Lust Doll Plus r45.1 released to public!

Lust Doll Plus r45.1 is now out to public!



-Changed to allow progression of Cassie's route without subbing to Fawn

-Fixed graphical issues with shibari while pregnant and futa

-Fixed beret being worn during Lin Lin revenge scene

-Fixed hair clipping issues with Top Hat

-Fixed Fawn being present in certain place when tied up in private dungeon

-Fixed being able to go to abandoned lab with Linda before you're supposed to


-Added Temple in Forest Park Inner

-Added a bit to Cassie's route

-Added reclamation of Science Lab Tower second floor

-Added pregnancy for Linda

-Fixed boots over gimp suit when pregnant

-Fixed being unable to run after Camilla fight

-Fixed Mistyra being able to strip unremovable clothes

-Fixed losing to Linda in private dungeon not doing anything

-Fixed gimp suit erasing boobs

-Fixed bunch of Linda's postroute options being available ahead of time

-Adjusted Linda's bikini bottoms when worn on player


Lust Doll Plus r45.1 (Android).apk 230 MB
Jan 08, 2023
Lust Doll Plus r45.1 (Linux).zip 328 MB
Jan 08, 2023
Lust Doll Plus r45.1 (Mac).zip 421 MB
Jan 08, 2023
Lust Doll Plus r45.1 (Win).zip 286 MB
Jan 08, 2023

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Will you add a bulge for Who have a big enough cock? Like Futa or male with at least a mid cock can have a bulge and more big the cock Is more big the bulge Will be

Probably not at this point. It's mainly an issue with how many clothing there are in the game, which would all need extra copies to show bulge.

awwww ok

(1 edit)

Hi dev, so I liked your game so far, but I have an issue with the latest update. Thanks in advance : 

So when I start the game, and click on the load button, it says that one of the img didn't load correctly. Specifically the ''image/faces/p-zbrow1.png'' one. I already tried what the text file said about errors

Also is the event that enables the possibility to hold hands still doable? And if so, is it triggered randomly or do you have to do certain actions?

Sorry for the long questions

Your save files are from too many versions back and isn't compatible anymore. If you're on desktop though, you can navigate to the folder with the missing file, and put a dummy file in there to trick the game into thinking everything's fine. Then just save your game and it should work.

And yes, it is! It's triggered randomly when you sleep, but will be more likely the longer you've been playing for

Oh ok, thanks

(1 edit)

hello dev, good work with the game, but it didn't transfer auto the data of the previous version. what can I do? 

ouch, now my data as been cleaned, fuck it, im going to play this for third time

Thanks, and oof sorry to hear. Are you on android? Don't uninstall the game when you update. Just install the new version over it. That will keep your save file

hi, don't need to sorry. I'm playing in pc, win 10, and I did don't deleated the old ver when i downloaded the new. bye bye

can i get 100% save file cuz i lost mine

Can you transfer save files from earlier versions?

You can!

- If you're playing on Windows, Mac, or Linux, there's no need to do anything. Save files will transfer automatically!

- If you're playing on android, don't uninstall the game. Just install the new version over top of the existing one. Uninstalling the game will delete your save files.

- If you're playing on browser, don't play in incognito, and don't clear your cache. Or else your save files will be erased when you close it! As well, some browsers have security settings that prevent the game from saving. Chrome for example doesn't work for some, but Firefox does.

(1 edit)

hello dev, good work with the game, but it didn't transfer auto. what can I do? 

i play it in win 10

already installed!

and i finally find the devil fawn easter egg!!


(2 edits)

hon i think you placed a tile in the wrong spot here

It's intentional! It's a secret passage!

OHHHH it's a senses check

How can I update the game without losing my data, adding the new files to the old game folder or something like that?

- If you're playing on Windows, Mac, or Linux, there's no need to do anything. Save files will transfer automatically!

- If you're playing on android, don't uninstall the game. Just install the new version over top of the existing one. Uninstalling the game will delete your save files.

- If you're playing on browser, don't play in incognito, and don't clear your cache. Or else your save files will be erased when you close it! As well, some browsers have security settings that prevent the game from saving. Chrome for example doesn't work for some, but Firefox does.

I don't know, but is there a way to get the flesh tentacles out from thr Science Lab? After rescuing the cat girl at the first area I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Is there a story I'm supposed to be following?

It's more or less open world. If you check your logbook, it'll show you what tasks are left to do. You can also find a seer in the slums who will inform you on any important NPCs you haven't met yet

Ah, okay. Thank you for the reply. It is greatly appreciated to hear back.

soooo do you end up with everything you started with if you do all the trading with the neko and kitsunes

because honestly thatd be great so i dont have to go through ALL the shops to get the stuff i lost.

also instructions on how to use the auto stuff would be nice, if they function...

Deleted 331 days ago

you did bring the two villagers to the temple right?

Deleted 331 days ago

You'll get everything back plus one thing extra XD

So I lost a couple of people (got something to do with the update, tryin' to keep it spoiler free) is it possible to find them? Been runnin' around for a while now 😂😭

P.s love the game, love the update 😊


It has something to do with the temple, I'll leave it at that :>

You mean the two that come wtih you?

Yup :>

Yes! You need to finish the Temple to find them. And glad to hear!