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i have a couple questions:

#1: how do i renovate the safehouse basement?


#3: how do i enter the UNA residential building

#4: how to become T H I C C (hefty chonk if you will XD)

Thicc First. 

Beat up some fairies, BEAT UP not Lewd, make sure you have a Bottle, Collect the Dust, to the Deeper Parts you will find a Glade with a Statue, spray that with Fairy Dust, Gift her Milk, and then Play her little Game, Win and ask for Thiccness. 

UNA residential is Closed for now, You go in through a Cutscene with Fawn. 

Hang Out with Fawn till she leaves her Room, and you alone, be a Rat and look around her room, get a Card, go to the Torture Rack, I'd recommend NOT to Give them the Card, wait outside... 

Return to your Condo, Sleep, Hang Out with Fawn, Confront her about It, Say Sorry you Rat!!!

She will ask you to Follow her, Do what you want here, return to her Condo after sleeping, talk to her About it, ask her about it, Ask to Join, based on your Choice it is Either Free, or you could be a Pimp about it, Sleep for a Day, Return to the Torture Rack, Talk with Fawn, in the Basement, go to Sleep, Return to the Torture Rack, get your First Session.

 Renovations is Possible after Beating the Don, Via New Ark, Hardware R Us, top left main floor, 10k Bits costly but Worth it, Beating the Don in the Past required Fawn, to finish, but Updates say you can do it without her so you can go Ahead, it is Skill Check Intensive so look for Lin-Lin, at a Massage Parlor, Sammy, at a Bathhouse.

Lin-Lin, needs you to beat her at a Fight, or get a Happy Ending. 

Sammy, you shower a few times till she gains interest to Invite you to a One-on-One shower + Good Ending. 

how do i ask fawn that i want to join? send some more details and some pictures so i know what to do

Buy a Condo Unit

Sleep in the Unit Second Floor Leftside room

Meet Fawn Side Gig Domme

Knock on her Door Right of your Room

(1 edit)

Till she leaves you Alone at her room, this is the Fifth time you hang out with her

Infront of Me or Top of my Character location is the Card. 

Take the Card

Go to the Slums, Look at the Pic for the Entrance, right underneath my Character. 

Torture Rack Enter

Ask about Fawn and Show the Card don't Sell it! 

Wait Around and Return to Fawn after sleeping

Be a Brave Rat, or a Coward Rat! 

Dommy Mommy.

Return to the Condo after sleeping. 

Ask about being her Subbe. 


Hang out, Sleep in your Condo, Hang out, she should leave you alone in her Room.

Cost 1.2k Bits based on your Choice you Either get Pity, or Respect, either way won't affect the Route.

does a certain shrine need to be on?

Abandoned Town Forest, Pink small area middle of it a Shrine, just beside the Gaping Plant.

Here link.

Turn on all Shrines.

how do i get rid of the hungover effect??!

One of your best options is to simply walk it off. Over timethe hangover will go away. Otherwise, you can try to sleep at the Transylvania Tower while Rinny is following you. She will try and help you out without completing her route all the way, I think.

Sleeping at the Shared Condo with Fawn, sleeping at the Safehouse with Cassie, and Rinny. 

Drunk also has a Interaction with Bell.


I think shibari arc unlock new skill to player — shibari. And you can use it on your enemies and you subs in dungeon.

Please can you add this skill in your game?


Nice suggestion... hope indivi notices this.

lol not sure I want to draw that many shibari ties for all the different potential targets XD.

Can I help you do this job?

I don't generally accept outside help, but thanks for the offer!

because you indivi?

Maybe XD

Can you add Rinny hook gag into dungeon scenes?

It's possible! I'll see

because you already have it for her?

Not yet XD

Hey everyone! 

I'm gonna cut to the chase cause I don't have much time.

I'm in the graveyard tunnels and keep getting lost. Please help with directions to the manor? 

Thanks in advance 😊

Follow the Pink Indicators. 

One is a Trap and will attempt to fool you so watch out.

Main thing to note is that the exits don't lead where you expect them to. Try doubling back!

(1 edit)

I need some help with the windows version, as while it'll initially save after about two to three times of closing the game and the laptop. It completely wipes all the saves. So far I've lost close to 6 hours of progress from three different saved games.

 Is there a way to prevent this from happening or am I SOL till the next update? 

I've tried moving it to a different folder and putting a exclusion on it and it's still ends up being wiped. 

Playing it on a browser will do this every time if you're doing so in incognito mode. Or if you tell the browser to clear cookies when it closes.

The actual download version for Windows should not be doing this at all, though.
My only guess is that your AppData folder has read/write permission issues.


You can check the readme file to see where the games are being saved to. It's saved in applocale for reference. Something on your computer might be clearing stuff out without you knowing, so check what's running on it. The save files themselves shouldn't delete unless you do it yourself

(1 edit)

Thanks for the assistance on this, I have looked through the ReadMe file but I haven't been able to find any App data on my windows computer for the game ( even after enabling viewing of hidden files and folders ) so either my computer really doesn't like this game and files, or I'm a blind fool and it is staring me in the face.

Either way I'm going to keep trying to get it to keep a save for more than a few days, been a real fun game though so can't wait to see how it continues to improve.


There definitely should be a reason for it. Good luck!


i have a suggestion, in the desert where Cassie come from if I understand right we could meet her parents and make like a date with them and Cassie to be are official bf or something 


I have... concerns... 

Cassie came from the desert as a slave. This we have been told by both the Don and Cassie herself. If her parents were also living in this same desert town, they are most likely dead.
And if they're not...
If they are still alive and in the desert town, that heavily implies they did nothing as their daughter was turned into a slave. Or worse, were the reason she became a slave in the first place.

That's the kind of parents you should only want to meet if you intend to kick their asses, not ask for their blessing to court their children.


or maybe they where slaves to and couldn’t do anything to help Cassie maybe in a quest we would free them and/or their “race”

Based off how the Don speaks, it is a Closed off Trade, so the likelihood of us meeting them is already Low, and lastly, it seems not much is known about Slavery in Context, it's never mentioned much, or at all for that Matter, so it is Rejected ,but not Expunged, so we might need a Extra step to find them. 

I probably won't reveal much about Cassie's parents unless it becomes plot relevant somehow. Right now though, I think it's unlikely, for the reasons tiny Dracula has mentioned

ok i juts had a idea in mind and hope to help with ideas with The game^^


A recommendation:

Add a dildo gag it's just as it sounds

haha it could happen XD

I hope it does

what am i supposed to do when i have reached the last stage for the mushrooms and nymph and nymosa are in the temple

Unfortunately, you cannot do anything with the mushroom stages, all you can do is accept it(I think). Also, the two you mentioned are separated and are located at the guarded doors on both left and right side of the temple. Try to get the item they're looking for. You can buy them or cause a chain. Hope this helps you P3P394cL4p (interesting name by the way)

Upper New Ark Hospital removes them, if itchy they give you Cream, either a Female Doctor, or Cless, gives them, I think been a while since I did that. 


Wait till I put out the next release that fixes this XD


BRO... its been so long, the games has a lot more than I was used too... everything is better after the events of the cat girl... EVERYTHING IS CLEAR... I have the game on the pc, cellphone USB and soon migth make it run in a nintedo switch... soon, I will play this game on all platforms...

This is how good the game and the story is.


Haha, thanks! I've definitely been working on it awhile! And can confirm someone's gotten it to run on switch before, so it's definitely possible!

(2 edits)

indivi, do you think you'll put more characters in the game? i have an idea for one : a draconopode snake  character, or maybe we add snake stuff to the character creator? what do you think?

There's Plans for a Naga. 

Only Temporarily.


There is plans for nagas, not sure about a NPC yet! Potentially snake customizations for player as well

Is there any way to keep the megacock/megaboob transformations so that you have a megacock outside of that one scene?

Not yet

hi I think I have a bug tho I’m

Doing the temple quest and I have go to see rinny and she’s juts gone I can’t see her anywhere she’s not at new ark or anything 

You need to trade with all the different nekos and kitsunes to clear the path forward!

idk what to give to them I’m stuck

They give you Hints, most of what you need is in the NewArk Mall, the 1st Bottom Floor, nearly everything  you need is there. 

thank you I was really stuck


"If you were to disappear right now, do you think you'd be able to pass without regrets?", " what if, that opportunity never arises? Because you waited and waited...". I got a mysterious voice after sleeping at safehouse and now I'm scare that I will skip some event permanently. What does this message means?


It is called the dream go to rinny and say no to everything and then click the ??? option

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you tell me what this "???" option do? I got her pregnant and I cant choose this option anymore unless I wait until she gives birth.

(1 edit) (+1)

If she is pregnant, when you meet her, it should say (Rinny greets you "Hey  ..., look how big my tummy's gotten! We've gotta do it while I'm like this"), Click (Non-pregnant sex acts)

scroll down until you see the option (Ask for '???')

I will not say what it is because it is a spoiler and takes the fun out of it.

Hope this helps!

Also, I'm sorry I think I may have confused you with the first post It has been a wile since I talked to rinny and I was going from memory, but I just talked to her to help with this post 

I'm glad I found this before I finished setting up my automatic system to grind for NIM. Otherwise I might have accidentally missed it.

so I went to try and get another nurse outfit, but no matter how many times I went, and what options I picked, it just won't give me it anymore. same with the doctor's outfit, but not sure about the hospital gown. I think the hospital gown was still rewarded. I'm not even sure if I'm just simply misremembering how you obtained that item; I tried looking it up but couldn't get an answer that actually helped, so I assume it might b potentially bugged.


You get it after a certain event with the nurses. One of the kitsunes/nekos will also trade you a replacement one


How about more weapons such as blades or daggers, each weapons has different damage and effect, even a usable weapon that is a throwing knife (one time use)


Pretty cool knives! I'll see


Did the lab increase how many fridge units it has, or is that a bug? Used to be you could only get one, this time it let me purchase 3, even though I only had enough money for the first. It was "1000" "659 since that's all I had" and "free, because you bought two" (or something).

Ya, is a bug.



It's a bug, it'll be fixed!


Is there any way to make NPC wear nothing? and what character else can use dick growth skills to? Thanks!


Outside of special cases like cutscenes, no. Lust Doll themselves is the only one who's okay with being nude in public.

As for dicks, Alissa is the only person you can grow one on outside the private dungeon. Inside it, there's (so far) also Fawn and Rinny.


Not yet, but there's something in the works!

For anyone who is wondering how hard the island is, i tried it in a charcter with maxed all stats, and i still lost. I wonder what's the actual reason behind it. 🤣


Have you try it to talk the barista or the lady give you drink, she sometimes give hits and weak point guide to rinny, fawn,  and cassie. 

Just make sure you follow they said, is actually quite easy if you follow the hit. 

Like Cassie one where you have to sit on her back(I think) and lick her cause she is a cat, and cat loves licking


Ps, each NPC have different approach, sometimes they will be aware so I recommend you read the text box so you know when to guard and strip their clothes as soon as possible cause when you off guard they could struggle and fight back( especially with fawn, she's a rock head) 

(1 edit) (+1)

All this information is from memory cause I don't play the game for awile , so I check again and edited if something is not right

Thanks for info! Now I'm going to try again.

It's like Rock Paper Scissors.

Except Alissa, something about Alissa, is she is the Only All-Rounder of the Group, no weakness.

From my Experience with her at least. 

I'm not sure if you can force her to fight with a Penis, have not tried that.


It actually mostly doesn't use your stats for the battles haha



im just here to say that i love this game i love the characters the story and all great game ( need more male partners tho) 9/10


and i did a logo for the game i know it can be better tho 


Neat! I'll likely make a logo closer to the end of the development

Met Cless (Dense MFer) yet?

no, who that is and where to find him?

Upper New Ark, School simply attend Class till you meet Cless (Dense Btch) and go to the second Floor, and look towards Right of the Floor, till you find him, finish his Errand, and take attendance on Biology lastly "Don't Dodge"

thank you very much I’m more into boys so that help a lot^^ 


Thanks! Will be more male NPCs in time~

I know I'm late the to the post but how could i get the ink pen? I went to the wiki and did both of the ways in the chamber. Could u tell me by anychance (2023)

(1 edit)

its in hardware r us if u havnt found it yet in new ark city

How do I download it on android?

(1 edit)

Press Download Now, and the Android Widget and it also says (Android).apk

230 MB

I get it downloaded but it won't install for some reason


Phone might be Disallowing it.

you may have to allow installing apps from google also I had a phone once that wouldn't install from google unless you were in developer mode 


immobile inflation perhaps? like MEGA bloat/preg


Maybe for an event!

like id like to see the megacock and being captured by edith, but don't exactly have the funds to sub? would you ever release them to the public

Sorry, it's unlikely.

can you access the extended bad ends, such as edith's or the meat tendrils lady's in the current build, or is still locked behind your patreon?

Is likely behind the Patreon and walls until you pay for the subscription. Indivi has to make profit from this after all, giving monthly updates to the game because is likely that people will just buy it for free. Hope you understand this and if this seems rude, I'm truly sorry.

nah man your cool, artist gotta get paid i understan

whenever I try loading a save this happens? the game only works through autosave

I believe this is because the save file is not updated. I usually trash it and restart. I know there is a better way to solve it but it's likely has to do with files and I'm on mobile so I can't do much. Try getting Tiny Dracula to help. She and FarGuy-Arch are usually the MVP's when someone needs help with something like this.

The Dev, and Dracula, will teach him but will say one thing afterwards, it will be a Buggy, CTD, and Messy, save. 

Playing a new save is Optional, and Recommend.

Aye, you can get the save to load still. Track down "p-zbrow1.png" and "p-zbrow1.rpgmvp" from the old version and copy them to the new version.

But your save will still be broken, and you'll need to do a New Game Plus anyway.
At least you'll have the option to keep your appearance, money, skills, stats, and most items.

I'm a bit stuck on Rinny's quest, it seems obvious the loosened gravestone is the key but I can't get past her objections. Do I need to find a way into the graveyard without Rinny? Become better friends with her?

You will find a mirror at one point and if you interact with it you'll get an option for it to take you or Rinny.

I think I remember something like that happening on my first playthrough but it took me. Did I fuck myself over raising my mys level too high before trying it this time?

No I have a high mys level too. I just kept wandering around till I found the mirror.

Getting Caught is a Bad End. 

Get Rinny, caught to continue the Storyline.

Ah yes, The Pink are indicators for the Right Path, however one Pink Path will try to Bait you.

So Look out. 

is the game available on iOS?

Unfortunately not. You can play it on Newgrounds through browser though

Is there a chance that you will continue Elf Jail after Lust Doll Plus? I really enjoyed (well just skipped male encounters) this game and would like to see more of girls


Glad to hear you liked it! It would likely need to be rebuilt if I went back

I Bought every Clothing, I regret it no longer.

I've brought every item the game offered after dealing with the temple. I doubt something like that will happen again but better safe than sorry.

haha, congrats XD

(1 edit) (+2)

LINDA, ATE THE CHEESE! !!!!! !! ! 




Nothing like watching Arlene thrashing the Don repeatedly because he dares to talk back to her! Did the Don really think talking back to a violent psychopath who is his Domme was a good idea? 

I'm not sure if I can do something after doing the temple-turned-resort bath, dinner, and massage. The neko and the kitsune guarding the upper areas both say "the other stole something, get it and I'll let you in", and there's a spot where it feels like there should be something (it has a ...? there), but either my senses need to be better or that's it for now and it'll be expanded down the road.Also wondering what happened to the two companions that disappeared because of the massage...

Loving the new stuff!


Don, might just be acting to Get some more.

The neko wants her loli cat hat back but you have to buy it from the underground market. Afterwards, deliver it to her and she will give you the lipstick kit. Give the kit to the kitsune and now you have access to both sides. And if you'd like, you can use it before giving it back. Hope this helps musical74.

(1 edit)

It did, thank you very much! :) Methinks Indivi either has played Earthbound or at least is familiar with it, given the Kitsune and Neko upper paths is a giant "gimme this, and you'll get this" thing...

Yes, and it was rather annoying but fun. After that quest was over, I just went to every store and brought EVERYTHING. Items, clothing, weapons, etc.


Earthbound is one of my favs XD

Glad to hear! No comment about the Don, and as you've discovered, it's a big trading quest XD

When i do shibari while Fawn pregnant the rope seems glitching idk if this supposed to be happen or not this what i talking about


Thanks, will fix!

(7 edits) (+1)

Concept for an item, the Time-Stopwatch

It's a stopwatch that, as you'd presume, lets you stop time. Maybe it's bought off of Dalvie? idk, all I do know is that it'd 100% be a Transylvania item of some sort, maybe part of the Forest Park if you push it

When activated in battle, it lets you stop time, but gradually drains your MP by 3 - 30 (depending on your Mys level) for every turn you have time stopped for. This is mostly just for balancing reasons, I'd imagine canonically it works like the stopwatch in that Simpson's episode did

I'm also imagining that it can also be used in scenarios like the BDSM Dungeon, Kitty's room, etc., to presumable results (come on what game do you think we're talking about here), i also imagine that it's potentially giftable to the other characters? Fawn and Rinny, in particular, I don't know how Alissa, Cassie or Bell would react to it.


Stopping time is probably a little too powerful just in general XD

(2 edits)

giving the stopwatch to Linda immediately triggers a bad end

Don't give it to Mstrya, nor Arlene. 

Bad Idea Road. 


Touhou be like

I feel like reversing or slowing time would be better suited but would still be overpowering.

stopping time in particular has a better impact in my mind for the sexual applications

yes it does, however it doesn't really fit in with the gameplay mechanic, if it was more time based like some other games, then it could work.


Um, would you ever consider putting Edith's scythe as an obtainable item? Like usable in the dungeon or such?


A lot of people seem to want it XD

Technically, that's actually her ability, not an actual physical object. But there might be a similar concept idea for the player down the line

If you're planning on adding the concept of deliming someone in the private dungeon, I suggest also having a frame to pin them or something for said ability. Also, great job with the games Indivi, we respect the grind. My hat is off to you.

(3 edits)

So assuming that I've read the discussion and understood it correctly, the game is updated every month on 7th day. Is that correct?

Upd.: Anyway, I like the game so thank you for your work.

Upd.2: Huh. I guess it's not a hard & fast rule, is it?


It's out now, so basically around this time every month!

Thank you! Again, I like this game.

hey how do i get mega boobs?? and  keep them

Not Implemented yet


damn 2 years later


Suggestion: Add an Statistics tab where you can see how many times you did Anal Sex, Vaginal, Oral, etc. And the ones you were forced to do.



This was actually implemented in an earlier version, but was too much trouble to keep track of, so it got scrapped

Even if it requires some extra hours of work, you should consider implementing it back again, since it's an RPG game and it's such a basic (and interesting) feature.


It'll take days to perfect it Kaft, and as said earlier in indivi's reply, it took them too much trouble so it was scrapped. I don't believe this would be necessary such as bugs and fixes. Please keep in mind that indivi has a life as well outside of being a NSFW game creator. Not everything revolves around you. Thank you for your time.

Game name? For research purposes.

The Fixer. I'm only using it for research porpuoses too.

NOW I remember. Used to play it, but i stopped because it is extremely laggy.

Don't know what are your specs, but the game is running so far so good for me

when will be 45 version on android for free ?

Deleted 335 days ago

It's out!

Updates will usually drop for the public at the 7th of every month. Sometimes they'll be delays due to last minute changes but please be patient with Indivi and any others working on the game.

(4 edits) (+3)(-3)

Ummm I have a kink idea for the game 

So is like a tube is connected between the womb and bottle or container filled with your cum/cum extract and is flowing to your womb. 

Is called as artificial impregnation. 

So your partner or you(your character) can be pregnant without having sex. 

Maybe it could available on the bed or pillory stocks. 

Sorry if the description is unclear I not good at English but here the image that I describing about. 

And could you pls added the X-frame to the torture rack it very nice to see the top left corner dungeon is filled.

that all I can think off, i wish you luck



Oddly Specific. But not out of place. 


Not necessarily a bad idea, but I think most people would prefer the sex XD

X-frame's role is more or less already done by the bed, so probably won't make one for private dungeon. Maybe outside somewhere I might

(2 edits)

Alright, thanks for replying, just want to know what you think, although I want see gin using the chastity cage/belt tho 😏

Love to see him desperately trying to cum while his cock is lock, with you(your character) smirk to him and tease him making him more desperate to only came on the chastity, making him look like a kitten than a kitty

Sorry is make you uncomfortable is just something I want to say for so long anyway love your game and wish you luck


Gin will likely get the chastity belt treatment at some point XD


I think I found a glitch with the fridge units. When buying the spare fridge at the science lab tower I clicked on buying the fridge again by accident so I ended up buying two fridges. After trying again with a different save I bought the fridge once and afterwards I could not buy another so I think that you're only supposed to be able to buy one.

Not sure if that's important or not.

I think you already had a fridge unit from Pixie, and it did not show up. So when you went to buy a unit from the scientist, it brought you two. Sorry if this is incorrect Jayden skunkie if this is wrong; is the only explanation I got for it. If you spot any softlogs or glitches please let the developer know. Enjoy you day/night.

I have the exact same glitch, i thought is was added on the game or I was lagging, I click buy fridge unit at the lab like 5 time but the buying button doesn't change so I LMB and RMB again and the buy button is gone and I go to the milk farm and go tot he storage to find 4 extra fridge unit


Thanks, it'll be fixed!

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