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Hello everyone, does anyone here speak Russian?


Привет ты можешь говорить на русском языке?

Hey it's kinda getting suspicious now, I know the whole game is literally nsfw but when I tried to download it it said it's for a older version of Android and may be unsafe. Can you maybe update the version?

is actually fine to download the old one, but it will rik you to have big in the game, crash the game, and maybe stop your mobile Intirely

Really not sure what's happening, but there shouldn't be anything dangerous on there (the app doesn't even connect to the Internet at all.) Make sure you're only downloading from official sources. Here on itch should be fine.

Full animations should be added, the ability to enable cheats in the settings and bigger furry dicks and bigger tits ....

They have cheat

Indivi said animations will not be added

How do you interact with the Iron Maiden? It doesn't do anything for me

There isn't any content yet for the Iron Maiden after the gold mine mission is completed. That'll change in the future!

will there be more customizable options for the player character/lust doll (e.g. - more animal & non-human type options for ears and tails)

english isn't my native language so my wording may be a bit odd


I'm not the creator but I say yes, maybe

There'll be certain customization rewards for clearing the end of certain routes!

how can I talk to Alice?

There no Alice in lust doll plus

I think they meant Alissa

When I first determined my gender, I couldn't change it, but I saw the term "change gender" in Personal. I have a poor understanding of it. Can anyone explain whether this is a change of gender or another character's perception of "me"? My" appearance remains unchanged? (Google Translate)


Basically it means you can change your pronouns. You keep your body, but you'll go by let's say She/Her instead of He/Him.

You can change your sex appearance in Transylvania


Or you can do a change from male to female in the science lab by participating in the experiment (you also get 500 credits)


Hello everyone, how can you avoid being found guilty in a Transylvanian prison?


You can't, it's bull-oney pulled out the Queen's ass

The dev intended it to be that way so unfortunately, you can't bypass the story

I'm missing something with Alissa but I'm not sure what, and she's MIA so I don't know what to do. I had the hypnosis therapy on her, and also saw Rinny taking advantage of Alissa, with it, but after that she disappeared. Not police, not the slums, not New Ark, she's not in the Safehouse... where am I supposed to go next for her?

Thinking this is a glitch, but I defeated Linda at the Island with lust, then when I went after her again, her lust was like 95, making it super easy to defeat her again (twice!).

Hmm, I'm honestly not sure now. I think she should be either in the safe house or succubus Tower, but you can try the wiki and see:

For Linda, did she fight with anyone else in between you defeating her and fighting her again?

(3 edits)

THANK YOU, I didn't realize after seeing Rinny abuse Alissa that I needed to confront Rinny about it to move things forward!

Both times she didn't fight anyone else. Once her lust was zero but she wasn't at full strength, and once she her hp was around 2/3 and she had about 50 lust. Same place both times so not sure what to make of that? Edit to add something: Fawn and Cassie are dueling, I help Cassie out and Fawn loses, Afterwards, it said that Lust and Linda got a point, even though she wasn't involved, it was Cassie that should have gotten the point. Seems to be true for all of the ones where Lust tips the scale, Lust gets the point, but the other person who gets the point is wrong. Fawn and Rinny fighting, I help Fawn (so Rinny loses), yet Lust and Rinny get the point...

Hmm, I'll try to figure out what's up. To be honest, the code for Island is extremely convoluted, so probably not that surprising that there's bugs haha.

Later updates (not necessarily the next one) can add that when "my" Res and Mys reach a certain value, I can control flesh tentacles and partial possession like Mistyra.

There's something like this planned!

Can you use tentacles to attack and defend? Can you make the sclera of one eye black after being possessed? (Personally I think it’s cool) (Google Translate)

Those ideas might be planned for something in the future as well!

Will this be added to the game in the next update?

It'll still be a while yet, but I haven't forgotten about it!

How to buy a dungeon?

you need to contact the builders in new york city, but before that, gain the respect of kasi

Thank you

glad to help


Hello everyone, what about this?

Hard to explain, sorry

Look for secret passages in the walls!



small question for the def, how close is the game to finishing???

Still pretty far out I think! There is much left to be completed

How do I beat Marins cock teasing challenge. No matter what I do it always ends with Pixie saying "don't play too much" and Marin telling me it didn't count since Pixie "found out". I think it's the challenge you get after doing the cursed lingerie challenge. 


If i remember correctly, you have to bring Rinny

question if i want to solve the meat problem at the lab do i need to beat Mistyra? thank you for any help



dang it thank you

Hey, haven't played in a while. Just wanted to ask, is there any new content involving hyper/cumflation? Not where YOU get bulged or bloated, but where you do it to someone else.


so what to do with it?

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U can't do anything else with slaves yet


Try out the latest stuff and you are teasing again! Get me all interested and then *wait till next month!" The Queen of the succubi is...extremely weird, I'm hoping down the line I'll be able to humble her somehow. Random question, who is truly in charge, Pixie or the Queen? Part of me wants to sic Pixie on her...  surprised that I was able to resist the Queen's magic when I only had a 25% chance but hey, I like it when RNG is nice to me (for a change)

I don't know why but I'm having this idea of Edith being released and seeing who can do the flash better, the Queen or Edith. with Mistyra in the background jeering them both, but the guards can't do anything to silence her so there's chaos...yeah my mind goes on bizarre "what about this?" sometimes

How did you manage to do this if I didn’t succeed at 45%?

RNG can be really weird with this game sometimes. I've had a 91% chance of succeeding fail, and some 25-35% chance succeeding actually succeed. I THINK it's because Indivi wants to make sure even the lower success possibilities will succeed occasionally. Given my luck I was surprised that I was able to resist her, honestly.

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and even if it works out, Rini says sorry and takes her to the queenand what to do about it?

Nothing the when the dev intends for something to happen, you can't avoid it

Oh ha, I've done nothing to skew the probabilities. Sometimes you just get lucky/unlucky.

Haha, yeah, just drumming up intrigue for her route~.

Pixie and the Queen are in charge of separate domains! They don't really have beef with one another I don't think.

Haha, would certainly be quite the spectacle! Still, Edith's flash is technically different from the Queen's as well XD.

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Why does extracting it got be a pain in the aces

There's admittedly a lots of files in the game now.


Hmmm, I wonder what the next "story" location will be once the desert area is done? And I do want to say that it feels fairly disconnected at the moment. location wise at least. with everywhere having their own story, and then that's it onto the next area. nothing new shows up in an older place.
not really a bad thing, more just something I noticed. ^w^ Also magic, I'm still wondering when we're going to get more of it. it's been... a long time since we got a spell or something like it.


Oh, for sure. A big reason for that is because of how open-ended the game is. That said, I do revisit old areas and add new things. For example, Rinny's second route has just started up in Transylvania.

Yeah, I also realize that too. The next spells you're supposed to get are from Nymosa, but haven't gotten around to setting them up yet. Just always so much that needs to be done


Indivi I'm curious about succubus queen on rinny route part 2, i don't know what to do so I back off a bit until how. There's 1 thing I've noticed is the boobs and hips on every girl in lust doll didn't get bigger, facts about pregnancy when women got pregnant their breasts grew bigger and nipples turn darker and their hips get thicker. When every girl including future ones in lust doll is pregnant suppose to have bigger hips, breasts and dark nipples. When hyper pregnancy happens girl's breasts and hips get even bigger(including lust doll's breasts). Indivi what do you think of this idea and any outcome after part 2 of rinny route?


Sometimes I darken the breasts and what not, but I'm admittedly inconsistent with it. I'll see about hyper pregs at some point. Currently working on Rinny's second route!


Ok then so any hint on talking to succubus queen part cause I don't want to make mistakes here, really wished every (future ones included) girl in lust doll have their boobs and hips stay bigger regardless they give birth. So what if girls and lust doll sometimes have extra pregnancy related occurrence happen when pregnant?

Yea that's more then fair. But it would be nice to be able to find more secrets when revisiting old places with now things, though i know that wont happen for a very long time. ^w^ also, I didn't realise that the second part for Rinnys quest was there! I'll have to take a look at it!
And yea it's kind of been... what, nearly two years now since the last spell? (might be less but I've genuinely lost track ^w^; sorry if that feels like nagging btw.)
thank you for all the work that you've put into this game, it's genuinely great!

I sometimes do, but trying to prioritize new areas/plot for now. And yes, Rinny's second route just got started~.

Haha yeah, I know it's been a while for a new spell. It'll happen eventually, promise!

And you're welcome!


I have a question: will the “transformation” we achieved at the abandoned base be added to in the future? (Google Translation)


It's planned, yes!

how to find bel?


Bell is in one of three places: Forest Park Cave, New Ark City Jail or Transylvania Streets. If you have other questions, look at the wiki.


You have to ask about her disappearing or she will NEVER show up. Once you are told she has disappeared, it'll be in one of the 3 places mentioned.


gift her a neck bell next time so she wont wander off again, you can find that at the ark mall. 

Does the desert have cats


Does Cassie count? XD

i mean yeah 

After telling you about the mysterious cave, I can't find it again! (and I really tried to!)  Maybe it's for one of those maps that aren't available yet?

Dunno if this is intention or an oversight, but Linda-in-Island isn't meat parasitic, like she figured out how to get rid of it just for the island, when Linda-in-lab is meat parasite version. 

It's on purpose. You have to get her naked first then the parasites appear

All the unique locations should now have maps to them that you can buy in the desert city!

And as mentioned, she might have a surprise for you if that's what you think! XD

Tell me please🙏🙏🙏

and how to get to the queen in the succubus tower, upper New York City, gain Cassie's respect and get into a closed room on the estate?


You cant get to the queen, closdd room probably are not meant to be so, no-clip cheat

and cassie, you gotta visit her in school and interact with her, anything else you have doubts with, you can also check the wiki

this is what it shows me

it's not in the game yet


and how to defeat this flower?

(1 edit)

If ur not a patreon member u cant go to the queen yet..wait until the update comes out for the public

Okay, will the update come out here?

I don't know the dev's release schedule

and maybe they will add character sounds to the game update?

I don't think so

Hello everyone, will there be a game update this month?

There's an update every month


Really like the game. Insanely high quality for a free game. It's given me probably around as much playtime as a $30 game I play.

Glad to hear! The cool part is, there'll be even more to play later on!

That's good! I really hate when devs make something amazing then abandon it just to make some grindy game or something similar.

Haha, I'll try not to let that happen XD. It can be tough though!

What's new in the version 63?


-Added Nymph bed scenes for Private Dungeon

-Adjusted Nymph lying down expressions

-Revised sorting for hair colors when using Hair Master

-Added many eye colours to Eye Master

-Added Open Flannel Shirts to UNA

-Added Striped and Rainbow Thighhighs to Underground Mall

-Revised method for loading properties of wearables

-Fixed Overalls when have large chest

-Fixed Overalls when have large tummy

-Added many colours for Overalls

-Fixed issues with Nymosa's Wrap and Slave Cloth

-Fixed issue where messages in history log appear out of order

-Fixed Linda not putting her glasses back on after private dungeon if you didn't take them

-Fixed Slave Collar being automatically put back on after being taken off

-Fixed clothes not resetting properly when leaving Private Dungeon

-Fixed NPCs wrongly taking credit for player pregnancy

-Added Nymph being able to impregnate player

If you want be updated what's new in each update check the Newgrounds news from indivigame's profile

Here's link for the news

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I know I said I would try the original Lust Doll... but... my device isn't compatible so... RIP, but when I can, I would try it!


Sorry to hear! Compatibility is actually one of the bigger reasons why I switched over to LD Plus!


Your game is really amazing! I often come back to see if there's anything I haven't discovered yet. Rinny is so cute, keep up the good work! And will there be more storylines and  private dungeon added for characters like Future Mistyra, Pixie, Lin Lin, or other characters in the future ?


Thanks, happy you're enjoying it, and that you like Rinny! Definitely have plans for story routes and private dungeon inclusion for those characters and others!

Is there a way to get mega boobs yet i have been trying to find out but i cant seem to find it


Not yet, waiting on a certain route to be completed!


Getting the compass helps a ton to find out stuff!

Jut wondering, how will the questline with Bell work out? The sultan has healing waters, but I couldn't afford the $$$ to get the slave (don't have 80K laying around, yanno) and I broke up the gold mine, meaning the Sultan shows up even less... He may not have known who messed with it, but it just feels like poor Bell is doomed to super small boobs...


That's what it's meant for!

Bell's quest actually won't have too much to do with Sauel haha. You'll see what happens!

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Bro, get your moneys up, be like me! I stayed for like 20~30 mins(dont remember exactly) fighting in the secret fight club at nearly every disadbantage and gained those 100k needed( i wass curius what would happen if i had the money when the sientists asked for a millionare patron)

So anybody know how and where to find that preggers specific location in the desert. Cause i have no idea where to find or look.

After finishing the gold mine, there'll be a new NPC by the desert city's south gates!

Who knows where to get cheese? It's important to me.

Go to hardware r us yk renovation the milk farm and wait till finish go science lab head down floor yk buy everything, once you buy it go to milk farm yk go find refinery use it wait and ye yk what to do

You'll find the machine to make it in Upper New Ark!

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How I access the island? Also how I use magic grow cock?

It's in the gallery in upper new Ark! For the magic, you can learn it from Rinny!

I spook the npc and I can't access the island

Anyone know when/if the premium pass thing for UNA is gonna be added?

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Specifically the premium pass, it's basically supposed to be a perm pass instead of a one time use and it lets you skip the waiting line and go straight to UNA

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That'll most likely be connected to a certain route. Not sure when it'll get in though.

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