Id like to buy this but without a demo or any more real detail on the games inner workings i cant really put any love into how much is being payed for it. i take fairness serious. there's a game called broken dreams correctional facility on this site, do you think you could take a little inspiration from it and add some features from that game? always happy to see games improve and I'll even give a big tip when I can if you succeed.
What do u mean by "like to buy this"? Its got free updates here on the 7th. I'm not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious since u mentioned no "demo or real detail"
my bad, got a little confused. Not used to this method of acquiring games. Been playing it all day after realizing i could just get it. I was mostly hyper focused on "how to get past the tipping to do it later" when it was really just simple. Oberthinking is all.
Ой, я не ожидал, что создатель игры ответит. Я играл в нее 4 раза, но так и не прошел ее полностью. Я использовал пропуск для Кэсси. Может, мне стоит сделать что-то еще? И еще один вопрос, у вас есть русификатор для игры или ссылка на него? Я очень хочу понять всю суть сцены, но я не знаю английский на высоком уровне. Я живу в Украине и мой родной язык русский, но я не поддерживаю войну и тому подобное. Спасибо
я сделал перевод на русский, ниже в комментариях есть ссылка. Там, конечно, есть еще огрехи кое-где, буду исправлять. В любом случае, суть всех сцен будет полностью понятна.
Oh, I didn't expect the creator of the game to respond. I've played it 4 times, but I've never completed it completely. I used a pass for Cassie. Maybe I should do something else. And one more question, do you have a russifier for the game or a link to it? I really want to understand the whole point of the scene, but I don't speak English at a high level. I live in Ukraine and my native language is Russian, but I don't support war and the like. Thanks
Haha, I try to respond to everything. To properly complete it, you need to speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward.
can you tell me which folder/file is responsible for the translation? it seems to me that if I transfer the file/folder to the original version, then something might work. And another question, is it necessary to delete the original version in order to download it with a russifier?
Download the latest release. If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Any other platforms, save files will transfer automatically!
Hi, I wanted to ask again about makeup, for further character customization. I can certainly understand if you've been busy and not able to look into that. Just wanted to ask again in case that request got lost under all of the other ones I'm sure you've gotten. Thank you again for making such a fun game <3
You can use lipstick, but the result is almost invisible. I think that this would require a serious change to the graphics as a whole, and this is difficult.
I would rather see cow horns in the list of horns. Why aren't they there? There are cow ears and a cow tail, even hooves, but no horns
can i just say it would be interesting if there were more kinks since this is in development, for me being a junior in learning gave development. I could say add more like sub categories for different kinks, in example pregnancy, what are the chances or variables of having 1 child. Or would the pregnancy be distinctive like fetal movement or normal in general. Or like is it possible to be more thiccer aka bigger breasts etc. In my case in some like small games (Not big franchises) I would say variables or categories.
Also for some feed back I can say include the variables on the babies, like lets say in a wholesome moment you can bring at least on child and you know do parenting things. Lets say maybe after rescuing cassie (or something)
I don't want to spread myself out too thin though, so chances are I'll mainly be focusing on making content for the kinks already in the game. The preggers system is currently planned to be revised. I'll take your ideas into account!
There are probably some bugs in the translation that I haven't found yet, but I'll try to fix them before the next version of the game comes out.
As for version 70.1 itself, there are a few nuances:
1. In the prison, where they brand, there is a passage down (to the south). At first it is closed, then it opens, but you still can't go through it, because this part of the plot hasn't been done yet. And this can be a problem, because after you're released, you can't go back to prison.
2. Oddly enough, the queen can be "defeated". When I tested the translation, I set all the character's parameters to level 99 - as a result, you can bring the queen's lust to 100% with a contextual attack. But in this case, the game, without saying anything, just returns to the starting point before the fight, which looks strange. I even thought that it would be funny to actually defeat the queen and send her to Edith.
3. If you don't forgive Rinny after returning from prison, she becomes sad and doesn't communicate. But if in this state you come to the Succubus Tower with Bell for breast enlargement - Rinny behaves as usual - has fun and jumps, no sadness.
I've seen the 2nd thing happen, Also in that fight the Queens pic will get stuck in "Charging" when you get her to switch to "Phase 2" and stays like that during the loss and into the next try
(She still emotes and "Darkens", just the pink "Tattoo layer?" stays on) (may also be a "You're doing it to quickly" or a Max stats, thing)
So, im curious now, the "dream manipulation" means we will be able to take others there right? Or essentially have our own "dream prison"? If so, i cant wait to "get revenge" on rinny
Im not sure i understand that point... i dont want to spoil anything for anyone not that far tho, so ill leave that there... What ring? Never heard that b4...unless that's also a spoiler, in which case I'll find it eventually, I'm sure
Well, this is half a spoiler, I guess. I was translating the game, so I saw a dialogue related to this ring. Where it is is unclear, I can only guess. For example, it may be found in the horror shop, behind the second locked door. Or in the manor behind another locked door.
By the way, the "marriage" with Rinny is most likely also a bad ending.
Hey, I've been having issues in the desert. When I try to go around Desert Town my character will randomly disappear. It makes exploring the desert frustrating since I have to keep reloading my save only for the same thing to happen over and over again.
"When you go to the west, you would run into a tribal hunter, who would run from you further to the west. Follow him (remember that you can disabled Giant Plants by rubbing the bulbs; do not attempt to attack them directly, it's still just as lethal as before) right until you pass through the mushroom field. When he follows to the east by passing another plant, instead of following him, backtrack and go through the northern entrance, which would force the hunter to move to the east instead. When the hunter would disappear, search for a hidden entrance in the northern part of location." (с)
When did you add a sound to the elevator? And I do love that you treat "holding hands" as the most depraved thing ever, even more than some of the really depraved stuff!
Update 70...That means I've been following you for...4 years? on this, and longer since I did the original Lust Doll too, Love all the changes over that time! Do wonder when the Government building and the Church in UNA are going to be worked on though! Guessing they are "close to end of the game" since you keep saying "not ready yet", or is it more "what can I do with this?"
Not sure! Sometimes I'll mess with the game's sounds though. And haha it's certainly fun to write~.
Yah, definitely been at it a long while! Government building probably won't be for a while, but the church I do have some things planned, just wanna close up certain plot lines first before I open up new ones.
Unfortunately, body changes like fat or muscles isn't really feasible as all the graphics for clothes in the game would need to be changed for them. I'm considering the possibility for this sort of thing in a potential sequel.
Yeah that seems to be the best, though I've found just buying bulk in mana potions helps for recovery and it allows preventing the loss of the buff for hypnosis.
My game just crashed on me after trying to load a save today. I can't seem to get it open now...hesitant on trying to uninstall then reinstall, I don't want to go through the entire story again up to where I am now (currently in the manor)
When Bell disappears from the farm, "hoofprints" can be seen in Forest Park and subsequent locations. But if you find her, she has normal feet, not hooves. This is somehow contradictory.
← Return to game
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Id like to buy this but without a demo or any more real detail on the games inner workings i cant really put any love into how much is being payed for it. i take fairness serious. there's a game called broken dreams correctional facility on this site, do you think you could take a little inspiration from it and add some features from that game? always happy to see games improve and I'll even give a big tip when I can if you succeed.
What do u mean by "like to buy this"? Its got free updates here on the 7th. I'm not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious since u mentioned no "demo or real detail"
my bad, got a little confused. Not used to this method of acquiring games. Been playing it all day after realizing i could just get it. I was mostly hyper focused on "how to get past the tipping to do it later" when it was really just simple. Oberthinking is all.
Oh got ya.
What parts of broken dreams correctional facility are you thinking of?
Will we ever become stronger than Alexandria
Hmm, I wonder? There isn't an alternate route planned where you beat the Queen inside her own dream though, if that's what you're thinking XD
I forgot does anyone know what South West East and North is
North is up, East is right, South is down and west is left!
Okay bet
I think we're reaching a stalemate ngl
Haha y'all are playing with fire here XD
Wait, I've been away for a while. where is this in npc?
In the succubus jail
How do I open a Dungeon?
You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums!
Ой, я не ожидал, что создатель игры ответит. Я играл в нее 4 раза, но так и не прошел ее полностью. Я использовал пропуск для Кэсси. Может, мне стоит сделать что-то еще? И еще один вопрос, у вас есть русификатор для игры или ссылка на него? Я очень хочу понять всю суть сцены, но я не знаю английский на высоком уровне. Я живу в Украине и мой родной язык русский, но я не поддерживаю войну и тому подобное. Спасибо
я сделал перевод на русский, ниже в комментариях есть ссылка. Там, конечно, есть еще огрехи кое-где, буду исправлять. В любом случае, суть всех сцен будет полностью понятна.
А есть на Андроид?
нет, на Windows только. Пока не знаю, как перетащить на Андроид. Может быть, попробую позднее.
Oh, I didn't expect the creator of the game to respond. I've played it 4 times, but I've never completed it completely. I used a pass for Cassie. Maybe I should do something else. And one more question, do you have a russifier for the game or a link to it? I really want to understand the whole point of the scene, but I don't speak English at a high level. I live in Ukraine and my native language is Russian, but I don't support war and the like. Thanks
Haha, I try to respond to everything. To properly complete it, you need to speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward.
You're in luck! AlexRegT has made a Russian translation of everything so far:
Saino 122 uses Android, and until today I only had a translation for Windows. But today I have already made an adaptation for Android:
Unfortunately, I can't say yet whether it will be possible to do the same for the other two operating systems.
at first, I was happy and downloaded it, but when I tried to update it, it says that the apk file is corrupted. My OS is MIUI
can you tell me which folder/file is responsible for the translation? it seems to me that if I transfer the file/folder to the original version, then something might work. And another question, is it necessary to delete the original version in order to download it with a russifier?
just asking to make sure when updating to a newer version is there a process or is it download and play
Download the latest release. If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Any other platforms, save files will transfer automatically!
ah ok thanks
Hi, I wanted to ask again about makeup, for further character customization.
I can certainly understand if you've been busy and not able to look into that.
Just wanted to ask again in case that request got lost under all of the other ones I'm sure you've gotten.
Thank you again for making such a fun game <3
You can use lipstick, but the result is almost invisible. I think that this would require a serious change to the graphics as a whole, and this is difficult.
I would rather see cow horns in the list of horns. Why aren't they there? There are cow ears and a cow tail, even hooves, but no horns
I can see about cow horns!
Ah did you ask about it before? Chances are it's on the to do list somewhere. I'll get to it eventually, I swear! And you're welcome!
can i just say it would be interesting if there were more kinks since this is in development, for me being a junior in learning gave development. I could say add more like sub categories for different kinks, in example pregnancy, what are the chances or variables of having 1 child. Or would the pregnancy be distinctive like fetal movement or normal in general. Or like is it possible to be more thiccer aka bigger breasts etc. In my case in some like small games (Not big franchises) I would say variables or categories.
Also for some feed back I can say include the variables on the babies, like lets say in a wholesome moment you can bring at least on child and you know do parenting things. Lets say maybe after rescuing cassie (or something)
I don't want to spread myself out too thin though, so chances are I'll mainly be focusing on making content for the kinks already in the game. The preggers system is currently planned to be revised. I'll take your ideas into account!
how do i get the option to fight the succubus queen because it just says not available
no im still on update 69
Then update the game
Lust Doll Plus 70.1 on Russian:
As mentioned, thanks! Updated link on discord
There are probably some bugs in the translation that I haven't found yet, but I'll try to fix them before the next version of the game comes out.
As for version 70.1 itself, there are a few nuances:
1. In the prison, where they brand, there is a passage down (to the south). At first it is closed, then it opens, but you still can't go through it, because this part of the plot hasn't been done yet. And this can be a problem, because after you're released, you can't go back to prison.
2. Oddly enough, the queen can be "defeated". When I tested the translation, I set all the character's parameters to level 99 - as a result, you can bring the queen's lust to 100% with a contextual attack. But in this case, the game, without saying anything, just returns to the starting point before the fight, which looks strange. I even thought that it would be funny to actually defeat the queen and send her to Edith.
3. If you don't forgive Rinny after returning from prison, she becomes sad and doesn't communicate. But if in this state you come to the Succubus Tower with Bell for breast enlargement - Rinny behaves as usual - has fun and jumps, no sadness.
I've seen the 2nd thing happen, Also in that fight the Queens pic will get stuck in "Charging" when you get her to switch to "Phase 2" and stays like that during the loss and into the next try
(She still emotes and "Darkens", just the pink "Tattoo layer?" stays on)
(may also be a "You're doing it to quickly" or a Max stats, thing)
So, im curious now, the "dream manipulation" means we will be able to take others there right? Or essentially have our own "dream prison"? If so, i cant wait to "get revenge" on rinny
Rinny is also a succubus. She can escape at any moment. Also, if you find a special ring somewhere, you can enter into a kind of marriage with her.
Im not sure i understand that point... i dont want to spoil anything for anyone not that far tho, so ill leave that there... What ring? Never heard that b4...unless that's also a spoiler, in which case I'll find it eventually, I'm sure
Well, this is half a spoiler, I guess. I was translating the game, so I saw a dialogue related to this ring. Where it is is unclear, I can only guess. For example, it may be found in the horror shop, behind the second locked door. Or in the manor behind another locked door.
By the way, the "marriage" with Rinny is most likely also a bad ending.
Oh, got ya. Makes sense, guess we'll see in the future
Probably not gonna do a dream prison, since private dungeon already exists, but it'll be something along those lines!
Yeah, i got ya. I more meant like taking someone, like cassie, to that prison... i just didnt word it right
Ah got it. Definitely considering this!
Hey, I've been having issues in the desert. When I try to go around Desert Town my character will randomly disappear. It makes exploring the desert frustrating since I have to keep reloading my save only for the same thing to happen over and over again.
Hmm, I'll look into it. What platform are you playing on?
Does anybody know how to get the Queen's set? Unless it's unavailable as of yet...
What do you mean? You mean the Queen's clothes?
You can't get them yet!
How do i catch up with the tribal hunter? I've been running around in circles AND i tried other paths too but it doesn't seem to work :(
"When you go to the west, you would run into a tribal hunter, who would run from you further to the west. Follow him (remember that you can disabled Giant Plants by rubbing the bulbs; do not attempt to attack them directly, it's still just as lethal as before) right until you pass through the mushroom field. When he follows to the east by passing another plant, instead of following him, backtrack and go through the northern entrance, which would force the hunter to move to the east instead. When the hunter would disappear, search for a hidden entrance in the northern part of location." (с)
you can cut him off while running (turn around while chasing him) youll corner him and he will reveal the secret village
When did you add a sound to the elevator? And I do love that you treat "holding hands" as the most depraved thing ever, even more than some of the really depraved stuff!
Update 70...That means I've been following you for...4 years? on this, and longer since I did the original Lust Doll too, Love all the changes over that time! Do wonder when the Government building and the Church in UNA are going to be worked on though! Guessing they are "close to end of the game" since you keep saying "not ready yet", or is it more "what can I do with this?"
Not sure! Sometimes I'll mess with the game's sounds though. And haha it's certainly fun to write~.
Yah, definitely been at it a long while! Government building probably won't be for a while, but the church I do have some things planned, just wanna close up certain plot lines first before I open up new ones.
Question, is there any weight gain content or the ability to keep mega boobs or cock?
Not yet!
Is there any way to make the letters bigger in size for phones
There isn't, but I can try and see about it
I got idea how to make lust doll plus sized
Unfortunately, body changes like fat or muscles isn't really feasible as all the graphics for clothes in the game would need to be changed for them. I'm considering the possibility for this sort of thing in a potential sequel.
You may want to look at vector graphics, I don’t have any libraries at the top of my head, but it’s likely what I’ll be using for my game.
Edit: libraries as in ways to interact with the svgs, kind of like trials in tainted space.
How do I beat the Succubus queen? I can't figure it out.
Edit: nvm, i figured it out. Just got to keep losing to her until rinny gives up.
Grats on figuring it out~
Android works now!
Also what's the best way to grind mystic?
I would say in the succubus tower, there is a room where you can practice mystic and then another seem in the tower then just repeat
Yeah that seems to be the best, though I've found just buying bulk in mana potions helps for recovery and it allows preventing the loss of the buff for hypnosis.
Glad to hear!
I think it's kind of funny to be able to use hypnotic eyes against your opponents while you're blindfolded
Oh, I'll fix that haha
Will Russian language?
in Russian there is version 68.1
AlexRegT is currently doing a translation! Here's one for r70.1!
Need a slight bit of help with Rescue Cassie. Can't talk to Arlene about it.
Speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward.
how do we get back to the queen? i wanna talk to alex again
(DESPITE HER BEING A BULLY AND A CHEATER!!!)It's not in the game (yet?)
You can't just yet haha. Need to wait for me to implement something for it
How do I make her pregnant?
The player you play as
Random question: How come when lust doll becomes a succubus, they get dark sclera when Rinny and the queen doesn't have them?
we are special (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
They do get it, but only when they use strong magic. Technically I could've had Lust's eyes work the same I suppose
Interesting. Thank you for answering!
how to i fix a bug where rinny isn't able to be found at all
like she's nowhere, but only the encounters when she's gonna give you smth random are the times i can see her
Are you transferring save files from an older version? What does it say for her in the logbook?
sorry for the late reply
no, she's just gone. and not for story wise. just, gone.
i'm currently running a new game bc i dont wanna deal with that
Right. I'll look into it
Now that the succubus queen arc is finished whats next
Well I'll be excited for the next update when Gin comes back
Hopefully won't be too long!
Most likely, it'll be the pyramid in desert I think
I can't wait to play the R70 update.
It's out now!
The dev did say it was on the seventh I believe. Just not the time though.
where from my experience, these updates for the game are dropped when it is night where I am at, so it will most likely still be a while.
It's out now!
R70 update today fr?
It's out now!
So the update should drop some time today correct?
My game just crashed on me after trying to load a save today. I can't seem to get it open now...hesitant on trying to uninstall then reinstall, I don't want to go through the entire story again up to where I am now (currently in the manor)
Thank you! I tried, but no luck. So I uninstalled and reinstalled. Everything is backed up, thank goodness!
What content was added in the r69.0 update?
A couple slime orb scenes. Most of the work went into the last part of Rinny's second route, so r69 was unfortunately a smaller release.
He was trying to say [Will there be any NPCs with heterochromia in the future?].
Ahh okay, that makes sense. Potentially there could be!
As an android user, the next update will finally allow me to play all the content I wasn't able to for so long. XD
Fingers crossed!
R70 update today?
Not yet! On the 7th!
it wont launch
I am not sure what your issue is, it launched for me just fine
Does it give you an error message? What platform are you trying to launch on?
PC, i click launch and it loads indefinitly
When Bell disappears from the farm, "hoofprints" can be seen in Forest Park and subsequent locations. But if you find her, she has normal feet, not hooves. This is somehow contradictory.
It's because the default stuff is furry, rather than human
No, it's not just that, there's an option for Bell to have hooves or normal feet.
And i thought it was made on purpose because of fairies hm...
Thanks, will fix it!
wish this was in browser
It is possible to play it in a browser.
It's on Newgrounds iirc but I could also be a complete idiot
thanks I got it
Right here!:
Itch unfortunately doesn't allow me to upload a browser version, as there is apparently too many files