So, the gold mine was added in the latest Patreon build but I don't have it, so I am going asks a few questions. 1. Can we use a pickaxe as a weapon or at least an item we can use? 2. Can we collect gold ore within the mine and maybe other ores to sell? 3. Can the player be sent there if no one pay them as a slave? 4. Can we turn whoever is behind the slave trade into a slave, so they get a taste of their own medicine? 5. Can we run the gold mine ourselves?
1 there is a new weapon, but not pickax although that would've been a good idea I think.
2 you can collect gold ore, yes.
3 you do get sent there during certain bad ends, but not as like a playable segment
4 unfortunately no, as nice as that might feel haha. Completely overthrowing the slave trade is probably beyond the scope of the game, but you do get to kickstart the process in the next release
Not 100% sure why the patreon blocks are on the bad ends. Most people will avoid bad ends, it only affects people like me who like seeing the bad ends.
In other news, great game! I know the top of this made it seem like criticism, but it's just an observation. I honestly love this game, and I hope you keep working on it. I would hate to see this game die like so many others
Yeah honestly the bed ends being locked behind Patreon is a bit annoying for the people that like seeing them. Like I get it. Most of them are really raunchy compared to the rest of the game. So locking them behind a paywall makes some sense. Even if only a little bit. Maybe in the future when the game is in a more completed state, it could change. Though that won’t be for a LONG time.
Plant lady is definitely a good one. Though my personal favorite is somewhere else. In a hidden area that you have a chance at finding when entering the “head out” area.
Thanks, happy you're enjoying it! Been at it for 5 years now, still going strong!
Haha, I know what you mean about the blocks. They're meant to be incentives for people to help fund my work, which is how I'm able to work on the game as much as I do, so that's why they are there. And you'd be surprised how many people want to see the bad ends. It's not just you!
5 years!? Jesus, you are definitely the type of dev to stick to their guns. Respect. That would mean this game has been in development since 2019. Just before covid really started taking a toll. You kinda had the best timing possible for this project, considering people would be more likely to stay home than before the fact.
You have to earn it haha. But serious answer, there's a lot that's going to go into it besides the aesthetics, so that's why it's not just available at the start
I feel so silly asking this question, but how do I get Bell out of the bath stall? XD I've asked everyone in the temple and even used all the facilities but she's still stuck lol.
The bath area in the Temple of Polkopola. The game won't let me leave the temple or go the the bottom level without her. I've talked to everyone, paid to use the facilities, and walked around and waited, but nothing's happening. *shrug*
By the way, have you figured out how to access magics from the trickster god? I think he said you had to talk to the chief of the village, but she just keeps saying the same things with no new dialogue.
If you got it, it should be in the log. Try looking there first. If it isn’t but you’re still not sure, look in the logbook and it should say something about “dream desire” as one of the quests.
no idea who it is as of now. Though I do have some theories. (Spoilers)
It could be Fawn after the retrieval from the upper crust of new arc city. The only reason I think it MIGHT be her is because you move into the same condo as her once you talk to her next. Though it could also be Rinny, but she hasn’t really said anything about it? Mostly because in most media, succubi are seen as dream demons. Other than that, I have no clue as to whom it would be referring to.
See, I would not have known to do that. Like AT ALL. So thank you for this tip. I think the most I figured out how to do on my own was the Cassie questline and how to get through the manor. Speaking of, does the locked door inside the manor have a way in or the locked door in the shop where you got the chastity belt?
I had recently found this game and am quite enjoying it. For a game that has more risqué themes to it, the plot is actually well written aside from some minor spelling and grammatical errors. I have a few things that I would like to see in future updates. (Spoilers ahead)
1. More scenes with demonic Fawn. I found that character design to be well made, and it would be a shame to make it only available by enduring her losing control 50 times and then another 60 to end the encounter. As of now the only way to see that design is to either give yourself max endurance at the beginning of the game, or to spend hours doing crunches at 24 hour fitness. Kind of a waste tbh.
2. More content for working with the don. He’s scum, but he’d be a good source of credits if you do grunt work for him beyond the whole Cassie quest line.
3. Sub level dungeon to capture enemies for a kind of gallery type area. Basically every enemy would have the capture option for you to view their ‘special’ scenes whenever you want. Some enemies are harder to get to than others, so it would just be convenient.
4. I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but giving the partner of your choosing a ring would probably make for some really wholesome interactions with them. Call me sentimental, but I kinda wanna see what Cassie would look like in a wedding dress.
5. The ability to stay with the harpies after you cut yourself free for one of them to be a named NPC that you can date, bed, and take to the dungeon.
6. More spells that you can use in the dungeon. Like hyper cock and ball/breast growth or something along those lines. The combative spells are helpful, but the utility of other spells is pretty cool. I think in total there are 4 skills you can learn? One of which is via the fairy queen, and is only a passive that isn’t really all that useful. 2 spells that you can use from the succubus are combative and only one can be used in the dungeon (not counting the cock and ball growth). The other helps against the parasites which is convenient. Like “that place gave me a hard time because I kept running out of stamina or getting too horny until I got it” convenient.
7. Make it so you can’t lock yourself in an infinite loop being unable to get anything done because the parasites attached to your crotch won’t let you get off. (Actually something that might help with horny wearable items is that after “desperately aroused” it just makes you cum right there on the spot when the next prompt comes up.) This includes but is not limited to the parasites, the vibrators, and the living underwear. These are all the things I know about being in the game. However I suspect some other things will be added in the future. Maybe a curse for the pyramid that isn’t an article of clothing or a toy but rather a semi incurable status effect.
Welcome, and happy to hear you like it! Let me know any spelling/grammar errors you see and I'll try to correct them!
1. I'll see! That form of hers is surprisingly popular haha
2. Haha, most people actually want to see him ousted for the reason you mentioned
3. Not sure what you mean here, but in general, a scenes gallery is pretty much unviable.
4. Something like this is planned!
5. I'll see. A harpy character could be interesting
6. In time there will be more skills/items you can use in the private dungeon. Mostly focusing on getting characters in at baseline functionality first.
7. That kind of stuff is intended to be a hindrance, so it's expected that you work towards removing them. Cumming on getting too much lust was actually how it originally worked, but for certain reasons it was changed (I forget why now, but there likely was a good reason?)
The reason for the change might be because it broke something in the game. In all honesty, I don’t see any other reason that it could be. I mean, it stands to reason that something like the living underwear and all that WOULD cause involuntary orgasms.
Maybe the chastity belt? Then again, it isn’t unheard of to have an orgasm in that kind of device. Especially when vibes or other erogenous zones are taken into consideration.
The only other thing I can think of is that it conflicts with edge and denial scenes that are made to get you to 100 and stay at 100. But even then, that’s a hard coded event isn’t it? And procs from the living underwear and parasites don’t trigger outside of the overworld
I mean, MAYBE a bad end is the culprit? Specifically the ones like where the don makes you a pet for Cassie. Where you’re kind of made to be continuously horny if you are unlucky with the some kind of RNG with being satisfied by goons.
Slave Trade: Go around sunshine if you have good Sense, you will spot it regardless, if not find a weird empty tunnel and faceplant till you find the hidden entrance. (Note: There are more ways to find out about this)
Hang Out: Take a Shower with Cassie, Frisky time with Cassie, and Change her clothes a few times too many.
Go to the part of the slums where all the hobos are, one of them will mention a junk seller who sells counterfeit passes. These only have a small chance of working tho.
When you’ve visited Lyn-Lyn a couple of times and tipped her well, she’ll tell you about a place that fixes them, giving you guaranteed access to UNA tho it’s quite expensive.
Passes are a one-time use, so once you use it it’s gone and you need to get a new one. You can however get a repaired counterfeit pass and repair others yourself using an ink pen, but there is a good chance that you’ll ruin the pass.
So what else can you add and improve, completely finishing the tower reclamation project from Linda's lab, fixing the desert maps to buy from Sunshine and find the ancient springs for bell, or spicing some kinks up a bit.
like how so 🤔 , I looked some comments from other people saying about hyper cock and other things, I mean some kinks not getting enough love for this game like hyper boob, hyper cock and cumflation let's not forget hyperpregnancy to lust doll and other lovers. So remember newt the salamander girl from Sunshine, how were gonna see her again and win her over again. So any luck about Sammy, linlin and Arlene story route.
Hey. I really like your game, but since i no longer have a computer, i cant play it anymore. By that i mean that it doesnt work on my phone. When i try to create the character, it just freezes and then crashes. Always. So i cant play it. If thats possible, could you do something about it please? I really want to play your game again.
I haven't played since version r54.0b but I wanted to write some of my thoughts down. I started playing the game for the limb detachment since I have yet to find another game that has that as a toggleable kink, let alone has it in general. I like that there are tons of kinks that can be toggled on and off, but like said in many other comments I feel that some of the other kinks should be toggleable as well. I didn't have an issue with any of them though, and I know that it would be difficult to do considering how some story important story elements include those.
Sadly it seems that kinks like limb detachment don't get much action in the game, which does make sense considering a vast majority of people aren't into it. It was an incredible experience though, the best out of any game I've seen considering that again no other game has it. My only real wish would be getting that cool limb detaching scythe as something you could use, but I don't really have much say as I'm not in your patreon. Definitely plan to support you though when I have the money!
Aside from the limb stuff, the game is pretty amazing! I love the diversity in everything, the kinks, the clothes, the characters, the tattoos. I got the little stitch tattoos for hopefully obvious reasons. The writing is really well done and immersive, the character design is eye candy and everything kind of grew on me. I'm kind of bad at writing reviews so I don't really know how to describe the fantastic experience I had, so I'll just leave it off here. Also kind of nervous to post this
I love what the game is doing and where it is heading. I'm sad that as someone who really enjoys limb detachment, this is the only game that has it, and there is only one segment. Everything else in the game I have had no issues with and is awesome in their own ways, and that only thing I would want added would be that cool limb detaching scythe after beating that one woman. I will definitely continue to play and support the game because it is simply incredible, and because it is still, my last time saying this, the only game I have ever found with the limb detachment kink.
Glad you're enjoying it! And yeah, there admittedly hasn't been much in terms of limb detachment, since it's not exactly something you'd expect to find just anywhere haha. I'll definitely get back to Edith at some point, don't worry! And maybe there will be other ways to see limb detachment, maybe with portals
Great game and all, but why are only certain stuff available to turn on and off? I feel like there should be a greater variety of kinks that should have an on-and-off switch. Better than having to just skip through parts of the story because of uncomfortable scenes and potentially missing info important towards a character. Or at least have the option to have a say in certain activities, when possible, instead of just silently going along with them.
The more kinks that are able to be turned off, the more work is required for me to account for them. For that reason, only stuff that's really polarizing can be turned off. Same thing with having a say in certain activities. Being able to back out of just anything is a tremendous amount of work compared to just avoiding it in the first place.
Probably a dumb question, but I’m new to downloading games from itch, if a game is updated do I have to reinstall the game? Asking due to lust getting a new update
For whatever reason isn't showing me updates for this game outside of email notifications. Nor does searching for the game by name bring it up.
Hey indivi, have you thought of using the ruined lab's mechanical seat?
Edit: Is it a bug or is it on pourpose that when you enter the slavers hideout and learn about the mine Cassie doesn't come back to the safehouse? Because I can't progress through it without being able to interact with her
I kinda suggest something, as a like, newcomer in a game development, you should try like, for your customization, you should add a variety of slots, like how many eyes they have, or how demonic, how animal and stuff, if you do that, I bet people with different personalities can customize their lust doll to their liking, love the game though, great art and coding.
Glad you're enjoying it! Those customizations could be cool, but do have to consider how much work is involved and whether those changes have an effect on in game stuff versus just being for aesthetics purposes.
Well it’s your choice sir or ma’am, but like I said, it’s your choice, it’s not my game and it’s yours so. But if you want to, it’s your choice. Good luck with more development, I hope it features more. I mean I don’t expect it but good game though. Good luck!
Warning, long "review "ahead, all of this is opinion, and does not detract from the fact that this project is clearly made with a lot of love.
After playing a bit more, I have to say your character writing and world-building are phenomenal, which makes me sad to admit that despite that, the game just isn't for me.
While I can tell you do a lot to cater to everyone's desires, the result is that if you have very specific wants (In my case, a cute futanari/trap who isn't a total doormat) you end up wandering for hours and often left wanting.
The game just isn't great at hinting what to do next, at multiple points I progressed by trial and error, doing things like purchasing a random item that seemed unrelated to anything or running into walls that had nothing to differentiate themselves from other walls.
Even so, you eventually end up at the point where every NPC is just looping their dialogue, quests are stuck at the [not available yet] stage and you can't tell if that is because it's not yet implemented (Because sometimes the game outright tells you that, others it doesn't) or you haven't completed another quest line far enough... Or maybe you missed another easily overlooked item in a store you haven't bought.
Then you end up where I am, reluctantly doing things you know you aren't into and make you uncomfortable because nothing else seems to work. After all, despite disabling it, the the 'main story' made me go through a long dismemberment section which (despite offering to skip it,) it insisted was important. It also made me purposefully get infected by a flesh parasite to progress another quest line (despite having also disabled parasites). This leads to a feeling that doing extreme content that you're not into is not optional.
Then, if you didn't max out all stats in the beginning because you wanted some progression, you end up grinding for hours in case the lock is an arbitrarystat requirement (Which the game informs you of with varying consistency)
In the end, the lack of guidance and feeling you have to do things you don't like in hopes you might find the small pockets of content you do want make for a frustrating experience in an otherwise really solid game.
TL;DR/Conclusion You crafted something amazing and special. It's a lack of direction and sections that made me feel awkward combined with sparse content that did excite me that made me realize it's just not my cup of tea. 'Trial and error' just isn't as fun when it feels like it forces me to engage with things I dislike.
Still, I will throw a couple of dollars your way to show my appreciation for your hard work, Please keep it up! Maybe one day when it's finished and I'm less of a wuss I will pick it up again!
Thanks for the review and consideration! And yeah, it can be admittedly difficult to find specific content. I try to be relatively realistic with where certain content can be experienced, but that does mean some kinks don't get a lot of action until I work on areas where they are present.
I don't know if there's a lot I can do to address your critique, but I'll try to learn from it. And thanks for giving it a go!
Don't worry, I totally understand! As I said you really have something amazing going on! I know the intricacies that come with gamedev, especially such a grand project. I also note that you do try to take some anti-frustration methods (The shortcut teleporters for example, Thank heavens for those!)
The scenes you do have are nice, even if not catered to my sexual preferences they are well written and enjoyable to read just for that sake. For the character interactions and the plot. (Yeah, I'm watching this porn for the plot, who'd guess?)
That being said... After having mentioned how you clearly try your best to care for your players... We have to have a serious talk about the trading-hall-from-hell, the part where you have two rooms with nothing but NPCs wanting you to fetch things from all over the world... W-why?... For what reason? Who is this for?
As a game developer and writer you sometimes have to ask yourself "Does this make the game better? Is this fun? Does it add important lore? Does it further character growth? Does it progress the story?" The answer to all of these seems to not just be 'no' but it seems to actively do the opposite for most of them. It...baffles me... don't get me wrong! Part of me thinks the concept is hilarious! But actually having to play through it... not as much.
I kept finding myself coming back to the game because it intrigued me, that was my stopping point... It just felt so pointlessly tedious for the sake of being pointless and tedious. In the end I looked it up on the wiki and decided that, even with that, it was a chore... After having figured everything else up till then out, it wasn't a long-lasting uncomfortable fetish scene that broke me, it was the "trading hall from hell"
So I end with the question, is there a reason it has to be like that? I felt the love and care you put into every facet of the game, how you hook the player and take them on a wild ride... So... why?
Thanks! Glad the QoL stuff is appreciated~. And to be honest, many people have told me they play this mainly for the plot haha XD.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's said that they really enjoyed the trading hall section of the Temple. It's meant to be something you come back to later on if you don't have what's needed to progress, but I understand that it's frustrating to handle. Here's some reasons for it:
1. I try to change the gameplay up and keep things fresh for the player, which leads to some experimental ideas. Some work out, others don't.
2. I only really have one month to both figure out what to build for the next release, and build it. In game development time, that's really not a lot to work with.
3. I don't generally go back and change or revise things once they are done. Usually, I just learned what I can and apply it in the future.
That's an understandable philosophy. And one I can respect and used to ascribe to myself. I also understand the pressure of having to put out content fast, please don't burn yourself out! If you need to take a break your players will understand.
One small thing I could suggest that may help ease confusion is to replace the "Not yet available" messages with "Not yet implemented" as 'available' is quite ambiguous and doesn't tell the player if they are missing something or if it's just not there, where "implemented" is more clear on that end.
For the the trading hall though, that one is harder, right now it is an avoidable example of a "wall" which serves no purpose other than to frustrate players.
What made me turn around and get fix these in my games was watching a video by the youtuber Josh Strife Hayes called "The Quit Moment". While it mostly deals with MMOs, I felt it applies in any game in a broader sense!
Of course, whether you want to go about changing it or not is up to you. An option if you don't want to outright remove it is to just make it feel less overwhelming.
For example by telling the player something like. "This looks like it will be a pain, but you should be able to make a path if you can just convince a few people to move out of the way." when they interact with their first obstacle NPC.
That way the player won't feel like they -have- to satisfy everyone there right away!
Thanks for understanding! Definitely doing what I can to pace myself and not burn out, but it can be tough for sure. I can see about changing the not available message to be more clear. As for the trading section, I'll try implementing a skip for people that get past the initial parts of it, so that they don't have to do the last half.
"The Quit Moment" is pretty interesting! Definitely makes a lot of sense for sure. I'll try to keep watch for avoiding stuff like that.
While you can go there, you can't interact with it. It's in the map because when you lose to a harpy and escape you spawn there, so you can use this to get out of the dessert safely
Really nifty game so far! Just wondering, so far all the futanari content (And the lone femboy) have been super submissive and rather limited. (Also it seems that none of them have the ability to impregnate the player)
It's pretty good but I can't help but think, am missing anything or is that pretty much it? No hope for a more switchy/dominant futa character encounter or a rare futanari (variant) enemy that can pin me down and put their baby inside me? (Or even just to make kitty give me his kittens?)
Regardless, It's really amazing, might not be 'it' for me, but loving the characters and world-building!
This would be really lovely! I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy! Especially if for a change, you have a girl who actually takes pleasure in the risk of putting a baby inside you rather than you having to pretty much force her through tying her up like you have the others, Eehehe!
Something that'd be nifty would be being able to milk Cassie with the portable milker when she is pregnant and has seen you being milked at the ranch before in the pillory stocks or somethin. It'd be a cool way to get Cassie's milk.
(Spoilers) In terms of combat I feel like it would come down to Lyn-Lyn vs Linda.
Lyn-Lyn is an excellent and very experienced fighter, with her fighting in the ring daily and able to hit “weak points” all across the body to stun her enemies.
Linda has her parasite abilities, greatly enhancing her strength and endurance, as well as giving her a whole array of new abilities to take down her opponents.
Tho Linda outperforms Lyn-Lyn in strength, Lyn-Lyn still has a very decent chance to win thanks to her agility and Linda not knowing about protecting her own weak points.
Honorable mentions would be Edith (I think?) with her magic scythe and Camilla with her spores. But one is stationery.
Pixie would slaughter everyone, but even hypothetical scenarios cannot force that woman to fight unless she wanted to.
The newest version has a glitched Fawn. I've repeated the rope event multiple times, but it always reverts back to the "ask about rope" scene when I return to the shared apartment.
Edit: maybe my save hadn't worked out there is no issue after i checked again
talk to the hobos in the slums and one will tell you about a junk merchant that sells counterfeit passes. Use those for a low chance to get into Upper New Ark.
If you want a more expensive but fail proof way, go to the massage place and get a few happy endings from Lyn Lyn. Iirc eventually she’ll tell you about a guy that can turn those counterfeit passes into high quality ones for 500 bucks.
Once you have one you can also use an Ink Pen to repair passes yourself but there’s a good chance to ruin them completely. Iirc the INT stat increases the success chance.
I may have encountered a bug, Bell has wandered off as usual but I can't find her at anywhere, I searched the police station, the forest and the place with succubus but she's nowhere to be found
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So, the gold mine was added in the latest Patreon build but I don't have it, so I am going asks a few questions.
1. Can we use a pickaxe as a weapon or at least an item we can use?
2. Can we collect gold ore within the mine and maybe other ores to sell?
3. Can the player be sent there if no one pay them as a slave?
4. Can we turn whoever is behind the slave trade into a slave, so they get a taste of their own medicine?
5. Can we run the gold mine ourselves?
1 there is a new weapon, but not pickax although that would've been a good idea I think.
2 you can collect gold ore, yes.
3 you do get sent there during certain bad ends, but not as like a playable segment
4 unfortunately no, as nice as that might feel haha. Completely overthrowing the slave trade is probably beyond the scope of the game, but you do get to kickstart the process in the next release
5 no, and probably won't be a thing I think.
Not 100% sure why the patreon blocks are on the bad ends. Most people will avoid bad ends, it only affects people like me who like seeing the bad ends.
In other news, great game! I know the top of this made it seem like criticism, but it's just an observation. I honestly love this game, and I hope you keep working on it. I would hate to see this game die like so many others
Yeah honestly the bed ends being locked behind Patreon is a bit annoying for the people that like seeing them. Like I get it. Most of them are really raunchy compared to the rest of the game. So locking them behind a paywall makes some sense. Even if only a little bit. Maybe in the future when the game is in a more completed state, it could change. Though that won’t be for a LONG time.
The main reason I don't like that, is because of the scene when you lose to the plant in the park. I want to see it, but I can't.
Plant lady is definitely a good one. Though my personal favorite is somewhere else. In a hidden area that you have a chance at finding when entering the “head out” area.
Thanks, happy you're enjoying it! Been at it for 5 years now, still going strong!
Haha, I know what you mean about the blocks. They're meant to be incentives for people to help fund my work, which is how I'm able to work on the game as much as I do, so that's why they are there. And you'd be surprised how many people want to see the bad ends. It's not just you!
5 years!? Jesus, you are definitely the type of dev to stick to their guns. Respect. That would mean this game has been in development since 2019. Just before covid really started taking a toll. You kinda had the best timing possible for this project, considering people would be more likely to stay home than before the fact.
Thanks, I've definitely been at it a while XD. I'm glad people are enjoying it!
I get that. I honestly wish I had the money to spare.
It's a good way for indvi to get money to support their project!
I love seeing devlogs on the game released in patreon. It mean i just gotta wait more or less 18 days to play it.
It's definitely nice to see the progress!
I fricking knew it. "17 days ago".
um, is the slaver quest available yet? mine says i cant do it yet
anything past getting your butt rescued is currently unfinished.
If you're talking about the gold mine, it's only available on Patreon currently! It'll be out to public next month
Couldn't you place the massive tits by default in the character creation menu?
You have to earn it haha. But serious answer, there's a lot that's going to go into it besides the aesthetics, so that's why it's not just available at the start
I feel so silly asking this question, but how do I get Bell out of the bath stall? XD I've asked everyone in the temple and even used all the facilities but she's still stuck lol.
I need more context to help you. Maybe send a screenshot?
The bath area in the Temple of Polkopola. The game won't let me leave the temple or go the the bottom level without her. I've talked to everyone, paid to use the facilities, and walked around and waited, but nothing's happening. *shrug*
You need to talk to the Neko that’s in the bottom right of the changing rooms. Took me about 10 minutes of searching to find her, so hope this helps.
Ooh! lol Thanks! I could have sworn I talked to everyone. o-o
By the way, have you figured out how to access magics from the trickster god? I think he said you had to talk to the chief of the village, but she just keeps saying the same things with no new dialogue.
Are the new ark quests mostly main storyline? the closest I got to main story was taking Linda to the ruin lab.
Most of the quests in the game involve other characters at the moment. Main story hasn't yet been developed past what you've seen with Linda.
Can someone tell me what the dream says? I just slept, and i think i got it.
If you got it, it should be in the log. Try looking there first. If it isn’t but you’re still not sure, look in the logbook and it should say something about “dream desire” as one of the quests.
Ok. I will try
It says "search for someone to fulfill your dream wish" or something like that
no idea who it is as of now. Though I do have some theories. (Spoilers)
It could be Fawn after the retrieval from the upper crust of new arc city. The only reason I think it MIGHT be her is because you move into the same condo as her once you talk to her next. Though it could also be Rinny, but she hasn’t really said anything about it? Mostly because in most media, succubi are seen as dream demons. Other than that, I have no clue as to whom it would be referring to.
It's Rinny
It is rinny. It is one of her frisky-ness options. You just have to no untill she lists them, and do the bottom one.
See, I would not have known to do that. Like AT ALL. So thank you for this tip. I think the most I figured out how to do on my own was the Cassie questline and how to get through the manor. Speaking of, does the locked door inside the manor have a way in or the locked door in the shop where you got the chastity belt?
I had recently found this game and am quite enjoying it. For a game that has more risqué themes to it, the plot is actually well written aside from some minor spelling and grammatical errors. I have a few things that I would like to see in future updates. (Spoilers ahead)
1. More scenes with demonic Fawn. I found that character design to be well made, and it would be a shame to make it only available by enduring her losing control 50 times and then another 60 to end the encounter. As of now the only way to see that design is to either give yourself max endurance at the beginning of the game, or to spend hours doing crunches at 24 hour fitness. Kind of a waste tbh.
2. More content for working with the don. He’s scum, but he’d be a good source of credits if you do grunt work for him beyond the whole Cassie quest line.
3. Sub level dungeon to capture enemies for a kind of gallery type area. Basically every enemy would have the capture option for you to view their ‘special’ scenes whenever you want. Some enemies are harder to get to than others, so it would just be convenient.
4. I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but giving the partner of your choosing a ring would probably make for some really wholesome interactions with them. Call me sentimental, but I kinda wanna see what Cassie would look like in a wedding dress.
5. The ability to stay with the harpies after you cut yourself free for one of them to be a named NPC that you can date, bed, and take to the dungeon.
6. More spells that you can use in the dungeon. Like hyper cock and ball/breast growth or something along those lines. The combative spells are helpful, but the utility of other spells is pretty cool. I think in total there are 4 skills you can learn? One of which is via the fairy queen, and is only a passive that isn’t really all that useful. 2 spells that you can use from the succubus are combative and only one can be used in the dungeon (not counting the cock and ball growth). The other helps against the parasites which is convenient. Like “that place gave me a hard time because I kept running out of stamina or getting too horny until I got it” convenient.
7. Make it so you can’t lock yourself in an infinite loop being unable to get anything done because the parasites attached to your crotch won’t let you get off. (Actually something that might help with horny wearable items is that after “desperately aroused” it just makes you cum right there on the spot when the next prompt comes up.) This includes but is not limited to the parasites, the vibrators, and the living underwear. These are all the things I know about being in the game. However I suspect some other things will be added in the future. Maybe a curse for the pyramid that isn’t an article of clothing or a toy but rather a semi incurable status effect.
I agree with everything this man has stated
Welcome, and happy to hear you like it! Let me know any spelling/grammar errors you see and I'll try to correct them!
1. I'll see! That form of hers is surprisingly popular haha
2. Haha, most people actually want to see him ousted for the reason you mentioned
3. Not sure what you mean here, but in general, a scenes gallery is pretty much unviable.
4. Something like this is planned!
5. I'll see. A harpy character could be interesting
6. In time there will be more skills/items you can use in the private dungeon. Mostly focusing on getting characters in at baseline functionality first.
7. That kind of stuff is intended to be a hindrance, so it's expected that you work towards removing them. Cumming on getting too much lust was actually how it originally worked, but for certain reasons it was changed (I forget why now, but there likely was a good reason?)
The reason for the change might be because it broke something in the game. In all honesty, I don’t see any other reason that it could be. I mean, it stands to reason that something like the living underwear and all that WOULD cause involuntary orgasms.
I think it might've just been a balancing issue/it interfered with something I had in the game
Maybe the chastity belt? Then again, it isn’t unheard of to have an orgasm in that kind of device. Especially when vibes or other erogenous zones are taken into consideration.
The only other thing I can think of is that it conflicts with edge and denial scenes that are made to get you to 100 and stay at 100. But even then, that’s a hard coded event isn’t it? And procs from the living underwear and parasites don’t trigger outside of the overworld
I mean, MAYBE a bad end is the culprit? Specifically the ones like where the don makes you a pet for Cassie. Where you’re kind of made to be continuously horny if you are unlucky with the some kind of RNG with being satisfied by goons.
That's most likely it I think, just places where you're supposed to be prevented from climaxing to relieve lust
7. I remember that at one point, it crashed the game when it would happen. Happened to me a few times.
i did the desert quest to full completion, but because its not finished, cassie is just there, anyway i can get her back?
shiiii okay then, bye cassie.
You'll be able to get her back soon!
How do you do these two?
Slave Trade: Go around sunshine if you have good Sense, you will spot it regardless, if not find a weird empty tunnel and faceplant till you find the hidden entrance. (Note: There are more ways to find out about this)
Hang Out: Take a Shower with Cassie, Frisky time with Cassie, and Change her clothes a few times too many.
Thank you! Though i already did the cassie stuff, the slave trade is still very helpful.
Question gow do i get to the dessert
It is a the don and cassie quest.
You have to finish Cassie's route!
how do you get into upper ark?
(Spoilers, duh!)
Go to the part of the slums where all the hobos are, one of them will mention a junk seller who sells counterfeit passes. These only have a small chance of working tho.
When you’ve visited Lyn-Lyn a couple of times and tipped her well, she’ll tell you about a place that fixes them, giving you guaranteed access to UNA tho it’s quite expensive.
Passes are a one-time use, so once you use it it’s gone and you need to get a new one. You can however get a repaired counterfeit pass and repair others yourself using an ink pen, but there is a good chance that you’ll ruin the pass.
Happy to hear, and congrats on freeing her!
So what else can you add and improve, completely finishing the tower reclamation project from Linda's lab, fixing the desert maps to buy from Sunshine and find the ancient springs for bell, or spicing some kinks up a bit.
Any ideas to Make it even more better and fun😏.
Haha, there's a seemingly endless list of things still to be worked on, trust me. That's not even scratching the surface.
like how so 🤔 , I looked some comments from other people saying about hyper cock and other things, I mean some kinks not getting enough love for this game like hyper boob, hyper cock and cumflation let's not forget hyperpregnancy to lust doll and other lovers. So remember newt the salamander girl from Sunshine, how were gonna see her again and win her over again. So any luck about Sammy, linlin and Arlene story route.
Essentially yeah XD. Also need to go back to Edith and Marin at some point. Need to add people to private dungeon and island. Desert Arena as well.
like love and breed slaves(private dungeon)/ repeat opponents(desert arena and island)to battle again so on so forth?
Essentially there is much to do XD
Really great game, love the story and the outfits you can give your characters. Can't wait for next update and keep up the great work!
Thank you, happy you're enjoying it! More is on the way!
Hey. I really like your game, but since i no longer have a computer, i cant play it anymore. By that i mean that it doesnt work on my phone. When i try to create the character, it just freezes and then crashes. Always. So i cant play it. If thats possible, could you do something about it please? I really want to play your game again.
Glad you're enjoying it! Not really anything I can do for your problem though, sorry!
How do you get into the residences in Upper New Ark?
It's not possible yet!
I haven't played since version r54.0b but I wanted to write some of my thoughts down. I started playing the game for the limb detachment since I have yet to find another game that has that as a toggleable kink, let alone has it in general. I like that there are tons of kinks that can be toggled on and off, but like said in many other comments I feel that some of the other kinks should be toggleable as well. I didn't have an issue with any of them though, and I know that it would be difficult to do considering how some story important story elements include those.
Sadly it seems that kinks like limb detachment don't get much action in the game, which does make sense considering a vast majority of people aren't into it. It was an incredible experience though, the best out of any game I've seen considering that again no other game has it. My only real wish would be getting that cool limb detaching scythe as something you could use, but I don't really have much say as I'm not in your patreon. Definitely plan to support you though when I have the money!
Aside from the limb stuff, the game is pretty amazing! I love the diversity in everything, the kinks, the clothes, the characters, the tattoos. I got the little stitch tattoos for hopefully obvious reasons. The writing is really well done and immersive, the character design is eye candy and everything kind of grew on me. I'm kind of bad at writing reviews so I don't really know how to describe the fantastic experience I had, so I'll just leave it off here. Also kind of nervous to post this
I love what the game is doing and where it is heading. I'm sad that as someone who really enjoys limb detachment, this is the only game that has it, and there is only one segment. Everything else in the game I have had no issues with and is awesome in their own ways, and that only thing I would want added would be that cool limb detaching scythe after beating that one woman. I will definitely continue to play and support the game because it is simply incredible, and because it is still, my last time saying this, the only game I have ever found with the limb detachment kink.
Glad you're enjoying it! And yeah, there admittedly hasn't been much in terms of limb detachment, since it's not exactly something you'd expect to find just anywhere haha. I'll definitely get back to Edith at some point, don't worry! And maybe there will be other ways to see limb detachment, maybe with portals
Does anyone know how to make the dull knife sharp?
you don’t, and you don’t need to. You can get better weapons in New Ark City
Great game and all, but why are only certain stuff available to turn on and off? I feel like there should be a greater variety of kinks that should have an on-and-off switch. Better than having to just skip through parts of the story because of uncomfortable scenes and potentially missing info important towards a character. Or at least have the option to have a say in certain activities, when possible, instead of just silently going along with them.
The more kinks that are able to be turned off, the more work is required for me to account for them. For that reason, only stuff that's really polarizing can be turned off. Same thing with having a say in certain activities. Being able to back out of just anything is a tremendous amount of work compared to just avoiding it in the first place.
Probably a dumb question, but I’m new to downloading games from itch, if a game is updated do I have to reinstall the game? Asking due to lust getting a new update
Just install the update without erasing the other version and your safe files will just copy to the updated version
If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Any other platform, just download the latest version!
if i install the new version will my save be carried over
If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install over it. Other platforms, save files transfer automatically!
Hey indivi, first of all love your game so far! Also, are you planning on adding letting the npcs use items as a domme in the dungeon?
There are already some scenes that use items (spoilers depending on your progress in the game)
Glad you're enjoying it! For NPCs using items, some already do! Mainly it requires me to write scenes for them doing so.
idk what I did but all my saves got corrupted every single one
1. Make a backup of all of your saves, and note their numbers.
2. Open up the game and make a save in every number slot that you have save files for.
3. Close the game, then replace those save files you just made with your backup saves.
After that, your save files should be usable again.
oh I didn’t know there was away to recover the saved I started a new game already
For whatever reason isn't showing me updates for this game outside of email notifications. Nor does searching for the game by name bring it up.
Do other games notify about updates? I thought this was for all of them
Hmm, weird. It might be because it's marked as adult?
Hey indivi, have you thought of using the ruined lab's mechanical seat?
Edit: Is it a bug or is it on pourpose that when you enter the slavers hideout and learn about the mine Cassie doesn't come back to the safehouse? Because I can't progress through it without being able to interact with her
yeah she’s trapped there until that part of the game is finished.
Dev said it won’t be long tho!
At least until next update, which would be in 2 weeks
There are indeed plans for that seat!
Cassie will be stuck there until the rest of her route is done. Fortunately, that's not too far off!
Nice, thanks
I kinda suggest something, as a like, newcomer in a game development, you should try like, for your customization, you should add a variety of slots, like how many eyes they have, or how demonic, how animal and stuff, if you do that, I bet people with different personalities can customize their lust doll to their liking, love the game though, great art and coding.
Glad you're enjoying it! Those customizations could be cool, but do have to consider how much work is involved and whether those changes have an effect on in game stuff versus just being for aesthetics purposes.
Well it’s your choice sir or ma’am, but like I said, it’s your choice, it’s not my game and it’s yours so. But if you want to, it’s your choice. Good luck with more development, I hope it features more. I mean I don’t expect it but good game though. Good luck!
Warning, long "review "ahead, all of this is opinion, and does not detract from the fact that this project is clearly made with a lot of love.
After playing a bit more, I have to say your character writing and world-building are phenomenal, which makes me sad to admit that despite that, the game just isn't for me.
While I can tell you do a lot to cater to everyone's desires, the result is that if you have very specific wants (In my case, a cute futanari/trap who isn't a total doormat) you end up wandering for hours and often left wanting.
The game just isn't great at hinting what to do next, at multiple points I progressed by trial and error, doing things like purchasing a random item that seemed unrelated to anything or running into walls that had nothing to differentiate themselves from other walls.
Even so, you eventually end up at the point where every NPC is just looping their dialogue, quests are stuck at the [not available yet] stage and you can't tell if that is because it's not yet implemented (Because sometimes the game outright tells you that, others it doesn't) or you haven't completed another quest line far enough... Or maybe you missed another easily overlooked item in a store you haven't bought.
Then you end up where I am, reluctantly doing things you know you aren't into and make you uncomfortable because nothing else seems to work. After all, despite disabling it, the the 'main story' made me go through a long dismemberment section which (despite offering to skip it,) it insisted was important. It also made me purposefully get infected by a flesh parasite to progress another quest line (despite having also disabled parasites). This leads to a feeling that doing extreme content that you're not into is not optional.
Then, if you didn't max out all stats in the beginning because you wanted some progression, you end up grinding for hours in case the lock is an arbitrary stat requirement (Which the game informs you of with varying consistency)
In the end, the lack of guidance and feeling you have to do things you don't like in hopes you might find the small pockets of content you do want make for a frustrating experience in an otherwise really solid game.
You crafted something amazing and special. It's a lack of direction and sections that made me feel awkward combined with sparse content that did excite me that made me realize it's just not my cup of tea. 'Trial and error' just isn't as fun when it feels like it forces me to engage with things I dislike.
Still, I will throw a couple of dollars your way to show my appreciation for your hard work, Please keep it up! Maybe one day when it's finished and I'm less of a wuss I will pick it up again!
Thanks for the review and consideration! And yeah, it can be admittedly difficult to find specific content. I try to be relatively realistic with where certain content can be experienced, but that does mean some kinks don't get a lot of action until I work on areas where they are present.
I don't know if there's a lot I can do to address your critique, but I'll try to learn from it. And thanks for giving it a go!
Don't worry, I totally understand! As I said you really have something amazing going on! I know the intricacies that come with gamedev, especially such a grand project. I also note that you do try to take some anti-frustration methods (The shortcut teleporters for example, Thank heavens for those!)
The scenes you do have are nice, even if not catered to my sexual preferences they are well written and enjoyable to read just for that sake. For the character interactions and the plot. (Yeah, I'm watching this porn for the plot, who'd guess?)
That being said... After having mentioned how you clearly try your best to care for your players... We have to have a serious talk about the trading-hall-from-hell, the part where you have two rooms with nothing but NPCs wanting you to fetch things from all over the world... W-why?... For what reason? Who is this for?
As a game developer and writer you sometimes have to ask yourself "Does this make the game better? Is this fun? Does it add important lore? Does it further character growth? Does it progress the story?" The answer to all of these seems to not just be 'no' but it seems to actively do the opposite for most of them. It...baffles me... don't get me wrong! Part of me thinks the concept is hilarious! But actually having to play through it... not as much.
I kept finding myself coming back to the game because it intrigued me, that was my stopping point... It just felt so pointlessly tedious for the sake of being pointless and tedious. In the end I looked it up on the wiki and decided that, even with that, it was a chore... After having figured everything else up till then out, it wasn't a long-lasting uncomfortable fetish scene that broke me, it was the "trading hall from hell"
So I end with the question, is there a reason it has to be like that? I felt the love and care you put into every facet of the game, how you hook the player and take them on a wild ride... So... why?
Thanks! Glad the QoL stuff is appreciated~. And to be honest, many people have told me they play this mainly for the plot haha XD.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's said that they really enjoyed the trading hall section of the Temple. It's meant to be something you come back to later on if you don't have what's needed to progress, but I understand that it's frustrating to handle. Here's some reasons for it:
1. I try to change the gameplay up and keep things fresh for the player, which leads to some experimental ideas. Some work out, others don't.
2. I only really have one month to both figure out what to build for the next release, and build it. In game development time, that's really not a lot to work with.
3. I don't generally go back and change or revise things once they are done. Usually, I just learned what I can and apply it in the future.
That's an understandable philosophy. And one I can respect and used to ascribe to myself. I also understand the pressure of having to put out content fast, please don't burn yourself out! If you need to take a break your players will understand.
One small thing I could suggest that may help ease confusion is to replace the "Not yet available" messages with "Not yet implemented" as 'available' is quite ambiguous and doesn't tell the player if they are missing something or if it's just not there, where "implemented" is more clear on that end.
For the the trading hall though, that one is harder, right now it is an avoidable example of a "wall" which serves no purpose other than to frustrate players.
What made me turn around and get fix these in my games was watching a video by the youtuber Josh Strife Hayes called "The Quit Moment". While it mostly deals with MMOs, I felt it applies in any game in a broader sense!
Of course, whether you want to go about changing it or not is up to you. An option if you don't want to outright remove it is to just make it feel less overwhelming.
For example by telling the player something like. "This looks like it will be a pain, but you should be able to make a path if you can just convince a few people to move out of the way." when they interact with their first obstacle NPC.
That way the player won't feel like they -have- to satisfy everyone there right away!
Thanks for understanding! Definitely doing what I can to pace myself and not burn out, but it can be tough for sure. I can see about changing the not available message to be more clear. As for the trading section, I'll try implementing a skip for people that get past the initial parts of it, so that they don't have to do the last half.
"The Quit Moment" is pretty interesting! Definitely makes a lot of sense for sure. I'll try to keep watch for avoiding stuff like that.
In case anyone needs it, here is the dessert map.
Might update in the future (yes, it's made in Paint)
Do u have the coordinates?
0,0 is the square on top of the city oasis, so the center of the city, if that helps
Hmmm, do I need to lose to a harpy to go to their nest?
While you can go there, you can't interact with it. It's in the map because when you lose to a harpy and escape you spawn there, so you can use this to get out of the dessert safely
Really nifty game so far! Just wondering, so far all the futanari content (And the lone femboy) have been super submissive and rather limited. (Also it seems that none of them have the ability to impregnate the player)
It's pretty good but I can't help but think, am missing anything or is that pretty much it? No hope for a more switchy/dominant futa character encounter or a rare futanari (variant) enemy that can pin me down and put their baby inside me? (Or even just to make kitty give me his kittens?)
Regardless, It's really amazing, might not be 'it' for me, but loving the characters and world-building!
Futa, can impregnate.
Beat a Female Succubus, and use cock growth.
Ohh, I don't have that spell yet!
Guess that confirms there's no futa characters that 'top' or plans for them then?
Still something good!
Thanks! And yeah, still haven't gotten around to making a fully futa NPC yet, much less a domme one. It'll happen eventually!
This would be really lovely! I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy! Especially if for a change, you have a girl who actually takes pleasure in the risk of putting a baby inside you rather than you having to pretty much force her through tying her up like you have the others, Eehehe!
One of the NPCs has something like this tentatively planned~
Something that'd be nifty would be being able to milk Cassie with the portable milker when she is pregnant and has seen you being milked at the ranch before in the pillory stocks or somethin. It'd be a cool way to get Cassie's milk.
Hmm, I'll see about it!
where are the save files located? i wanna delete them but they arnt in the files
You need to root the phone for that.
Windows: C:\users\(username)\AppData\Local\UserData\Default\Lust Doll Plus
Mac: \Users\(username)\Library\Application Support\Default\Lust Doll Plus
Linux: \Users\(username)\.config\KADOKAWA\RPGMV\Default\Lust Doll Plus
(May need to sudo nautilus if you don't have access to .config)
Android: \data\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus
(Requires root access. For android vers 11+, may also need an adb shell)
Quick question for everyone? Out of all of the characters so far if we have them all fight each other who will win and why?
(Spoilers) In terms of combat I feel like it would come down to Lyn-Lyn vs Linda.
Lyn-Lyn is an excellent and very experienced fighter, with her fighting in the ring daily and able to hit “weak points” all across the body to stun her enemies.
Linda has her parasite abilities, greatly enhancing her strength and endurance, as well as giving her a whole array of new abilities to take down her opponents.
Tho Linda outperforms Lyn-Lyn in strength, Lyn-Lyn still has a very decent chance to win thanks to her agility and Linda not knowing about protecting her own weak points.
Honorable mentions would be Edith (I think?) with her magic scythe and Camilla with her spores. But one is stationery.
Pixie would slaughter everyone, but even hypothetical scenarios cannot force that woman to fight unless she wanted to.
Thank for that you are trying to help but I allready visited wiki and I am there. It is amazing this amazing game has amazing comunity. Thanks again.
The newest version has a glitched Fawn. I've repeated the rope event multiple times, but it always reverts back to the "ask about rope" scene when I return to the shared apartment.
Edit: maybe my save hadn't worked out there is no issue after i checked again
Weird, but glad it works now.
you can add inflation and weight gain
Inflation already exists
and weight gain comes along with pregnancy
but weight gain eat food
It's unlikely, as it's not something I really understand
Is don the final boss?
No unless you're talking about Cassie's route, then yes, kinda.
Ye i forgot to talk to the policewoman so the game kept ending and i thought it was final boss
How can I get to upper new ark because I am stucked and I almost deleted this really good game because I dont know how to get further in story
talk to the hobos in the slums and one will tell you about a junk merchant that sells counterfeit passes. Use those for a low chance to get into Upper New Ark.
If you want a more expensive but fail proof way, go to the massage place and get a few happy endings from Lyn Lyn. Iirc eventually she’ll tell you about a guy that can turn those counterfeit passes into high quality ones for 500 bucks.
Once you have one you can also use an Ink Pen to repair passes yourself but there’s a good chance to ruin them completely. Iirc the INT stat increases the success chance.
I may have encountered a bug, Bell has wandered off as usual but I can't find her at anywhere, I searched the police station, the forest and the place with succubus but she's nowhere to be found
Make sure you've checked the square she was on in the milk farm! She won't appear anywhere else until you do!
So...i have aquestion...can you add vore?
There is Vore already.
where and it is safe?
Find the deserted base, but be warned... A game over will befall upon you if you get overpowered.
Forest and deserted base
would you ever add more restraints in the private dungeon?
Potentially! There's a lot of people to be added first though