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just wondering if there is any.

I mean...

99 On every stat is basically god among Men so I don't know why you would need any other Cheats...

true but i mean you do need to also account that the satus effects such as the pregnancy and the lust that will obviously affect your str
and ins

At 20 Strength enemies were a Breeze. 

At the Reduction from effects even stacked you still have 50 on every stat. 

I don't think anything can Stand up to you even with that Reduction.

In the temple and now I want to get past the neko and the kitsune.  I talk to both and the kitsune there will NOT give me the what?

(1 edit) (+1)

Buy the hat yourself so you can get the lipstick so you can then get your hat back.
In fact, that's the whole event in a nutshell. Every item one side wants is a reward for trading items to the other side... yup..
You'd think after so long in the temple, they would have learned to talk to eachother. lol

But anyways, yea, you need to have already brought some of the requested items yourself to get the ball rolling.

how to make the CHEESE

UNA Sells a Refinery, I think...

This is only after you have Refurnished the Milk Farm, which won't finish if Bell, the flat Cowgirl isn't present. 

Then and only then can you add Fridges, Heating, and of course the Refinery.

also thanks

(2 edits)

how to you get skills or learn magic as i cant figure out how to use them

So in the Succubi Tower go to the Library,talk to the person Left of the Doorway. 

Then ask Rinny, if she can teach some Magic then tell her what you Heard from the Library. 


(5 edits)

Random ideas to potentially use at your call;

1. Voodoo Doll item. you buy it from Dalvie, and you can give it to any of the major NPCs. From there, it works like the Meat Parasites/Cursed Underwear, randomly increasing your ERO gauge (or decreasing your stamina, in the case you give it to Alissa or Bell) with little bits of flavortext depending on who you gave the doll to. I'd imagine that the status would be easy-ish to program, given the similarity I'm imagining with status effects that are similar? But I don't use RPG maker MV enough to know

2. The thing that happens when you max your ERO gauge with the hypersensitive nipples cursed bra combo happens on the next tick when you max out your ERO gauge with any ERO-bar-increasing equipable. (This is mostly because this idea is very appealing to me)

3. Gambling Minigame on the Island, maybe? I think there being Strip-Poker on the island would be very fitting for it

4. An enemy that inflicts a Bleeding/Bloodsoaked status effect, I just think it'd be interesting to see how the NPCs would individually react to you strolling in covered in blood


on a sidenote, what are your pronouns? i don't think i ever caught them


He/him is fine!

noted for future reference!


1 There's plans for voodoo shenanigans~

2 not sure what you mean?

3 Hmm, could consider it!

4 lol probably a little too gory I think!

1. Noted

2. When you have the Hypersensitive Nipples status condition, and you wear the Cursed Bra, you get a scene when your ERO gauge reaches full. That sort of thing, but for any item that passively increases your ERO gauge, when your ERO gauge reaches 100%

4. hmm, alternate idea then; if you interact with an NPC while you're at 1% HP or lower, then you get a special scene where they try to help you recover, the method varying depending on which NPC you go to

Well Mr. Or Ms. Developer I was thinking you could actually do a pretty good pokemon porn game In your own style because I feel like it could work And there would be plenty of options for you to choose from pokemon even the human woman after you can make a whole freaking story line But the likelihood of you seeing this is low and even if you do see it you're never gonna reply to me Even be interested in making it


It could be pretty cool! I think other people have already made games like that though

Yeah but unfortunately I have it seen those games nor do I think they are for android

(1 edit)

How do you fill the Bar betwen the Blue and purple Bar?

Where cann you find Fawn?

And If the anser is from Notfatguy sorry for waisting you're time.

ok you go to transylvania and ask rinny to teach you magic and you have to answer her question to use magic attacks that rinny will teach you

you find fawn in her apartment in new ark city but you need to buy a condo in order to find and interact with her

With Fanw was my foult becouse ment in UNA

Oh she is in her School, make sure to get a Quality Ticket from the Tattoo Shop. 

The School is at the Bottom left of Upper New Ark. Then look for the Cafeteria she should be surrounded by her Friends just go close to her.

(1 edit)

Thank you again. 

And witch tattoo Shop do you mean?

So if you have been to the Slums there is a Tattoo shop, you must have a Bad Ticket for this, feed the All Knowing Hobo the guy underneath the Don's home. 

Feed him till he Mentions a Cheap way into UNA. 

Go to the Junk Vendor, at the Shopping area of the Slums, he now sells tickets. 

Buy a few or one, then go to the Massage Parlor. 

Go to Lin-Lin after paying the Front receptionist, and get a Massage. 

Everything should be explained by Lin-Lin there but Basically just bring a Bad Ticket to him and he will fix it up for a Price. 

It's a sure way to enter UNA.

so… just wanting a bit of information, how do i transfer my save file from the old version to the newer in pc ?


Check the readme file for your save file location. Copy that over to your new computer!

This MAY be a bug, maybe an oversight, or maybe it's intentional, not sure. When trying to see what Alissa is good at (not much), I was wearing the waitress top. During Alissa's beyond horrid attempt at working at Roxie's Diner, Lust didn't have the waitress top on (meaning she was only wearing a pair of pink panties, did I forget to put the shorts on?) so either Alissa's borrowed Lust's clothing for the attempt, or it's a bug...

Given how much of a psychopath Arlene is, I'm wondering if you have some plan for her and one of the other ladies (Linda would be likely, given how some of the Science Lab stuff is apparently not-quite-legal, and I imagine a confrontation between Arlene and Linda would be quite interesting!)


I believe it's intentional that Alissa nabbed your waitress top for this? It's been a while, but I can take a look.

Linda x Arlene would definitely be pretty spicy! It could potentially happen...

Hey Indivi, this might be a little selfish. But do you think you could make another game like Lust Doll? I've really enjoyed this game and have been waiting a while for other people to make similar games, I've played hours of Lust Doll Plus and would love to support further games like this!


Check Indivi's page there are other similar games there too 


As mentioned, I did start some other games similar to LD, but LD is likely the one I'll stick to for now with this sort of style!

How do you save Cassie without ending the Game/ Find Bell ?

Arlene, the Police Girl she asked for a Riot. 

Under the Don's Base/Home is Beggars, Pay them. 

Sleep and then check if there is a riot or Not by talking to the Beggars again, and read what the next step is.


Thanks for that

Does this game have a walkthrough/ tutorial page?


no but there is a wiki, here's the link-

some people said there a wiki page for this game can someone send it here cause i cant find it

just type lustdoll plus wiki.

Will this game keep getting more update

yea, its a ongoing game with updates every mounth on the 7th.

So what will the players like me be expecting from these updates


You can see all of the changelogs in my devlogs to get an idea of what to expect!

It's all Logged all you need to do is figure out how to  do the new stuff.

(1 edit)

I wish to transfer my android save data from a huawei pad 10 to PC and then  to a samsung device, but i can't find them. Please tell me where the save files are to be found.

The included ReadMe file has all save locations, and also some tips for transferring versions.

(2 edits)

Where is this readme file if one installed the .apk file??

Also, I don't know how to root these devices, and one still has warranty. Just in case you would say I need to do that. I need a different method.


Unfortunately, it does require rooting to access the savefiles on your phone.

(1 edit)

Could you please perhaps make save files movable to Downloads folder?  By an ingame button, copy instead move works too. That folder is easy to find via PC too.

Edit: and i can't find a readme file on phone app


It's pretty much not possible as far as I know. I don't usually bundle the readme file with the android download. I guess I could see about changing that

Shit rocks man! I look forward to 1. the next update, and 2. getting an acceptable PC to run this thing. Phone works, but it's a pain to update. keep up the fantastic work


Wait what do you mean it's a pain to Update? 

You just Download,and Install, the saves are untouched as well.

not sure how different the experience is on android tbh

Android is Download, and Install, the saves are left untouched.

Requires Root for other things. 


The main thing to remember is that saves are in the game folder. Do Not delete the old version, and just install the update over it instead.


Thanks! Good luck finding a good PC!


I have a small feature idea prehaps you could add facial scars and facial moles for extra customization?


I'll see about it!

I'm looking forward to that too, but don't be in a hurry, make updates when you're inspired.


Um, I have an idea! Maybe because Cless tells us about the party, we could have a chance to run into him there? It would give the player another chance to have sex with him!

(Also is it a bug that despite having taken the fertility pill, when Gin cums inside during his 'test' it doesn't cause pregnancy?)


Could potentially happen!

And haha, undecided XD

Why are you use Mega to upload your last game build?


Just some extra links haha, guess it's unnecessary

Maybe some people can't dload through itch?

How do I get the Maid cclothes ?

You have to progress through the Mansion quest line. And throughout the mansion you can collect the whole outfit for free

After the quest you can buy the Maid and Butler outfits 

How do I get to that Quest

Walk around with Rinny in transylvania, near a blocked off area is a guy talk to him while having Rinny, she will ask for Assistance when she goes to the Manor.


Welp i got slime pregnant and i cant deliver the baby in the nursery i need help pls


Just go to sleep anywhere. Super simple.

Part of me wishes we could choose when to give birth to them, like other babies. Maybe I'm just weird, though. lol

best money making method?

(1 edit)

Depends on where your stats are currently sitting.

If you're a fresh-faced scrub with no stats higher than a 3, there's only 2 jobs you can do anyway: Roxy's Diner and the Gentlemen's Club.
Roxy's Diner pays quite poorly and trains speech (an almost useless stat), and can only be done 4 times per day. The Gentlemen's Club can be done as much as you have the stamina for it, but at a cost of 10 per session, you should only do it once or twice to get you some starting cash, so you can then enter New Ark.

Once you got your strength to at least 5, you can head to The Rock and talk to the man behind the bar to work as a bouncer. Pay is pretty decent and will also train strength further.

If you get your physical stats to a respectable balance (strength, nimble, and resistance averaging 10 or more), you can head back to the slums and give food to the hungry hobo every day in exchange for tips. Eventually he tells you the password to the underground arena in the slum's bar. Winning fights here is quick and easy money, but with the risk that Lin Lin might show up to fight you, and she is a formidable opponent. You don't lose anything for being defeated, but you can only attempt the fights 10 times a day.

For the long-term, by far the best at purely making money is strip teases in the Gentlemen's Club, but it's not fully worth it until you have respectably high stats in Res and Ero.
Res because that's where your max stamina comes from, and Ero because that's what affects the max money you can make.
With 16 or higher in both, and something to help you spam through the dialogue, you can easily make several thousand per minute.
As an added bonus, the location is very close to Lin Lin's massage parlor, who can get you all your stamina back for just 15 credits.

thanks for the help, i did do the gentlemens club to Lin Lin's strat before didnt know if it was the best or not lol

(1 edit)

why does he take your pass when you come in, does everyone in una do this as well? do they just have an infinite amount except for you? or do they have an infinite use pass that you just don't have access to


Yes. Fawn eventually tells you there's at least 2 types of passes. The one-time use passes the player is faking, and the incredibly difficult to obtain "permanent resident" passes like her family has.

From a lore perspective, I imagine there's also work visa type passes too, that will let you in repeatedly, but only for a job, and don't grant residency.


Do you have any hairstyles similar to this one?  If so, I must not have paid attention to the 3 places where you can change your hair


It's a nice hairstyle! I'll see about adding it

in a way, in my head it makes sense, even without the lower undies that is occupied by the shibary rope, and only with this shirt you can enter UNA without having the status of indecent, because in a way you are covering your private parts with the rope, I think that's it. 🧐

One Could use Spats to Overcome the effect "Indecent" unless of course  you don't  count this. 


Haha good catch, I'll fix this!


60 hours into the game and story finished, I became a testing maniac.  testing all combinations of effects and outfits.


Congrats, well done!

Where do you go to find update realese date

One week into each month. 7th or 8th.

Patrons get a temporarily exclusive update on the 21st (and have extended bad ends unlocked).

I can't get Lin Lin to teach me the Deep Breath technique.

You have to encounter her in the underground arena, and win using only physical attacks. No lewds or forcing her to masturbate, or it won't count.

Yeah, I only use Attack option, no spells or otherwise, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the Deep Breath technique. Did I screw up by completing the Don storyline, or am I just bugged?

(1 edit)

Then there should be no reason for you to not have it.
It's not a combat skill, by the way, but a passive improvement to the Guard command. It will still show up under the skills menu outside combat, though.

Hi, just wondering how you start the cassie arc? I've already been through the Rinny/Pixie quest and i know it has something to do with Gin, but is it like a random encounter that could happen any day or..?

Any help would be appreciated, even just pointing me generally in the right direction will do


The Guard to the Slums Entrance, Push him aside or trick him, come back to the Slums after a day or so. 


oooh i always agreed to, ahem, go to the basement. Didn't realise that the other options actually furthered the plot lmao. Thank you!!!

(was gonna delete the original comment but think I might keep it incase it helps other people)

So its annoying the hell outta me but I can't get Linda to come to the ruined lab you start the game in. I've finished the Meat Parasite part of the quest and interacted with the Tubes unless they're separate ones on the higher floors i somehow missed

Not sure. There aren't any other requirements I don't think

hey indivi, just wondering something but,

do any of the npcs (the ones with portraits) have a reaction to if you change your player character's gender in the new ark city lab?

Not particularly!



i got a little question about the kink "plus sized", my guess of what it means is characters with a bit more weight and the only character i saw that fits is Nimosa or how the tribe woman's name was, so i tried meeting her with the kink off but shevwas still the same...did i missed smth or what does the kink apply on?

(3 edits)

Nymosa will always be thicc. The kink toggle just switches whether or not she has "special scenes".

Just affects whether you get scenes with her!


Will there be crop-tops or vests in the future?


Most likely!


This may have been addressed before, but... what is the probability of adding some music? It doesn't have to be anything fancy (some public domain music) but think it'd be nice to have music for different areas (Abandoned Town has one, NAC (and slums and UNA) has one, Transylvania has one, a music for boss fights, etc) It'd add something to an already awesome game! 


At this point, I'd rather have a proper soundtrack commissioned, but it's very low on the priority list right now. Was also considering ambient background sounds, but that's also low on priorities haha


Took me a "few" But I finally got the Gin scene, Boy wanted to grow up but he kept the Dress. 

Gonna be a weird way to grow but grow nonetheless.

Really cant figure it out, just keep seeing comments about "Gin maid dress interaction". What am i supposed to do?

After A Maid session with Gin, wait around till only Gin disappears, Only Gin, if Cassie is gone as well it won't work, Catch him Cleaning his Panties while wearing a maid Dress first, then you can Wait till Cassie goes Fishing with Gin at the lake at the same time. 

Then and only then will he go. 

How do I get him to wear a Dress? 

Spam train him, you'll get a new Option eventually. Make sure you have a full set of Maids Clothes, Headband Etc...


He'll be fine XD


How do you make the dull knife sharp?


I... I don't think you can.

do the items in the shops rotate because I can't find the ninja mask or katana


They were moved to the forest temple in the last update.


I wonder if an auto milker will be added?

it will constantly milk you every so often for your milk and cum (like vibrators) and as long as you have empty bottles you can store them. 

Maybe add a scene with the original milk pump? I really want to see what happens if we get our partners' milk and cum as item (maybe buffs?)

I dunno...

Also when does edith get a route? I want to know....


There's a certain route planned involving her, but won't be for a little while!


Actually planning to add milk pump for private dungeon!


This game is great!

If you can/ when you get the time to, could you add more to the tickle torture kink? Maybe like  brushes that you could buy, or use to clear of the ink from the pen, oils or lotions, and maybe an electric toothbrush.

Some random ideas that you don't at all have to add, but would be out of this world could be things like shoes that have brushes, and instead of taking Fawn through with the vibrator, have maybe the option for those, or more of these kind of encounters. I wanna be able to tickle Pixie if we could/ take her down to the dungeon (If we already have the choice to, I haven't gotten there so ignore it), and or have like special stocks we have to buy with special brushes and stuff. 

I know your adding a lot, the gameplay takes awhile, so you really dont have to. If you choose to though, take your time, its not a priority for me at least, just thought I would share some fun ideas. Thank you for your game.

TLDR: Different Tickling stuff to add, and my thank you's...

100% agree.

Pixie currently does not have a route. I believe Bell is next on the list for the dungeon.


Thanks! I'll see about those ideas! And we'll get pixie some day...


After telling Cassie about Gin, he runs off. He appears in Island, but outside of that, where else can I find him? He isn't reappearing in the Forest Park.


That's it for his route for now!

(2 edits)

Alright, I am going insane doing this and I have been sitting for 2 hours doing this...
...but how do I get Cassie's and Gin's Maid Costume interaction that is required to unlock Gin on Island.

I have tried every combination in my mind that was conceivable, I did the Maid Costume scene with Gin, left the town and slept, before returning to check if he isn't there, followed by checking if Cassie is in her usual spot.

I did that 3 times and more already, arriving at the lake and having seen both the scene where I snatched on Gin and where I didn't and I have always done Gin's Maid scene the day before, yet no matter what I do, I can't trigger the 3rd interaction.

Am I just stupid or am I doing something wrong?


You need to see Gin as a maid by himself at the lake first, then Cassie and Gin at the lake, before the maid version of Cassie and Gin at the lake shows.

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