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(4 edits) (+1)

Did i broke/bugged the slimy orb route or something ?

In the seewers , i feed the orb enough to get it to trust me , and i pick it up .

But the logbook keeps telling me to feed it . And "Talk"-"Tell her about slime orb" with Linda still results in my character saying that i have "Not quite..." managed to catch the orb .

I mean , it is in my character inventory/head and character+Linda act like "there is no orb here , naha" .

I even tried to feeding it 15 more times or/and putting it on my head , but nothing changed .

Is this is the end of the route and i just have bugged log entry ?

Or does the orb need a different food sources or/and much larger quantities of food ?


No no, currently it ends at being able to pick it up. If the log book entry is grey, that means you've done everything you can up to that point.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Hay question are you still updating this because I did have a request not that it's important  I'm not sure if you are still updating but I thought it would be nice to have some abdl content 

Ps amazing game


I'm still updating! abdl isn't something I can really write though, sorry!


How many times do I need to help bell milk

It is not possible for Bell to "grow breasts" currently

so it's just gonna continue to say help bell milk? 

(1 edit)

No, the quest will be greyed out when all content is finished 

Where do you find Alissa at?

Random event, abandoned town.


After finishing Cassie's route, fight a bandit girl in the abandoned town, and lewd her


finish cassie's route, go to abandoned town, wait for a bandit girl to spawn, defeat her and choose to capture her

Me gustaria que tenga español por lo menos y otros idiomas por que casi asi no se disfruta muy bien el juego

Probablemente no se puedan realizar traducciones de buena calidad por ahora, ya que el juego aún se encuentra en desarrollo. Sin embargo, es posible realizar una traducción automática utilizando el programa Translator++.

How do I get to the slavers base

You can find a map in their hideout in the desert city, or you can get captured by them.

Where is the desert city

Have you unlocked desert yet?

(1 edit)

this is like the 400th time i've asked already, but when you install an update do you just unzip it to where the application is located? (and stuff like locales, swiftshader, !changelog, and shit like that?)

also how do i fix the nw.js issue?


When downloading an update just open the game from anywhere and your save files will automatically be on the newer version, don't know about the .js tho




Only valid reaction to seeing Wario

also, thanks

for nwjs,

- Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local). If you can't find it, make sure you can see hidden folders. You can also type %LOCALAPPDATA%/ into the explorer bar to do the same.

- Delete the folder "nwjs".

- Go inside the folder 'User Data". Then go inside the folder "Default". Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

- In the app data folder, Go to Kadokawa\RPGMV\User Data\Default. Look for the files "Web Data" and "Web Data-journal". Delete these two files.

i dont see the kadokawa folder, is it in appdata/local? and do i need to delete it after i delete the 2 files in User Data?

where do u find rinny after the manor?

She'll be back in her usual spot in the succubus Tower!

shes not there for me

She could be at new ark

shes not i just checked through the entire city

not in the city, at the front. Giving out cum extract.

Check your private dungeon. Also try searching succubus Tower. And can you tell me what the logbook says for her?

it says "translvaniya: speak to rinny"

When I couldn't find Rinny in her usual spots, it was because she was harassing Alissa (Alissa went missing and I didn't know where) Rinny might be bothering the bandit girl taking advantage of her susceptibility to hypnosis. 

Where can you find Bell when she is lost?

If i remember correctly, the forest park.

Search in these three locations: Forest Park, New Ark City (Prison), and Transylvania.

Still here, loving the game like usual :3

Glad to hear!

(2 edits) (+4)

I know nobody asked for this, but I updated it to help those that might need it.

I may keep updating it.


Very neat to see!


What are north South West and east

(1 edit) (+2)

Up, Down, Left and Right.


West      +      East



(1 edit) (+2)

Two mostly cosmetic suggestions:

1) Bunny Ears in a typical bunny girl/boy style as a cosmetic character creation option ... but would be surprised if this has not been suggested before and/or already present however.

2) Additional cosmetic character reactions and interactions.

This one is a little more complex but might be an interesting addition:

2a) Hovering over or clicking on a location with the mouse cursor could change the character expression depending on arousal level [condition 1] and if the area is covered by clothing [condition 2] if not in an event [condition 3].

2b) Clicking on interactive elements [condition 1] of the player character [condition 2] may apply a visual change to that location if not in an event [condition 3].

Example 1 : Hovering or clicking over the characters covered chest with 50% or less arousal and the characters expression may change to an annoyed one which would automatically disappear after when something changes in game, like entering combat and/or moving.

Example 2: Using the rabbit ears suggestion mentioned above, clicking on them could cycle through a series of visual options - both up (option 1 ), left down right up (option 2), left up right down (option 2), both down (option 3)


1. It might be on the list already, but I'll add it anyways.

2. That could be cute, although the game is set up so that you can also play using just keyboard/controller, so I don't really want to add mechanics that can only be accessed by mouse/touch.

Although I am considering a system to allow for changing the way you wear certain clothes like in example 2, but that'll require a system rewrite, so unlikely to happen until I start working on a sequel or something.

stopped working on linux

Thanks for the heads-up, but unfortunately not too much I can do. It might be possible to emulate the game using the Windows version though?


its a bit slower using wine/proton but it works


The game folder didn't let me uninstall it. I'm honestly a biiit scared of having downloaded a virus

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

Why would you Uninstall a good game? It's on my phone, no matter if I'm done with it or if I'm low on storage space.

It installs the new game without removing the old version, so you have to delete the old folder manually, but it does *not* get stuck if you *close* the Itch client out and ten delete it.

It seems that I have misread the top comment.


It happens, though the top comment seems to be worried about a lock on files open in an application, which is a pretty common thing to keep you from breaking active things on your PC even in Linux...

Though a root user can easily override that while a Windows Admin can not.

Even Firefox has a lock in the directory that makes it impossible to delete, even as an admin, while the browser is running.



Most likely, your computer was still accessing it, which can happen with any program you run, not just my game. If you go to task manager, you can force close it, and that'll let you delete it

In the end I brute forced the uninstall through different adminstratory shenanigans. Of course I made sure to have it closed in the task manager beforehand though and it still denied me from uninstalling, saying I would lack administratory permission (which is impossible as I'm the only one in possesion of my pc). Thank you though, I appreciate you trying to help me ^^

This error came out after I picked the option to punish them when they stole my slime baby

How did you do this?

(1 edit)

Put the slime baby on your head, go to UNA, get stung in biology lesson in college, pick sana and mikki to take care of you in hospital, there will be an extra scene after you've healed. If you have no idea how to obtain the slime baby you can check out the Lust Doll Wiki


(1 edit) (+1)

Can confirm that this is not just you.

It brokey.


Yep, will be fixed


Thanks, will be fixed

uuhhh what slime?, i just use drain kiss and this happened

Thanks, will be fixed

How can I wear the slime orb?

Click on it from your inventory

it just asked me to "ponder" at it...

Try showing it to Linda


oh yeah! The cute scientist mouse would know what to do with my new slimy companion 

How do I get into the forest and continue the game is it a day number thing or what.

(1 edit)

I forget how, and this won't be very helpful, but it is not a day counter. Try looking at the logbook in your items, or search it up online.

The wiki website that might be of official use for this game is called miraheze.

Or i might just be stupid and it is in the safehouse upstairs.

Does the official wiki have a web page? I can't search.

Again, it might not be official, but here.

But he is really great and comprehensive.


Encountered a load bug with the punish route with the slime orb and the twins

Thanks, will be fixed

So……how can i learn skill,I mean the kiss and grow dick one

Go to the succubus library, talk to the guy on your left, go talk to rinny and ask her to teach you magic

(3 edits) (+1)

Is it too Much to ask on adding spider legs (Like on the back) and scales (partial works too) on your character? 🗿


Scales is likely. Spider legs... Maybe.



Hear my prayers and don't add vore to the game, because it is one of the most disgusting things you can see


Hear my prayers and do add vore to the game

(actually I thought there were gonna based on your comments so nvm)

At this point, I'm probably mainly focusing on the kinks already present in the game. And generally if I do vore, it'll be soft vore, so no actually getting digested or what not

You do realize you can disable most kinks, right

This game is like. one of my biggest NSFW gamedev inspirations!!! Certainly inspired me to give gamedev in RPG Maker a try again atleast

I'm happy to hear it! It's tough, but can be very rewarding to see your creation come to life


Any vore or belly stuff ever planned ofr the game


Some, but it's not something I understand that well, so it would be tough for me to write regularly

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

If it's about the writing, I could help with that! It's something I write on a pretty daily basis, so I'd say I understand it quite well. Though I'd understand if you don't plan on adding it period


Thanks for the offer! But yeah, I'm unfortunately not accepting guest writing anymore, as I want to keep a consistent tone/writing style for the game. I do do some vore stuff, but it's exclusively soft vore, and it's extremely rare

Soft vore best vore


Great game, I love the level mechanics. It's a little confusing how to progress, but it does feel really nice when I manage to do it.

Side note: it can sound weird....but....can I eat the fairy?


Yes, I wanted my girl to just swallow them so bad...


Thanks, glad to hear! And I can probably do soft vore, but not hard.





I think that it should be possible to start as a virgin and have your cherry popped the first time you get penetrated


I thought about it in the beginning, and decided not to as it would require a ton of writing that lots of people would most likely miss.


Hey Indivi, I really enjoyed playing your game (since like r30 I think) and you've inspired me to try to create a game of my own. And I was wondering how you implemented the character creation system, cuz I wanted to add something similar to my game, but I have no idea of where to start. 


Happy to hear it! For the character creation, you're essentially layering a bunch of different pictures of body parts together to form a person. It might be difficult if you're not drawing it yourself.

(1 edit)

Oh okay, I think I get what you mean. I'm not really good at drawing, but do you think I could pull off a similar effect using sprites/pixel art?

(I'm using RPG maker if you were wondering what engine I was using)


In the files of a game called "strip poker: night at the inventory", you can see how the limbs, head, and torso are all different "png/jpeg"s. It swaps body images for movement, and overlaps and removes clothing images for stripping.


Yeah I just checked the game out and I see what you mean. I think I might be able to do that, I would just have make the body part/clothing pngs. 

(1 edit)


A can't find Alissa   in the Transylvania  plz help

Random event i think...

This  true

I think they're right

it's a random event if she not in trans than sleep til next day and search again

How can I make Cassie trust me more?


You need to do Cassie's route. To start it, visit the slums and force pass the toll guy, then sleep and return to the slums!

Здравствуйте извините пожалуйста за беспокойство а теперь можно будет выбраться из тюрьмы сукубов  ?

Пока нет. Планируется на r69!


Will other pieces of live clothing be added, such as a live latex suit?


For sure, with time!


I wanna romance route the bunny maid! She needs fixing xD


She does have a route planned!


Go to the far right corner and talk to the neko

Thank you




Potentially! There is an underwater area planned

Player mermaid? I'd love to see the player get carried princess style, but I just live mermaids lol

I don't know what happened but when I tried to play the new version my save didn't appear I even found them in the folder but I don't know what to do to make it run


1. Make a backup of all those saves, and note their numbers.

2. Open up the game and make a save in every number slot that you have save files for.

3. Close the game, then replace those save files you just made with your backup saves.

After that, your save files should be usable again.


This worked thanks


Hey, got any plans for heterochromia? Just kinda curious


It's already in the game! You can find it in UNA.


Cool, thx. Ill have to explore una more


What in this context, per say, is heterochromia?


Dual colored eyes, like one green and one blue. That's what I meant anyways. Sorry for the late reply, been busy with life

it's fine. BTW, I love heterochromia, but will probably never call it that.

lol I just do now cause my brother was convinced I should so ppl knew what I meant. Same, I started using it in a couple games for my characters recently


My opinion is that there are not enough sperm art. It's fun to play, but when there's no picture of the characters in the seed in the scene, or even a fountain at the end, it doesn't feel like it would be desirable. I wish the game only development and success, the author is well done!


Gotcha. It's probably too late to go back and add stuff like that though at this point.

Can the save files of the mobile version be moved to the PC version for playing?


It's pretty hard to retrieve the mobile save data. You would need root access to your phone

Rooting is not too much trouble, I just need to know how to move the archive to the computer.

If you have root access, you can email or send in other digital ways like google drive.

No idea if the save files are cross-platform compatible.

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