Lust Doll Plus r57.0 released to public!

LD+ r57.0 is out!


-Added Nymph's post-route events

-Added scene for being defeated in underground arena while bound

-Fixed Bondage Blindfold disappearing the first time Fawn grows a cock during private dungeon

-Fixed NPC BG overlay being offset when NPC portrait is moved

-Fixed wrong dialogue when being let out after subbing to Fawn in pillory stocks

-Fixed unremovable lower undies being offset when in pillory stocks

-Fixed wrong text being displayed when being defeated in underground arena


Lust Doll Plus r57.0 (Android).apk 247 MB
Jan 07, 2024
Lust Doll Plus r57.0 (Linux).zip 345 MB
Jan 07, 2024
Lust Doll Plus r57.0 (Mac).zip 438 MB
Jan 07, 2024
Lust Doll Plus r57.0 (Win).zip 303 MB
Jan 07, 2024

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Where's the no clip and all of that cheats?


The game isn't meant to be played with no-clipping, as you might miss event triggers by using it. You might be thinking of Lust Doll Essentials, which is a fan made mod.

I was hoping there would be some touch up on the mega parts besides having them in one scene, and the "plus size" thing seems to only be spreading the legs further apart, but at this point something tells me this isn't going to be in the style plan for this game. These were the main reason I checked the game out.

The mega parts will eventually be available outside scenes. The plus size refers to one of the NPCs at the moment.

Underground arena? The one in the Ark? Not the fight area in Sunshine?

Yes, the one in new Ark city!

(1 edit)

hi ppl can you guys tell me how to bring Nymph to LNA? It's a date ig? But how

You need to do 3 things to gain his trust!

Hello, dear creator I'm having trouble. Continuing the rest of the story and I was wondering. How do I do that

I’m not the creator but people can give you tips…

  1. In you inventary you have a Journal (I dont remember the object name) so you know what have you done or forgot
  2. In the Slum there is a woman who can tell you (One time only) all the things you have left to do (More like she would tell you the adventures)
  3. Sleep, some mission doesnt advance if you dont sleep, also try looking for all the characters you know if they talk about somenthing
In the Slum there is a woman who can tell you (One time only) all the things you have left to do (More like she would tell you the adventures

You can only get her ero scene once. Otherwise it's just normal hand wishing.

Thank you

And thank you


Felicidades... 57... realmente increible tu aprecio y esmero por tu trabajo...

¡Gracias! ¡Estoy haciendo lo que puedo!

¡Pues haces muchísimo! Mis respetos como siempre...

:/ i tried to download the latest update on android and it said that "there was a problem parsing the package" welp. That sucks. Ill try and clean out my storage which is almost full, but if that doesnt work then idk what to do

Try download it in PC and then pass to android If the thing is you dont have pc, in the browser should be an option that says “View as desktop” try that

Also try re-downloading, and see if it works


Out of curiosity… Is there much story left to develop? Because the truth is, more than the segs scenes, what has caught me the most about this game is the story and the relationship between the characters, no matter how long it takes since we know it’s only you the one who is working… The most incredible thing is that you release updates every month. You’re the best :y

(Message made with Google translator)

PD: What do you recommend “studying” or “learning” to make games? or to start…

There's still a huge amount of story left, that it's actually pretty daunting haha. Glad to hear you're enjoying it! A lot of people have actually told me they like the game for the story. I'll keep doing what I can!

To start learning games, I'd recommend picking an engine, and joining a community based around it, like an Internet forum or website. Look at some tutorials on YouTube, and just play around with the engine and see what you can make!


Lately updates have been kinda disapointing


Well, do understand that I'm just one person working on this game, and I release every month, whereas other developers release every 3-4 months. If you've played everything the game has to offer so far, consider waiting a couple releases before diving back into it.