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Also Can I just say that it bothers me that we refer to Fawn as Master instead of Mistress when she Doms us in the Rack? You don't have to change it Dev but I'm just saying, It makes no Sense unless Fawn uses He/Him Pronouns or anything else that would suggest Fawn being a Dude but I don't think Fawn is but I might be wrong so who knows? Later People!


Master here is unisex!

(1 edit)

When will 50.0 be avilable to the public? June, what?

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

June 7th, Indivi's been very consistent with releasing the public release on the 7th!

(1 edit) (+1)

New Wear.

Also stabby things I forgot the name.

It was "The Katar"

Yes, katar!

Will you translate the game into other languages like Spanish?


No plans at the moment to do any official translations!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey how do you get Bell to visit Pixie?

(1 edit)

After the first Boob Growth, failure...

Wait hold on let me NG+ to check I forgor 💀

Alright so after the Succubus Boob Growth failure you can then talk to Bell, again about meeting Pixie.

Then it should be smooth sailing.

so, I just went and tried again but it still didn't work. like the option didn't show up at all. I've done the first attempt so is there like a waiting period or something

(2 edits)

So I believe the pre-requisites are...

Finishing the Manor Quest.

Finding Rinny.

Modifying your own body.

And dated Rinny.

Milk and Pamper Bell, as you do it.

Then the option appears for Bell, to try the body modification in the succubi tower.

Then after that fails you can go to Bell, to talk about Pixie.

Also I'm not sure but I also did get the free fridge from Pixie.

Will weight gain ever be a thing in this game?


Body Changes that force Clothing to change won't be possible.

A few short events will allow body changes but like I said only for short events.


Basically what NFG said.

How do I advance Alissa's storyline?  She's agreed to relax a bit, and the options for inviting Cassie to bed or to shower are greyed out, Cassie has no specific topics to discuss, and from what I've read Alissa is supposed to return to banditry in the Abandoned Town...yet after disarming eight or so female bandits I've yet to see it trigger.  Am I missing a flag somewhere?

Have you told Cassie to change clothes several times in a row?

Yes, but apparently I didn't do it enough times past the point where she tells you to stop.  orz

Indivi can you please make so that if lust doll is the same race as a character in the game then they act a different way towards doll like a specialized race reaction or something 

That is a lot of Lines to reimplement.

He could probably do that, bit it would probably be way farther down the timeline. Right now his main focus is to fully bring the old lust doll to this new format, so extra stuff like that will probably not be implied for a long time


It's unlikely to be honest. It's a lot of work for something that most people aren't going to see

are you going to make a Sammy relationship possible 


Yes, she has a route planned!

Can someone tell me how to use the cocksleeve and how to make the auto cocksleeve as well as is it possible to masturbate with a dildo

Auto Cocksleeve is after the Parasite invasion arch in New Ark Lab.

Only after the first cleanup then you can craft the Auto Sleeves.

Yes you can Masturbate VIA Dildo just make sure you bought some from "Naughty Kitty"

I bought all of the dildos but it doesn't give me the option to use them

(1 edit)

Are you Aroused?

Stupid Question I know but it's the small details.

Yes at 80 percent

Okay now go to a Toilet, the Bed doesn't give an option.

Press Masturbate on the choices, it should give you an Option of two choices, one is a dildo, the other is hands.

May I ask if you could add some clothing and shoes from Eastern Asia? For example, traditional clothing from China, the Korean Peninsula, and traditional clothing from Japan


For sure! You can actually already get kimonos FYI

when will the last big update and will it be free



Not sure! It's quite far away I think

what will be done about the meat core?  a possible power to control parasites?  like the lab scientist?


We'll find out one day!

good move, does that mean you're still not sure about it?  👍


Haven't written it yet!


can you get fawn pregnant


how all she says to me is it is to early for that

I don't recall right but after doing UNA arch I then did her Shibari arch, might be that.

Yea, it's the shibari training. She needs to trust you first, which means leading her in the ropes without going overboard.

Do it only Twice.

I do mine on the first place visited, then in the Diner.

I hate asking for advice but magic how do i use it i wanna learn some succubus spells and for the love of heck tf  do i do in the forest the deep forest i mean cant find a way to beat the plant woman i know abou the bulbs but i genuinely cant fond out where to go help please anyone 🤣

Try going into, and out, of a region as you may find new places to Discover.

Also you need to help Rinny, so you can learn magic, and an Open succubi tower.

Yea ive helped rinny but she asks me what is required or expected before she can teach me thats the confusion part maybe i need a higher stat or something?

Library then the girl to your left.

She tells you the general rule of thumb with Magic.

Cheers bud noe i just need to figure if theres more to unlock than just 2 yet but something tells me nope new update needed 😂

Talk to Bell, about her "Lacking" faculty.

Just make sure you have used the Succubus Tower body modification to do this event.

A new spell will be given right after.

how do you get rid of junk

You don't really need to.

But It can be used to craft a few items after only the Parasite cleanup in New Ark Lab, use a few Junk to craft two items you could use in the BDSM dungeon.

And after that I don't recall a way to really dispose of items in LD+

Just sell it. You won't get money, but it will remove it from your inventory

No you cannot.

It's not possible to sell Junk the game disallows it.

I can’t seem to find where to get the bottles for the forest area, I’m really confused.

(4 edits)

To New-Ark after getting information from Cassie, the cat girl, go left then in the  Bathhouse you will see a Vending Machine, buy Angel or Devil Milk, drink a few for their bottles, or facing the Bathhouse keep going right, till you find the Hardware store, you can buy bottles there.

thank you so much, though I do seem to be stuck on how to get into UNA.  I have a pass to get into the normal parts of the city, and I’ve been told that Lin Lin can give you information on how to get up there, nothings working.

The Hobo, that asks for food in the Slums, under the Don's home.

Feed him till he mentions counterfeit tickets, when he does go to the Slum Market Junk Vendor, buy One and get a massage from LinLin, the game tells you the steps ahead.

My question is is it possible to take Alissa down to your dungeon i cant do anything with cassie cause i captured alissa 🥲 and is it actually possible to beat the meat mound in the lab i can get to half hp but soon after i is well buggered 😂


A not-so-intuitive step to advancing Alissa's route requires you to tell Cassie to change clothes several times in a row.

Best advice I can give for the giant meat abomination is to just... hit it really hard...
If you save up 2k credits for a condo and 1k credits for a lifetime membership at the gym, you'll have an unlimited means of training up your strength, nimble, and resistance. For our main protagonist, eating is optional lol
But of course, you can bring milk and stamina drinks with you to make the stats grinding less tedious.


now i feel dumb why didn't i think of that 🤣


hey indivi, maybe you don't remember me, or maybe you do, i had asked about what program you used to create the Lust Doll Plus, and you gave the feedback, this was for a college math project, it's still in the phase of tests but it's playable, and about showing the equipped item, I spent a whole afternoon to make it work, as simple as it was to do, and this was the result, if you want, test it, it's in Portuguese, but there's not much dialogue so it's more peaceful.  👍 and thanks for the feedback both times I asked.


Congrats! I'm the worst person to ask for play testing and feedback, as I'm always very busy haha. If you want to keep going with game making, I'd suggest checking out some online forums and youtube tutorials for ways to improve!

ok, thanks for the tip, and after what i spent watching tutorials to do something extremely simple in my game, i'm not going to give suggestions to add anything else to your game, i was just imagining the work that goes into doing everything, because there are A LOT possibilities in LD+, so just do your best and don't give up on this project.


Haha, thanks and good luck! It's fine, I'm used to working with the program XD. And I'm always accepting suggestions, although no promise that I can use them!

How do go on a date with the scientist?

Not yet Possible.

(1 edit) (-2)

How or when you gonna add more girls to bond and bred like bell(imagine looking cute with pregnant belly), oh what about mistra the meat parasite demoness to make her feel loved to you and get her pregnant(when you are part meat parasite demoness), what else is there, i know, what about Sammy the cowgirl and lin lin the panda girl, make them fall in love and lust in you from some events like arena fight with lin lin(win with eroctic only) and give her big tip(lots of money) to give you extra service like accepting any request,

bathhouse and 24hr fitness scenes with Sammy(if sparing with her).

How about Arlene events a good one, to make her more love,willing and subbe ish towards you if you're more dominant than her with strength and punishing like(only in 24hr fitness).

So mega(boob and cock) are sounded too big for size for cumflation and milking, so what about huge instead of mega smaller than that but cumflation and milking can still happen. Speaking of milk what if you can impregnate any cowgirl in the milk farm that'll be fun right? Beautiful job on the next update and keep on bust'in. Wishing for hyper pregnancy to be added.


Generally, you need to have finished NPC routes to be able to impregnate them!

We'll get back to Arlene eventually! There's plans for a route for her some ways down the line!

Probably won't have any steps anymore between mega and the largest normal size, since it requires a lot of work to make all the clothes fit! I can see about impregnating cowgirls!

i cant masturbate with the dildo?

What do you mean?

Specify the related actions, and happenings, before this.

the game just doesn't give the option when i sit on the couch. i have every color of dildo avaliable and a pussy. so whats preventing me? I'm at 75% lust.

(3 edits)


Use a Bed, or Toilet.

Edit: Bed doesn't do anything.


Have you bought the Apparatus from "Naughty Kitty" the store at the mall?

i saw somewhere you could move in with fawn and progress the relationship but idk how to

Arlene, must be in the Torture Rack to continue Fawn's route.


What have you done with her so far?

i cant seem to find any trees in the forest in the abandoned city to be able to get golden apple

go deeper into the ferest park and look for those of the spots where there's a chance to give you a golden apple

Cassie, wait for Cassie to start picking apples and help her for a free Gold Apple.

and with a 100% chance

Have you tried seeing the forest for its trees? XP

Deeper in into the park, and wait for cassie to start picking apples and help her.

how do i set a custom savefile label??

If you missed the message at the bottom of the save file information, or it is a bit cryptic, this should help a bit.

Keyboard / Controller: Highlight the save slot you want to save to then hold left or right while selecting the slot.

Mouse / Android: Hold down mouse button / long-tap until the text input pops up.


how does the plus size kink work?

Plus Size is a fancy way of saying "Fat"

In Summary it's the attraction to a certain size, and weight, that pertains as Heavier than the common person.

In LD+ that is Nymosa.

hey indivi,

quick 2 questions.

#1: when does r50.0b release?

#2: when does r50.1 release?

(okay maybe a third question :P )

#3: what main storyline section of the game will you update in r50.0b/r50.1??


I'm not Indivi, but he updates the 7th of every month. He's been doing that for a looooooooong time, so 50 will be June and 50.1 will be July. As far as what content though, you'll need to wait for Indivi on. I'm just a loyal fan of Lust Doll Plus!

(2 edits)

Actually, only the public build is the 7th, and patron build is both the 7th and 21st.
Which means, as long as nothing is delayed, 50.0b will be in 1 week, with 50.1 being early June.

As r50 is a special milestone, Indivi plans to release the desert area, which should also include the desert town as well, which would add to Cassie's story.

thank god, cuz i made a new save file on the current version, and i had to boot up build r46.1 just to get the stuff that was moved to the desert

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Android, it is not needed to transfer anything.

Just download the update and install over the game.

Deleted 1 year ago

love this game! =^ ^=


Glad to hear!

How can I transfer save file in Android cause I accidentally deleted the game


Oh Boy...

Unfortunately, the saves for the Android version are stored inside the game's folder, so if you deleted it....


I have a big doubt, when does cumflation happen? and how can i progress in the game


Infected Scientist.

Surrender to them.


In the Abandoned Warehouse you got a "Logbook" go to your Inventory and press that, should tell you what you have done, and haven't.

Lastly in the Slums Market you can go to the back to a ("!") Go there and you will find a Fortune Teller.

I understand, thank you


I knew this game would be one of my favorites since I downloaded for the first time, gonna give you my money as soon as possible ^^

-good story

-cute char/npcs

-girl/femboy/boy/futa content

-atribute level up

-dramatic when got to be

-a lot of customization

And so much more, keep up the good work ^^



Glad you're enjoying it so much! Really happy to hear it, and I'll definitely keep it going!

How do you get arlene to help you with saving cassie

(1 edit)

Need a Riot.

Go to the Beggar spot under the Dons home, this is only after Arlene, asks you specifically for a reason to go to the Slums, then Fawn, I'm not sure if you need her or not but I always get her help anyways.

Asks for 2k Credits, ignore that, or give it for an extra step but just say No till everyone agrees to help, it should only cost you 500 Credits.

Talk to Arlene, afterwards.

Or... Just... *nyeh*

There you go.

Every time I complete the mission, the game will end with my character and Cassie leaving for the desert

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Ah, then you forgot to get Arlene, talk to her she is your Queen on the board against the Don.

I did


Do you guys when Escaping from the Don, go to the Torture Rack to which Arlene, appears to beat up everyone?

She should if you got her on board, unless you forgot the actual riot and you paid 2k Credits then...

Go to the Gentlemen Club, find a Hobo if you do that means the Riot hasn't started yet he just wasted your Money.

I wanna like the game, but stupid cheater me can't get into the grind after learning I can pump infinite milk.

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The real grind is the Stats: if you didn't start with them at 99 that is.

Because it would take you 6-7 hours to level them past that.


At least the hilarity of the idea of Lust infinitely working out in the gym while sucking on one of her boobs was worth playing for.

question, I keep getting download forbidden notification when I the download is halfway down. Anyone experiencing this problem? 


Not sure, but if you're having trouble downloading, you can try the newground links!

how do i wear clothes?

For Android it is on Wear.

Just hover or press to preview then press again to wear.

splendid game. will there be more use for gags and blindfolds?

They can be used in the Private Dungeons.

Or Kitty from New-Ark.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! And for sure! Mainly for private dungeon, but might be uses outside too


Handholding with Mistyra when? (😆 jk)


lol it’ll definitely happen, I guarantee it!

Oh my. Can't wait!><😍

Alright the Big question.

(1 edit) (+2)

Haha after/during her route, maybe!


at first i was gonna use this game as some stupid "yeah imma jack off to this" type crap but now i'm actually interested in playing it. good game really, keep up the good work.


Haha, thanks! A lot of people do tell me they stick around for the story!


best adult game review ever

same here

Hey, I live again, let us recommence the tutoring!


welcome back!

(2 edits)

Hey I saw rinny in your patron page and I was wondering if rinny is able to have cat ears or if that's just the art for the patron ? 

P.S. I did ask this a while ago but I just wanted to ask if wolf cock is added to your (probably long list of things)?


it’s just art at the moment, and I’ll see about it!

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