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how do i get to know rinny 


Trigger manor quest by making her follow you in Transylvania and talk to the NPC closest to the graveyard

(1 edit) (+4)

I spent almost 2 hours fucking around with random stuff at the mall 👍


Haha awesome XD

Hey indivi what are the plans for this game update wise down the road

Not much, just keep on trucking!


Hey indivi, will later updates have better customization for characters? Would be cool to be able to have more than 1 accessory on the face or wrists or anywhere really

Multiple accessories, probably not as it'll require changing the underlying system for that sort of thing. But more customizations, it's likely!

Hello. I want to ask you, will there be Russian language in the game? I would really like this game to have a translation, because the game is very interesting, but without translation it’s difficult to play it.


6 days ago

No other languages at the moment

Unfortunately unlikely, as it's not feasible to implement a translation while the game is still in production

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I've been doing the quest including the inner temple, and I am now on the part where there are vines, and whenever I click to cross, it says not implemented yet, can some1 help me?

(Ok, now I know it's  not done yet lol)


Got to wait for me to update it haha


Question do you plan on adding babys in the  game so you can raise them at so point or no


Laterererererererererererererererer on.



After NPC's second route!

Does anything change if the character has a pussy and balls?


Yes, there are separate scenes for those parts


Randomly turned all black, and i couldnt do anything for a bit, i had just gotten beat by some grave hands when it happened. Like.. during the post fight thing

What OS are you playing on?

Windows 11, but this hasnt happened before for me, and ive played 24 hours so far

Might be a primary issue? Try restarting and making sure nothing's running in the background when you play!

Amo como se ve tu juego, se ve que es algo con un potencial increíble. Ojala algún día logres hacer una traducción al Esoañol y otros idiomas...

¡Gracias! Desafortunadamente, es muy difícil traducirlo mientras el juego aún está en producción, ¡pero tal vez después de que esté completo!

¡Genial! Será un honor ayudarte monetariamente cuando llegue ese día ¡Te deseo lo mejor! Tu juego es algo que merece llegar a lo más alto...

(1 edit) (+1)

I've red some guides or spoiler about t gins quest and I just wanted to ask if we're able to see him again soon? I've kinda got attached  to him huhuhu:<  

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yes, dev says we'll see him, but I don't think it will be soon

Glad to hear you like him! It'll be a bit of time, but we'll definitely see him again!

where could I find Nymosa and Nymph? I'm having a hard time finding them hehe

the bathhouse/temple

You need to complete the trading quest inside the temple!

Hey question... my game keeps saying that a file (Data=/mapdata) dosent exist so.... idk if thats just a me problem but can i have some help

Try re-downloading!


Does anyone have any character builds they can share?


I don't know if this game really requires much in the way of builds. Just work on whatever you like!


there is no standard style so to speak, simply buy what you like and have fun creating outfits along with the various body and visual customizations that are available, here are some styles that I have created now, as you can see, they are not that creative but you know, the laziness speaks louder, depending on how much money you have, buy EVERYTHING and have fun creating your own style.


Antlers added? Fox ears-?! YES! but I'll wait patiently. always love reading updates.


Slowly adding more animal parts~

cant wait  for the bird!!

Could someone tell me on how I could gain cassies trust?

Snitch like a Rat. Or in longform explained.

New Ark has a 5 Credit toll towards the slums.

Push, or Trick, him then go on and do what you want, or simply leave then sleep.

Come back to the 5 Credits toll path and proceed towards the Slums.


Horny for another time pick "Grunt Work" 

Then as this is wayyyyyyy too long

Ploop this in :

Thanks! I wasn't able to reply in time because I didn't notice it but either  way, thanks:) 

Well.. that is new for me owo (my progress got restarted because my phone somehow go into factory reset qwq)

XD Congrats on finding it!

It's really a long progress ngl

My fingers hurt spamming that crunches exercise button in New Ark City. But it's worth it lol

It also keep going to heaven before snapped back to reality and wake up lmao

Will the next update be posted off of patreon or no?

After bug fixes and mini updates.

It'll be out on the seventh!


something you should add is that in the hideout you should be able to renovate it once more so that it will have cells and you can use those cells to capture monsters and use them in your dungeon


and you should be able to buy a net to capture the monsters with or use ropes to craft a net


Could be an interesting idea!

after you bring linda back to the lab is there anyway to continue her route or is that the end?

You can help clean the lab a bit later.

Thasit for now.

Help! After rescue cassie no matter what i do i can't continue progressing in the same save i can reload but it just open the last save point i save

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You are missing a Component.

Look towards the New Ark police station and look for Arlene, do what she asks.

Aka speak to the Beggars under the Don's home and pay them 500 credits for the riot.

500 not 2000.

That or I misunderstood and it might be bug.

Deleted 282 days ago


No plans.

Believe this, or wait for the Developers words.

No other languages at the moment

can you do anything with the man in the slums near the rest area with the homless people? because i can interact and he is like, having trouble breathing or sm?

Mix a Big Fish, and Bottle, and chug tha shit with the best food you got.

Fairy Dust, Golden Apple, Milk, Seaweed.

Depending on the used Ingredients it will either be Horny, Disgusting, Okay, or Amazing.

you need to feed him a decent or amazing fish soup. just one golden apple will do for making the latter

Hey i cant seem to get the game to work on mobile. It's doing the "ReferenceError:S is not identified" thing on mobile. Can someone help?

Is there something I need to download for lust doll to work?? Cus i tried elf jail apk and that works just fine. Just slightly laggy. Or well. Slow frames

Cus im kinda at a loss right now :o

And could use some serious help with this ;-;.

(Cus i actually like this game and dont have a pc at the moment)

It might just not work on your device unfortunately. You can try re-downloading and reinstalling, or see if the browser version of the game works

I dont see how. Elf jail works just fine on my tablet. And i remember lust doll working on my phone.

I don't see the browser version either. This is confusing indeed. I'm not saying you should fix the game but it's up to you if you want to.

Nothing's really changed with the game as far as required hardware goes, so if it worked before, but doesn't now, then most likely something's changed with your device.

Is there anything i can download onto my tablet to at LEAST try to run tho game? Like maybe a mobile version of rpg maker? Cus at this point I'm willing to try just about anything

I've completed Cassie's route up to the new update (to the best of my knowledge), but I am still unable to ask her about her slavers. The game is up to date. I have no idea how to play the new update. Any help would be appreciated.

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You need the ability to talk to Arlene in the Torture Rack, so at least the first part of Fawn's route needs to be done too.

I have done everything related to Fawn that I know of. I have long since finished her college segment, and we currently share a condo.

I'm not 100% sure on the exact requirements, but if Cassie, Fawn, and Alissa can all be taken on a date, the option to ask about her being a slave should be there.

Gotcha, I’ll re-check everything again. It’d probably be Alissa. Thanks.


Are there any plans to include reverse trap content and/or additional non-trap femboy content?

Also, though you've probably heard a lot of this, how much sense would it make to split the Trap toggle into something like "Femboys" and "Trap/Entrapment"? Since the two are not the same, and it feels weird to rename the latter into the former, even with the disclaimer.


Potentially! Might not be for a little while, so I'll handle it when it happens

anyone esle struggling with Fawn's tied up-escape session? I think its 2,1,3,2 to get free but i could be wrong


Struggle hard twice. Normal struggle once. Rest once.

The only order that matters is resting inbetween the two hard.

How do you get the dungeon

How far are you with Cassie?

Then after all...... that you can buy it at New Ark for a hefty sum.

I didn't know Cassie had anything to them lol, all I knew is they stood around in the safe house

Also, is it normal for the game to occasionally glitch and maybe crash?

When does this happen?

Its all the time with random screen artifacting and occasional crashing

is there any way to get cassie back from the slave hideout? i dident done the quest for cassie and alisa so i want to get her back form the slave hideout


Some info might be dated but it should hold.

Just be sure to get Arlene, as an ally.

How do I get to upper new ark 

Feed the Hobo underneath the Don's home.

Till you hear about counterfeit tickets, go to the Slum Junk Vendor, buy a few.

Get a massage from Lin-Lin.

I seem to have a problem with bell seemingly nowhere to be found. I checked the farm, the city prison, and the exact places in forest and Transylvania. Restarting the game doesn't seem to fix it. Did anyone else run into this problem?

If you have the newest version maybe its just a bug, sometime it will be repaired, but i recomend you to search the lust doll wiki, they have there every place where bell can end up so you can search, and if yoj dont want her to still go around you can get a bell i believe in the research place with the cientific, with it you can make bell stay, its in new ark city, not the deluxe new ark city


The silly bit of that sidequest is, Bell won't spawn in any of the locations if you don't first step on the square where she normally stands.
Your character needs to comment that Bell seems to be missing and they should go look for her.

yup, that fixed it. Thanks!

what do i do with the plant in the forest?

Look for a hidden grove near it.

Use Pixie Dust.

Play with the ????? Queen.

Ask about the gaping plant.

She will ask for a gift.

Find a way to procure Cheese.

Where i can found the tribesman in the bath house??

Rightmost is Nymosa.

Leftmost is Nymph.

If I can recall correctly that is.

This needs quite the hefty sum of Credits, leftmost there is a locked door, talk to the Foxgirl beside it she will ask of an item, most of the items you want are in the New Ark Mall, and upon ascending the same thing is repeated until you can get through to Nymph.


I wish there was an option to top Gin 😭 and maybe other male characters too? 🥺🥺🥺


Man.... just play a gay game then, or a futa game if you go for the futa


Lust Doll is a gay friendly game. I think their request is pretty valid.


wath? I mean that theres pretty much no gay porn here, the only one that there is its the femboy and that pretty much not concireded gay(to a certain point) so i dont think things will just go make a 180 turn and start with gay porn, also this game is realy a remaster of lust doll, so i think most of things will stay nearby that one.

That why i recomend you to play a game thats direclty gay, that will be much faster than waiting a month or 5 for gay porn, i recomend you to maybe play the T.I.T.S. game, its mostly in the monster girls and sometimes in the furry side but you can chose between gay or straight porn pretty much anytime theres so thats a plus


You can make yourself a male and fuck males. It's not that deep


And there IS a scene where you CAN top, its when pregers i think

His entire route is basically topping him XD, unless you want something more specific? And there'll be more male characters with time!

No, namely with Alissa.


Well Play with Cassie.

Bathtime with Cassie.

Clothes change - Repeat till a new option comes.

Frisky Funtime in bed with Cassie.

With Alissa, present to progress the quest.

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Alissa technically has two quests. Freeloader, Hypnoaddiction but there is an extra scene after she becomes a playmate.

After freeloader, she becomes a playmate. But to progress to dating her, you must finish her 'recovery' event. To progress to hypnoaddiction you must encounter her once in the Succubus Tower dungeon while being bullied by Rinny. Then pass about four or five days and talking to Cassie will trigger the event.

Is there a way to use saves from a prior version to the next? 

Im downloading the update and dont want to lose the almost 10 hours of progress

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It wouldn't exactly prevent the progress loss, but you could start a new game and put in the character stats and money.

I'm pretty sure there is a way to use the old saves but I'm not sure myself

As long as you last played on version 37 or later, you're fine (probably).

If not, the Discord has an archive of older versions you can use to gradually update your save.

If you're on android, don't uninstall the old version, or it'll delete your saves as well. Any other platform, saves will automatically transfer over!

How do i get rid of the meat Parasites in the bunker

Go to science lab tower in new ark

Don't forget to speak with the Receptionist.

How can I acces to spanking scenes?

(3 edits)

Bandit Girl in abandoned town. - Defeat her first.

After Defeat Edith. - Rinny, must be with you.

Fawn, as your master. - Get a Condo in New Ark to begin her Quest.

Rinny. - In Private Dungeon play with her Butt.

You..... - Play Subbe for Rinny, in the private dungeon on the Pillory Stocks.

Alissa. - After she succumbs to pethood towards Cassie.

How do i play with rinny her butt im in the dungeon but i cant play private

Use the Pillory Stocks.

With either You, or Her.

Guys, can you answer what should be done with it?

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With the Baby?

Sure go to New Ark, there should be a nursery, from the entrance go right.

No, namely with Alissa.


if yoj want to spank her you gotta complete the hipnosis mision, try sexing the cat every way and then speak wkth her and cat

What o have to breeng to the fairy queen??

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Upper New Ark mall has the refinery for the Milk Farm. 

You need the refurbished Milk Farm, plus the Refinery, from Upper New Ark mall.

Use any milk on it.

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