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(3 edits) (+1)

Hey i have some bugged hoof prints in the abandoned town, i have no problem with that unless Bell will disapear forever x.x (did not happened in 10 times i redo this event).

Im still working on the logbook it might be broken aswell for me (it is showing completed quests as incompleted). I am going to post when i make sure it is really bugged.

Watch out it might be a spoiler for you! //Edit1

<img src="">
<img src="">

I really like this game, thank you!


Hmm, weird. I'll investigate it!

And glad you're enjoying the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh i forgot to update on that, sorry.
The logbook works just fine, but bell is not i have the prints stuck in the new ark aswell, i did not check prints but rushed into the spot where she is, maybe thats the bug idk.
She is fine in milk farm and live happy life dw. //Edit1

Is there a way to get past the giant plant in the Forest park without getting captured?






关于新方舟城上层,需要好一点的通行证,破损的通行证可以在贫民窟给乞丐喂食得知可以在黑市买,然后去找Lⅰn Lⅰn按摩他会告诉你纹身店可以修复,只不过要花500元

You'll need the help of the fairy queen who can be found in the same area!

You can get past the giant plant by visiting the fairy queen, she's in the same area as where the plant is but the route is a bit hidden. Just move your character near the northern area where the plant is(it can be found with your senses high enough or you can walk towards it you should run into it). You will need a bottle, fairy dust, and cheese. You can get the bottles in the Lower Ark area, the fairy dust from the fairies that fly around in the park, you also need a machine to make the cheese which is found in the upper Ark area. It is recommended to go to the milk farm and starts Bell's route to set that up.

Btw, you will need to attempt to fast traveling to the Ark, enter the chance that your senses will pick up a different area, which could be the milk farm, you need decent senses to reveal the milk farm.(10 min - 15 max?)

Deleted 59 days ago

She's in jail :(

I think i stumbled across her in jail once on an old (deleted) save. i completely forgot she ends up there.

Tank Chuuu


When I try to open the game it says that the nw_elf.dll file is missing. How to solve this problem? (I am writing through a translator so there may be errors)

Take a look here!:

I like this


Glad to hear!

how do I get a flue from maid, I am unable to get them from her

Have you talked to Dalvie yet?


It was a bug, didn't get it when buying it from her. But after reloading the previous save and redid it, I got the flute.

Gotcha, I'll take a look

Guys, Ive done it before in a previous save but I've forgotten how.

How do i save Cassie from the Don???


营救她的话,你需要找三个人帮忙(Arlene, Lin Lin, Sammy)



I'd love to do more lactation related things with all characters, and not just Cassie.

I can definitely consider it~

So uh, how do I remove the meat parasite?




在New Ark Cⅰty 的最右上角找到实验室

Look for the science Lab Tower in the city!


Sooo in regards to the succubus queen you get to become a succubus eventually or am I missing something  was reading something bout the quest chain and it mentioned becoming a true succubus sooo like is that a thing you can become or no...?

Also I loooove the work you've been doing hope you keep up the great work... By the way do you have any plans for any vore based events, cause if I remember in Lust Doll Classic one of the enemies would eat ya, Oh and I'm not sure if it's alright to ask but what's your opinion on mods for this version of the game do are ya gonna allow them or no...?

Oh and another thing I wanna ask is I remember there being some slave place in the game I was wondering if there was any plans if it hasn't been implemented or not, but anything like being selling yourself or getting a slave from said place or no? and for the desert area any plans for that? I know there is some content just wasn't sure if there was more or any planed for said desert area 



You'll find out at the end!

Glad you're enjoying the game! Vore, I'm not hugely into, so while I might do some soft vore stuff occasionally, it's unlikely to be a big part of the game.

You're allowed to mod it! But it might be difficult to figure out how it works without knowledge of JavaScript.

There is a slave event in the desert now where you can get captured and be sold. Probably won't do being able to own a slave yourself.

That's unfortunate that there is not gonna be much in terms of vore, as I mentioned I very much enjoy your wonderful game, as for the slave stuff any more enslavment of our character scenes planned out or no...? As for not being able to own one, any reason for that I mean I would've thought in a game like this, it would be something you could eventually do lol

Meh, not that Im saying its something that has to be made/done just curious is all...Also I can't wait to see if we can be made into a succubus or not as that would be interesting to mess around with lol...As for mod stuff now that I think about it, if there are indeed allowed why are there no mods for this version of the game...? is it cause the game still receives updates so modders are likely waiting till game is finished before doing so or...?

There'll definitely be more opportunities for the player to get captured for sure~. And you may end up becoming a succubus after Rinny's route! And yeah, part of the reason is because updating the game can potentially break mods.

I’ve looked everywhere for a rear device is my save to old to find it??

You can find it in the deep forest and the desert, and the abandoned base

As mentioned, some are retroactively added in places you've been already


please make it so i can delete the download's I DON'T wanna get caught with a porn file on my pc 

(2 edits) (+5)

just don't open your pc around people? And deleting the file is on your end


if you're that pressed not to have porn on your pc why did you even download it in the first place...?

If the game isn't deleting, try using task manager to end it.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Hey indivi your game is beatiful.(Edit:Your game is amazing.I have a question for you. Can you add get pregnant without a vagina.)

Thanks! There's anal pregnancy, which you'll need to activate in the sanctum

Thanks indivi


How do you get to the Slaver's Hideout?

(7 edits)

If you or anyone who's reading this haven't figured it out yet, there are 3 ways to know the location. You can find and defeat, or probably convince, the caravan of slavers on the desert beyond the north entrance to get the directions to where it is, this is a random encounter btw, or go behind the salve house by following the wall to find a way in, from there you convince the rest of them to willingly bring you there or something. Keep in mind that they don't trust strangers or smth like that... and uh, save before both, you don't get second tries on those. However for the third one you have to work on the town's brothel and seduce a slaver I suppose(?), but unfortunately I do not know what to do beyond that point (sorry).

[Kind of a spoiler imo] Also you need to disguise yourself as one of them eventually, so probably try your best to spot some small details that could ruin the disguise too. Oh and pay attention to the color and position of "it", don't worry you'll understand what im talking about soon enough.

So, I hope I helped you out on your journey! Anyway, just search for the wiki if you're still struggling I guess, I did it for this part of the quest too lol.


Can a doll get pregnant without a vagina, since you can enable the possibility of getting pregnant through the ass? (mpreg please mpreg)

There's ass preggers in the game, yes. You'll need to enable it in the sanctum

Nope, it doesn't work, it's been tested on an Infected Scientist, the status doesn't appear. It wasn't until I added a vagina and lost to the Infected Scientist again that the Pregnant: Early Stage status appeared.

Hmm, I'll investigate it. Although do note that Pregnant: Early Stage only applies to vaginal pregnancy, not anal.

Aah, I think I got it. I thought anal pregnancy was the same as vaginal pregnancy, just through a different orifice. Well, it's a little disappointing. But the game is still cool. I couldn't put it down for a few days, huh~

How do you become a succubus?

You can't (yet?)


*smacks lips* NOICE!

Yep XD


*sees the verion*

yeah XD

How do I progress the Desert questline? I didn't have nearly enough money to do anything with the slaves, & I don't really think I was expected to with how absurdly expensive it was, & the King will always take that red lady. I've explored the two maps that were currently available, & have done some belly dancing.





sunshⅰne south gate走 东2 北5----


It's definitely not expected for you to be able to afford the red lady!


what's the difference between patreon and public version?

(1 edit) (+2)

Patreon's is one update ahead which you can see what's in the next undate in the development log just above the comment section.

Edit: when the next update shows up later this month for patreon.

Until then we are at the same version right now...

thanks! is there any content difference within the game, however? like sometimes devs have cheat version or more scenes or some such.

I mean when you make your character you can give them max stats and money from the beginning.

But yeah I get what you mean and as far as I know their isn't a difference other than supporting the creator and getting to play it early.

neat thx!

I looked at the patreon and there are backer exclusive scenes it seems. So there are differences



As you've noted, it's 2'ish weeks early access, plus access to the extended bad ends!

ty for the confirmation!


Hey I know I've been asking a lot but can you add striped long gloves (like the socks) in one of your future updates take as long as you want tho

Hmm, I can add it to the list!


How do I start progressing Alissa's questline? I've already had her interrupt the bath scene, & the bed scene, & I remember one other in the safehouse, but I've run out of options with Cassie, & Alissa never had any talk options so far. 


Ok so the bed scene: check

Bath scene: check

Is the one other the scene caused by making Cassie change repeatedly?


That's the one!


Glad I could help.

(1 edit)

Okay, did that, now what?

Nevermind, it was pretty simple after that. 

Sleep ether at the safehouse or somewhere else then talk to Cassie again.

I think you need to sleep, then talk to Cassie?

(1 edit) (+2)

When will the next version be available to the public? 



I don't know if this is going to be addressed in your next update but I found a bug about Route Skipping where Pixie is completely naked.

This bug is visible both in her lair and in the manor.

Please forgive the poor quality of the image, I was taking a photo of pc with my Phone. 




Huh strange. I'll look into it


Pretty cool sneak peek

Idk where to find the best thing to eat for the fair

The fairies? I think you're looking for cheese, which requires the milk farm and upper new Ark!

Hopefully the fix for the android bug will be remedied in the next update.

I'll try something simple for now and see if it works. It'll be in r70 though, not r69.

What update will the desert be complete?

When will there be more to the science tower?

Sidenote: I wish you could do more with Kitty, even more so with Pixie.

Don't know. There's still so much left to do in it, so probably at least a year.

Science Lab Tower is periodically updated. Shouldn't be too long.

Glad you like those two! Kitty is likely to have more stuff. Pixie will be further out.


any chance of there being limb detachment content outside of manorquest?  kinda sucks that there's only one segment and it's not repeatable.  also, unrelated, really wish the untogglable kinks were mentioned in-game before you get to them?  I somehow missed the line about the meat parasites while reading the list and that really blindsided me when I got to that part - having it pop up in-game with all the others (even if it's not togglable) might've helped.
though on a positive note i am so glad you've got all the various kink toggles you DO have in the game - so many of these games just throw you in the deep end with little to no warning about what kinks they've got, and even when they do warn you there's no way to avoid kinks you don't like outside of just trial and error.  my fantasies don't involve random pregnancy risk - thanks for letting me just turn that off completely without having to like find some late-game item or something.


I would need a proper in game reason for being able to detach limbs temporarily. So not impossible, but Edith is still the best source for that sort of thing.

Sorry about that! Wasn't really aware that some people would see meat parasites as something they'd want to toggle off. That might be tricky for that sort of place, since it's so prevalent there.

And glad you like the kink toggles that are there! Definitely one of those things that I think is important to adult games with a wide variety of kinks.

Oh yeah, at this point toggling off the meat parasites definitely seems like a no-go without a massive retooling and I'd never ask for that in good faith.  Mostly I'd just like something like a content warning in-game of like - I dunno, right before you get to the togglable fetishes, a list of the non-togglable ones?  Or something?  So for people like me who breezed through the list on the store page - or people who didn't read it at all - they get an opportunity to go "wait no these things *will* be in the game".  That's all!


Im stuck on cassie where there is only 2 talk options and I cant capture anyone


You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums!


Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm currently fighting the Flesh Elevator, buffed with Invigorated, Sated, AND Relaxed, but it just destroys me easily. There's no text tell for when it's gonna do the big damage attack, so I waste Stamina preparing for a counterattack when I could've healed. 

Am I just doing this fight too early or something? These are my stats, & I've got dual hammers equipped. 


Great stats but you need the Schock spell from the Transylvania quest line all flesh monsters are week to it use it about 3 times on the boss and you should win with melee spam if you still lose redo it sometimes you get bad rng and the boss spams his atack


How do I get Rinny to start teaching me magic? Because I don't know the risk involved with learning magic, & it's none of the 5 default answers.


Go to the class and library in the upper floors of the tower, one of them has the right answer, cant remember which though.


I'm having trouble installing it on android. Any suggestions?


Not too much unfortunately. You can try re-downloading, reinstalling, clearing out some space on your phone. There's also apparently issues with recent android devices not accepting .apk files anymore. I'm still working on figuring out how to update the port method to use the newer .aab format.


This news as an android player hurts me.


Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon


So, I was able to download it. For anyone else having trouble, I went to yhe Play Store, under play protect, and turned everything off. With permissions on my browser of course.

Ah okay, good to know!


You should make a special interaction with the slime orb and the slime monsters from the abandoned town


That actually makes a lot of sense haha


Is it possible to change the eyebrows of your doll after you've created it? It seems weird you cant change them at the barbers.


You can, but it's in upper new Ark

What this? (Android version)

Hmm, not sure. You can try re-downloading and see if that works. I've never seen that symbol before in the top left

That's the transition bug I was talking about. It causes this issue for some reason.

Oh I see. That's the one huh

I tried but it didn't help, it happens every couple of minutes of the game and I have to restart

Ah okay, I know what that is now. Actually working on a fix for it, hopefully soon!

That happened to me when the game I guess crash on the android. I was wondering if there was going to be an update to fix that, other than that good job.

If so, when?


in what update will you finish rinny's route, as a completionest it pains me to see it unbeatable.


The plan is to finish it for r70!

Hey did you fix the issue with the game on the Android where if you load 20 transitions the game starts to break issue?(It goes white) Cuz I had to save like every 20 transitions. Which often had me close the game, repeatedly.

Do you mind trying this version and see if it works?

Okay, so I may have an issue with external ways of downloading the game. Downloaded on my mega on my cloud drive, what do I do from there to set the file up to make the game playable. I would love detailed instructions. If you can tell me every possible step without skipping one I might be able to play and test that slightly different version, and see if my game doesn't crash along the lines. And by the way instead of crashing during transitions on this new update, it crashed during a fight. Don't know if it's still crashes during a set amount of transitions yet.

Like if I have to use RAR? If so explain what I have to do on that and where to take it from there. Just give me detailed instructions and steps, thanks.

Ah, are you using the itch client to play the game? If you're not comfortable with how to work with .rar and .apk files, then don't worry about it. I'll figure something else out.

Well tbh, I'm trying to figure that shit out. If you can give me pointers on how to do it, I might be able to work it out. Cuz I never done it with RAR, but I'm slowly learning as I use my phone and other features. Learning how to download a game from a different port just seems a bit confusing.

rar files are actually meant to be used with desktops, although there probably is an app for extracting rar files on mobile? Essentially the .rar file is an archive, and you would use an app to extract the .apk file inside, which can then be installed on the device.

Hi! I hope you take all requests into consideration ;). Nymph is really cute and my favorite, I would love it if there was more to do in his route.

Hi, I do! Glad you like him! His initial route is shared with Nymosa, but he'll likely have his own second route somewhere down the line!


I'm hoping that the android issue I keep encountering with it randomly crashing gets a fix or workaround. So far the only thing I know is that it might have something to do with how the images are called in because the game seems to have a chance of breaking every time I transition rooms. 

I want to be able to enjoy this game without worrying about it crashing every time I change screens. XD

Hey, thanks for following up. Can you try this version and see if it doesn't break?

Let me see, I will have to play for a while and see if I experience any issues.


Ok... Bad news. Every time I put on clothes I get this error.

Ahh okay ignore that for now. Are you able to walk around? Does the game crash if you transition a whole bunch?

Let me test that.

No issues at the moment from transitions. The game seems to handle them better for the moment as it doesn't feel like the game will crash every time I try moving to a different room. Might need to test a bit longer.

Gotcha. Let me know if it's good, and I can see about a setting for android users

The game's save system loves to random break and stop letting me make new saves.

What platform are you playing on?


Hmm, shouldn't be any reason why you'd suddenly not be able to save. If you're playing through browser, check your browser's security settings, specifically related to writing and deleting cookies. Otherwise, maybe check your antivirus settings.


will this game also has ftm, or Trans-Masc options?


It does, technically. You can customize pronouns and genitals, so... yeah.


yeah currently there's no option to create a post mastectomy trans guy tho


Yeah fair. I'd also love top surgery scars, trans gang :rocknroll:




There's been some requests for ftm. I'll see about it!


i’d probably sub to the patreon if you added it in 👍 i literally want it soooo bad lol

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