To make it easier, you need high basic stats. The key to success here is money, to put it briefly. When you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of angel milk (hundreds of bottles) and thanks to this relatively quickly build up STR, NIM and RES in the gym. Then buy hundreds of bottles of milk again, a fake pass and quickly build up SPE in college. The hardest thing is SEN. I didn't have enough patience to bring this stat to 25 - so in the nest of meat parasites and in the desert you have to act at random.
If you already have some money, you can buy 300-400 worms in the slums of New Ark and then feed them to weird fish. This can give 15-20 thousand credits.
First of all, you need to go to the Slums of New Ark. I think you know where Don's lair is. If you go south from the gate of his house, you will immediately get to a place where there are many homeless people. One of them (he is standing to the left of the entrance, but not immediately, but a little down) can give you some valuable advice in exchange for seaweed or small fish.
In general, just poke around these homeless people - and you will quickly find the person you need. Unfortunately, he gives only one piece of advice per day. In order not to waste time walking, you can use the flophouse located in the same location (lower right corner, one night costs 5 credits).
The first advice will be about the bathhouse attendant Sammy, the second - about underground fights in the "Devil's Drink", the third and fourth - about the Forest Park and fairies, and the fifth time the homeless man will advise you to buy a fake pass to get into Upper New Ark. After receiving this advice, immediately go to the small market in the slums (up to Don's house, left, then down again). In the bottom row, in the middle, in one of the shops you can buy a "Bad Fake Pass" for 100 credits.
To turn a bad pass into a good one, you need to go to the masseuse Lin Lin and do any massage. In this case, a fake pass will fall out of your clothes, Lin Lin will notice this. For a small tip (20 credits) she will take you to the tattoo saloon, where you can turn a bad pass into a good one for 500 credits.
Hey Indivi can you make the tattoos from the Succubus queen quest available in TAT2 please. I really love those designs and afraid i will lose it to accidental misclick 😭
To the left of the hall with the huge painting, there is a structure that needs to be damaged. When you get too close to it, a guard will stop you - by this sign you will be able to find this structure. Now you need to distract the guard. To do this, go up (north), then to the right and up again. There is a cashier in the room who sells tickets to the gallery. When you approach him from behind, he will scream loudly, and this will distract the guard. Now return to the structure and come close to it - as a result, one of the exhibits will be broken.
You will immediately be grabbed and offered to pay a fine (10,000 credits), or "work it off" by standing naked in place of the destroyed exhibit. In both cases, you will then be able to go to the hall with the huge painting - a portal will appear there, through which you will get to the island.
Hey indivi, I absolutely love your game! Great job! I just wanted to say that I have about 10 created characters and I just can't stop playing it! Its well crafted, the gameplay and level of world building is phenomenal for *porn* game. I was wondering if in the future there would be more player housing options, and the ability to play into the role of a wild furry in the Forest Park area. I like the idea of creating a furry character and living off of the environment in your birthday suit. A good option for a player home would be a dilapidated cabin in the Forest Park (perhaps a new area in the fishing hole) that either you could refurbish (kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim) or go to Hardware R' Us to pay for renovations. Just some ideas, but I just wanted to thank you for making Lust Doll Plus! It's a great game and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for it!
Thanks! I love Lust Doll Plus, excited to see what the future brings. Survival features and player homes in RPGs and gaming scratches that itch in the right place. Thanks for replying, and keep up the good work!
Hi, love this game. Only recently discovered most of the content thanks to the wiki. However, I have encountered a bug - infinite lactation. No matter how much I squeezed my character dry, it still wouldn't stop. Can you tell me how to fix it?
That is not a bug. You will constantly produce squeeze out milk until you run out of bottles to use if you keep on pressing the Squeeze button. Also after squeezing out tons, your character will have high arousal.
Hi, really love this game. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low priority and 10 being high, where do finishing Belle's quest and exploring more of the abandoned lab fall in your list of things to do?
Happy to hear it! Bell's quest is actually next in line to be completed! The abandoned lab will still likely be a ways out, but there'll be something to get there in the relative near future!
I just downloaded the game in my Android and it is pretty fun! Not to mention it's basically the perfect rpg but with boobs. Although, I have already played on PC and I have a save that I want to export to my Android. Is there a way to do this? I can't find the game's files on the route android\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus since for some reason the "indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus" file doesn't appear in data.
Or you could try Android Debug Bridge, which is a safer alternative, still requires quite some work though. Android nowadays sure doesn't as open as it used to be.....
Happy to hear you're enjoying it! Unfortunately, it's pretty tough to port between android and PC. As mentioned, you'll need to root your phone to access the save data.
I'm very very confused on how I'm supposed to get the private dungeon. How do I get the hobo's help? Which NPC do I speak to? What do I do if Arlene doesn't have any more dialogue left? Who do I talk to in order to GET the dungeon?
You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums! Whereas to finish it, speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward. You'll also need Fawn's help
Once Cassie's route is done, talk to the renovators in the city
You didn't say what operating system you use. If it's Windows, then the save files are located in "c:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\User Data\Default\Lust Doll Plus" .
Of course, it's possible to edit them. Everything is possible to edit. The result depends on your skills. :)
Lust Doll Plus version 70.1 with Russian translation for Android. I don't have any Android devices now, so I tested it only on the Galaxy 8 smartphone emulator. Download link:
maybe it was premature. The thing is that I don't have any Android devices at the moment, so I tested the game on an emulator. Everything works with the emulator, but the user who downloaded the game said that he gets a "apk file is corrupt" message when launching it.
So if it's possible for you, I ask you to launch the translated version on a real physical device. There's no need to test it seriously (especially since Russian is not your language), just checking whether the program launches or not.
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1557477358.tmp/0.apk: META-INF/CERT.SF indicates /data/app/vmdl1557477358.tmp/0.apk is signed using APK Signature Scheme v2, but no such signature was found. Signature stripped?
this is something new for me. The signature should not disappear, because I changed only part of the files in the original version of the game for Android, and inside these files only the text displayed on the screen was changed. In general, so far I do not know what can be done here, unfortunately. The best thing, perhaps, would be if Indivi reassembled the game for Android with Russified files.
Tomorrow I will post here a link to another version, where amendments were made to the translation and two random errors were fixed, which, however, practically did not affect the game itself (it was impossible to use one of the toilets in New Ark). If it is not too much trouble for you, please try this version too.
1. Wander north of Sunshine in the desert, encounter a caravan and beat all the slavers (this requires a lot of strength). One of them will be captured, you can remove his blindfold and see a tattoo.
2. Seduce one of the slavers while working in a brothel. He will undress and you will see a tattoo. It requires a lot of ero, spe and nim.
3. Find a passage in the north-east corner of the outer wall of Sunshine. Behind the door there will be one of the slavers, you need to stun him, then undress him. This also requires a lot of strength, but it is still easier than beating up an entire caravan.
If you used way 1 or way 3, you will also receive a map with the route to the slavers' hideout. But you should not go there immediately. You need to return to the New Ark slums and visit the tattoo saloon. There you need to make the same tattoo on your face as the slavers have. They will first apply this tattoo to the other cheek, so you need to use the "mirror" option. The color of the tattoo is dark red. Then go back to Sunshine and buy a headwrap in one of the shops.
With a tattoo on your face and a headwrap, you can go to the slavers' hideout and bluff the guard at the entrance (do not try to sneak past him).
If you used way 2, you will have to do the same, but you do not have a map yet, so you will need to visit the slaver in Sunshine first - go through the hidden northeastern passage and show him the tattoo. He will relax and you can just take the map. After this, you can immediately go to the slavers' hideout.
That would be cool, like a whole part of the game where you can raise your kid, I'd love that.
but unfortunately it's very unlikely, since people don't like having children being in nsfw games despite them not being a part of the nsfw content at all. So as cool as that would be, it's highly unlikely.
I'm considering a revision for the pregnancy system. Admittedly, so much of the game's content revolves around lewd situations, so I can't imagine bringing your children along with you will ever happen.
Id like to buy this but without a demo or any more real detail on the games inner workings i cant really put any love into how much is being payed for it. i take fairness serious. there's a game called broken dreams correctional facility on this site, do you think you could take a little inspiration from it and add some features from that game? always happy to see games improve and I'll even give a big tip when I can if you succeed.
What do u mean by "like to buy this"? Its got free updates here on the 7th. I'm not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious since u mentioned no "demo or real detail"
my bad, got a little confused. Not used to this method of acquiring games. Been playing it all day after realizing i could just get it. I was mostly hyper focused on "how to get past the tipping to do it later" when it was really just simple. Oberthinking is all.
Ой, я не ожидал, что создатель игры ответит. Я играл в нее 4 раза, но так и не прошел ее полностью. Я использовал пропуск для Кэсси. Может, мне стоит сделать что-то еще? И еще один вопрос, у вас есть русификатор для игры или ссылка на него? Я очень хочу понять всю суть сцены, но я не знаю английский на высоком уровне. Я живу в Украине и мой родной язык русский, но я не поддерживаю войну и тому подобное. Спасибо
я сделал перевод на русский, ниже в комментариях есть ссылка. Там, конечно, есть еще огрехи кое-где, буду исправлять. В любом случае, суть всех сцен будет полностью понятна.
Oh, I didn't expect the creator of the game to respond. I've played it 4 times, but I've never completed it completely. I used a pass for Cassie. Maybe I should do something else. And one more question, do you have a russifier for the game or a link to it? I really want to understand the whole point of the scene, but I don't speak English at a high level. I live in Ukraine and my native language is Russian, but I don't support war and the like. Thanks
Haha, I try to respond to everything. To properly complete it, you need to speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward.
can you tell me which folder/file is responsible for the translation? it seems to me that if I transfer the file/folder to the original version, then something might work. And another question, is it necessary to delete the original version in order to download it with a russifier?
Download the latest release. If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Any other platforms, save files will transfer automatically!
Hi, I wanted to ask again about makeup, for further character customization. I can certainly understand if you've been busy and not able to look into that. Just wanted to ask again in case that request got lost under all of the other ones I'm sure you've gotten. Thank you again for making such a fun game <3
You can use lipstick, but the result is almost invisible. I think that this would require a serious change to the graphics as a whole, and this is difficult.
I would rather see cow horns in the list of horns. Why aren't they there? There are cow ears and a cow tail, even hooves, but no horns
can i just say it would be interesting if there were more kinks since this is in development, for me being a junior in learning gave development. I could say add more like sub categories for different kinks, in example pregnancy, what are the chances or variables of having 1 child. Or would the pregnancy be distinctive like fetal movement or normal in general. Or like is it possible to be more thiccer aka bigger breasts etc. In my case in some like small games (Not big franchises) I would say variables or categories.
Also for some feed back I can say include the variables on the babies, like lets say in a wholesome moment you can bring at least on child and you know do parenting things. Lets say maybe after rescuing cassie (or something)
I don't want to spread myself out too thin though, so chances are I'll mainly be focusing on making content for the kinks already in the game. The preggers system is currently planned to be revised. I'll take your ideas into account!
There are probably some bugs in the translation that I haven't found yet, but I'll try to fix them before the next version of the game comes out.
As for version 70.1 itself, there are a few nuances:
1. In the prison, where they brand, there is a passage down (to the south). At first it is closed, then it opens, but you still can't go through it, because this part of the plot hasn't been done yet. And this can be a problem, because after you're released, you can't go back to prison.
2. Oddly enough, the queen can be "defeated". When I tested the translation, I set all the character's parameters to level 99 - as a result, you can bring the queen's lust to 100% with a contextual attack. But in this case, the game, without saying anything, just returns to the starting point before the fight, which looks strange. I even thought that it would be funny to actually defeat the queen and send her to Edith.
3. If you don't forgive Rinny after returning from prison, she becomes sad and doesn't communicate. But if in this state you come to the Succubus Tower with Bell for breast enlargement - Rinny behaves as usual - has fun and jumps, no sadness.
I've seen the 2nd thing happen, Also in that fight the Queens pic will get stuck in "Charging" when you get her to switch to "Phase 2" and stays like that during the loss and into the next try
(She still emotes and "Darkens", just the pink "Tattoo layer?" stays on) (may also be a "You're doing it to quickly" or a Max stats, thing)
So, im curious now, the "dream manipulation" means we will be able to take others there right? Or essentially have our own "dream prison"? If so, i cant wait to "get revenge" on rinny
Im not sure i understand that point... i dont want to spoil anything for anyone not that far tho, so ill leave that there... What ring? Never heard that b4...unless that's also a spoiler, in which case I'll find it eventually, I'm sure
Well, this is half a spoiler, I guess. I was translating the game, so I saw a dialogue related to this ring. Where it is is unclear, I can only guess. For example, it may be found in the horror shop, behind the second locked door. Or in the manor behind another locked door.
By the way, the "marriage" with Rinny is most likely also a bad ending.
Hey, I've been having issues in the desert. When I try to go around Desert Town my character will randomly disappear. It makes exploring the desert frustrating since I have to keep reloading my save only for the same thing to happen over and over again.
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Hi, Indivi, do you have a guide on how to complete the plot without cheats in free version?
To make it easier, you need high basic stats. The key to success here is money, to put it briefly. When you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of angel milk (hundreds of bottles) and thanks to this relatively quickly build up STR, NIM and RES in the gym. Then buy hundreds of bottles of milk again, a fake pass and quickly build up SPE in college. The hardest thing is SEN. I didn't have enough patience to bring this stat to 25 - so in the nest of meat parasites and in the desert you have to act at random.
If you already have some money, you can buy 300-400 worms in the slums of New Ark and then feed them to weird fish. This can give 15-20 thousand credits.
How do I get a fake pass?
First of all, you need to go to the Slums of New Ark. I think you know where Don's lair is. If you go south from the gate of his house, you will immediately get to a place where there are many homeless people. One of them (he is standing to the left of the entrance, but not immediately, but a little down) can give you some valuable advice in exchange for seaweed or small fish.
In general, just poke around these homeless people - and you will quickly find the person you need. Unfortunately, he gives only one piece of advice per day. In order not to waste time walking, you can use the flophouse located in the same location (lower right corner, one night costs 5 credits).
The first advice will be about the bathhouse attendant Sammy, the second - about underground fights in the "Devil's Drink", the third and fourth - about the Forest Park and fairies, and the fifth time the homeless man will advise you to buy a fake pass to get into Upper New Ark. After receiving this advice, immediately go to the small market in the slums (up to Don's house, left, then down again). In the bottom row, in the middle, in one of the shops you can buy a "Bad Fake Pass" for 100 credits.
To turn a bad pass into a good one, you need to go to the masseuse Lin Lin and do any massage. In this case, a fake pass will fall out of your clothes, Lin Lin will notice this. For a small tip (20 credits) she will take you to the tattoo saloon, where you can turn a bad pass into a good one for 500 credits.
I can tell you are a veteran when it comes to capitalism.
It would be nice if in real life 400 worms could be exchanged for 15 thousand dollars, but...
Hey Indivi can you make the tattoos from the Succubus queen quest available in TAT2 please. I really love those designs and afraid i will lose it to accidental misclick 😭
Oh yeah, we can return with that "dream manipulation" skill. Would love to go to that prison with Rinny again lol and maybe with other companion too
Eventually you'll be able to go back to the prison, assuming you became a true succubus/incubus!
I would love to have a what's new section on the main menu that lists what content was added for every update
Hmm I'll consider what can be done
Does anyone know how to extract save data from a game?
Save and config files are located here:
Windows: C:\users\(username)\AppData\Local\UserData\Default\Lust Doll Plus
Mac: \Users\(username)\Library\Application Support\Default\Lust Doll Plus
Linux: \Users\(username)\.config\KADOKAWA\RPGMV\Default\Lust Doll Plus
(May need to sudo nautilus if you don't have access to .config)
Android: \data\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus
(Requires root access. For android vers 11+, may also need an adb shell)
I'd love a scale option for the character creator
It's on the to do list! It's more complicated, since it means new graphics for each pose in the game
Btw I realise how it may sound, I mean like lizards, not size
Yep, got it haha XD
What is the food that the Fairy Queen like?
If you are trying to progress the forest quest and you have done the game that the fairy queen challenges you with, then the food you need is cheese.
How to go to island I'm trying to find the way in wiki but i really confused can you guys helpings me
go to UNA and into the museum there and do shit in trying, I know it's in the Most south in the museum
To the left of the hall with the huge painting, there is a structure that needs to be damaged. When you get too close to it, a guard will stop you - by this sign you will be able to find this structure. Now you need to distract the guard. To do this, go up (north), then to the right and up again. There is a cashier in the room who sells tickets to the gallery. When you approach him from behind, he will scream loudly, and this will distract the guard. Now return to the structure and come close to it - as a result, one of the exhibits will be broken.
You will immediately be grabbed and offered to pay a fine (10,000 credits), or "work it off" by standing naked in place of the destroyed exhibit. In both cases, you will then be able to go to the hall with the huge painting - a portal will appear there, through which you will get to the island.
thank you so much
Hey indivi, I absolutely love your game! Great job! I just wanted to say that I have about 10 created characters and I just can't stop playing it! Its well crafted, the gameplay and level of world building is phenomenal for *porn* game. I was wondering if in the future there would be more player housing options, and the ability to play into the role of a wild furry in the Forest Park area. I like the idea of creating a furry character and living off of the environment in your birthday suit. A good option for a player home would be a dilapidated cabin in the Forest Park (perhaps a new area in the fishing hole) that either you could refurbish (kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim) or go to Hardware R' Us to pay for renovations. Just some ideas, but I just wanted to thank you for making Lust Doll Plus! It's a great game and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for it!
I'm really happy to hear it! Hmm, let me see about more player houses. Surviving off the land sounds like it could be an interesting minigame haha.
Thanks! I love Lust Doll Plus, excited to see what the future brings. Survival features and player homes in RPGs and gaming scratches that itch in the right place. Thanks for replying, and keep up the good work!
Hi, love this game. Only recently discovered most of the content thanks to the wiki. However, I have encountered a bug - infinite lactation. No matter how much I squeezed my character dry, it still wouldn't stop. Can you tell me how to fix it?
That is not a bug. You will constantly produce squeeze out milk until you run out of bottles to use if you keep on pressing the Squeeze button. Also after squeezing out tons, your character will have high arousal.
你想解除哺乳期状态吗?试试milk pump
Happy to hear! As mentioned, you've got to specifically pump till dry
Alissa is having withdrawals of the hypnosis therapy what do I do?
You can get the chastity belt from the lil' shop of horrors in Transylvania, put that on her and let her go cold turkey to cure her.
Got this to run on my Xbox months ago via Newgrounds. Pretty solid game, ngl
Wow, very cool! And thanks!
how do I unlock the forest area?
Give Cassie a fish! The key is in her house
How to go to island I'm trying to find the way in wiki but i really confused helpings me please
Hi, really love this game. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low priority and 10 being high, where do finishing Belle's quest and exploring more of the abandoned lab fall in your list of things to do?
Happy to hear it! Bell's quest is actually next in line to be completed! The abandoned lab will still likely be a ways out, but there'll be something to get there in the relative near future!
bug: pubes show when wearing the "panties?".
I'll take a look!
I just downloaded the game in my Android and it is pretty fun! Not to mention it's basically the perfect rpg but with boobs. Although, I have already played on PC and I have a save that I want to export to my Android. Is there a way to do this? I can't find the game's files on the route android\data\indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus since for some reason the "indivi.indivigames.lustdollplus" file doesn't appear in data.
Or you could try Android Debug Bridge, which is a safer alternative, still requires quite some work though. Android nowadays sure doesn't as open as it used to be.....
Happy to hear you're enjoying it! Unfortunately, it's pretty tough to port between android and PC. As mentioned, you'll need to root your phone to access the save data.
How do i beat alexrtriana?
Just keep fighting her, and eventually something different will happen!
Where can i find frilled gloves if i sold one from mission
Oh, you might've soft locked it. I'll look into this.
Damn. Well, i just thought about searching through shops and didn't managed to find in any of them
They're in a shop that unlocks after you've completed that quest haha
If you fight and beat the maids/butlers, you'll get whatever you're missing from your uniform
the thing is - i sold them after infiltraiting the manor and saving Rinny, but thx anyway
In that case, one of the maids should be selling them
绝对是bug,如果Rⅰnny的衣服是″Jailer″在每天去魅魔塔Rinny问你时选"No″衣服会变为″69 shirt″
Thanks, I'll handle this!
I'm very very confused on how I'm supposed to get the private dungeon. How do I get the hobo's help? Which NPC do I speak to? What do I do if Arlene doesn't have any more dialogue left? Who do I talk to in order to GET the dungeon?
I did. She offers me her little dom sessions and that's it
You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums! Whereas to finish it, speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward. You'll also need Fawn's help
Once Cassie's route is done, talk to the renovators in the city
where is the save file located and it is possible to save edit ?
You didn't say what operating system you use. If it's Windows, then the save files are located in "c:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\User Data\Default\Lust Doll Plus" .
Of course, it's possible to edit them. Everything is possible to edit. The result depends on your skills. :)
@locked65 found the save file but dont know how to edit the save because the value name seems so weir
Will you ever release this game on steam? I'd love to have this game in my library.
It's definitely planned to do!
That's great to hear! I can't wait to see it on steam.
Lust Doll Plus version 70.1 with Russian translation for Android. I don't have any Android devices now, so I tested it only on the Galaxy 8 smartphone emulator. Download link:
Very cool! I'll update the links on discord
maybe it was premature. The thing is that I don't have any Android devices at the moment, so I tested the game on an emulator. Everything works with the emulator, but the user who downloaded the game said that he gets a "apk file is corrupt" message when launching it.
So if it's possible for you, I ask you to launch the translated version on a real physical device. There's no need to test it seriously (especially since Russian is not your language), just checking whether the program launches or not.
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1557477358.tmp/0.apk: META-INF/CERT.SF indicates /data/app/vmdl1557477358.tmp/0.apk is signed using APK Signature Scheme v2, but no such signature was found. Signature stripped?
this is something new for me. The signature should not disappear, because I changed only part of the files in the original version of the game for Android, and inside these files only the text displayed on the screen was changed. In general, so far I do not know what can be done here, unfortunately. The best thing, perhaps, would be if Indivi reassembled the game for Android with Russified files.
Tomorrow I will post here a link to another version, where amendments were made to the translation and two random errors were fixed, which, however, practically did not affect the game itself (it was impossible to use one of the toilets in New Ark). If it is not too much trouble for you, please try this version too.
try to download this apk file:
I really don't know how to find the slaver with the tattoo
阳光南门 右2 上4有一个隐藏通道,里面有一个奴隶贩子--
There are several ways:
1. Wander north of Sunshine in the desert, encounter a caravan and beat all the slavers (this requires a lot of strength). One of them will be captured, you can remove his blindfold and see a tattoo.
2. Seduce one of the slavers while working in a brothel. He will undress and you will see a tattoo. It requires a lot of ero, spe and nim.
3. Find a passage in the north-east corner of the outer wall of Sunshine. Behind the door there will be one of the slavers, you need to stun him, then undress him. This also requires a lot of strength, but it is still easier than beating up an entire caravan.
What do I do after
If you used way 1 or way 3, you will also receive a map with the route to the slavers' hideout. But you should not go there immediately. You need to return to the New Ark slums and visit the tattoo saloon. There you need to make the same tattoo on your face as the slavers have. They will first apply this tattoo to the other cheek, so you need to use the "mirror" option. The color of the tattoo is dark red. Then go back to Sunshine and buy a headwrap in one of the shops.
With a tattoo on your face and a headwrap, you can go to the slavers' hideout and bluff the guard at the entrance (do not try to sneak past him).
If you used way 2, you will have to do the same, but you do not have a map yet, so you will need to visit the slaver in Sunshine first - go through the hidden northeastern passage and show him the tattoo. He will relax and you can just take the map. After this, you can immediately go to the slavers' hideout.
How do you beat the succubus queen?
"That's the neat part. You don't"
Keep fighting her, and eventually something different will happen!
when are you planning to release the whole game?
It's being released as I work on and complete content! No idea when the final release will be, but I am currently aiming to get to release 100!
im in love with this game so bad I have 24 hours in a single save with every single content in the game tested out
Glad to hear it's entertaining! Working on more!
Is the game really laggy for anyone else? How do i fix this
What platform are you playing on?
How do I get the slavers in the hideout
Look for the Tattoo...

...and for the right colour :) otherwise:
The first thing that came to my mind after reading your comment btw //Edit1
I fell for it 😂
It would be nice to keep your babies or I mean at least let me visit them
That would be cool, like a whole part of the game where you can raise your kid, I'd love that.
but unfortunately it's very unlikely, since people don't like having children being in nsfw games despite them not being a part of the nsfw content at all. So as cool as that would be, it's highly unlikely.
I'm considering a revision for the pregnancy system. Admittedly, so much of the game's content revolves around lewd situations, so I can't imagine bringing your children along with you will ever happen.
I know it's a porn game... But let me at least visit my little one 😭😭
Haha, I'll see about it!
Id like to buy this but without a demo or any more real detail on the games inner workings i cant really put any love into how much is being payed for it. i take fairness serious. there's a game called broken dreams correctional facility on this site, do you think you could take a little inspiration from it and add some features from that game? always happy to see games improve and I'll even give a big tip when I can if you succeed.
What do u mean by "like to buy this"? Its got free updates here on the 7th. I'm not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious since u mentioned no "demo or real detail"
my bad, got a little confused. Not used to this method of acquiring games. Been playing it all day after realizing i could just get it. I was mostly hyper focused on "how to get past the tipping to do it later" when it was really just simple. Oberthinking is all.
Oh got ya.
What parts of broken dreams correctional facility are you thinking of?
Will we ever become stronger than Alexandria
Hmm, I wonder? There isn't an alternate route planned where you beat the Queen inside her own dream though, if that's what you're thinking XD
I forgot does anyone know what South West East and North is
North is up, East is right, South is down and west is left!
Okay bet
I think we're reaching a stalemate ngl
Haha y'all are playing with fire here XD
Wait, I've been away for a while. where is this in npc?
In the succubus jail
How do I open a Dungeon?
You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums!
Ой, я не ожидал, что создатель игры ответит. Я играл в нее 4 раза, но так и не прошел ее полностью. Я использовал пропуск для Кэсси. Может, мне стоит сделать что-то еще? И еще один вопрос, у вас есть русификатор для игры или ссылка на него? Я очень хочу понять всю суть сцены, но я не знаю английский на высоком уровне. Я живу в Украине и мой родной язык русский, но я не поддерживаю войну и тому подобное. Спасибо
я сделал перевод на русский, ниже в комментариях есть ссылка. Там, конечно, есть еще огрехи кое-где, буду исправлять. В любом случае, суть всех сцен будет полностью понятна.
А есть на Андроид?
нет, на Windows только. Пока не знаю, как перетащить на Андроид. Может быть, попробую позднее.
Oh, I didn't expect the creator of the game to respond. I've played it 4 times, but I've never completed it completely. I used a pass for Cassie. Maybe I should do something else. And one more question, do you have a russifier for the game or a link to it? I really want to understand the whole point of the scene, but I don't speak English at a high level. I live in Ukraine and my native language is Russian, but I don't support war and the like. Thanks
Haha, I try to respond to everything. To properly complete it, you need to speak to Arlene, then visit the hobo area and get their help, before returning to Arlene! You'll need to sleep periodically to move events forward.
You're in luck! AlexRegT has made a Russian translation of everything so far:
Saino 122 uses Android, and until today I only had a translation for Windows. But today I have already made an adaptation for Android:
Unfortunately, I can't say yet whether it will be possible to do the same for the other two operating systems.
at first, I was happy and downloaded it, but when I tried to update it, it says that the apk file is corrupted. My OS is MIUI
can you tell me which folder/file is responsible for the translation? it seems to me that if I transfer the file/folder to the original version, then something might work. And another question, is it necessary to delete the original version in order to download it with a russifier?
just asking to make sure when updating to a newer version is there a process or is it download and play
Download the latest release. If you're on android, don't uninstall, just install the new version over it. Any other platforms, save files will transfer automatically!
ah ok thanks
Hi, I wanted to ask again about makeup, for further character customization.
I can certainly understand if you've been busy and not able to look into that.
Just wanted to ask again in case that request got lost under all of the other ones I'm sure you've gotten.
Thank you again for making such a fun game <3
You can use lipstick, but the result is almost invisible. I think that this would require a serious change to the graphics as a whole, and this is difficult.
I would rather see cow horns in the list of horns. Why aren't they there? There are cow ears and a cow tail, even hooves, but no horns
I can see about cow horns!
Ah did you ask about it before? Chances are it's on the to do list somewhere. I'll get to it eventually, I swear! And you're welcome!
can i just say it would be interesting if there were more kinks since this is in development, for me being a junior in learning gave development. I could say add more like sub categories for different kinks, in example pregnancy, what are the chances or variables of having 1 child. Or would the pregnancy be distinctive like fetal movement or normal in general. Or like is it possible to be more thiccer aka bigger breasts etc. In my case in some like small games (Not big franchises) I would say variables or categories.
Also for some feed back I can say include the variables on the babies, like lets say in a wholesome moment you can bring at least on child and you know do parenting things. Lets say maybe after rescuing cassie (or something)
I don't want to spread myself out too thin though, so chances are I'll mainly be focusing on making content for the kinks already in the game. The preggers system is currently planned to be revised. I'll take your ideas into account!
how do i get the option to fight the succubus queen because it just says not available
no im still on update 69
Then update the game
Lust Doll Plus 70.1 on Russian:
As mentioned, thanks! Updated link on discord
There are probably some bugs in the translation that I haven't found yet, but I'll try to fix them before the next version of the game comes out.
As for version 70.1 itself, there are a few nuances:
1. In the prison, where they brand, there is a passage down (to the south). At first it is closed, then it opens, but you still can't go through it, because this part of the plot hasn't been done yet. And this can be a problem, because after you're released, you can't go back to prison.
2. Oddly enough, the queen can be "defeated". When I tested the translation, I set all the character's parameters to level 99 - as a result, you can bring the queen's lust to 100% with a contextual attack. But in this case, the game, without saying anything, just returns to the starting point before the fight, which looks strange. I even thought that it would be funny to actually defeat the queen and send her to Edith.
3. If you don't forgive Rinny after returning from prison, she becomes sad and doesn't communicate. But if in this state you come to the Succubus Tower with Bell for breast enlargement - Rinny behaves as usual - has fun and jumps, no sadness.
I've seen the 2nd thing happen, Also in that fight the Queens pic will get stuck in "Charging" when you get her to switch to "Phase 2" and stays like that during the loss and into the next try
(She still emotes and "Darkens", just the pink "Tattoo layer?" stays on)
(may also be a "You're doing it to quickly" or a Max stats, thing)
So, im curious now, the "dream manipulation" means we will be able to take others there right? Or essentially have our own "dream prison"? If so, i cant wait to "get revenge" on rinny
Rinny is also a succubus. She can escape at any moment. Also, if you find a special ring somewhere, you can enter into a kind of marriage with her.
Im not sure i understand that point... i dont want to spoil anything for anyone not that far tho, so ill leave that there... What ring? Never heard that b4...unless that's also a spoiler, in which case I'll find it eventually, I'm sure
Well, this is half a spoiler, I guess. I was translating the game, so I saw a dialogue related to this ring. Where it is is unclear, I can only guess. For example, it may be found in the horror shop, behind the second locked door. Or in the manor behind another locked door.
By the way, the "marriage" with Rinny is most likely also a bad ending.
Oh, got ya. Makes sense, guess we'll see in the future
Probably not gonna do a dream prison, since private dungeon already exists, but it'll be something along those lines!
Yeah, i got ya. I more meant like taking someone, like cassie, to that prison... i just didnt word it right
Ah got it. Definitely considering this!
Hey, I've been having issues in the desert. When I try to go around Desert Town my character will randomly disappear. It makes exploring the desert frustrating since I have to keep reloading my save only for the same thing to happen over and over again.
Hmm, I'll look into it. What platform are you playing on?