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Una duda amigo: ¿Crees estar cerca de completar la historia? Amaría una traducción del juego al Español...


¡Aún quedan muchas cosas planeadas para la historia! Desgraciadamente todavía pasará mucho tiempo.

(2 edits) (+1)

i have to say this game is great i completed it fully two times now and still find it fun to play though i was wondering if possible if i could buy the game with the backer-exclusive scenes on itch as my credit card for some reason doesn't work on Patreon but does on itch.

any help would be great thanks

edit: i dont mind paying like 20$ to 30$ AUD if possible though if you think thats to low or to high i dont mind paying either way.

i was just hopeing you could post a paid version of the  backer-exclusive scenes on itch.


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Right now, there's tentative plans to release a paid version with the backer scenes (not just on itch, but steam as well,) but it's mostly on the back burner right now, while I focus on just building the game first. Just know that something is in the works!

that's okay though im happy that it is in the works and don't worry take all the time you need :)


Why is everyone a girl where's the my boy's at


do you have male partners enabled? There’s certainly less guys than gals, but there’s a few around.


There's 3 named male NPC's, 4 if you include trap characters. I'm working on getting more in!


You really are worth our donates! Keep going man


Thank you! Doing what I can

Hello there, well, do we have the parasite form yet? I don't really remember how to get it

Parasite. No.

Mushroom. Yes.


gin has vanished were did he go 


if you haven't gotten to the current stopping point for his route in the public build then he's probably at the lake

(1 edit) (+3)

Help, I got cocked! (Spoilers for slums bar)

After defeating Lyn Lyn using “non-violent” matters, I went to get a massage from her and she took revenge. Now I have a penis. How do I get rid of it, sleeping didn’t help.

Also out of context, this may be the funniest paragraph I have ever written! 10/10 game!

Deleted 291 days ago

Haha, glad you're enjoying the game! And yeah, succubus Tower, plus go to your inner sanctum to change your pronouns back!

I'm curious about will have the ocean updates come out?

And how do i train Gin to finish mission.

Maid Outfit.

Spam train him, and leave, sleep, return, if he isn't there he is cleaning his clothes... 

Wait do you mean the first part?

You spam train him.

That's it basically.

of course,I  train him about 15 to 20 time,but the mission still on white words.

(1 edit)

The Maid outfit training?

Or the regular?

Has he ran away?

There are Three stages describe where you are.

he has run away once,but he is come back now,and yes I gave him maid outfit,and train him both way.

Potentially after I'm done with the desert! I have a lot of crazy stuff planned for it haha

im stuck atm, how do I get to the temple sections I've been seeing in the newgrounds updates?

Do you mean the inner temple, basically the Trial areas, it's part of the quest for Nymph, and Nymosa, if you finish the first part of the Temple aka saving Nymph, and Nymosa, from totally dangerous situations called being pampered by trading with multiple Foxgirl, and Catgirls, THEN you can proceed under the temple to do the Trials you can choose one of them to participate with you.

i haven't even gotten that far

Have you met Nymph, and Nymosa, in their village?

In the deeper forest you will meet a hunter, chase him around and find a way to block his path so that you can find where he hides.

After is another quest concerning a certain Alruane, you possibly meet earlier on.

To get to the deeper forest you must know the Fairy Queen, within the abandoned forest, after playing with them ask of the gaping plant, this needs a fully refurbished Milk-Farm, without it you lack the necessary item to go forward, which is Cheese....

You should be able to ask the slave people to be a slave and put in a cage so you can still do it after youve passed the thing

It just doesn't really makes sense with the narrative unfortunately.

ah ok

How small do the breasts get?

They can be flat!

That's fantastic to hear!

(2 edits) (+4)

I love this game! especially the little details! (mild spoilrts)

You can go to the party and once you remove the mask theyll come tie you up and tease you. However, if you have  Chastity Belt youll get awhole new dialoge! And the best part, if you wear living clothing then theyll comment on that too, being amazedby it! gotta see if i can get it to work with Parasites too.

Is there anything you can do at these parties or is it just a scene yor usto enjoy with no more quests to it? also is there a way to move into Upper New Ark? or at least get a "Permanent" pass, Also is there an intended way of defeating the science tower infestation that isnt fighting?

edit: Just finished the Don Quest and had a fight with Fawn. Im in UNA but cant find her, ive looked everywhere. where is she?

This game is so huuuuge i love it!


Very happy you're enjoying it so much! Glad to see the little details are appreciated~. For now, the parties are just a place to have some fun, although that might change in the future. There's no way to move up there yet or get a permanent pass. That's waiting on a certain route to be done. For the tower infestation, you do essentially have to fight. I could consider some obscure way to cheese the place I suppose?

For Fawn, make sure you've checked the club and talked to everyone there!

(1 edit)

Alright, sweet! Can’t wait for what’s to come, thanks!

As for the infestation, maybe you could use repulsion spray on the abomination during the fight, doing great damage and stunning it for a bit.

Alternatively you could brew together a stronger version of it using repulsion spray and maybe a new item like Worm Extract from the worm in the forest or Bug Venom or some other rare-ish item you can collect.

That could work! I'll see. It shouldn't be something too obvious I think

(1 edit) (-1)

I have a idea scene for fawn. 

soo what if she like eating breakfast and the context like" You grab fawn's hands and put the thumbs the side of table, you put a water of glass on the top fawn's thumbs, as you eats fawn food she struggling to not make the glass of water drop" Then when she tries too remove the glass by biting it we put another glass of water on the top of her head, after we finished her food we tease her. 

Is this too weird? 


Hmm, not quite sure I'm picturing it correctly, but I do approve of being mischievous to Fawn XD


Like that if you wondering

Hey could someone reply to this comment when the game is completely finished so I can play the finished project plz?


Probably, not soon

That's ok. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes. Wether it takes 1 year, 2 years, or longer, I just want to be notified when the game is finished, and I get an email every time someone replies to my comment.


good way of getting it done faster would be to interact with it and give the dev money

A Lot remains.


It'll probably still be years before it's done I think!

holy shit, 5 years of development and probably being years until finished? 

There's still definitely lots left to work on!


I accidentally progessed too far and made the game unplayable (Can not bang the catgirl)

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)


What you mean by that?

Why that stop you, you can leave the abandoned town by giving her Fish, going to her Safehouse, climbing to the second floor opening her chest and using that key for the forest where you can save a Succubus, from fairies to which she will tell you another place to visit, going to New-Ark/Transylvania you can also meet random encounters to new areas.


his progress was too far to Slave hideout and Catgirl (Cassie)  stuck here until you explore Gold Mine with Mikael, i got this problem too and still waiting for Mine progress but apparently Indivi still focused on Nymosa rute rather than continuing Samuel's Mine

have to restart and speedrun handholding


I'm working on getting her back!


I wish there are some hints in the menu cuz its kinda confusing I had to visit the fandom for some stuff other than that its a fun casual game


Just wander about, No there isn't much clues given it just kinda let's you find things on your own.

Though to be honest some Quest have really specific requirements I wish it gave a clue about.

My brain function on somewhat od an idiot side so I really can't get the hint if its very subtle or of the sort😅


use the wiki


yeah I did its obvious that I would


Thanks! And yeah, it's admittedly pretty obscure at times.


Me waiting for the slave campaign to continue so I can get the catgirl back at her house: 

Intense tea sipping with background elevator music vocoded to the jeopardy theme


you just wanna throw cheese slices on her face huh?


No. I wanna cuddle her.

Then Throw cheese slices.


extremely powerful same

my daily routine of hand-holding, semi-platonic bathing and milk drinking is interrupted and it is very upsetting!


I'm working on it! Should hopefully not be too long

Will there be more wolves?


What kind of wolves are you looking for?

You know Furry, Feral, Werewolves, Gijinka, and maybe some more custom opinions for player character.

There'll potentially be more! Maybe once I get back to Transylvania and expand it

Transylvania is a good place to add some wolves, but I also see the park having some wolves that can be encounter.

Hey, uh, when I get the M2F experiment done, can I change it back?


I don't think u can do it just like that but you can just change your body parts at the succubus tower


You have to do it manually. You can go to the succubus Tower to change your parts, and go to your inner sanctum to revert your pronouns

Okay! Thank you! ^^

I am very fucking confused. I've just barely reached new arc and I have no clue what I'm supposed to do next

Try getting a condo!

I've gotten that done, but I have no goddamn clue what's next

(2 edits) (+1)

talk to your neighbor, befriend the lovely bathhouse lady, and go get a massage... and piss off the jackwagon that separates the slums from the mall

how do I befriend the bathhouse lady? I don’t have any talking options that do anything.

just get baths, then get special baths, and when she tells you she'll spar with you at the gym you have befriended her


Remenber the Succubus from the forest, she let's you go to transilvania after saving her from the pixies.

how do I get to the graveyard? i feel pretty stuck at this point. i've gotten to new ark, i've spoken with people, etc. but at transylvania there's no path forward from what i can se

Take Rinny with you and go to the graveyard's gates.

What Onix said! Specifically bring Rinny and speak to someone before the gates

i am unable to progress past the immediate area around the science facility, the only way our is a locked gate, i've searched to whole map and the only character beyond wandering vagrants and slime monsters is a catgirl who won't talk to me. i am at a loss can anyone help me? i'm running the windows version and all i see in the replies is people talking about how great this game is while i can't experience any of it.


Cassie won't talk to you if you're indecent (unsure of this one), nude (definitely) or holding a weapon (definitely). If you've failed to convince her to help you a few times and she won't talk to you anymore, go ahead and fight her - you won't be locked out of any content if you do. Give her a regular-sized Fish or larger to unlock more content with her.

thank ye

Can anyone help me? Every time I try to download it, it says no permissions what does that mean and how do I get past it? I am on my hp envy.


Not sure. Maybe check that your computer's or browser's security settings aren't preventing you from downloading things?

What am I going to do with giant plant?

Forest park new art city jail or transylvania 

Got a bit lost there.

Giant Plant needs a fully refurbished Milk Farm, plus the refinery from Upper New Ark.

Just for Cheese.

I replied to the wrong comment lol

You'll need to talk to the fairy Queen!

and give her cheese

Where shall I find bell for the second time?

Have you stepped on her usual block?

Won't spawn otherwise.

Abandoned Town Forest.

New-Ark Jail.


i've saved her from the forest, and i cant seem to find her in the jail or anywhere in transylvania. I've looked in the jail in the police station, am i searching the wrong spot? is there a different jail i should be looking in?

Step on her usual square in the Milk-Farm first.

Step on her usual square in the Milk-Farm first.


Buy a Cow Bell from the shop in the new ark mall, this stops her from wandering off


my brain is turning into goo

About right.


Get better soon!

slime brain :)


I've been playing this game for a few years now. im really happy to see you're still working on it! cant wait for more stuff in the future :D


Thanks for sticking it out with me! Still going strong!

(1 edit) (+4)

quite literally the ultimate porn game, contains most of the major fetishes in the world and supports all major platforms plus customizable, how the fuck did you do this this game is insane! i should mention though that it crashes pretty often on the menu screen for mac, and my mac is by no means weak but overall its still great.


Thank you! I've been working on it for almost five years now haha. Hmm, does it give you an error message when it crashes?

(1 edit)

yes it does, its the standard, nwjs quit unexpectedly, I have the details of the crash report tho, (im using the app if that helps in any way)

I really hope I didn't accidentally dox myself with sending these details


Translated Report (Full Report Below)


Process:               nwjs [14045]

Path:                  /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/itch/*/

Identifier:            io.nwjs.nwjs

Version:               65.0.3325.146 (3325.146)

Code Type:             X86-64 (Translated)

Parent Process:        launchd [1]

User ID:               502

Date/Time:             2024-02-03 23:13:29.0794 +0200

OS Version:            macOS 13.4.1 (22F82)

Report Version:        12

Anonymous UUID:        6A57B25D-319B-9139-7DBA-78E123097E9A

Sleep/Wake UUID:       859585F5-AF56-4E52-9D83-DD2EC686BA2B

Time Awake Since Boot: 2300000 seconds

Time Since Wake:       5336 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        3  StackSamplingProfiler

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)

Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11

Terminating Process:   exc handler [14045]

VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region.  Bytes before following region: 4376322048

      REGION TYPE                    START - END         [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD  REGION DETAIL



      __TEXT                      104d96000-104d97000    [    4K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  ...ts/MacOS/nwjs

Thread 0:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:

0   ???                              0x7ff8a436e9a8 ???

1   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x7ff8147385b2 mach_msg2_trap + 10

also I only crash when I press new game and I get to the customization area, if I stay in the main menu I don't crash and if I manage to get in the actual game without crashing the problem goes away so its not that bad.


 Can you add just plain old Femboys? (Boys who dress and act like girls but otherwise are boys.)

There are a couple out there if you look hard enough


Do some Bouncer work at The Rock.

Pretty sure they're adding another femboy in the game

There's one in the game right now, with potentially more planned!


Alright, all the horniness and what not aside

My guys, i need to know how this story progresses

This thing makes me forget why exactly i turned it on, and then keeps me glued to the chair for hours of playtime

This aint a bad thing by no means, this is a fucking masterpiece and i need to know how the story progresses

Which one?

The origin of LUST?

The past of Cassie?

The Magicks of Rinny?

The  pleasures with Fawn?

You really gotta mention which.


All of it really

Why would you want spoilers? Experience is best


No, not spoilers

Just the parts of the game not yet finished

I can't get into the Patreon thing due to lack of funds right now, so I'm kind of stuck on some parts with no way to proceed, so there's that I guess

ah thats probably the entire game if im being honesg

in what part are you stuck on right now? also a friendly reminder that there is a Wiki for the game with a lot of helpful tips on the questlines. peace!

yeah I NEED the mine quest to be finished so that I can get cassie back


Glad to hear! I'll try not to keep you guys waiting for too long.

(1 edit)

We The People demand adventures with Cassie in the desert followed by snuggles and milk!!!!!!

may I humbly suggest, every time you give her milk of any kind, the game counts it without telling you. Then, there's a scene at some point you're alone together during the adventure for the mine, where she is cross with you about going off without telling her. And the only way to make her happy again and allow the story to progress  is to give her some of the kind of milk you've given her the most times. 

Or ideally, it would progress either way but getting it right on the first try would ensure that your relationship goes back to the way it was/progresses even further, once the adventure is over. Though that would be way more work so I wouldn't dare hope, even though it would be awesome.


Are the playable bad ends patreon exclusive? And if they are, is it worth it?

(1 edit) (+1)

Some bad endings are exclusive to patrons, but idk how their like as a non patron



Yeah. Essentially they help fund the game's development. Generally, they entail small playable segments that just go into more detail on what happens during a bad end. Up to you if that's something you'd be interested in seeing!

Thanks for the answer. Just wanted to know what they where

How do I sell Items? So far I have not found a way to obtain credits

Work is abundant within New-Ark.

Selling Items is done through Buck-n-Bangs, in the New-Ark-Market.

Yes dropping is not possible.

Nevermind, Found it.

(North-east in the plaza after getting past the guard)


nice game, I got addicted to it

Glad you're enjoying it! Plenty more on the way!

hey, I have a problem, I installed the desktop and Lust Doll Plus, but I can't detect those saves and I want to move them.

I'm not sure how itch does things, but save files are located here:

Windows: C:\users\(username)\AppData\Local\UserData\Default\Lust Doll Plus

Mac: \Users\(username)\Library\Application Support\Default\Lust Doll Plus

Linux: \Users\(username)\.config\KADOKAWA\RPGMV\Default\Lust Doll Plus

(May need to sudo nautilus if you don't have access to .config)

Android: \data\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus

(Requires root access. For android vers 11+, may also need an adb shell)

thx ❤️


one word, corsets


i would also like to see corsets in game and maybe an underbust corset that lets the boobs be free


I can see about them!


I can see about them!


Spoilers for those who haven't made it this far.

Is Cassie just stuck at the slavers area until I can do the Saul's gold mine quest?


Yes, unfortunately. I'm working hard to get it done!


ok sick, take your time and take breaks as needed video games are pretty difficult to make and update. Love the outfits and characters you can create in the current version though 


Thank you! Doing what I can


I'm running a new game +, and I don't seem to have the option to (don't continue reading if you don't want potential spoilers)

give the fairies cheese. Am I just misremembering the progression, or is this a bug?


You mean the Fairy Queen?

Well you need to play with them first then ask about the Gaping Plant.

Then cheese.


Whoops. Sure enough, my memory failed me. Thank you.

how do you gain cassies trust and get past that big regenerating plant in the park  

Where are you at with Cassie? Big plant comes later. Don't bother fighting it.

i met in the warehouse fought her then gave her a big fish  she only has 2 talking options 

Go to a new open House, should be near the exit called Safehouse.

(1 edit)

IM there shes not doing anything i gave her a big fish

now shee only answers to how long shes been there and such 

I believe next you need to meet the Don. Don't pay the toll when entering or leaving the slums.

how do i get the flesh tentacle things of my character  

Go to the lab in ark city it should be at the top right of the map 

(1 edit) (+1)

got well over 12H on gameplay so far i give this game a 12/10 awesome stuff
i will be waiting on more plus-size content tho its doing a awsome job at covering so many bases and fetishes just hope the dev/devs dont stretch them self's too thin.

Glad to hear! For now, it's mainly Nymosa for plus sized content, but I'll see about more opportunities for that elsewhere!

does someone know from where can i get my savefiles..?


Specify what Device you are using.

Android needs Root.

(2 edits)

It's an Infinix device...Mediatek G90T

Infinix Zero8i

What do you mean by root..?

And what's the method for PC too...


Windows: C:\users\(username)\AppData\Local\UserData\Default\Lust Doll Plus

Mac: \Users\(username)\Library\Application Support\Default\Lust Doll Plus

Linux: \Users\(username)\.config\KADOKAWA\RPGMV\Default\Lust Doll Plus

(May need to sudo nautilus if you don't have access to .config)

Android: \data\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus

(Requires root access. For android vers 11+, may also need an adb shell)

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