then go inside the folder "Default". Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.
- In the app data folder, Go to Kadokawa\RPGMV\User Data\Default. Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.
Why what?
Different from the strategy
It doesn't show up until the milk farm is done being refurbished.
How long does it take to build it
A While.
You can Sleep it off if you wish.
yea so I'm not that good with computers and I'm on mac and it wouldn't let me download it with the "Game can't be opened" error. None of the solutions it gave in the folder made sense to me but I tried and nothing I did worked. Any solution? Or instructions that make sense to a computer noob like me
Unfortunately, if I did, it would already be in the solutions text file included with the game. You can try googling the issue and seeing if anything helps?
So i may be stupid but what does it mean after labor "an option will be available to settle down with cassie later"? Is it a update or later in the game?
Settling Down with them.
An Update that might be one of the Last if it ever comes.
It'll come! And likely won't be one of the last either
Oh ok tysm!
That's planned for later!
Where the hell is the graveyard key???
I need to explore more, no idea who rinny is
Succubus in the Abandoned Town Forest.
Pay attention to where the random encounters go when you beat them, there is a secret entrance somewhere!
Hello! I was wondering, can you transfer saved data from an older version to the new one? (in my case it's from version 44.1 to version 45.1) Thanks!
(if you're on windows, don't know bout anythin else) your save data is not located in the game folder, but instead in C:\Users\whatever your user id is \AppData\Local\User Data\Default\Lust Doll Plus
Ah, ok! Thank you so much!
- If you're playing on Windows, Mac, or Linux, there's no need to do anything. Save files will transfer automatically!
- If you're playing on android, don't uninstall the game. Just install the new version over top of the existing one. Uninstalling the game will delete your save files.
- If you're playing on browser, don't play in incognito, and don't clear your cache. Or else your save files will be erased when you close it! As well, some browsers have security settings that prevent the game from saving. Chrome for example doesn't work for some, but Firefox does.
so I've got the itchy status effect, I can't figure out how to get rid of it, can someone help me please?
Village, Nymosa.
The Village Mama.
Oh I can't find her, went to the temple and cant figure out where they went, got access up the stairs but the path is blocked by people, I assume it's some sort of trading quest thing but I can't get the items to progress I think, not sure.
go into upper new ark then go into the hospital
Oh! thanks!
New Ark Basement Floor the Mall, Buy the required Items there.
Most Items they want is Found at The Mall, just remember the Clues the Kitsunes, and CatGirls, give.
ok thank you for that, I was completely lost there. ^^;
Can I Know How To Defeat Gaint Plant
Fairy Queen has the Weakness you need to ask about it First.
Done She Says I Must Get Something Item For She
Dude How Can I Make Cheese
Milk Farm after buying the Refinery from the Upper New Ark Mall, after buying Refine Milk, and get Cheese.
Stuck and confused. Please help!
Hi everyone! Hi Dev! I hope you're having a great day/night!
Anyway, could someone help me understand something here?
I just checked my logbook and all that's showing uncompleted is Ruined Town: Hang out with Cassie and Alyssa " (May have misspelled the name) and I don't know what to do? I know Alisa interferes with you and Cassie at times but I'm not sure if it's part of it or not?
I've got the Android version by the way.
Thank you in advance! 😊
P S: I saw on one if the patch notes you could bring other characters into the dungeon now. Who are they and how do I get them there?
I have the same problem, I just need this mission to continue...
Take a Shower with Cassie.
Have Sex with Cassie.
Change Cassie's clothes Rapidly.
I did all that but only with Cassie in the safe house, not with Alyssa captured...
Do it Again with Alyssa in the Safe house.
i did all this before i captured alyssa, and now that i captured her, those options are not unlocked now...
I'm not sure what you Missed.
Alissa, should annoy you three times when you spend time with Cassie, and then Alissa, will be kept as a house Pet... Kinda.
You can capture people?
You need to get Alissa to interrupt you and Cassie 3 times! The one most people miss is having to annoy Cassie (make her change clothes a lot. She can't be pregnant for this.)
For the other characters, look for the seer in the slums. She will give you hints on which NPCs you still have left to meet!
If you were to add raising children it would be kind of useful to teach them skills and you can have them as a companion to help in case you get too aroused. Or another update idea is to add more interactions with Sammy and after you go on a date with her you can invite her to the milk farm, Sorry i just have a lot of ideas.
Let's not do this, my Brother from Christ listen to what you just Typed.
"Help us in case we got to Aroused"
That's Unlikely.
i meant help us in a fight if we got too aroused
Unfortunately likely won't happen. It's too unreasonable to ignore them during story events, but too much work to account for them otherwise. Sammy will have more stuff to do for sure!
Do you have any plans to add prostitution to the game? Like, sex for money? There's already being an erotic dancer, so i feel prostitution would be right up that alley.
Slavery is Coming, if you think that's roughly the same that is.
As mentioned, there is a big slavery event planned in the upcoming desert!
I recommended the game to a friend and he asked the following question "it doesn't have a multiplayer mode" I know it wouldn't make sense and no reason for that, but it could have interactions between players, help to collect resources, etc, once again, I know that the this is not the focus but it would be a differential, to be able to create a server and call a friend to play with you, the suggestion is in the air.
Unlikely, it's not Built for that.
pfft, would be a pretty different sort of game for that I'd think!
Ever thought about making the option to have mega cock and boobs a permanent option I know it would take a lot of work with all the clothes right?
Eventually it will be Added.
Yes, it's planned for much later!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed Cassie, she's very popular! We'll be getting back to Miki and Sana eventually as well!
ok I did what they said, it worked, I rescued Cassie and the story dialogue appeared, soon after this message appears and the game automatically returns to the menu not releasing to continue with the upgrades in the safe house, the save returns to before rescuing- there. not complete yet?
ok, done, unlocked, now the fun starts in the basement of the safe house haha
Refurbish it VIA Hardware Store in New Ark.
I already did that, I bought everything I had to renew now I'm on the island, fighting the main characters, I've already managed to win the style of the succubus and the catgirl from the safe house, Cassie, I got to a point where I know who she is but I don't I remember the name lol
You can Buy an Addition to the Dungeon at the Torture Rack.
Wait when did this game come out and when is the next update coming
A decent few years ago, if you count the classic version. heh
Public release updates come out every 7th or 8th of each month.
Almost 4 years ago!
Woah. For a game that came out four years ago this game is easily better than any other game I've played for sure
indivi, what do you think about 40 hours of gameplay with the story and Quests done and all the areas discovered, the secret ones too, I just didn't finish the mission to rescue Cassie because I didn't sign the patreon yet. Quests are in the pictures. hehe
You don't need to sign in to patrion. However you do need to go down to don and talk to him after Cassie is taken. Afterwards you can talk to Fawn and talk about don. sleep and do this again. Then i believe that should get you started. Hope this helps you with your game Matheus779br.
I've done all that, it's already released to start the mission, but when I arrive to negotiate or fight with the don, this option appears in the photo. I just need to sign the patreon to release the rest of the activities.
this is a bad end, meaning you didn't successfully rescue cassie.
He Most likely forgot to get Help From Arlene.
Well done! And yes, don't need to be a backer to finish Cassie's route as well!
I have a thought. Since there's this pregnancy system in game, I really hope that the delivery of the baby is triggered by steps. This way the danger of being pregnant and the "better find somewhere to settle down for the birth" can standout. This also means that the birth would need to be outside the Nursery if this is going to happen but I really would love to see this kind of mechanics. Already enjoying your works now anyways!
Oh and the player might get a status effect that greatly weakens them after giving birth or something like that.
The main issue I have with this is that the player will be carrying around a baby while adventuring and getting caught up in bad stuff. Feels unreasonable to ignore, but definitely too much work to account for in every situation otherwise.
Ya that would really be a problem. I have seen games that dealt with this by sending the baby home immediately after being born. So it appears directly in the player's house or something. LOL. Thanks for your reply!
now begins the training of "Sen"
haha, good luck!
auto-clicker really works XD
not yet (ب_ب)
lol you're not the only one who wants to!
how'd you get there? (i'm stuck at the desert lmao ;-;)
this location is in Forest park, try to leave the desert base, I know how boring this base is, but if you can't, See the Wiki for that game.
i got there now what do i do
look for a temple in the forest, the problem is that I don't remember how to get there normally, read on the Wiki it will be easier than me to remember and explain, sorry I can't help more, but the Wiki is really complete with all the details .
I had sent the link in my last feedback. if you need more help just talk.
i got there, now i'm getting rid of this stupid mushsroom by going to the hospital
I have a very specific idea about the ornamental katana, you could have the option to choose the "way you want to equip" on the waist, then you could have training to acquire skills, like quick draw, or equip them in an attack position, it could be a differential for this type of RPG, I know that this is not the focus but it would be very interesting, here's the suggestion. thanks for listening!
haha, yeah as mentioned, it's not really that sort of game. Could potentially have held items giving you certain skills maybe
Trying to rescue Cassie from Don, but talking to Fawn at the condo doesn't seem to bring up anything about the quest. I already advanced Fawn's quest to the point that we did the first BDSM session. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or is it bugged?
Not Sure, I think Indivi, made it so that you can Save Cassie, without Fawn?
You can try and Hire Arlene, or you are trying to Talk to Fawn, in the Torture Rack, go to the Condo Fawn, for Cassie Save Plan.
I tried talking to Arlene at the police station but "nevermind" was my only conversation option. I haven't tried talking to Fawn at the torture rack, only at the condo. Maybe I'll try advancing her story and see if that resets anything.
Make sure you've seen Cassie at the Don's. Then you can talk to Fawn in the condo
hey, indivi. i want you to add a little something to the game:
there should be comments from all the characters that have a CG saying something like: "wait, do i know you?" or "have we met before?" in a confused tone. BUT ONLY IF YOU DO "New Save+"
lol it's a cute idea XD
got the idea from the game "Don't escape 4 days in a wasteland" recently renamed to "Don't escape 4 days to survive"
the game is by scriptwelder
when you play for the first time, all characters you meet, its the first time meeting them, on new game+ there are quotes like the ones i mentioned as an idea for this game of yours
ahh, I've played it, it's very good! It's cute, yeah, but I also don't want to make people think that they need to do NG+ to not miss out on content
so i just did finis the temple quest and almost every quest is there any secret ones or hard one to find? Anyway I’m really looking forward to the next update 😊
Try being Drunk, and Hungover, and then bother some.
Or a Match with Sammy, and Lin-Lin, or a Secret Scene with Mstrya.
I did all those already 😅
Well done, glad to hear~!
question: how and where do i get the creampie?
That's not an Item Ma'am.
And Any Male Enemy, Enemy Ver of Gin, can do it, same to Incubus, Succubus too, if you count that, but for Bloated, Lose to a Infected Scientist.
Question; What was your general thought process in the design for Kitty? I notice that all of their clothes can be found in the New Ark City mall.
Hmm, nothing particularly unique compared to the others. Haha, good eye! I'll likely eventually make it possible to get any NPC's clothes.
a couple more questions:
#1: how do i complete the quest given by don to retrieve cassie?
#2: how do i unlock more magic spells (excluding the genital TF spells)
#3: are there any ways to get another ornamental katana
#4: are there real katanas in the game besides the ornamental katanas?
Ornamental Katanas can be Unlocked After the Manor Quest has been finished.
Here other link.
Cock Growth, Learned after seeing Rinny do it, not sure if you need to finish Manor Quest However.
Boob Growth, Learned after trying to give Bell, boobs, she automatically teaches it.
You Retrieve Cassie, by talking to Her in her Safehouse, step to her and ask about the Don, a day later she has been Kidnapped.
I wonder if Acting Shy would do anything to how the Characters react to you?
Update: Nope.
What do you mean?
Reject every move they Make, except the required ones.