There are several characters you can date, but the only one who outright calls you her lover is named Fawn. You meet her the first time you sleep in a condo. You'll want to put clothes on before answering the door, though. heh
Straight down from the Don's mansion is where you go to learn about the passes. One screen to the left is where you buy them (you have to go around). Lin Lin's massage parlor is where you figure out how to make them actually useful.
BTW, once you have paid for a good pass at least once, you can use it as a reference to try and turn poor quality passes into good ones yourself. Combine an ink pen with a poor pass at the table in your condo / farm side room / Cassie's place.
Although, it requires a fairly high Nimble stat to reach 100% chance of success (26+ I believe).
If you don't want to wait for official release, you could try the Lust Doll Essentials mod (here on itch). But, keep in mind it's just a modified version of the free release, so you won't have access to the Patreon bonuses even if you have that version installed. Also it has many bugs related to trying to have mega-sizes active and wearing clothes at the same time.
Does anyone know what this genre of gameplay is called? You know, the whole click square to move, big character sprite on the right along with stats. Almost like a text-based RPG if not for the sprites. I know it's probably a point-n-click sandbox game but even then this is too vague for me to find similar games :(
hello! May I ask on why nymph's notes still hasn't updated yet? If I'm not wrong then I think indivi replied to my comment on how nymph actually has some lewd scene's in the new update (r55) but I haven't seen any updates on nymph's notes so it just kept me wondering, hehe
Been enjoying this game for a while now, and i thought i would make a suggestion or two. Will you add more eye shapes or maybe another option for the fairy game(Maybe a huge bust size or even larger cock size)? As for eye shapes, it could be sharper eyes or droopy eyes.
I think I've done all the quests the game currently has to offer (with 45+ hours on the game), and I decided to do some digging about the game's future on social media. As you seem to have quite a lot planned for the upcoming years, have you thought about enlisting help? It seems like a lot of work for a (presumably) solo developer, especially with all of the care and passion put into the game.
Congrats on making it through! Yes, I'm a solo dev. I've considered looking for help, but doing work as a team is much different than as a solo dev, and I'm not sure I want to switch it up when what I'm doing now works decently well enough. If I want to try a team, I'd probably do so on a new project first, instead of with LD+.
You have my complete and full respect, as I know game development is hard. I'm currently in school to become a software engineer, and it is rough just to learn.
umm I think I found a odd bug, I was using the private dungeon with Fawn on the bed as the sub and I put the blindfold on her and then did cock growth and the blindfold vanished into the shadow realm I haven't finished the session so I don't know if it will reset that way but the blindfold is gone on her character and not a option(for the bed dunno on the other 2 things haven't tried em yet)I will reply back on if the blindfold returns on the other 2(or not)and what happens with ending the session and starting a new one, oh and I do still have the blindfold as a item, has this happened before?
really loving the game and i'm purposely waiting for a long time before playing it again LOL i just finished Gin's route (won't spoil) and i really hope we can do more with him in the future :D excited for the next updates o7
Are some of the questlines not finished yet? I have been absolutely loving the game (especially Cassie), but a some of the questlines seem to hit a dead end
ok thanks might not do it for a while if having high stats is more easier either that or try it and if i fail revert back to a save but having the knowledge of what to do helps!
Upon entering look left, the should be two people sitting down a table, one will ask for food, give him food over and over again until he mentions Fraud Tickets, go to the Slum Market, not the mall I mean the market at the slums go to the junk vendor, if he is now selling items other than junk you should see the tickets, now to the massage parlor with the ticket, or tickets, get a massage from Lin-Lin.
Well FIRST from the Lab is going to the very rightmost of the abandoned town, look for an entrance of any sort near a body of water, enter to meet a Small Scruffy Bandit, beat her as you like or Don't even try actually, give her assurance as an ally... Or FISH!!!
After that she will show you the location of her ol' safehouse, follow directions (It's near the exit) to find her safehouse, enter go upstairs and loot the chest for the key to enter the forest.
This is also the path to find Transylvania so prance around aimlessly in the forest for a screaming plea, or cries of ticklish pleasure/pain.
Further on...
Facing the Gaping plant the wall right of you has a hidden entrance.
Just dive face first into the wall till you find it, you need to BEAT not lewd the fairies, so a good old trashin will do the trick and as they flee in fear realizing they won't be getting any loving kisses you can collect their Powder, now enter the hidden grove and pour the Powder along the statue, as you enter they will desire a gift, they Love milk, proceed to play with the Queen, after a little playtime you can ask her about the gaping plant, this needs a fully refurbished Milk Farm, as you need cheese to pass her test and that needs the Refinery.
Hi, I can't find Bell (NPC), after she ran away the 2nd time. I've searched the 3 known spots for her, no luck. The renovation of the milk farm is still going and I think I need her to finish it. Any ideas?
Everything from the character creation to the Story, the characters, and different Kinds of items, and the sauce is so Good, I LOVE IT, I freaking Love this game dude.
okay so just hear me out on this: adding facial hair as an option for (male) characters, possibly as an added use for the "shave-n-grow" kits.(?) Still, it's just an idea.
exactly that, as it is a fixed object, it is not necessary to move during certain poses, just keep the head in the same position and height.
and if it's also possible, to match the halo, to add these "wings" (this is more of a representation of wings but that's it in a way), I'm looking forward to the next update, I've seen the evolution of this project, don't give up on it . 👍
I just finished the dungeon, it was very good but I'd like to know if it would be possible to actually show the dick in Nymosa's mouth on her portrait during the scene.
In the Abandoned town there is a forest which was once a Park.
There is a hidden grove where fairies scuttle towards when they feel danger.
Take their dust in a bottle and search for the hidden statue.
Prepare an Item that's fitting as a gift, Milk is favored.
When adventuring about you can come across Slavers, follow them to find the Milk Farm, beat them in any manner you desire and take the farm for yourself, Refurbish the abandoned room within the barn and buy the Refinery from New-Ark, insert milk within the Refinery to get Cheese.
To get the choice to ask about the forest gaping plant from the Queen within the hidden grove first play with her, afterwards you can ask about the gaping plant.
She will ask for a greater gift than before, give cheese.
yknow the game trials in tainted space by fenoxo? They have this method of saving to and loading from a file that isnt restricted by android being a bunch a shitheads
dang, can you make it so u can edit stats during a save, I beat the whole story once, then got to the 100k part with the slave auction and decided to just do new game plus
Nah, I'd rather people not jump straight to cheats to overcome the obstacles in the game, hence why you need to start a new game plus to change everything
1) Open the save location on the old machine. Copy the saves onto an external device. Take note of what file number they are under. Save 1 is the auto-save and can be ignored.
2) Launch the game on the new machine. Make a character and save the game in all the same save file numbers from the old machine. The character name, stats, items etc. from these saves do not matter, since you won't be keeping them anyway.
3) Open the save location on the new machine. Select and delete every save in there (Save 1 can be ignored again). Open your external device and copy the old saves over.
Assuming everything was done in order, next time you launch the game from the new machine, your old saves will be playable.
thx m8 im assumeing the Char will be a bbw but on a side note is there a way to make the player a BBW? or is it the same Char in question who helps you do that?
a question out of curiosity cuz i tend to make "canon" runs where in case of games with relative big character customization and gear/clothing options having the character use default, or dev, look/gear/name etc. and for that I'm interested which characters r canon or from dev pov furry
Hmm, characters in the game currently are made to work regardless of furry or not, so I haven't decided whether anyone's canonically furry. I am considering an exclusively furry character down the line who won't have a non-furry form if that answers your question?
For Android: Do NOT Delete the old game or your saves will be gone forever! Unpack the update directly over it and tell it to overwrite files. Your saves are kept inside the game folder itself, but are not part of the install package. The game creates the save folder as soon as there is at least 1 save to put inside it.
For everything besides Android: Just download and play. Saves are stored separately.
Have been trying long enought with the dessert to don't advance, do I have to be capture and run or solve the maze? In that case I would like to ask for a bit of help with it
Nevermind I had a map on the inventory, now I just need to kbow how to twke part of the auction
I hope down the road Linda will be datable, think it'd be fun to go on a date with her. More so if you guilt-tripped her when you fought her, like Linda's unsure whether Lust is messing with her again, really wants a date, or what. And, given how you treat handholding, waiting to see if Mistyra and Linda are going to be able to hold hands with Lust down the line!
And, having taken Linda's glasses off and on again repeatedly, I love the humor in it!
theres a neried tail and ears, but no cock for it. whould it be a possibility to add a slit/internal prehensile tapered cock like that of a dolphin or whales? it would complete the look! i beggeth thee! thanks for making this game!
I'll see about it, although I can't promise that it would be treated different from other cocks in the game aside from appearances (would just be too much work for something relatively fewer people will see.) And you're welcome!
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does anyone know if you can get an s/o in game? if so how?
significant other, aka a boyfriend or girlfriend C:
There are several characters you can date, but the only one who outright calls you her lover is named Fawn. You meet her the first time you sleep in a condo. You'll want to put clothes on before answering the door, though. heh
may i ask how i can make her my lover?
There are many steps, but for starters, get yourself a condo in New Ark (2,000 credits) and visit her once a day (she lives right next door).
You won't be having any shortages in LD.
does anybody know where to find the hobo for the counterfeit pass?
Straight down from the Don's mansion is where you go to learn about the passes. One screen to the left is where you buy them (you have to go around). Lin Lin's massage parlor is where you figure out how to make them actually useful.
Thank you very muc
BTW, once you have paid for a good pass at least once, you can use it as a reference to try and turn poor quality passes into good ones yourself. Combine an ink pen with a poor pass at the table in your condo / farm side room / Cassie's place.
Although, it requires a fairly high Nimble stat to reach 100% chance of success (26+ I believe).
Is there a way to keep the mega stuff applied yet or is it only on certain scenes still?
If you don't want to wait for official release, you could try the Lust Doll Essentials mod (here on itch).
But, keep in mind it's just a modified version of the free release, so you won't have access to the Patreon bonuses even if you have that version installed.
Also it has many bugs related to trying to have mega-sizes active and wearing clothes at the same time.
Does anyone know what this genre of gameplay is called? You know, the whole click square to move, big character sprite on the right along with stats. Almost like a text-based RPG if not for the sprites. I know it's probably a point-n-click sandbox game but even then this is too vague for me to find similar games :(
Not sure there is a name for the genre yet. I don't feel like it's very common outside of h-games.
The APK says It cannot be analized, so It doesnt let me install it
Try re-downloading the apk!
i believe is a problema with my phone, i cant open apks in general, so yeah, sorry, It wasnt your game
hello! May I ask on why nymph's notes still hasn't updated yet? If I'm not wrong then I think indivi replied to my comment on how nymph actually has some lewd scene's in the new update (r55) but I haven't seen any updates on nymph's notes so it just kept me wondering, hehe
Nymph's route is part of the Under Temple! He's got some fun stuff already, with more planned~
Been enjoying this game for a while now, and i thought i would make a suggestion or two. Will you add more eye shapes or maybe another option for the fairy game(Maybe a huge bust size or even larger cock size)? As for eye shapes, it could be sharper eyes or droopy eyes.
Mega-Sizes will be possible.
Changing expression can make your eyes Droopy, or Sharp, this is in the personal tag in the sanctum.
Glad to hear! I can see about more options, yeah. And as mentioned, there will be mega-sizes available at some point!
I think I've done all the quests the game currently has to offer (with 45+ hours on the game), and I decided to do some digging about the game's future on social media. As you seem to have quite a lot planned for the upcoming years, have you thought about enlisting help? It seems like a lot of work for a (presumably) solo developer, especially with all of the care and passion put into the game.
Congrats on making it through! Yes, I'm a solo dev. I've considered looking for help, but doing work as a team is much different than as a solo dev, and I'm not sure I want to switch it up when what I'm doing now works decently well enough. If I want to try a team, I'd probably do so on a new project first, instead of with LD+.
You have my complete and full respect, as I know game development is hard. I'm currently in school to become a software engineer, and it is rough just to learn.
Thank you, glad to have it. And good luck, study hard but don't forget to unwind
whenever i try running the game it just says running and doesnt fully load or wtvr. idk what to do about it.
Maybe You have a Low-end PC/Phone, or your storage space is running out.
Try re-downloading, reinstalling, and making sure nothing's running in the background when you play! Also update your drivers!
Does anyone know how to run this game?
Show post...
Download the game, depending on your platform, PC: unzip the file and click the exe file, Android: just tap the APK file, Linux and Mac idk
Where is the exe file located?
Show post...
umm I think I found a odd bug, I was using the private dungeon with Fawn on the bed as the sub and I put the blindfold on her and then did cock growth and the blindfold vanished into the shadow realm I haven't finished the session so I don't know if it will reset that way but the blindfold is gone on her character and not a option(for the bed dunno on the other 2 things haven't tried em yet)I will reply back on if the blindfold returns on the other 2(or not)and what happens with ending the session and starting a new one, oh and I do still have the blindfold as a item, has this happened before?
Oh if it matters I am on 54.0 version of the game
ok so ended the session and started a new one blindfold wasn't there
It's actually a little weird. The first time you make her grow a cock, has you removing her blindfold (it says so in the text.)
After that you can put the blindfold back on her and making her grow one afterwards retains it.
well the blindfold wasn't there at all like no option like I didn't have one to begin with
Hmm, okay thanks, I'll take a look!
Do I need higher strength or resilience to beat Fawns 'tied-up escape'? or am I supposed to do some combination of 'struggle' and 'struggle fiercely'?
ok I found out how to do it
Glad to hear!
really loving the game and i'm purposely waiting for a long time before playing it again LOL i just finished Gin's route (won't spoil) and i really hope we can do more with him in the future :D excited for the next updates o7
Glad to hear, and that's a good plan! A lot of people are looking forward to Gin's return XD
Where is the poster in Transylvania advertising the hypnotherapy? I can't find it
ohhhh wait never mind I think I found the problem
still don't know where it is
AHA I FOUND IT! it just didn't spawn in
Good job finding it XD
how do i unlock torture chamber or dungeon?
you need to gain cassie's trust, which involves her being captured by a thug and a lengthy planning to save her
more info on the wiki
i got it!
What do you mean by torture chamber or dungeon do you mean the one you would own or the place called the torture rack?
oh I didn't see someone else replied nevermind
Are some of the questlines not finished yet? I have been absolutely loving the game (especially Cassie), but a some of the questlines seem to hit a dead end
Lengthy, but unfinished.
The updates focuses on different characters at a time.
wait so you know how to 'gain Cassie's trust'? how do you do gain it?
go to slums, dont pay the hench man, sleep, go to slums.
Don wants to speak with you (by prompt of the henchmen)
dont pay him, instead do dirty work. You now have to turn in cassie.
go to cassies safehouse, and just sleep, then shes gone. go back to don. either take his money or dont. i didnt.
now from here you have to find a way to get her out of there.
its a long thing that took me literally a day to figure out.
persons of interest, Fawn, Sammy (bath house), Lin-Lin (massage girl), Arlene Police officer. then you connect the pieces.
ok thanks might not do it for a while if having high stats is more easier either that or try it and if i fail revert back to a save but having the knowledge of what to do helps!
I am trying it out to see if I can manage it and am i supposed to do sex,assassin, or grunt work?
never mind I took a shot in the dark and got it
Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Some of the quests are still works in progress, yes. There are a bunch that are completed too though!
Maybe you could make some clawed hands or some foot paws or something like a cat's claws or like dog legs?
I'll see about it
YAY Thx!
Can't wait for the r55 update to get released to the public! lol, I'm excited
It's coming soon!
Is it possible to become a citizen of upper new ark? If so could anybody help me?
Under the Don's home is a Slum.
Upon entering look left, the should be two people sitting down a table, one will ask for food, give him food over and over again until he mentions Fraud Tickets, go to the Slum Market, not the mall I mean the market at the slums go to the junk vendor, if he is now selling items other than junk you should see the tickets, now to the massage parlor with the ticket, or tickets, get a massage from Lin-Lin.
That's it.
I got the tickets, but i mean for like the residences and stuff.
No entering the UNA Residence for now.
You can kinda enter with Fawn's route.
Can someone help me? how to unlock forest?
Well FIRST from the Lab is going to the very rightmost of the abandoned town, look for an entrance of any sort near a body of water, enter to meet a Small Scruffy Bandit, beat her as you like or Don't even try actually, give her assurance as an ally... Or FISH!!!
After that she will show you the location of her ol' safehouse, follow directions (It's near the exit) to find her safehouse, enter go upstairs and loot the chest for the key to enter the forest.
This is also the path to find Transylvania so prance around aimlessly in the forest for a screaming plea, or cries of ticklish pleasure/pain.
Further on...
Facing the Gaping plant the wall right of you has a hidden entrance.
Just dive face first into the wall till you find it, you need to BEAT not lewd the fairies, so a good old trashin will do the trick and as they flee in fear realizing they won't be getting any loving kisses you can collect their Powder, now enter the hidden grove and pour the Powder along the statue, as you enter they will desire a gift, they Love milk, proceed to play with the Queen, after a little playtime you can ask her about the gaping plant, this needs a fully refurbished Milk Farm, as you need cheese to pass her test and that needs the Refinery.
Hi, I can't find Bell (NPC), after she ran away the 2nd time. I've searched the 3 known spots for her, no luck. The renovation of the milk farm is still going and I think I need her to finish it. Any ideas?
Step on her usual block.
It needs you to trigger it so that she would spawn somewhere among those three areas.
Cheers Mate, that helped.
Everything from the character creation to the Story, the characters, and different Kinds of items, and the sauce is so Good, I LOVE IT, I freaking Love this game dude.
Glad you're enjoying it! I'll keep working!
okay so just hear me out on this:
adding facial hair as an option for (male) characters, possibly as an added use for the "shave-n-grow" kits.(?)
Still, it's just an idea.
I can see about it!
I know there are already several types of ears, but I wanted something more "exotic", like that, something more mystical if possible in the future.
Like a halo?
exactly that, as it is a fixed object, it is not necessary to move during certain poses, just keep the head in the same position and height.
and if it's also possible, to match the halo, to add these "wings" (this is more of a representation of wings but that's it in a way), I'm looking forward to the next update, I've seen the evolution of this project, don't give up on it . 👍
Hmm, I can see about it down the line.
New update hole room completely broken, crashes the game if you put your dick through, you also enter on the same side as nymosa, softlocking you.
Check Patreon. There should be a fix out.
Thanks, as mentioned should be fixed now! Nymosa's part of that room actually isn't ready yet
I just finished the dungeon, it was very good but I'd like to know if it would be possible to actually show the dick in Nymosa's mouth on her portrait during the scene.
Probably not, unfortunately. Would be weird for only her to get this, but would be way too much to go back and do this for everything in the game
if you put on the living bra and panties, how would you get them off?
Menu --> Inventory --> Flute --> Play
does somebody got a hint on how to get to the temple?
In the Abandoned town there is a forest which was once a Park.
There is a hidden grove where fairies scuttle towards when they feel danger.
Take their dust in a bottle and search for the hidden statue.
Prepare an Item that's fitting as a gift, Milk is favored.
When adventuring about you can come across Slavers, follow them to find the Milk Farm, beat them in any manner you desire and take the farm for yourself, Refurbish the abandoned room within the barn and buy the Refinery from New-Ark, insert milk within the Refinery to get Cheese.
To get the choice to ask about the forest gaping plant from the Queen within the hidden grove first play with her, afterwards you can ask about the gaping plant.
She will ask for a greater gift than before, give cheese.
Waaaaa I need the last Update but Am don't have money 😔 😔 😔 😔 😔 💀
You can wait for the Seventh.
please make some way to move save files or export them somehow to move to pc, or load from file
Not sure what you're asking for, but you can check the readme for save file locations
yknow the game trials in tainted space by fenoxo? They have this method of saving to and loading from a file that isnt restricted by android being a bunch a shitheads
Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's any way to do that with the engine I'm using, sorry.
dang, can you make it so u can edit stats during a save, I beat the whole story once, then got to the 100k part with the slave auction and decided to just do new game plus
Nah, I'd rather people not jump straight to cheats to overcome the obstacles in the game, hence why you need to start a new game plus to change everything
To transfer saves between PCs:
1) Open the save location on the old machine. Copy the saves onto an external device. Take note of what file number they are under. Save 1 is the auto-save and can be ignored.
2) Launch the game on the new machine. Make a character and save the game in all the same save file numbers from the old machine. The character name, stats, items etc. from these saves do not matter, since you won't be keeping them anyway.
3) Open the save location on the new machine. Select and delete every save in there (Save 1 can be ignored again). Open your external device and copy the old saves over.
Assuming everything was done in order, next time you launch the game from the new machine, your old saves will be playable.
I am not on pc, and my issue is with ACCESSING the save file location
Do you wanna root your phone?
Then you can't reach them.
That or I'm mixing this game with another game.
How do i do anything with transylvania??? None of the places I've looked have explained what to do after i find it
okay but how do I find Rinny?
Bottom left section of town.
The entrance still exists, even if your Senses stat is too low to see it. Just mash your face into the left wall until you step on it lol
Have playd and loveing the game so far but have not found anything Plus-size stuff just to chek is there BBW content or anything close too?
Yes there is currently.
That would be in the Deep Forest, after you find the Queen + Refinery, you need them to enter the deeper forest where you will meet the character.
thx m8 im assumeing the Char will be a bbw but on a side note is there a way to make the player a BBW? or is it the same Char in question who helps you do that?
Unfortunately it's not an Idea favored by the creator as of now.
welp time to wait and see then still thx for the help m8
It's more that it's not feasible, due to how many clothes and positions there are in the game.
Can I still come back and trigger the plot of a slave trade once I find my hiding place? That's the plot about 'Newt
I'm not sure what you mean. You can ask in your native language, and I'll try using Google translate to figure it out
a question out of curiosity cuz i tend to make "canon" runs where in case of games with relative big character customization and gear/clothing options having the character use default, or dev, look/gear/name etc. and for that I'm interested which characters r canon or from dev pov furry
Hmm, characters in the game currently are made to work regardless of furry or not, so I haven't decided whether anyone's canonically furry. I am considering an exclusively furry character down the line who won't have a non-furry form if that answers your question?
hey i have a question, how do i update the game to a newer version or do i just have to redo my progress?
For Android: Do NOT Delete the old game or your saves will be gone forever! Unpack the update directly over it and tell it to overwrite files. Your saves are kept inside the game folder itself, but are not part of the install package. The game creates the save folder as soon as there is at least 1 save to put inside it.
For everything besides Android: Just download and play. Saves are stored separately.
thank you for helping me, i really didn't want to redo my progress
Have been trying long enought with the dessert to don't advance, do I have to be capture and run or solve the maze? In that case I would like to ask for a bit of help with it
Nevermind I had a map on the inventory, now I just need to kbow how to twke part of the auction
Glad you figured it out!
I hope down the road Linda will be datable, think it'd be fun to go on a date with her. More so if you guilt-tripped her when you fought her, like Linda's unsure whether Lust is messing with her again, really wants a date, or what. And, given how you treat handholding, waiting to see if Mistyra and Linda are going to be able to hold hands with Lust down the line!
And, having taken Linda's glasses off and on again repeatedly, I love the humor in it!
It's planned, definitely! And haha, we'll see what happens there with Mistyra and Linda XD
theres a neried tail and ears, but no cock for it. whould it be a possibility to add a slit/internal prehensile tapered cock like that of a dolphin or whales? it would complete the look! i beggeth thee! thanks for making this game!
I'll see about it, although I can't promise that it would be treated different from other cocks in the game aside from appearances (would just be too much work for something relatively fewer people will see.) And you're welcome!
can you tell me where and how to find gold mines in the desert?
hey indivi, will Nymph have lewd scenes later on? hehe, also, cant wait for u to release the 55.0 update ><
Most definitely! He actually has some in r55~
Will there be a translation into Russian?
Unfortunately unlikely, as it's not feasible to implement a translation while the game is still in production
- indivi