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(1 edit) (+1)

Q1: Was Rinny as a character created before, or after you put her in Lust Doll?

Q2: What inspired the whole meat aesthetic for the deserted base? Furthermore, what inspired the creation of Mistrya?

Q3: Was Edith born out of necessity? I can't help but feel like her sprites have less life to them (pun unintended) than some other character sprites do.

Q4: Do the Sanctums have any lore relevance, or are they purely a gameplay mechanic?


Rinny was made specifically for Lust Doll!

Mistyra and the meat theme, I guess horror and or ero games? It wasn’t inspired by anything in particular.

No, Edith isn’t any different from the other named NPCs. She does use her old pose from the original game, so maybe it looks a little awkward?

For now, the sanctum is only a gameplay mechanic


I just want to see more sexual interaction between the girls.

For Rinny, she's a sucubuss, should be easy.

Fawn is into kinky stuff, so she'd be on board.

Cassie might need talking into

Belle is easy enough to push around, he reaction would be priceless.

Alyssa is.... an enigma


indeed! I’ll see about it. Some of them connect more easily than others


Greetings. I've followed your game for about 6 months and I always liked the progress & the direction is going to, however...

Don't know if you're taking requests but, I'd like to make a small petition; could you add White Heels to the game? I bought the "Snow White" dress but, unfortunately, no white heels.

Thank you.


hi, glad to hear it! i’ll see what I can do

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm trying to get Gin to have vaginal sex with LD. How do I get this scene? Is it just random?


It happens exactly once, after doing regular training 5+ times.

Also, I already tried. Even if you take a fertility pill, you will not get pregnant from it. Much sad.

I didn't get the scene at that time. That is why I am wondering if it's completely random.


it happens when you choose to progress his training! you can’t miss it!


I came here asking for help because me being me, I don't know how to get to Upper New Ark, can someone explain to me please?


Give food to a hobo. He has good advice on many things.
It will take a few days, because the advice he gives comes in a pre-determined order.


I did that and he referred me to the clandestine market people, so I bought one of each fake pass from him but none of them worked


Go visit LinLin!

thank you

Where are they?

Feed the Hobo till he mentions Fake Passes. 

Go to the Slums market right underneath the entrance to the Slums. 

Talk to the Junk Vendor. 

Buy some, then go to the Massage parlor, beside the Tattoo shop, and Bar, get a massage and the game tells you what to do then.


is there a way to get and keep the megacock yet? 

Or give mega boobs to someone else? 


Still not yet.

(1 edit) (+1)

When are you going to make pixie h scene? 

Like in the private dungeon or once you learn all spell you will battle her and if she lose you can feed her pet using her. 

Please i want a pixie h scene content atleast lust doll plus have some because i played the original in pc and there's nothing in her content


She'll have them eventually, but it'll be pretty late game!


Finally some more progress on Belle storyline. Here's some ideas:

You can progressively get more intense in "milking" her, up until the point she's dazed enough to forget to ask to change her back. If you leave and do not visit the farm for a few days, the other cowgirls get very hands-on (and pussy-on) and milk the point that you find her getting gangbanged cowgirled.

Also, please no-balls graphics for various futa-spell dungeon scenes. I prefer the vagina visible.


you know you could inable futa with no ball right

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not talking about player, but NPC's. Rinny, Fawn, etc...

uh.... you know there's a option for that in the shrine, right?


It's a fun idea, I'll see XD

And check out the futa shrine in inner sanctum to disable balls on futas!


I think I have that disabled already. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I can swear some NPCs still have balls.

Here's to hoping. Walking into Belle, with her head resting on a pillow of cowgirl booba, while another cowgril rides her with her boobs in Belle's face until she shudders in climax,  commenting how her loads have been getting bigger and bigger and she might have gotten her pregnant.... hot as hell.

Bell becoming a lot more popular among the cowgirls there. Becoming a breeding stud (especially if you don't have any bulls on the farm)


She would definitely get bullied a lot ha ha

How do i find Bell the second time, i found her at the forest park the first time and now i cant seem to find her at the forest park, anyone knows where she is?


New Ark Prison.

And before my Forgetful ass forgets, Step on her Tile where she usually stands in the Milk Farm to activate the search if you don't she won't appear.

Aight thanks

Also wheres New Ark Prison?


New Ark Police Station...

Just Left of the Condo, above the Nursery, just search for cells in there.

am I missing something or do you not know your left and rights

I forgor 💀

Oh right Left was the Club.

Also how do you remove the meat thingy on your boobs and crotch

New Ark lab talk to the Reception then proceed to the Second Floor.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I might have found a bug. I'm stuck right after the fawn scene where you confirm your relationship as lovers.It autosaved and I can't move or open the menu but when I press shift to open the previous messages it works but it lags when I do. i tried reloading the save and it just freezes me in the same position. Ok I have reloaded to a previous save and i redid what i did before and this time it put me outside of the residences instead of where it glitched which was the college cafeteria where you start the event,


Weird, might be a memory issue?

(1 edit)

I don't think so because my computer was still working and i could open other apps and play music without it freezing at all and it played smoothly. It just froze the game where I couldn't move and it had me right where i started the event and when I reloaded the first time it put me back there because I used the auto save the first time and then when I used the one I did manually it put me back to before I started the event which is when i saved it and went through it a second time and it worked fine the second so I didn't lose much just a little bit of time I was mentioning it in case it might have been the auto save saving before the event and after that glitched it or it could have auto saved during the event before it moves from the cafeteria to the residences since i had the game before i redownloaded it and restarted  from the beginning and it did a similar thing where it moved me but to the park area for that event and it allowed me to move so I didn't realized it wasn't where i was supposed to be. I didn't mention anything then because i downloaded it from a different site that didn't have a comment section for it.


Yeah, it’s hard for me to say what it could be. As long as it works now!

(2 edits)

I tested the latest update and thought I'd post possible bugs here. In Cassies dick growth upd when she's pregnant and gets a dick she only has balls 

Also i think with some scenes with Rinny in dungeon last doll may not get naked (like when they are rubbing dicks In bed)

AND if you go to body workshop, get a knotted dog dick go to skills and shrink it it disappears and shrink it again it becomes HUGE which I think should be added

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks, should all be fixed now with the latest release!


Huge cock is coming from a certain route later on!

Deleted 258 days ago

Cassie has no dick growth option? Are you mixing names up?

(4 edits)

how do you gain Cassie's trust, because I cant figure out how to renovate the basement into a dungeon 

Go here and look to the left called run away slave it will guide you to save Cassie and earn her trust and renovate the basement to your very own BDSM dungeon

One of my fav games, however i have a problem with the android version, to advance in the story i need the refinery in the upper city mall, but when I get to the floor where I should be able to buy it, every time it disappears, i cannot buy it 

Have you Renovated the Milk Farm?

how do you do that?

(1 edit)

Top Right, left of the Gate Entrance of UNA is a Hardware Store.

Enter the Store and then there should be an Empty Box to interact with, Pay them then they'll get to work Renovating.

Bell MUST be present for the renovations to finish.

Picture of the Location Mentioned.


glad to hear! And yes, what NFG said

Can someone please tell me how we can save the Cassie at Don's Mansion?

Talk to Fawn (your condo neighbor) to get it started. Talk to Arlene in the police department to learn about causing a diversion. Talk to the hobos (ignore the first guy) and give them 500 credits, then go to sleep. Talk to Arlene again to learn the hobos are rioting. This much is required to avoid a Game Over.

You can also get help from Sammy, Fawn, and Lin Lin. Not required, but it helps  a great deal.

I mean if you don't get their help with the Rescue you are gonna fail Hard with them Stat checks.

Unless you already Maxed out stats.


Is the orignal Lust Doll completed so i can play a completed game while i wait for new content on Lust Doll Plus? yeah so is the orignal Lust Doll completed? 

Complete? No. But the story can be finished.

Just remember to save often and in more than one slot. Game Over scenes are not nearly as telegraphed as they are here.

Ok thats good enough for me


Will ntr/cuckolding be added to the game at some point? Cause i know you can currently wear a chastity cage/lock. But there are no new scenes tied to it at the moment. Instead it just locks you out of any scenes, it would be nice if some of the npc's at the very least acknowledged your character wearing a chastity cage/lock. And possibly even teased you about it, cause right now the only person that knows your wearing it is you. Also were you able to take companions to the milk farm to milk them, or have them milk you? 


Fawn has Interactions with the Chastity Belt and a Scene made specifically for the Belt.

NTR is a dodged topic by most of us here, even the Developer but I can't fully talk in his place so you might need to wait for a few for his response.


Think you've already asked me this somewhere else! As I said, I don't really get cuckolding, so it's unlikely to make it in. Can have more NPCs teasing the player while wearing chastity belt though. You can get milk pumps from the milk farm. Get milked while Cassie is around, then get her attention. Afterwards talk to Bell!

how to complete hang out with Cassie and Alissa?


Repeat the change clothes option for Cassie until a new option pops out.

Frisky Fun in bed with Cassie.

Bath time with Cassie.

All require Alissa for a unique cutscene.


How the hell do you

1 Get the story with the tribe continuing after you talked with them all about "plant mama"

2 HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET ALLISA (completely forgot how to spell em cause I blocked em out my mind) OUT THE DAM BED FROM HER HORNY EPISODES

Holy fuck finally found out how

I thought face plant mama was just smacking village mama

Talk to Cassie, and Rinny, about Alissa.


I wish we can get our hands on a gun like revolver or something or if I'm I'm crazy enough why not hf murmasa they can be dual wielded


[Player name] WITH A GUN!

With how invidie does things, it would or be something like a paintball gun, they don't like putting lethal stuff in, it's why the knife is full, and the Katanas are "ornamental"

Probally cause you can take "advantage" over an opponent you have defeated. Can't really do anything if they are dead unless you're into necrophilia


As mentioned, I'm not too big on lethal items, since the game is more about forcing your opponent to submit for smexy times

Water Gun.🔫

Filled with aphrodisiacs!


pfft XD. There might be something along those lines...


I love how active this community is and how nice it is, Also is the raise your own kid feature a thing yet? I made Cassie give birth but the babies in the nursery and I have it or is the feature not done?



hopefully cause i think it would be cool


I'm happy it's doing well! Not yet, it's planned for the end of NPC second routes. Cassie will likely be the first to get one!

Hope the story gets expanded on

Quite a lot can be done as of now.


It will be!


god i love women


is she good?

Yes. 👍


They're pretty great~

Hi! I'm having an issue with failing to load where the file system throws the error "Failed to load: img/faces/p-zbrow1.png"

Is there any known fix for this? Currently on r48.1, I've already tried clearing my installation folder and re-installing the game. Thank you!

(1 edit)

This unfortunately is due to the save being from too many versions behind. It won't be possible to safely continue the character from where you left off.

But, if you want to keep their stats, clothes, items, and skills you can try this:
-- Open  the old game folder. Open www > img > faces
-- Locate "p-zbrow1.png" and also "p-zbrow1.rpgmvp"
-- In a second window, open the new game folder. Open www > img > faces
-- Copy these two files from the old game into the new game
-- In the new game folder, go back to the main folder (Lust Doll Plus r48.1) and run Game.exe
-- Load your character, open the menu, go into Sanctum, head left and use New Game+

Thanks for the help!

So there are two versions you need to load.

The way the graphics are filed changed, so you need to load your save into that version in order to migrate it further forward as it will convert it. There was also a combat one at some point, I do not recall what upgrade, if you run into a bug were enemies don't die at zero hp its do to that one, Like the graphics one you may fix it by upgrading to the patch right before and then up one before going all the way, but I do not know what version that was, try the graphics one first, if combat works you dodged the bullet. 

here is a achieve of builds

grab r37 and r38 and upgrade to them, or if you really want to play it safe grab all and upgrade one at a time by opening your save in each saving and doing it in the next one. make sure to make backups and check for the combat bug.

(2 edits)

if i remember right, you said that you were gonna give kitty a sidequest line

left-field request: lust doll and kitty have a conversation that gets bizarrely existential and ends with kitty having a whole-ass panic attack

do with that idea as you will, i think it would be very interesting

Damn. I don't have words for this.

Haha, don't know if Kitty is quite the person for that sort of thing! They're more interested in simple pleasures

(1 edit)

By the way, why can't I go trought the temple by force?

Nvm they weren't in danger

Can Cassie get pregnant by the other npc in the forest?

I don't believe so.

I REALLY Wanna see other NPC interact more (sexually) including pregnancy chance.

Deleted 186 days ago

Specify the Events before you faced the Bug.

Deleted 186 days ago

Maybe it corrupted when you updated it, does it block when you try to save in another file?

The troubleshooting steps in the Read Me has steps that should work. It's fairly involved, so I won't just copy+paste the instructions, but they're a little over halfway down the page.


Oh haha, it's not too big, so it's fine to just paste it I think.


- Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:\Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local). If you can't find it, make sure you can see hidden folders. You can also type %LOCALAPPDATA%/ into the explorer bar to do the same.

- Delete the folder "nwjs".

- Go inside the folder 'User Data". Then go inside the folder "Default". Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

- In the app data folder, Go to Kadokawa\RPGMV\User Data\Default. Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

Deleted 186 days ago

Perhaps? I just know that whenever that particular error shows up, that's the fix for it.

What is the Stinger Bug encounter rate after finishing Cless quest?

(1 edit)

Often, out of five times I get them 2-3 times.


Greetings, just out of confusion and a bittersweet feeling... I finish Gin's route and I actually wonder when we will see him again...?

Somehow I feel like we only will see him at the end of the main story but I feel kind of sad that you aren't going to interact with him until...  So... What I want to know if that if there is a chance to see him and play with him again maybe before the end of the main story...? Or if he is going to come back...?

He has a Dress, and a Gal/Guy waiting for him, he is gonna Come Back, in a Dress probably...

I forgot to tell you, he is in the Island.

I won't leave him missing for too long! We'll see him again!

Oh, alright.  Sure I was worry there.


hey indivi, can you focus on mainly updating the story line progression and a little less on little details. also, focus on fixing bugs as much as the main story line, please


Most bugs arise from small, easy-to-miss mistakes... so your request for Indivi to focus less on the details and to also fix every bug is counterintuitive.


what i meant was: focus on updating the main storyline progression only and also fix bugs. and stop with the sidequest progression lines being updated, and stop with the accessories being added until most of the main storyline is added, only then should the sidequests be expanded upon and have new accessories and character creation things added after the entire main storyline has been expanded upon to fully complete


Seeing as how it's Indivi's game... I think it's his choice what gets added when.


I'm working on it!

Are the new updates already on Newgrounds or are you going to add them? Because I always read the development logs and I noticed that some things mentioned aren't on the newgrounds site. 

Good luck with your future development though!


Newgrounds generally gets updated at the same time! And thanks!

I hope that you will add that Bell and Cassie could milk LD later


I'll see about it!

How do i stop lactating Jesus Christ


Buy a milk pump from the nursery in the city!

an idea for you to use at your call; an Insect enemy in the Forest which can inflict a pregnancy status if you lose to it


Pretty simple XD


impregnation regardless of gender, to be particular


Yes please <3


So a Wasp...

(1 edit) (+1)

love from China❤

really love it!

everyone should play this game~


and I love Kittyヾ(•ω•`)o

cute boy~

you know what I want~(。・∀・)ノ

I want to have children with him!

oh……My English is terrible……


don't worry, I don't speak English very well either, so I use a translator 🙂


Well you do it to near Spic and Span cleanliness so no one would've guessed.

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! We'll definitely have more fun with Kitty soon!

hey guys if i fail asking out the scientist out on a date is that permanently closed

Not being able to do it is intentional. She can't stand wearing most clothing, but also doesn't want to wander around town naked.

But simply having the option to ask still unlocks the usual post-date features for her. Like the island, and the private dungeon.

hey just askin… is there any music in the game? cause the only FX i can hear are the from the menu and taking a bath and it quite breaks the atmosphere of certain places like in new ark slumswhere it should be a place where there are people talking everywhere, the rock(in new ark too,its a bar so yeah) and etc… please don”t take my comment/question like an insult its more like a general question…

Text-based games often don't come with music.

However, Indivi has said that music is likely to be a feature when the game is close to finished, and is not a priority right now.


It's planned, but really low priority at the moment as mentioned!


hey yo indivi if I am right, so are you thinking about adding more effects about the fertility pill and add some girls like bell accept the pill to get pregnant and better. love your work and good luck adding desert town.


NPC's who have their routes finished will accept fertility pills! Bell's isn't done yet, but when she is, she'll accept one and will be able to become pregnant. And thanks! 

How do I get on the Island?

Upper New Ark gallery. 

A big Painting crowded by a ton of People, after getting in go behind the Receptionist and Scare her, then bottom left of the Gallery is a Enclosed box which "Had" A guard go right in and touch things.

Thanks again

How do I start gins route

Catch and beat the Wildcat Lewdly. 

Second Phase is just spamming his Training till you get a new Option.

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