if it's some hallucination that takes the Lust Doll to another dimension and the player knows it as an "island", it must be someone very powerful to do this and affect the character's status, let the theories about the game's lore begin!
visually yes, the same, during the battles on the island it still has the powers of the parasites, and because I'm explaining this if you are the creator of the game and you know everything, XD, to me it seems to be the same as the one in the science lab.
For me the game is quite leggy and often crashes randomly when I am customizing my character. I have not even gotten to the game yet. Is it just because I am on an Android device? Note it is pretty old.
Hay you should add a confirmation for overriding a save as well as ADD the feature to delete saves Im mainly talking about Android but just having a future built in the game would help a lot. Oh and it's the desert base actually implemented to where you can get in instead of it being blocked by the dev blockers. On Android and the game v48.1 just updated it.
i kinda wish there were some sort of shop that would sell you inventory upgrades or some other shops that would give you other kink related items or wearables but one thing i kinda want to see more of in the game would be more onesies and somewhat a hint system to help other people not be stuck on certain puzzles in the game cause the old man in the slums really doesn't help you much other than give you repeated hints
Not sure why inventory upgrades would be needed... you're able to hold 99 of every item. (Where is Lust even keeping it all? Ain't no way all that's fitting in nature's pockets.)
The fortune teller in the black market is a good place to go if you're missing anyone. If you are, she'll tell you a vague description of who, then you're on your own.
Otherwise... there's the wiki... which usually turns up as the second option in whatever search engine you have.
Haha, I do have plans for more onesies~. Not sure what you mean by inventory upgrade? You can also check your logbook, but admittedly sometimes the way to progress certain routes can be pretty obscure
Get captured by Mistyra at the deserted base and intentionally don't escape. But, you will need the Patreon version of the game to see what happens next.
Outside of that, there's a small window of opportunity to see the mega growths with the free game. During the Linda rescue sequence, as long as Mistyra is in your party, losing to the common enemies will lead to her messing with you while you're unconscious.
You can try losing the fight while in the meat tentacle area while trying to rescue Linda. Mistyra will punish you with a sex scene containing those tropes.
I haven't played since v35. I just updated and now I can't play the game, only the auto save will load as well. Gives and error every time I try to talk to someone or leave the area. Was there a change to the saves that prevents it from loading somewhere. I didn't see anything in the Update Notes
Your save is from too many versions back. It's still trying to work from files that have been changed or completely removed. You'll have to do a New Game Plus if you want to keep the character's stats, items, and skills.
heyo indivi, long time player here and fan of this game, will you be adding any cumflation content other than the infected scientist? its a little lame lust doll cant do it to other characters, and ive been looking for it for a long time now.
I'm trying to advance Alissa's plot, but I can't get her to interrupt changing Cassie's outfit over and over? Is it random, or do I have to do it X number of times?
I've finished Cassie's line as far as it goes, and basement is renovated. Literally the only thing that hasn't happened is Alissa interrupting when I have Cassie swap outfits.
about that, you already talked about the possibility of adding custom scars before, you already said that you would see about it, no problem, I'm not rushing you 👍
As someone who has played this game for a decent amount of time by now, I suggest seeing the game for yourself and play for a bit to see if you enjoy playing it or not. If you don't like the game, you can always just uninstall it. Oh and it still has all of your saved data/files if you decide to reinstall it if you're worried about having to sart over from scratch.
okay so hear me out on this: what if a weight gain/(belly) stuffing kink was added to the game that, when enabled, would give the player the option of eating/ordering more than just one meal at Roxy's Diner to increase certain stats while also slowing the player down the more they eat/drink, and each meal they eat/order makes the belly/stomach of the player to get slightly bigger, until it gets as big as it does for the (cum)inflation and pregnancy kinks. This could also be used as an incentive for players to work at the Diner by giving them some sort of employee discount when they order a meal at the Diner.
It's a neat idea, but probably not something I'd implement at this point. It would also likely be too much work, with how many clothes there are in the game that would need alternate graphics for this
I have a problem with the quest in the temp between the cat and the lady wearing a cat mask. they both want something but I can't find it in the temple. the cat wants something from the lady cat mask but she doesn't want to give it to me and she said she also wants something but I can't tell what it is and where it is
Some Items are locked Behind trading with both Parties, so just keep finding Possible trades you will eventually get the Item you need, and Most of the Required Items can be bought in the New Ark Mall.
Yo your new fan here, or u can call me boxley if you like. Big fan of game and loving it, anyway i have a idea for the mega boob, mega cock and cumflation to be more frequent and that is boob growth and cock growth spell in stronger form and 2 potion like consumables that gives u giant boobs and giant cocks, any girl u have sex with mega cock will get cumflated will have a likely chances getting pregnant, when u got mega boobs getting more milk than normal and lactate non stop, not to mention upper clothes and lower clothes can't fit u if(mega boobs and mega cock) active, u can undo it is using the growth spells again or use a medicine to reverse it. ok on the next idea, remember the "fertility pill" yeah? well another item similar to that but makes things(your preggo belly) a little more bigger will trigger new kink called hyper pregnancy with fertility drug, any girl takes it get hyper pregnant too. What do think of my BIG ideas(pun intended) anyway luv u and your game boxley out.
Curiosity question: the church and the government building in Upper New Ark have been around but unavailable because you're still working on it, for as long as I've been playing Lust Doll Plus (wanna say I started around version 20 or so). Did you forget about them, are they more a closer-to-end game content, or what? I'm really curious as to what you intend to do with both of them!
Defeating Mystra mostly because she was laughing at my predicament was a bit weird. Resistance at 12, and I was down to 3 HP or so but she spent the remaining 5 or 6 turns just laughing. Did she WANT me to defeat her?
true but i mean you do need to also account that the satus effects such as the pregnancy and the lust that will obviously affect your str sen mys spe ni res ero and ins
Buy the hat yourself so you can get the lipstick so you can then get your hat back. In fact, that's the whole event in a nutshell. Every item one side wants is a reward for trading items to the other side... yup.. You'd think after so long in the temple, they would have learned to talk to eachother. lol
But anyways, yea, you need to have already brought some of the requested items yourself to get the ball rolling.
1. Voodoo Doll item. you buy it from Dalvie, and you can give it to any of the major NPCs. From there, it works like the Meat Parasites/Cursed Underwear, randomly increasing your ERO gauge (or decreasing your stamina, in the case you give it to Alissa or Bell) with little bits of flavortext depending on who you gave the doll to. I'd imagine that the status would be easy-ish to program, given the similarity I'm imagining with status effects that are similar? But I don't use RPG maker MV enough to know
2. The thing that happens when you max your ERO gauge with the hypersensitive nipples cursed bra combo happens on the next tick when you max out your ERO gauge with any ERO-bar-increasing equipable. (This is mostly because this idea is very appealing to me)
3. Gambling Minigame on the Island, maybe? I think there being Strip-Poker on the island would be very fitting for it
4. An enemy that inflicts a Bleeding/Bloodsoaked status effect, I just think it'd be interesting to see how the NPCs would individually react to you strolling in covered in blood
2. When you have the Hypersensitive Nipples status condition, and you wear the Cursed Bra, you get a scene when your ERO gauge reaches full. That sort of thing, but for any item that passively increases your ERO gauge, when your ERO gauge reaches 100%
4. hmm, alternate idea then; if you interact with an NPC while you're at 1% HP or lower, then you get a special scene where they try to help you recover, the method varying depending on which NPC you go to
Well Mr. Or Ms. Developer I was thinking you could actually do a pretty good pokemon porn game In your own style because I feel like it could work And there would be plenty of options for you to choose from pokemon even the human woman after you can make a whole freaking story line But the likelihood of you seeing this is low and even if you do see it you're never gonna reply to me Even be interested in making it
So if you have been to the Slums there is a Tattoo shop, you must have a Bad Ticket for this, feed the All Knowing Hobo the guy underneath the Don's home.
Feed him till he Mentions a Cheap way into UNA.
Go to the Junk Vendor, at the Shopping area of the Slums, he now sells tickets.
Buy a few or one, then go to the Massage Parlor.
Go to Lin-Lin after paying the Front receptionist, and get a Massage.
Everything should be explained by Lin-Lin there but Basically just bring a Bad Ticket to him and he will fix it up for a Price.
This MAY be a bug, maybe an oversight, or maybe it's intentional, not sure. When trying to see what Alissa is good at (not much), I was wearing the waitress top. During Alissa's beyond horrid attempt at working at Roxie's Diner, Lust didn't have the waitress top on (meaning she was only wearing a pair of pink panties, did I forget to put the shorts on?) so either Alissa's borrowed Lust's clothing for the attempt, or it's a bug...
Given how much of a psychopath Arlene is, I'm wondering if you have some plan for her and one of the other ladies (Linda would be likely, given how some of the Science Lab stuff is apparently not-quite-legal, and I imagine a confrontation between Arlene and Linda would be quite interesting!)
Hey Indivi, this might be a little selfish. But do you think you could make another game like Lust Doll? I've really enjoyed this game and have been waiting a while for other people to make similar games, I've played hours of Lust Doll Plus and would love to support further games like this!
I wish to transfer my android save data from a huawei pad 10 to PC and then to a samsung device, but i can't find them. Please tell me where the save files are to be found.
Could you please perhaps make save files movable to Downloads folder? By an ingame button, copy instead move works too. That folder is easy to find via PC too.
It's pretty much not possible as far as I know. I don't usually bundle the readme file with the android download. I guess I could see about changing that
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if Linda can contain the parasites on the island, couldn't she do it on a date too?
Honestly, it's highly dubious if the events on the island even actually happen, or are just a dream / hallucination.
But then, that does beg the question: Where do the swimsuits come from?
if it's some hallucination that takes the Lust Doll to another dimension and the player knows it as an "island", it must be someone very powerful to do this and affect the character's status, let the theories about the game's lore begin!
But is island Linda the same as normal Linda?
visually yes, the same, during the battles on the island it still has the powers of the parasites, and because I'm explaining this if you are the creator of the game and you know everything, XD, to me it seems to be the same as the one in the science lab.
I can't find Bell and I've looked everywhere in the spots she's supposed to be at but she isn't at any of them.
Help Me.
Prison in New Ark.
Forest On the very corner.
Capped by Incubi in Transylvania.
"Give her what her name Says"
Make sure you step on her usual square so MC will comment about needing to look for her.
Otherwise she won't show up even if you're in the right area.
It's an Item.
For me the game is quite leggy and often crashes randomly when I am customizing my character. I have not even gotten to the game yet. Is it just because I am on an Android device? Note it is pretty old.
It's fine for some Old Devices but on my Experience Very Old devices fail.
I Mean Very Old.
So "app store does not have any games released after 201 8" old? Also I am not on Android it is actually a kindle fire from who knows when
I don't know I forgot to look what it was but it's a 8 Years old phone.
Hay you should add a confirmation for overriding a save as well as ADD the feature to delete saves Im mainly talking about Android but just having a future built in the game would help a lot. Oh and it's the desert base actually implemented to where you can get in instead of it being blocked by the dev blockers. On Android and the game v48.1 just updated it.
An "are you sure?" message would be pretty helpful, especially if you're about to save in a spot used by another character.
As for deleting saves, you can do it in game.
Load up a save, open the menu, poke "Options", and poke the down arrow until it reaches the bottom.
I'm on mobile (Android) and never seen it before I will have to check but thanks for the help.
As mentioned, go to options, and you can delete save files at the bottom. Hmm, I'll see about confirmation. Desert isn't open yet!
Ok ty
How do i progressed with alissa i've tried everthing ik about this game but i didnt progressed with her at all and i need help
Catch her being a Bandit Again.
whats next i encountered her and idk what to do next
Tell her off at the Safe house then talk to Cassie.
hmmm..... well i can play with alissa is it the current limit progressing with her
Help her find a Job.
Work at the Diner, Club, and The Rock, then a tell Alissa about the Jobs, afterwards a new Poster has appeared in Transylvania for her next Quest.
I Just wana know shal I Interfier whe gin is alone or Not?
Sorry for Gramer.
Up to You, Interfere is just cutting the Scene Early.
OK thanks
i kinda wish there were some sort of shop that would sell you inventory upgrades or some other shops that would give you other kink related items or wearables but one thing i kinda want to see more of in the game would be more onesies and somewhat a hint system to help other people not be stuck on certain puzzles in the game cause the old man in the slums really doesn't help you much other than give you repeated hints
(Edit: I meant to say onesies not plushies lol)
Not sure why inventory upgrades would be needed... you're able to hold 99 of every item. (Where is Lust even keeping it all? Ain't no way all that's fitting in nature's pockets.)
The fortune teller in the black market is a good place to go if you're missing anyone. If you are, she'll tell you a vague description of who, then you're on your own.
Otherwise... there's the wiki... which usually turns up as the second option in whatever search engine you have.
Haha, I do have plans for more onesies~. Not sure what you mean by inventory upgrade? You can also check your logbook, but admittedly sometimes the way to progress certain routes can be pretty obscure
yeah now that i read this im not sure by what i meant by inventory upgrades but i cant wait to see what more you have in store for the game indivi
Random question but I can't find anywhere where I can get a hypercock or a hyperboob. Any help?
The creator said in a post that it's only available in a bad end for now, there will be a way to get it permanently but not right now.
Can I ask where is the bad end?
Get captured by Mistyra at the deserted base and intentionally don't escape. But, you will need the Patreon version of the game to see what happens next.
Outside of that, there's a small window of opportunity to see the mega growths with the free game.
During the Linda rescue sequence, as long as Mistyra is in your party, losing to the common enemies will lead to her messing with you while you're unconscious.
You can try losing the fight while in the meat tentacle area while trying to rescue Linda. Mistyra will punish you with a sex scene containing those tropes.
i love this game and have played since before the desert base was implemented but my only big grief is that the dog cock doesn't have a knot
Glad to hear, and it's on the list to deal with that!
I haven't played since v35. I just updated and now I can't play the game, only the auto save will load as well. Gives and error every time I try to talk to someone or leave the area. Was there a change to the saves that prevents it from loading somewhere. I didn't see anything in the Update Notes
Your save is from too many versions back. It's still trying to work from files that have been changed or completely removed.
You'll have to do a New Game Plus if you want to keep the character's stats, items, and skills.
when someone has a baby it says that we have to wait can i settle down with it now?
An Update later on.
heyo indivi, long time player here and fan of this game, will you be adding any cumflation content other than the infected scientist? its a little lame lust doll cant do it to other characters, and ive been looking for it for a long time now.
Lose to a Slime.
Well... Kind of.
I'll see about it! Most likely it'll come with mega cock content.
Is it still planned that you can keep the mega boobs/cock without bad ending?
I'm trying to advance Alissa's plot, but I can't get her to interrupt changing Cassie's outfit over and over? Is it random, or do I have to do it X number of times?
You might've missed it, try Doing the Bath, and Bed, scene with Cassie next.
I've already done those. They're grayed out.
Did you force Cassie?
Have you Renovated the Basement?
These are the Two Crux of the Quest.
After the Third offense by Alissa, Cassie asks you to Interrogate Alissa on what her Motives are.
I've finished Cassie's line as far as it goes, and basement is renovated. Literally the only thing that hasn't happened is Alissa interrupting when I have Cassie swap outfits.
Works fine for me, just keep going till you get the Choice of "Make Her" Which is you forcing Cassie, to change clothes, Playfully I mean.
The description mentions plus size, but i have gotten pretty far in and im not sure where its hiding... any help?
In the Deep Forest, play with the Fairy Queen, then give her Cheese, after getting inside Corner the Hunter till you find a "!" She should be there.
Lose to the Infected Scientists.
when I talk about testing maniac, it goes a little further than "forcing" a custom facial scar, as obvious as that is to do, I test.
I can see about it!
about that, you already talked about the possibility of adding custom scars before, you already said that you would see about it, no problem, I'm not rushing you 👍
I think i have a bug, the fairy queen won't bring up the plant at all.
I have cheese but i can't seem to give it to her.
what do i do
Play a game first. I believe you do need to win as well, so you should probably save before trying.
I did play the fairy queen's game, and won, she still wont talk about the plant
She asks for a Gift, you might have pressed the Dialogue in accident already.
Try giving her Cheese after playing with her.
she only asks for things right after when i summon her. not at any other time.
Is there a Fairy outside near the Gaping Plant yet?
Did you talk to her after the game?
Your next step to make the game more interesting is make some sex animated looped video for my opinion
That's more something that would need to happen at the beginning I think!
so the kinks are options to enable or disable stuff? (didn't play the game yet, just wanna know)
As someone who has played this game for a decent amount of time by now, I suggest seeing the game for yourself and play for a bit to see if you enjoy playing it or not. If you don't like the game, you can always just uninstall it. Oh and it still has all of your saved data/files if you decide to reinstall it if you're worried about having to sart over from scratch.
okay so hear me out on this:
what if a weight gain/(belly) stuffing kink was added to the game that, when enabled, would give the player the option of eating/ordering more than just one meal at Roxy's Diner to increase certain stats while also slowing the player down the more they eat/drink, and each meal they eat/order makes the belly/stomach of the player to get slightly bigger, until it gets as big as it does for the (cum)inflation and pregnancy kinks. This could also be used as an incentive for players to work at the Diner by giving them some sort of employee discount when they order a meal at the Diner.
It's a neat idea, but probably not something I'd implement at this point. It would also likely be too much work, with how many clothes there are in the game that would need alternate graphics for this
I have a problem, I can't start curing hypno addiction, as I can't met Alissa in the succubus tower
You need to Catch her at the Translvania Entrance, after you saw her Session with Rinny.
I have a problem with the quest in the temp between the cat and the lady wearing a cat mask. they both want something but I can't find it in the temple. the cat wants something from the lady cat mask but she doesn't want to give it to me and she said she also wants something but I can't tell what it is and where it is
Some Items are locked Behind trading with both Parties, so just keep finding Possible trades you will eventually get the Item you need, and Most of the Required Items can be bought in the New Ark Mall.
Yo your new fan here, or u can call me boxley if you like. Big fan of game and loving it, anyway i have a idea for the mega boob, mega cock and cumflation to be more frequent and that is boob growth and cock growth spell in stronger form and 2 potion like consumables that gives u giant boobs and giant cocks, any girl u have sex with mega cock will get cumflated will have a likely chances getting pregnant, when u got mega boobs getting more milk than normal and lactate non stop, not to mention upper clothes and lower clothes can't fit u if(mega boobs and mega cock) active, u can undo it is using the growth spells again or use a medicine to reverse it. ok on the next idea, remember the "fertility pill" yeah? well another item similar to that but makes things(your preggo belly) a little more bigger will trigger new kink called hyper pregnancy with fertility drug, any girl takes it get hyper pregnant too. What do think of my BIG ideas(pun intended) anyway luv u and your game boxley out.
There are plans for mega to be permanent at some point! It's still a ways out though.
Curiosity question: the church and the government building in Upper New Ark have been around but unavailable because you're still working on it, for as long as I've been playing Lust Doll Plus (wanna say I started around version 20 or so). Did you forget about them, are they more a closer-to-end game content, or what? I'm really curious as to what you intend to do with both of them!
Defeating Mystra mostly because she was laughing at my predicament was a bit weird. Resistance at 12, and I was down to 3 HP or so but she spent the remaining 5 or 6 turns just laughing. Did she WANT me to defeat her?
Haven't forgotten! There's big plans, but so many other things need working on too, so holding off on opening them until then!
Lol maybe she's secretly maso XD
just wondering if there is any.
I mean...
99 On every stat is basically god among Men so I don't know why you would need any other Cheats...
true but i mean you do need to also account that the satus effects such as the pregnancy and the lust that will obviously affect your str
and ins
At 20 Strength enemies were a Breeze.
At the Reduction from effects even stacked you still have 50 on every stat.
I don't think anything can Stand up to you even with that Reduction.
In the temple and now I want to get past the neko and the kitsune. I talk to both and the kitsune there will NOT give me the hat...now what?
Buy the hat yourself so you can get the lipstick so you can then get your hat back.
In fact, that's the whole event in a nutshell. Every item one side wants is a reward for trading items to the other side... yup..
You'd think after so long in the temple, they would have learned to talk to eachother. lol
But anyways, yea, you need to have already brought some of the requested items yourself to get the ball rolling.
how to make the CHEESE
UNA Sells a Refinery, I think...
This is only after you have Refurnished the Milk Farm, which won't finish if Bell, the flat Cowgirl isn't present.
Then and only then can you add Fridges, Heating, and of course the Refinery.
also thanks
how to you get skills or learn magic as i cant figure out how to use them
So in the Succubi Tower go to the Library,talk to the person Left of the Doorway.
Then ask Rinny, if she can teach some Magic then tell her what you Heard from the Library.
Random ideas to potentially use at your call;
1. Voodoo Doll item. you buy it from Dalvie, and you can give it to any of the major NPCs. From there, it works like the Meat Parasites/Cursed Underwear, randomly increasing your ERO gauge (or decreasing your stamina, in the case you give it to Alissa or Bell) with little bits of flavortext depending on who you gave the doll to. I'd imagine that the status would be easy-ish to program, given the similarity I'm imagining with status effects that are similar? But I don't use RPG maker MV enough to know
2. The thing that happens when you max your ERO gauge with the hypersensitive nipples cursed bra combo happens on the next tick when you max out your ERO gauge with any ERO-bar-increasing equipable. (This is mostly because this idea is very appealing to me)
3. Gambling Minigame on the Island, maybe? I think there being Strip-Poker on the island would be very fitting for it
4. An enemy that inflicts a Bleeding/Bloodsoaked status effect, I just think it'd be interesting to see how the NPCs would individually react to you strolling in covered in blood
on a sidenote, what are your pronouns? i don't think i ever caught them
He/him is fine!
noted for future reference!
1 There's plans for voodoo shenanigans~
2 not sure what you mean?
3 Hmm, could consider it!
4 lol probably a little too gory I think!
1. Noted
2. When you have the Hypersensitive Nipples status condition, and you wear the Cursed Bra, you get a scene when your ERO gauge reaches full. That sort of thing, but for any item that passively increases your ERO gauge, when your ERO gauge reaches 100%
4. hmm, alternate idea then; if you interact with an NPC while you're at 1% HP or lower, then you get a special scene where they try to help you recover, the method varying depending on which NPC you go to
Well Mr. Or Ms. Developer I was thinking you could actually do a pretty good pokemon porn game In your own style because I feel like it could work And there would be plenty of options for you to choose from pokemon even the human woman after you can make a whole freaking story line But the likelihood of you seeing this is low and even if you do see it you're never gonna reply to me Even be interested in making it
It could be pretty cool! I think other people have already made games like that though
Yeah but unfortunately I have it seen those games nor do I think they are for android
How do you fill the Bar betwen the Blue and purple Bar?
Where cann you find Fawn?
And If the anser is from Notfatguy sorry for waisting you're time.
ok you go to transylvania and ask rinny to teach you magic and you have to answer her question to use magic attacks that rinny will teach you
you find fawn in her apartment in new ark city but you need to buy a condo in order to find and interact with her
With Fanw was my foult becouse ment in UNA
Oh she is in her School, make sure to get a Quality Ticket from the Tattoo Shop.
The School is at the Bottom left of Upper New Ark. Then look for the Cafeteria she should be surrounded by her Friends just go close to her.
Thank you again.
And witch tattoo Shop do you mean?
So if you have been to the Slums there is a Tattoo shop, you must have a Bad Ticket for this, feed the All Knowing Hobo the guy underneath the Don's home.
Feed him till he Mentions a Cheap way into UNA.
Go to the Junk Vendor, at the Shopping area of the Slums, he now sells tickets.
Buy a few or one, then go to the Massage Parlor.
Go to Lin-Lin after paying the Front receptionist, and get a Massage.
Everything should be explained by Lin-Lin there but Basically just bring a Bad Ticket to him and he will fix it up for a Price.
It's a sure way to enter UNA.
so… just wanting a bit of information, how do i transfer my save file from the old version to the newer in pc ?
Check the readme file for your save file location. Copy that over to your new computer!
This MAY be a bug, maybe an oversight, or maybe it's intentional, not sure. When trying to see what Alissa is good at (not much), I was wearing the waitress top. During Alissa's beyond horrid attempt at working at Roxie's Diner, Lust didn't have the waitress top on (meaning she was only wearing a pair of pink panties, did I forget to put the shorts on?) so either Alissa's borrowed Lust's clothing for the attempt, or it's a bug...
Given how much of a psychopath Arlene is, I'm wondering if you have some plan for her and one of the other ladies (Linda would be likely, given how some of the Science Lab stuff is apparently not-quite-legal, and I imagine a confrontation between Arlene and Linda would be quite interesting!)
I believe it's intentional that Alissa nabbed your waitress top for this? It's been a while, but I can take a look.
Linda x Arlene would definitely be pretty spicy! It could potentially happen...
Hey Indivi, this might be a little selfish. But do you think you could make another game like Lust Doll? I've really enjoyed this game and have been waiting a while for other people to make similar games, I've played hours of Lust Doll Plus and would love to support further games like this!
Check Indivi's itch.io page there are other similar games there too
As mentioned, I did start some other games similar to LD, but LD is likely the one I'll stick to for now with this sort of style!
How do you save Cassie without ending the Game/ Find Bell ?
Arlene, the Police Girl she asked for a Riot.
Under the Don's Base/Home is Beggars, Pay them.
Sleep and then check if there is a riot or Not by talking to the Beggars again, and read what the next step is.
Thanks for that
Does this game have a walkthrough/ tutorial page?
no but there is a wiki, here's the link-https://lustdollplus.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
some people said there a wiki page for this game can someone send it here cause i cant find it
just type lustdoll plus wiki.
Will this game keep getting more update
yea, its a ongoing game with updates every mounth on the 7th.
So what will the players like me be expecting from these updates
You can see all of the changelogs in my devlogs to get an idea of what to expect!
It's all Logged all you need to do is figure out how to do the new stuff.
I wish to transfer my android save data from a huawei pad 10 to PC and then to a samsung device, but i can't find them. Please tell me where the save files are to be found.
The included ReadMe file has all save locations, and also some tips for transferring versions.
Where is this readme file if one installed the .apk file??
Also, I don't know how to root these devices, and one still has warranty. Just in case you would say I need to do that. I need a different method.
Unfortunately, it does require rooting to access the savefiles on your phone.
Could you please perhaps make save files movable to Downloads folder? By an ingame button, copy instead move works too. That folder is easy to find via PC too.
Edit: and i can't find a readme file on phone app
It's pretty much not possible as far as I know. I don't usually bundle the readme file with the android download. I guess I could see about changing that