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I have a problem I can't install the Game because It tells me that the Game was created for an older versión of Android 

Weird, you should be able to just install it using the apk. How are you attempting to install it on your device?


had it working on pc (windows 10) which was a pain in of itself, closed it, relaunched and it was say nw.elf or something not installed


See if this helps!

thank you for the tip, installing the itch app and installing through it worked and thankfully kept game progress

Awesome, glad to hear it!


Is it possible to prevent the slime ball from getting away when you first bring it to Linda? I've failed the Nim skill check twice at 68% and 82% respectively, so I'm not sure if it's programmed to fail or if I'm just unlucky.


You're just unlucky. I've had a 93% chance of succeeding fail, I've also had really low chances of succeeding work (25% chance, and it worked). Indivi will be able to answer if it's meant to fail though. There's some stuff (dealing with the Succubus Queen) that even if you pass the check, you still need to go through with what the Queen has planned...

Even if you succeed the check, the slime will still get away


I think the meat tentacle pregnancy thing might be not working. I've enabled all the options, and it won't give me the scene for some reason

Where is this scene you're referring to?

Read on the wiki that there was a meat tentacles anal pregnancy scene. Dunno if perhaps that's a Patreon exclusive or something, or if maybe someone made it up, but there is a page for it

Ah, okay. What does it say you have to do to get it?

(2 edits)

It's a defeat scene. The only criteria it says is that you cannot have an already-active anal pregnancy.

Edit: it seems that even normal pregnancy seems to stop it and that's what happened, I got it to work by going back with no pregnancy, and it came up as normal. Oddly, it is blocked by vaginal pregnancy, but it does not block vaginal pregnancy... maybe something to do with the status effects?


I hope we get to see Bell, Sammy, Kitty and Lin Lin in the island

They'll get in eventually! Just need to do their routes first.


How do i access upper new ark?


fight Cassie, talk to her and she will tell you how to go there.

How do i fight her?, does she appear in devil's drink?


Feed the all-knowing hobo until he tells you about someone selling counterfit passes, then get a massage from Lin Lin while owning a pass and she will tell you someone can upgrade your pass to make it identical to a real one

Restarted a new game, cause it'd been a few updates and there's some new stuff. Going through the sewers the first time, hey item box is new, wonder what the item is... and it's junk. No use for it, can't sell it, so...why have it? I get that there's some things that are junk but are related to something (that poor cowgirl!), but getting to the New Ark slums the first time through the sewers and finding out that the item is 5 junk is "the must explore everything in me is disappointed that it was junk and not anything I can use, ever" What's the train of thought for the new item that's junk? Or is it supposed to be something else?

Also wondering whenever you get done with the Queen shenanigans, can you can hold her hand? So many others you can, and I think holding hands with the Queen would be interesting...AFTER I have my revenge on her, of course! Lessee... free Edith and sic Edith on the Queen? Get the Queen super horny and then just leave her? Have Rinny and the Queen lez out and film it for blackmail? Hmmmm....

Junk is used in the science tower in new ark after you unlock crafting there. Other then that, idk if its used anywhere else

Ah, that's just there to have a reason for that side path to exist. The real reason for it appears later on.

The Queen... Well, let's finish Rinny's second route first and you'll see haha XD

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Whats up with the lust doll and holding hands

Not only do they value holding hands above any kind of sex stuff but there is also a couple holding hands in UNA, if you interact with them LD says it's scandalous


it's a meme. it run on the same logic as "kissing makes you pregnant"


I personally find it hilarious. It's treated as this totally perverse and scandalous thing, as opposed to just two people holding hands. Hold hands with Arlene (the psychopath police gal) and it's QUITE funny. There is some very kinky things in LD+ and a lot of sexual stuff... yet holding hands somehow is more lewd than a domme, a catgirl treated as a pet much to her annoyance, and a sciencist-turned-meat parasite demon that chooses to not wear anything.

pregnancy only area?

After finishing gold mine in the desert, there'll be a certain NPC wandering around the south gates of the desert town!

(1 edit) (+2)

Rate my character and stats after 13 hours of gameplay

Btw for my weapons I use 2 desert blades


Interesting choice of being furry with a fishtail XD


Hey, so I was wondering just how far is LD+ from completion? This game has been in development for quite a while, though newer compared to some other similar text-based games like Lilith's Throne and Degrees of Lewdity. 

It's a game built to allow for storylines to be added almost anywhere, so it can really just keep on going. There's technically a main route, but it's pretty slow to be developed compared to each NPC's storylines.

There is an error when using furry flat chest no nipples in Rinny's part2

Thanks, it's fixed in the latest release!

Hi, I'd like to know, the little arc if you fail to infiltrate the Don's lair if available only for Patreon's or for people who tip the game ?

It's only on Patreon!


Hey, anyone know what to do with the slime ball in the sewers? Does it do anything for you besides eat your items and other stuff? Btw, wearing a chastity cage messes up the player character when youre crawling in the vents, and it looks pretty goofy. I tried using the chastity cage to mess with Rinny's route, but the dev was too smart for that one.


That's it for now! Need to wait for me to update it (you can check your logbook to see if you've done everything so far with it.)

Thanks, I'll look into what happens there. And haha, I actually can't remember what I did for using the chastity cage with Rinny's route


Hi, i love you game, but i noticed that the Breast milking in the sucubi prison, your pussy gets fucked, even if you dont have one,

(also please tell me how i get out of the prison :3)

Thanks, and I'll look into that! No way to get out of prison yet, as I need to finish it first!

Good that i made a save, thx

and how to get out of the elven prison?

I am also trapped, i luckely made a save, but want to get out without it 

It's not done yet, need to wait for me to finish building it!

Hello everyone, please tell me what's new that's been added to the game?

You can check the changelog to see! I've posted it in the latest blog!

Given that, at senses being 9, my chance to fish something up at the science lab top is a lousy 10%, whatever is hiding in the murk is gonna be VERY hard to pull up...

There seems to be certain phrases that override whatever the last statement was. Talking about the lab's state seemed to override whatever the last statement actually was when I changed the map. Talk to someone about something, go to new map (as in, whatever the very next map is) and it talks about the state of the lab, even though that conversation was awhile ago. Not sure why that is, it took travelling the desert to get rid of that.

Hoping when we are able to complete the whole "Queen Succubus arc" we are able to punish both the Queen and Rinny! Something like orgasm denial, getting them all hot and bothered and then just taking off, something that would be suitably punishing for a succubus!

You can repeat as many times as you want, so it's actually pretty straightforward!

Hmm, I'll try to investigate what's going on there with the messages.

Haha, certainly a lot of people seeking revenge on the Queen and Rinny! Can't imagine why...

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i see CTF shown in the toggleable fetishes, but i can't find it anywhere in the wiki
edit- apparently this games calls cock modification cock transformation. that is not cock transformation. CTF is transforming another person into a cock. 

Ah gotcha. I can see about making it clear

as a side note how likely would it be for actual CTF to be included in the game?

as well as potentially vore?

It's unlikely. I'm trying not to add too many more kinks as I'm already spreading myself pretty thin, sorry.

Vore has some scenes, admittedly not a lot

I am thinking of starting a new save for all of the updates that have been added since I started my first save. Should I make a new game or a new game plus from my original save?

Up to you! New game plus would let you keep a lot of things, like your stats/items. It just resets your story progress back to the start

I will start a complete new save then. Great game btw.

Thank you!

The locked door of Ruined Lab cannot be opened. Is it because it cannot be opened in the first place?

At the moment, there isn't anything behind it!

This reminds me of that one video.

Show us what's inside  the fridge Wayne! You want the truth?


Imma play this game now.


Haha, there'll be something there one day!

How to destroy the laboratory ?

You can't do that!


Hi, indivi. Love the game. Just wanted to give an idea

Lap dances; once your ero skill is high enough, you get a job at the gentlemen's club, and you completed a character's route, you could give a character a private show if you finshed one of their routes.

(Rinny would need to be told about the no touching rule so she can "forget" it immediately)


Username checks out

But it is a great idea

(1 edit) (+4)

Haha, it's certainly a cute idea! I can see about it!

And yes, Rinny might just conveniently "forget" the rules XD

nvm suddenly just started working (._.

Glad to hear! Just wondering, but what version of Mac are you using?

10.15.7 my mac is kind of old lol

It being old actually lets you run LD+ on it haha. Keep in mind, Apple removes support for RPG Maker MV (which Lust Doll+ runs on) with macOS Big Sur 11.0 and later.

could you say how you got it to work? I'm stuck

Note that Apple removed support for RPG Maker MV (which Lust Doll+ runs on) with macOS Big Sur 11.0 and later. If you are using version 11+, you might need to play on browser, or use another device.


You can try this method to run it locally though:

Running in a local web server (Thanks to Joewolf for the method.


STEP 1: Install Node.js

• Go to Node.js and install it. (

STEP 2: Install http-server

• Open Terminal and enter the following:

sudo npm install --global http-server

STEP 3: Get path to game

• Finder → View → Show Path Bar

• Open game folder → www

STEP 4: Run http-server from game folder

• Open Terminal → type cd → drag & drop file path of www folder → press enter

• Enter http-server to start the local server. Use the following code:

http-server -c-1

• Copy & paste the local URL into any browser, and the game starts!

• When you're done playing, closing the Terminal window turns off the local server

Did the Chmod stuff for Mac but still won't work😓

Unfortunately, Mac support is pretty iffy. You can try this out:

Try running it in a local web server (Thanks to Joewolf for the method.


STEP 1: Install Node.js

• Go to Node.js and install it. (

STEP 2: Install http-server

• Open Terminal and enter the following:

sudo npm install --global http-server

STEP 3: Get path to game

• Finder → View → Show Path Bar

• Open game folder → www

STEP 4: Run http-server from game folder

• Open Terminal → type cd → drag & drop file path of www folder → press enter

• Enter http-server to start the local server. Use the following code:

http-server -c-1

• Copy & paste the local URL into any browser, and the game starts!

• When you're done playing, closing the Terminal window turns off the local server

(1 edit)

How do you progress dark side of BDSM i seem to be soft locked from doing it nvm it's probably cause i didn't agree but kinda sad that you don't have the option to reconsider it

I don't there is a dark side of BDSM in the game. Just loving kind

(1 edit) (+1)

Yea i kinda locked myself out of the questline by not accepting the card sadly

What have you done so far in the route?

(1 edit)

Pretty much all the characters route except Fawns final quest and Newt sub route beaten the gold mine too one cause i probably clicked the screen too fast the other i gone for the captured route instead of the auction


To finish Fawn's route, you need to have completed Cassie's as well. Then talk to a certain someone in the torture rack club.

Hello everyone, please tell me when the update will be released for the entire public?

The game updates around every 17 days or so from the patreon release

17-18 days but yea

Tomorrow, on the seventh!

I'm confused on where I should meet the Pixi girl for the Transalvania quest

wait for the thing to happen, then go graverobbing

What have you done in Transylvania so far?

(1 edit)

After I downloaded the game, this error appeared as soon as I entered it. What is the solution? Note: My device is Android.

I remember getting this. What i did was re-download the latest apk a few times. I haven't seen this problem in a while tho, so maybe somethings changed.

As mentioned, try re-downloading the app, restarting your device, and making sure nothing's running in the background when you play!


Fishing in the Lab on the latest update eh? Are there super powerful fish? Another cowgirl that thinks she's a sea cow? Things that got dumped so Arlene didn't find anything suspicious when there was a report of bizarre stuff happening? Linda's secret hobby? :P Gotta wait till the 7th then I'll find out!

Curiosity question about the Island: you can sometimes win garments, but they don't seem to recognize YOU are the one that got them. I gave Fawn her own top and she wondered how I knew her size. Did she seriously not know I got it from her sexfighting in the Island? Was she teasing? Or is that an oversight?


There's certainly something in there!

And hmm... Curious, isn't it? XD


Can you add a muscular body type please


It's unfortunately not feasible at this point, due to how many different clothing there are in the game that would need to be edited to fit a muscular body

how do you gain cassie's trust?


Give her food (big fish if you can she'll invite you to her hideout if you do)


Did i miss something? I cant do it yet


patreon update u can check the dev log.

Ah ok, i missed both

Been a while coming haha


Can we reserve our saved files when game have a update?I'm afraid of losing them.


the saves are safe ive been using the same save file for 2 years and over 20 updates

If you're on android, don't uninstall the game. Just install the new version over it. Any other platform, save files transfer automatically!

What is Rinny's second route? Can't find any information about it in the miraheze page.


People who update the wiki aren't going to uodate it as soon as it comes out...they have lives


After finishing the Manor quest, you can ask her about meeting the succubus Queen!

if that the second route, whats is the first ?, I'm pretty sure i've done everything in the logbook and get every single item in the game

The manor quest! Have you met Pixie yet?

Yes, but I might have skipped the dialogue that contains the thing about the succubus queen. Maybe.


Thoroughly enjoying this game so far. Only wish there were more cumflation scenes. Good work on this. ^_^


Glad to hear! And I'll see about it! Most likely it'll be in meat parasite route

(1 edit) (+1)

That'd be awesome. Especially if there's a repeatable scene with one of the characters.

Also, pretty sure I know the response to this before I ask it, but... might as well try, lol: is it possible to add the optional kink for anal or oral cumflation to potentially go all the way through? No pressure, of course, I know it's not for everyone, and I apologize greatly if asking such caused any discomfort.

On a different note, I love how sweet and loving Cassie is. She's very cute and I appreciate her caring demeanor in her scenes after her event line. Most of the characters, in fact, are really endearing on top of being fun to interact with.


You mean like skewering? Hmm, I could consider it.

Happy to hear you're enjoying Cassie! She seems to be many people's favourite


OH! Nonono... not... not quite that. Skewering implies uh... a rather unpleasant time, actually. All the way through typically implies just going through the digestive tract without puncturing it. In one end, out the other, but no gore and blood and all that. I didn't mean to imply that, if I did...


Ah okay. I thought that was what skewering was haha. Yeah, I can see about it. And yeah no gore or blood.

Chastity belt doesn't change masturbation scene of catching fairies 


I'll look into it!

If you dont give the fairy queen a gift while wearing the chastity belt it just disappears (only for the scene duration), also plant's texture gets over the tip of char's dick


Thanks, I'll investigate!

Lost 30 minutes of character customization/shopping


Constant Crashes 😑

Ik it probs ain't your fault bro but I hope I didn't just lose all my progress smh also now system UI isn't responding is showing up on my screen every 10 seconds

(1 edit)

Yeah, android can be a bit finicky. Make sure nothing's running in the background when you play

I'm turning off play protect but idk if the app will work on my version

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