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any spoilers to resist the heat in the desert and be able to follow the caravan?  if it's something extremely obvious, and even after 68 hours of gameplay I didn't notice it then I say, "I'm rusty" about these details 🤔


Training up Resistance and/or keeping to the maps to find oases is key to traveling the desert.

I don't think it is possible to follow the caravan at this point... perhaps it won't ever be.


With enough sleuthing, you can figure out where they go without following them directly.

(2 edits) (+1)

Well you can go Right of the Town in the desert to find a little cellar.

Disable the guy in anyway you want then get his Map.

Follow the Map to find their base.

I found the trapdoor, but it's locked, is there a chance he was there at some point, is that it?


Around the town not inside.

I think, maybe, I can finish everyone in the slave house with these stats plus the spells 💪

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Around the town where? if I exit the town from the west, it's that desert loop again.

Also, how did you figure this out, what clues, or did you just happen to happen by it?

go to the north entrance of the desert city and go to the right until you reach this point

(1 edit)

While I think about it...

There's been a few times it's "save is from too far back a version, have to restart". That shouldn't be an issue for me (think this one is from 48) but how long before people will have to restart again because you did something that causes it to not work right? 

Edit to add something: how do I delete a save? I messed up, and accidentally saved when I shouldn't have. I thought it was in appdata somewhere but now I'm not so sure (I'm on a Windows computer).

there's a "readme" file in the game directory saying where the save files are stores in your version. i hope you can fix your version problem!

It mostly depends on if I change the core code in some way. That doesn't happen much now that the game has been in development for so long, but you never know.

To delete a save file, go to options, and it'll be at the bottom!

Okay, so far I have: Bought and then released Newt, Intimately shook Sauel's hand, found the slaver hideout, and I beat the slaver's in a fight so they run when they see me from now on.

Is there anything more I can do as of this update?

   Can I ask how did you do all that? 

   First of all, how did you have so much money to buy Newt, assuming it was without cheating.

   How did you enter King Sauel's house, assuming that where you met him, as it's locked.

   Lastly, how did you find the slavers's hide out, and where is it?

   I simply got a log book entry saying to investigate the slave trade, once i arrived in the city, but no other clue. The trap door near the house is locked, if I enter through the normal door, the other doors inside are locked, and I could speak to the guy at the entrance about buying a slave, but if I accept, then I don't have any money to bid on any of the slaves that are presented, and then I guess there won't be another auction, and the prices are ridiculously high, King Samael buys Newt, I can't enter hid house, and it seems there's no other way than to reload, and I have much better things to do than grind 80k credits, with the rates this game has.

   I also heard of some slavers's map, but I don't know where to get that either. The only map I got, was the one showing how to get from the entrance of the dessert to the town.

You don't enter Sauel's house. You meet him while watching the bid for the slaves.

That's about it for now!

   I couldn't afford buying any of the slaves, and yes, he appeared, but he ignored me. I guess there will be a chance to release them, in later versions of the game?

Hi I'm really struggling to find the slavers hide out, the maps directions confuse me. Would you mind telling me where it is?

I'm glad the update is out. And all my past saves with a full passage burned out.

(I play on phone)

I also play on the phone and I just installed the new version over the previous one and my 68 hour save is not erased


You don't.... Delete the game before installing the Update right?

Because that would be a misconception, you can keep your saves no problem just Download, and then press Install, it will automatically update the game for you...

(1 edit)

Previously, I deleted the game after the passage, so as not to think about it until the release of the update.

previously it worked ;) 

but thanks anyway

Whre 50.1, It's 7th Of June And I'm Sad :(

it will be released today, maybe later or later tonight

Most likely.

Indivi tends to release it in the afternoon or early evening (and I'm Western US) in case there's something that needs to be addressed. You'll see fixes between "version released to Patreon" and "public build",  and Indivi wants to make sure nothing big slips through the cracks.

It's out now!


the collection


Ooh, well done! Will be more with time~

is there any way to get into the queen's chamber in the succubus tower or to get into the locked door pixie has in the manor? I've been real excited about those two



Not yet, but there are plans!

How to get the science lab quest done? 

Get the Parasite Ma'am, yeah the girl named Mistyra.

Just realized I have been saying her name wrong for a while, golly gee.

Ask for her assistance to the Tower, then the game should assists you through the rest, then after you lose the Companion you had atop the lab, go back to the Deserted Base to look for her.

yep thats how it is

(1 edit)

Will you add an ability or way to change between man to woman and woman to Man whenever you want?

That is already in the game.

Go to Transylvania, to the very left should be a "!" Poke it.

Upon entering talk to the bored guard, go inside the tower and then go UP the stairs twice to reach the second floor, the Body workshop allows you to freely modify your body at a price.

As for Pronouns, press back then press Sanctum, then step on "Personal" I think...


Like it so mch Cant wait what happen next, WE REALLY SUPPORT U ON THIS!!!!!

Thank you! Will continue working hard!

I'm having an issue where when i open the game it's just a black screen.

What device are you playing on?

HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop, AMD Ryzen 7 5700G Processor, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphic, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, Windows 11 Pro

Ok I may have one curious about something like weapons for example, they influence both normal and lust damage depending on the weapon once held, why not armor, I mean since battles are getting harder for those with low resistance to damage, it gives whatever resistance depends on armor, some clothes somehow grant defence boost, some can be too weak but can be used for some things like love and sex time with cassie, fawn and other girls(if you're futa) and some boys like gin, that's my idea to make battles a little easier and interesting, can't wait for the next big update hoping for something extras keep on bust'in indivi. 

I think the armors should have bonus in the alure but not much in the combat, i think that bether than deffend you, the armor should restrick the enemy to reach some places of your body, like having a dildo would make the enemy need to reach a grabing posture and take the didlo off from your ass to be able to fuck you, or like habing a thick coat would make enemies do a little less damage to you, but not much, so that it becomes more like: "ho shit he graved me, better i quick escape before he fucking rapes me" than "haha armor 100+ defence points go brrr" giving it a more interesting battle than just punching without the enemies being unable to deal damage

Thanks! I decided early on not to add stats to clothes, because I would rather players wear what they want, rather than what gives the most stats.

the auto clicker works, but sometimes it makes the game heavier and sometimes slow, but it works anyway, if you leave it up until the stamina runs out while you do something else it will do 🙃

With those Accessories, and Work type, you should have seen this coming.

Pretty good way to be efficient haha

Can i ask what's the difference between lust doll,and the plus one?


lust doll plus is a remake of the original, i believe its going to follow the same general story, but im not really sure

Deleted 326 days ago

i see,thanks for the information my fellow cultured friend


after all this time, finally, update 50 is here...can we get to 75?


It's only two years and a month away!

hello indivi  but a idea after you help the tribe people with camilla could a shop open in the village that sells things such as clothes like grass skirt, leaf bra L, leaf bra R , cod piece  and weapon like a stone spear  that has the same damage max as the ornate katana but starts at one

Theres some items like the wipe that do that and even have more max dsmage than the katana

Some interesting ideas, I'll see about it!


Hey, invidi, was wondering, while I know your main focus is lust doll, could you possibly try working on your other games from time to time? Like Elf Jail and Rainy Sky's? I'm not asking you to completely abandon lust doll, but just, if at all your not working on lust doll, could you put in occasional work for your other games? Because they are really good, and I'd hate for them to truly become abandonware


Indivi explained that he's not going to abandon those games, they're just going to be remade (like Lust Doll) after Lust Doll+ is fully complete. It's going to take a while, but they'll be back and better than ever at some point.


I'll try, but both of those games unfortunately require major reworking, so it'll still be a very long time for either of them to come out in any playable form.

Deleted 326 days ago

Glad to hear! It's actually my favourite setting, so I do hope to get back to it one day.

And also glad to hear about inspiring you! TTRPG's are great, and a lot of the games that I make these days tend to mimic what they do.

This isn't really related to lust doll itself, but do you think you can try and get your other games on Android? I really wanna play them, especially rainy skies


Unfortunately most of my games were made in an engine that doesn't support porting to android natively. You can do it with android apps like joi-play I think.

(2 edits)

concept; low chance that when you defeat one of the Mouth Crawlers in the meat core area, you get one as an item and are able equip it in the same way you would the sex toys from New Ark

the ero gauge increasing from it works in the same way that the Black Bra? item works when you have the hypersensitive nipples status


Neat idea! I'll jot it down


Can you possibly in the future add where you can take Gin to your private dungeon, or Kitty,Bell,Sammy,Nymph, or any others?


Yes, all those characters are planned to get in eventually!


When i download the new version will my save file be okey i mean will it be deleted

Android, Download and install over the older version.

No Deleting.

What about on Windows?


Windows is the same way. The saves are located elsewhere so if you delete version 49 and put 50 in its place, the saves will still be OK.

When does the hypnotism/mind control happen?

(1 edit) (+1)

*little spoiler alert*

do yyou remember the succubus gal who is in transilvania? Her does it, you just gotta see a poster right in front of you when you enter and you will unlock the option to be hypnotised by her(or resist) and in the process gain an effect that boost your ability gain(or xp to say in another words) by 30% that day


Exactly when it happens its probably after the end of the mission when yougo to the grave yard in transilvania, no more spoilers

Yes I do believe so.


*Do you remember the Succubus Gal in Transylvania?

She does it, you just have to inspect the poster right in front of you when you enter Transylvania, then you will unlock the option to be Hypnotized by her (or resist) and in the process gain a timed effect that boost your Experience gain by 30%*

Wass it nescesarry?


Some people likes to Bash small mistakes.

Just thought I would put this up to sway them away.




Congrats on making it that far!


Thank you! It's been quite the journey, but there's still lots to go!

How can i fuck Cassie, i want to know

You need the Dungeon.

And a Pillory Stock.

Or some other way I don't know about.


While that is right, every character has his own fuckable and unique scene, so its better to search for them, at some point you become tired of bdsm after all


As far as I know the few options there is to Press Cassie, is BDSM Bed, and BDSM Pillory Stock.

I can't recall any other really.


theres the bath scene with Cassie, which you unlock after freeing her from Don

Mmm yeah I forgot about that one.

(1 edit) (+1)

You just gotta gain consent with her man, you need to complete his missions, and for that you gonna need to not pay the toll to enter the new ark city

Then you pass a day and you just gotta flow the curse of things to finally gain her consent, its hard but worth it

*You have to gain consent from Cassie, man.

You need to complete her mission (route) and for that you are gonna have to not pay the toll to enter "The Slums" 

Then let a day pass return to "The Slums" then you have to go with the flow*

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ok so Alissa needs a job she cant be a stripper, waitress or bouncer Casssie yelled at her now im lost 🤣

New Flyer in translvania.

Maybe I should check it out?


Its a little confusing his way of completing the mission but theres a wikipedia on it, you bassicaly gotta search for the post in transilvania, hipnotise her, and wait a few day looking constantly at her and the succubus in transylvania


*It's a little confusing on how to complete her mission, but there's a wikipedia on it.

You basically have to search for a Post (Flyer) in Transylvania, try it out yourself, then get Alissa, to try it.

Wait for a few days then return to the Succubi tower until Rinny, is missing then visit the Dungeon to pop the next step*

Ok i seen rinny fucking with Alissa does this unlock something more?

Talk to Rinny.

I have but nothing really happens she just looks suprised and asks when you got in and i have no other options in chat other than ask to teach magic or the hypnosis training to get the buff

can anyone tell me how I can get to know rinny?


Walk around Transylvania with her.

Particularly near a closed off gate, and start talking to people.


Especifically you gotta help her with some problems in her town that crosses that gate

is it possible to make the character I control plus size?


Unfortunately, no. It's solely for NPCs right now

oh ok then i have one more question, what should i do to buy the dungeon?

Have you beaten the Don?

This is Cassie's quest to gain her trust.

never seen this quest, how to do it?

Push the "5-Bits to pass guy" then sleep, come back to the Slums. 

And I cannot stress this enough, Pick "GRUNT WORK" you can horny at another time. 

Game should point you where to from there. 


Also Can I just say that it bothers me that we refer to Fawn as Master instead of Mistress when she Doms us in the Rack? You don't have to change it Dev but I'm just saying, It makes no Sense unless Fawn uses He/Him Pronouns or anything else that would suggest Fawn being a Dude but I don't think Fawn is but I might be wrong so who knows? Later People!


Master here is unisex!

(1 edit)

When will 50.0 be avilable to the public? June, what?

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

June 7th, Indivi's been very consistent with releasing the public release on the 7th!

(1 edit) (+1)

New Wear.

Also stabby things I forgot the name.

It was "The Katar"

Yes, katar!

Will you translate the game into other languages like Spanish?


No plans at the moment to do any official translations!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey how do you get Bell to visit Pixie?

(1 edit)

After the first Boob Growth, failure...

Wait hold on let me NG+ to check I forgor 💀

Alright so after the Succubus Boob Growth failure you can then talk to Bell, again about meeting Pixie.

Then it should be smooth sailing.

so, I just went and tried again but it still didn't work. like the option didn't show up at all. I've done the first attempt so is there like a waiting period or something

(2 edits)

So I believe the pre-requisites are...

Finishing the Manor Quest.

Finding Rinny.

Modifying your own body.

And dated Rinny.

Milk and Pamper Bell, as you do it.

Then the option appears for Bell, to try the body modification in the succubi tower.

Then after that fails you can go to Bell, to talk about Pixie.

Also I'm not sure but I also did get the free fridge from Pixie.

Will weight gain ever be a thing in this game?


Body Changes that force Clothing to change won't be possible.

A few short events will allow body changes but like I said only for short events.


Basically what NFG said.

How do I advance Alissa's storyline?  She's agreed to relax a bit, and the options for inviting Cassie to bed or to shower are greyed out, Cassie has no specific topics to discuss, and from what I've read Alissa is supposed to return to banditry in the Abandoned Town...yet after disarming eight or so female bandits I've yet to see it trigger.  Am I missing a flag somewhere?

Have you told Cassie to change clothes several times in a row?

Yes, but apparently I didn't do it enough times past the point where she tells you to stop.  orz

Indivi can you please make so that if lust doll is the same race as a character in the game then they act a different way towards doll like a specialized race reaction or something 

That is a lot of Lines to reimplement.

He could probably do that, bit it would probably be way farther down the timeline. Right now his main focus is to fully bring the old lust doll to this new format, so extra stuff like that will probably not be implied for a long time


It's unlikely to be honest. It's a lot of work for something that most people aren't going to see

are you going to make a Sammy relationship possible 


Yes, she has a route planned!

Can someone tell me how to use the cocksleeve and how to make the auto cocksleeve as well as is it possible to masturbate with a dildo

Auto Cocksleeve is after the Parasite invasion arch in New Ark Lab.

Only after the first cleanup then you can craft the Auto Sleeves.

Yes you can Masturbate VIA Dildo just make sure you bought some from "Naughty Kitty"

I bought all of the dildos but it doesn't give me the option to use them

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Are you Aroused?

Stupid Question I know but it's the small details.

Yes at 80 percent

Okay now go to a Toilet, the Bed doesn't give an option.

Press Masturbate on the choices, it should give you an Option of two choices, one is a dildo, the other is hands.

May I ask if you could add some clothing and shoes from Eastern Asia? For example, traditional clothing from China, the Korean Peninsula, and traditional clothing from Japan


For sure! You can actually already get kimonos FYI

when will the last big update and will it be free



Not sure! It's quite far away I think

what will be done about the meat core?  a possible power to control parasites?  like the lab scientist?


We'll find out one day!

good move, does that mean you're still not sure about it?  👍


Haven't written it yet!


can you get fawn pregnant


how all she says to me is it is to early for that

I don't recall right but after doing UNA arch I then did her Shibari arch, might be that.

Yea, it's the shibari training. She needs to trust you first, which means leading her in the ropes without going overboard.

Do it only Twice.

I do mine on the first place visited, then in the Diner.

I hate asking for advice but magic how do i use it i wanna learn some succubus spells and for the love of heck tf  do i do in the forest the deep forest i mean cant find a way to beat the plant woman i know abou the bulbs but i genuinely cant fond out where to go help please anyone 🤣

Try going into, and out, of a region as you may find new places to Discover.

Also you need to help Rinny, so you can learn magic, and an Open succubi tower.

Yea ive helped rinny but she asks me what is required or expected before she can teach me thats the confusion part maybe i need a higher stat or something?

Library then the girl to your left.

She tells you the general rule of thumb with Magic.

Cheers bud noe i just need to figure if theres more to unlock than just 2 yet but something tells me nope new update needed 😂

Talk to Bell, about her "Lacking" faculty.

Just make sure you have used the Succubus Tower body modification to do this event.

A new spell will be given right after.

how do you get rid of junk

You don't really need to.

But It can be used to craft a few items after only the Parasite cleanup in New Ark Lab, use a few Junk to craft two items you could use in the BDSM dungeon.

And after that I don't recall a way to really dispose of items in LD+

Just sell it. You won't get money, but it will remove it from your inventory

No you cannot.

It's not possible to sell Junk the game disallows it.

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