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Just a small suggestion that could take a long time to do but might improve the overall experience. Can you add a penis even a transparent one sliding in and out of the character depending on which hole is being used including yourself and the other characters

It's pretty unlikely at this point, since it would require going back through the whole game and changing everything to include it

Guys i have a problem!

How can i remoove this giant mushrom??

Answer's in the very map you posted, check all the people there.

He ask me a sweet residue potion. Any idea of what is it??

Beat plant enemy, and loot it

Where does bell go? I can't find her

Try forest park

You need to hit the spot she's normally at and ask what happened, otherwise she won't show up anywhere. After that, she will be at either the forest park, Transylvania, or New Ark jail. 


feline cock for the player character.

I'll see about it

(2 edits) (-1)

itd be kinda cool if you were able to choose the size of dick you give to characters with that one spell, and choose to let them keep it. maybe it could open up for some chastity play, another idea (if you have mtf enabled) be able to turn gin into a futa, like using the breast growth spell, or using the cock spell to turn him female. 

Would be cool, but the biggest issue is that it'll create a ton of work for me to account for all potential cases during story progression and whatnot unfortunately.

Hmm true

I keep getting softlocked after meeting with Fawn in Upper New Ark, I can't move after the event, and the HUD isn't responsive. Only way to get out is to close the game. I 'm currently playing on Mobile on a Xiaomi Redmi 10TPro. Any help ?

I'll take a look and see what's up

I can't seem to replicate your bug unfortunately. Do you have any backup saves? If you're able to consistently get soft locked there, that'll go a long way to helping me figure out where the issue is.

folks, does anyone know where I can find a lipstick??

In upper New ark

at the mall??

At Skin Deep.

They sell a Lipstick kit.

Hi could someone help me please. I've finished the slavers hideout quest but Cassie isn't at the safe house anymore. How do I get her back?

The quest isn't finished yet, so she will stay there for the time being. You would have to load an earlier save to get her back


Oh dear. Thank you

wut species should my new character be ._.

Whatever your preference is!

How to do the Linda's rescue quest? 

Enter the Deserted Base, and look for Mstyra, she should be hanging out waiting for you to pop up.

Everytime i finish the quest for cassie i end up having to leave town? like why? 😭

You need Arlene, that Shark Lady in the New Ark police station.

She will have a request in order to help you, cause a Riot, under the Don's home in a beggar slum, ask them to cause one, sleep and return to the beggars and ask around if a riot has started, if not go the the Gentlemen's Club, and look for the beggar.

Note that you have Arlene, on board when she asks to meet Fawn.

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Hi could someone tell me how to get to the slavers hide out please. I've got the map to it but the directions seem counter productive to me

Trust the Process.

If you're able to find a compass, that could potentially help a lot!

thank you, I managed to find it in the end

How to open the graveyard in the Transylvania town? (Ps: I ask a lot)

Bring succubus girl to the gate and talk to the guy in the gate then go to gate then go there then open

Yes, I'm making my explanation hard

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help the succubus in the forest of the abandond town where you start and then go to translvania and have her follow you to the gate and talk to the npc

should i charge in or js sneak through dons place? bc everytime i sneak i js end up getting captured

nvm :skull:

Glad you figured it out!

can someone help me with getting the golden apple ToT

It's pure RNG. Just a 10% chance each time you pick up apples. Good news is, you can save on the screen with the apple spawn points and just load again if none of them are gold.

Alternatively, after you've saved Cassie, she has a small event where she goes and picks apples. If you find her while she's as it and help her, she will always give you 1 golden apple.
But, it's also RNG if that event happens or not...


I know I ask a lot but, how do I enter the upper new ark city?

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Beneath, or right underneath the Don's home is a beggar slum, upon entering from where you are there should be a table to your left (real life) or your characters right, one will ask for food, give them some till they regard or mention a Counterfeit Pass.

Go towards the Slums market and the Junk Vendor should have new items in stock.

Go to Lin-Lin, or the massage parlor for a massage.


If you want you can recreate the Quality tickets yourself by combining a Pen, and a Shoody ticket, this needs a Quality ticket to copy from.


can someone help me become fawns lover bc the only shit i can do is be her subbe after i figure out shes a dominatrix or wtvr. ToT

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Finish Cassie's quest first.

Push aside the Slum pass guard, or trick him, you do you.

Sleep return to the slums and you will be brought to the Don, do "Grunt Work" not horny work.

And visit Cassie, afterwards.

After all that ask Arlene, the fish lady for a session.

I can't get the chastity belt off

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You have a key, if you don't you have it to one of the Characters  have it. Fawn, won't take it without mentioning her Chastity play so there's that.

yo does anyone know wut i should name my character? (mostly something dark but fem or of gothic origin)

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Mire Adrasteia.

Murky, and Inescapable punishment, basically.

How to aroused? I can't find it in YouTube



And some enemies prefer to be aroused first before they arouse you.

Lastly if you found the Catgirl, leftmost area on the abandoned village you can ask directions towards New-Ark, you can find consumables and items that can arouse the character.

(3 edits)

why do I get this error on start-up?

I found the two year old answer to this bug, but I can't find the final file path.

[NAME] > AppData > Local > KADOKAWA

By The Way, this issue was caused by running a game that uses a very particular kind of .exe to play. It's going to come right back as soon as you play any game that uses it.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the culprit is "Pixel Game Maker MV player"

- Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:\Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local). If you can't find it, make sure you can see hidden folders. You can also type %LOCALAPPDATA%/ into the explorer bar to do the same.

- Delete the folder "nwjs".

- Go inside the folder 'User Data". Then go inside the folder "Default". Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

- In the app data folder, Go to Kadokawa\RPGMV\User Data\Default. Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

the entire KADOKAWA folder is missing. It's not there. I've deleted the other files you've told me to delete, but that one folder isn'tthere, and a search for the name of said folder revealed nothing.

I just re-downloaded latest version of njws folder from link in ReadMe file. That worked in the opposite direction, but it still opens, so all good.

Sounds good. And I guess the folder name might've gotten changed. I'll look into it

Deleted post

Might be an issue with your monitor's refresh rate being too high.

Try updating your graphics drivers, and see if playing in full-screen or windowed mode helps


Uff, vaya colega, por lo visto buscas superar a Skyrim en cuanto a cantidad de texto. Veo difícil el traducir todo esto antes del 2025... aún así... esperare con esperanza...

Jaja, ¡tal vez algún día pueda tener más texto que Skyrim!

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¡Esto es tener ambición muchacho! ¡Siguie tú sueño y rompe un récord!

I think I'm stuck in Cassie's Questline. I was supposed to talk to Fawn about the invasion on Don's base but I wrongly went back on Fawn dialogue and she didn't give me the option to talk to the cop, neither talk to about the invasion again, so independent of my choices on rescue mission, I face the bad ending...

Well if you get the Item in your Inventory called "Cassie rescue notes" you've already spoken to her enough.


So, I have to know, will there be any love for our boy Cless soon? No rush, of course, just love the man and curious to see if he has more planned for him :>


There will be eventually! Just focusing on other stuff right now

No problem! I look forward to what you have in store! :D

does anyone know if you can get an s/o in game? if so how?


significant other, aka a boyfriend or girlfriend C:

There are several characters you can date, but the only one who outright calls you her lover is named Fawn. You meet her the first time you sleep in a condo. You'll want to put clothes on before answering the door, though. heh

may i ask how i can make her my lover?

There are many steps, but for starters, get yourself a condo in New Ark (2,000 credits) and visit her once a day (she lives right next door).


You won't be having any shortages in LD.

does anybody know where to find the hobo for the counterfeit pass?

Straight down from the Don's mansion is where you go to learn about the passes. One screen to the left is where you buy them (you have to go around). Lin Lin's massage parlor is where you figure out how to make them actually useful.

Thank you very muc


BTW, once you have paid for a good pass at least once, you can use it as a reference to try and turn poor quality passes into good ones yourself. Combine an ink pen with a poor pass at the table in your condo / farm side room / Cassie's place.

Although, it requires a fairly high Nimble stat to reach 100% chance of success (26+ I believe).

Is there a way to keep the mega stuff applied yet or is it only on certain scenes still?


If you don't want to wait for official release, you could try the Lust Doll Essentials mod (here on itch). 
But, keep in mind it's just a modified version of the free release, so you won't have access to the Patreon bonuses even if you have that version installed.
Also it has many bugs related to trying to have mega-sizes active and wearing clothes at the same time.


Does anyone know what this genre of gameplay is called? You know, the whole click square to move, big character sprite on the right along with stats. Almost like a text-based RPG if not for the sprites. I know it's probably a point-n-click sandbox game but even then this is too vague for me to find similar games :(


Not sure there is a name for the genre yet. I don't feel like it's very common outside of h-games.

(1 edit)

The APK says It cannot be analized, so It doesnt let me install it

Try re-downloading the apk!

i believe is a problema with my phone, i cant open apks in general, so yeah, sorry, It wasnt your game

hello! May I ask on why nymph's notes still hasn't updated yet? If I'm not wrong then I think indivi replied to my comment on how nymph actually has some lewd scene's in the new update (r55) but I haven't seen any updates on nymph's notes so it just kept me wondering, hehe

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Nymph's route is part of the Under Temple! He's got some fun stuff already, with more planned~

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Been enjoying this game for a while now, and i thought i would make a suggestion or two. Will you add more eye shapes or maybe another option for the fairy game(Maybe a huge bust size or even larger cock size)? As for eye shapes, it could be sharper eyes or droopy eyes.

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Mega-Sizes will be possible.

Changing expression can make your eyes Droopy, or Sharp, this is in the personal tag in the sanctum.


Glad to hear! I can see about more options, yeah. And as mentioned, there will be mega-sizes available at some point!

I think I've done all the quests the game currently has to offer (with 45+ hours on the game), and I decided to do some digging about the game's future on social media. As you seem to have quite a lot planned for the upcoming years, have you thought about enlisting help? It seems like a lot of work for a (presumably) solo developer, especially with all of the care and passion put into the game. 


Congrats on making it through! Yes, I'm a solo dev. I've considered looking for help, but doing work as a team is much different than as a solo dev, and I'm not sure I want to switch it up when what I'm doing now works decently well enough. If I want to try a team, I'd probably do so on a new project first, instead of with LD+.

You have my complete and full respect, as I know game development is hard. I'm currently in school to become a software engineer, and it is rough just to learn.


Thank you, glad to have it. And good luck, study hard but don't forget to unwind

whenever i try running the game it just says running and doesnt fully load or wtvr. idk what to do about it.

Maybe You have a Low-end PC/Phone, or your storage space is running out.

Try re-downloading, reinstalling, and making sure nothing's running in the background when you play! Also update your drivers!

Does anyone know how to run this game?

Show post...

Download the game, depending on your platform, PC: unzip the file and click the exe file, Android: just tap the APK file, Linux and Mac idk

Where is the exe file located?

Show post...

The exe file is in the newly extracted folder. It's called "Game.exe"

umm I think I found a odd bug, I was using the private dungeon with Fawn on the bed as the sub and I put the blindfold on her and then did cock growth and the blindfold vanished into the shadow realm I haven't finished the session so I don't know if it will reset that way but the blindfold is gone on her character and not a option(for the bed dunno on the other 2 things haven't tried em yet)I will reply back on if the blindfold returns on the other 2(or not)and what happens with ending the session and starting a new one, oh and I do still have the blindfold as a item, has this happened before?

Oh if it matters I am on 54.0 version of the game

ok so ended the session and started a new one blindfold wasn't there

It's actually a little weird. The first time you make her grow a cock, has you removing her blindfold (it says so in the text.)

After that you can put the blindfold back on her and making her grow one afterwards retains it.

well the blindfold wasn't there at all like no option like I didn't have one to begin with

Hmm, okay thanks, I'll take a look!

Do I need higher strength or resilience to beat Fawns 'tied-up escape'? or am I supposed to do some combination of 'struggle' and 'struggle fiercely'?

ok I found out how to do it

Glad to hear!

really loving the game and i'm purposely waiting for a long time before playing it again LOL i just finished Gin's route (won't spoil) and i really hope we can do more with him in the future :D excited for the next updates o7


Glad to hear, and that's a good plan! A lot of people are looking forward to Gin's return XD

Where is the poster in Transylvania advertising the hypnotherapy? I can't find it

ohhhh wait never mind I think I found the problem

still don't know where it is

AHA I FOUND IT! it just didn't spawn in

Good job finding it XD

how do i unlock torture chamber or dungeon?


you need to gain cassie's trust, which involves her being captured by a thug and a lengthy planning to save her

more info on the wiki


i got it! 

What do you mean by torture chamber or dungeon do you mean the one you would own or the place called the torture rack?

oh I didn't see someone else replied nevermind

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